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  1. The best hitman film ever??? (2 replies)
  2. The Nun from Lion's Gate: Question; sort of Spoiler(s) (0 replies)
  3. Review: Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris (2 replies)
  4. Doctor Who series 3 (5 replies)
  5. well ,the christmas doctor who, what do you reckon? (22 replies)
  6. x-files 2 (18 replies)
  7. George Michael: Listen Without Prejudice (3 replies)
  8. Dexter (2 replies)
  9. Saw the new "Rocky" movie last night. (Very minor spoiler.) (10 replies)
  10. South Park DVDs (2 replies)
  11. Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Joy! (5 replies)
  12. jarry jackson christmas special (1 replies)
  13. One of the best Star Wars Fan projects ever... (2 replies)
  14. Rocky Balboa #1 at US Box office (21 replies)
  15. Transformers trailer... (22 replies)
  16. Chad Vader (4 replies)
  17. Rocky Balboa... Still packing a punch 30 years later (8 replies)
  18. Joseph Barbera dies... (4 replies)
  19. Starship Troopers - The effects... (22 replies)
  20. Echoes of Ruin (5 replies)
  21. Stay (1 replies)
  22. Prepare a change of pants... (8 replies)
  23. All your base are belong to us... (2 replies)
  24. desert island records... (12 replies)
  25. The best Bruce lee movie ever! (3 replies)
  26. Nirvana - The Movie (4 replies)
  27. Uwe Boll's next pile of turd: Postal (14 replies)
  28. Who's the toughest martial arts star? (37 replies)
  29. A brief history of the Monday Night Wars (3 replies)
  30. Die Hard 4 - Oh dear? (67 replies)
  31. Pic from Transformers (2007) (15 replies)
  32. Non-horror related- The Wire finished its season last night (0 replies)
  33. Spoilerific SAW III observations... (2 replies)
  34. The Lost Room (4 replies)
  35. Oh God please save humanity! (12 replies)
  36. Thank You for Smoking - Cool film. (16 replies)
  37. My opinion of Weird Al Yankovic has totally changed... (5 replies)
  38. Got to love those robot dancers... (5 replies)
  39. PHANTASM - My outstanding theory (19 replies)
  40. Why did I download this??? (0 replies)
  41. Dear God Not Another Remake!! Yikes (14 replies)
  42. Matrix Trilogy (11 replies)
  43. Apocalypto (3 replies)
  44. Watched Slither tonight. (8 replies)
  45. Just caught a couple of mins of the second Charlies Angels film... (3 replies)
  46. Munsters Vs Addams Family (8 replies)
  47. Dimebag Darrell RIP (27 replies)
  48. Worst Burglar *Funny* (10 replies)
  49. Torchwood Question (7 replies)
  50. Okay... What the hell?? (6 replies)
  51. 24 - season 6 prequel... (6 replies)
  52. A question on converting media (7 replies)
  53. Trailer Park Boys (6 replies)
  54. Oh, how the mighty have fallen... (2 replies)
  55. Spielberg's endings of late (22 replies)
  56. More on Preacher (0 replies)
  57. Doctor Who Christmas Special Teaser (15 replies)
  58. UK folks - Cult of 'Survivors' (21 replies)
  59. blair witch fans should love this (16 replies)
  60. British Public Info films... (3 replies)
  61. Wednesday 13 - I Walked With A Zombie (9 replies)
  62. A History of Violence (6 replies)
  63. Indian Thriller!! (11 replies)
  64. Grrr! Lost? Six episodes then a 3 month break? (10 replies)
  65. Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut (12 replies)
  66. Preacher! Here comes Jessie, Tulip and Cassidy! (0 replies)
  67. Heavy metal is the law... (6 replies)
  68. Review: Old Twentieth by Joe Haldeman (not dead related) (0 replies)
  69. Kramer Cartoons (1 replies)
  70. A Doctor Who film??? (6 replies)
  71. Batman Begins Quote... (0 replies)
  72. 30 Days of Night set report (3 replies)
  73. LMFAO Movie DUBS (5 replies)
  74. Noooo!! (17 replies)
  75. Free live music (1 replies)
  76. Review: The Fountain (non-Dead related) (4 replies)
  77. danger 50,000 zombies, the video itself,not another useless thread (3 replies)
  78. Peter Jackson and "The Hobbit"... (9 replies)
  79. Enterprise plain sucked. (20 replies)
  80. Space Odyssey thoughts... (15 replies)
  81. UK folks,brain dead.. (6 replies)
  82. Just a silly video. (1 replies)
  83. CzW Cage of Death 4: Zandig vs Lobo (1 replies)
  84. Can there be such a thing as a Smart Film? (23 replies)
  85. Star Wars virgin watches 1-6 marathon! (ew.com) (9 replies)
  86. OK fathers... (25 replies)
  87. red vs blue "zombie plan" (2 replies)
  88. Zodiac (24 replies)
  89. The Thing remake... (24 replies)
  90. Crank (0 replies)
  91. Doctor Who: The Invasion DVD (8 replies)
  92. VENOM FOOTAGE: Get it before its taken down! (12 replies)
  93. Y--E--S--! Babylon 5 goodness at last! (4 replies)
  94. The Rasmus (30 replies)
  95. "Reno 911: Miami" (4 replies)
  96. Simpsons movie trailer... (13 replies)
