View Full Version : AOLs top horror movies...

01-Mar-2008, 07:32 PM

I must say, I was very surprised to see the top 10 so solid...it has the obv Exorcist, The Shining that any goof would put into a top 10 based on name alone...but The Thing, 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead all made the top 10...solid.

05-Mar-2008, 04:17 PM
Good to see Night and Dawn in their as well as 28 Days, but in no way is Halloween the best horror film ever. Damn, now I'm angry :lol:

05-Mar-2008, 04:32 PM
Some good picks on that list, but including The Ring remake and labeling Hong Kong's The Eye as "J-horror"? :lol:

05-Mar-2008, 05:02 PM
there are some great films on that list and some that make me shake my head.

for instance in my opinion the remake of invasion of the body snatchers is totally inferior to the original.

friday the 13th I isn't even the best film in that series.

i agree with the person who said that there is no way that halloween is the best horror film ever. having that as number 1 borders on sheer lunacy.

Rosemary's Baby and the original version of the Haunting ought to be 1&2 (in my opinion). i think that rosemary's baby has, hands down, the greatest ending of any movie ever.

the sixth sense and the shining are both very overrated as far as i am concerned.

frailty? please you've got to be kidding.

the blair witch project- never did understand the hoopla about this movie.

scream- another one that makes me laugh to see on a list with movies like the bride of frankenstein, exorcist, evil dead 2, dracula, rosemary's baby, etc. popcorn & teen horror is all that scream is.

05-Mar-2008, 07:25 PM
Man, Halloween is so overrated...

As said before, some choices make sense and some are a bit off. Frailty is a good movie, imo. But I don't think it should be on this list....

And did anyone notice this when they spoke of the original "The Fly"? "(Vincent Price's tiny little fly voice pleading "Help me!" still gives us chills). That's funny that it gives them chills....because Vincent Price wasn't the fly. That was David Hedison. I wonder if they actually watched all these films. f*cking gAyOL...

06-Mar-2008, 01:14 AM
I have some problems with some of the orders and such and some movies being that high, but overall that is a decent list overall. I don't think that Blair Witch should be above Night of the Living Dead. Not at all. Glad to see whoever made the list included some of the remakes that improved on the originals (Thing was not entirely a remake but whatever), in addition to some of the classic movies.

I am always afraid seeing these things that its all going to be stuff from the last decade and that they will all just be average at best, and terrible at worst. Not sure if Halloween is the best horror film ever, but whenever you get into the top several its always a debate.

07-Mar-2008, 12:26 AM
In full agreement with LivingDeadBeat and Bassman: Halloween should not have been #1, especially considering the films that did not make the list.

There are also some that were included on the list that frankly do not belong - Scream, for instance- but whatever. It's AOL so I guess it is to be expected that their taste would be somewhere up their ass.

10-Mar-2008, 05:41 PM
I don't mind Scream, I respect it for being just pretty much an homage to classic horror but I wouldn't call it one of the best horrors ever. Agreed with Friday the 13th - Don't get me wrong I love the series, I have them all but Jason Lives was much better imo.

11-Mar-2008, 08:38 AM
31: the ring- compared to the origional ring its mediocre, the only good adaption is the grudge since it was redone by the same guy.
30: hellraiser- ....eh, s'a'ight.
29: nosferatu- count orlock is a movie icon, nuff said.
28: the descent- what was the deal with this? it got such good press but its terrible.
27: the omen- pretty much were it should be, the only scene i remember is the one in the end of 3 and the woman in the "this is for you damien" scene
26: the fly- a terrifying comentary on degenerative disease, should be at likes 16.
25: the wicker man, again should be higher, lord summer isle is lee's creepiest roel ever, i mean he dresses like cher adn burns a scottish copper at the end!, thats badass. :lol:
24: carnival of souls - i can never get into this movie and see it through to the end.
23: the eye, never seen it but heard nothign but good things.
22: scream - **** no, shouldnt be on the list, was ANYONE scared by this "scary movie" (see what i did there, im hilarious:rolleyes:)
21: friday the 13th, no hockey mask killer in that one right?, or at least no jason vorhees till the phantom of the opera one at the end right?
20: dracula- bella lugosi is THE dracula that comes to mind when the name is mentioned. legend.
19: evil dead 2: yep, thats about right.
18: carrie- "oh man credit bush, you never get credit bush", name the moie thats from for a cookie.
17: invasion of the body snatchers - one of donald sutherlands best performances.
16: night of the living dead- about right i guess.
15: the blair witch project- could probably be a few places higher, it jsut lost a lot of respectability by being spoofed or ripped off enough to leave little left unique to it anymore but i think it ****ing rocks.
14: bride of frankenstein - never dug it, why its above the fly is beyond me.
13: nightmare on elm street- another iconic villain, and before the series was betean into a bloody pulp and sold as a mcrehash.
12: rosemarys baby- ive never foudn this scary ,only slightly annoying and a bit thick plot wise, very overrated.
11: frailty - cant remember this movie so i cant say but it cant be better than any of the previous 10 can it?
10: 28 dasy later- about right a great movie from danny boyle.
9: the haunting- mother-****ing vincent price, i dont need to say more.
8: dawn of the dead- could be a little higher but still justly rated as better than the others.
7: the thing- yep about right for thsi flick thats possiby the best remake ever
6: the 6th sense- oh yeah i see what they did there, droll. one of shamylans most overrated films. 15 at best.
5: texas cahinsaw massacre- about right, that final shot of leatherface twirling the chainsaw around in the sun has stuck with me for years.
4: the shining- great movie, but should be more around 10 than 4.
3: psycho- never liked it, allways preffered the birds, again should be closer to 10.
2: the exorcist, about right a jsutly scary movie for its time.
1: halloween....i might have to agree with this, not