  97. Science Fiction Britannia - UK folks - Starts tonight... (11 replies)
  98. more human embarrassment (4 replies)
  99. 300 - Looks interesting... (2 replies)
  100. A question for Cradle of filth fans... (8 replies)
  101. My Name Is Bruce.. (6 replies)
  102. Classic ECW match (3 replies)
  103. New Spider-Man 3 trailer! (11 replies)
  104. Monty Python Versus Star Wars. (3 replies)
  105. Rocky 6 full trailer... (8 replies)
  106. Horrorfest - nationwide 11/17 (5 replies)
  107. Do they complain about everything??? (8 replies)
  108. Bubba Ho-Tep (16 replies)
  109. Conan the Barbarian (36 replies)
  110. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. (6 replies)
  111. Hammer/Amicus horror movies (17 replies)
  112. for those into collecting scripts... (0 replies)
  113. Oh s**t! (9 replies)
  114. Good news for Bond fans hopefully... (37 replies)
  115. Holy Funk!!! This is intense!!!! (5 replies)
  116. LOL, this is funny (3 replies)
  117. Any Ross Noble fans here... or is it just me? (11 replies)
  118. A happy moment.... (12 replies)
  119. Only in America... (6 replies)
  120. What the deuce!!!??? (3 replies)
  121. The Shining..if it were feel-good (2 replies)
  122. Another Fred Phelps update: (7 replies)
  123. Ghost Hunters (16 replies)
  124. Possibly the best record ever! EVER! (13 replies)
  125. FEARnet (1 replies)
  126. Wha wha what!!??? (6 replies)
  127. 28 Weeks Later: First Look (video) (22 replies)
  128. Nigel Kneale RIP (3 replies)
  129. Kinda creepy...... (5 replies)
  130. Cinema calls emergency service 3 times during SAW 3 (10 replies)
  131. The trailers for "Hot Fuzz" (6 replies)
  132. Most Haunted Live last night... (4 replies)
  133. So Halo is now in limbo helll :( (5 replies)
  134. UK Folks - The Royle Family: The Queen of Sheeba... (13 replies)
  135. I'll be the hit at all the parties!!! (1 replies)
  136. New DEFTONES album out tomorrow (30th Oct) (12 replies)
  137. Westworld (3 replies)
  138. steve irwin in south park (13 replies)
  139. FearNET launched! (10 replies)
  140. Idiocracy - new film by Mike Judge (14 replies)
  141. Uk peeps: QI or 9 out of 10 Cats (16 replies)
  142. Alf metal music video (4 replies)
  143. Question for Spaced fans.... (74 replies)
  144. "Faces of Death" to be remade???? (6 replies)
  145. So who is going to see Halloween this Halloween (22 replies)
  146. Film company to add anti-smoking message to DVD releases? WTF?! (14 replies)
  147. Zack Snyder's/Frank Miller's 300 Trailer (4 replies)
  148. Cool... Zemeckis' Beowulf is going to be in 3D! (2 replies)
  149. My god this song is catchy (7 replies)
  150. The new Rocky films is actually good? (4 replies)
  151. Hasn't this man been dead, for like over 10 years?! (2 replies)
  152. 24 season 6 trailer drops in 5 hours + 40 minutes. from 09:20 (3 replies)
  153. am i the only one excited by this? (5 replies)
  154. Friday the 13th lost gore scenes. (9 replies)
  155. Stephen King's Cell being adapted for big screen (28 replies)
  156. Evil Ed... (5 replies)
  157. Clive Barker writes Hellraiser remake (7 replies)
  158. Jackass or Dirty Sanchez? (28 replies)
  159. Pimp My Ride... (11 replies)
  160. So, with AICN reporting Halo is in trouble... (15 replies)
  161. Top Gear Mountain... (4 replies)
  162. Just in time for Halloween!!! (4 replies)
  163. Best Commercial Ever!! (3 replies)
  164. "District 13" - Hollywood watch and learn... (7 replies)
  165. Irreversible (4 replies)
  166. God the 1976 King Kong looks terribly dated now... (7 replies)
  167. The Matador... (3 replies)
  168. Edmond..... (3 replies)
  169. Two Galactica questions... (24 replies)
  170. jonathon ross' japanorama (4 replies)
  171. Doctor Who, Sarah Jane, Hurrah! (15 replies)
  172. Jack Thompson's "I'm OK"... (3 replies)
  173. More good news for Cameron fans over at AICN... (5 replies)
  174. Ultimate game of chicken.. (3 replies)
  175. Just watching "Forrest Gump"... (10 replies)
  176. Name the film please... (17 replies)
  177. "Grindhouse" trailer (19 replies)
  178. UK folks... Most Haunted... 100th episode... (36 replies)
  179. Review: The Departed (8 replies)
  180. The Official Jericho Thread (Spoiler Warning) (42 replies)
  181. Has anyone seen the horror "Dead End"? (6 replies)
  182. I Am Legend... *groan* (54 replies)
  183. Anyone see high tension? (18 replies)
  184. The Decent (45 replies)
  185. Hungry Wives ......or.... (19 replies)
  186. DVD & Blu-Ray Purchases Thread - (DVD's! Do you buy them New or Used?...) (222 replies)
  187. The Real Debate Batman (1989) or Batman Begins (2005) (75 replies)
  188. SPOILER: Wolf Creek was a limp dog... (16 replies)
  189. "Grind House" delay... (12 replies)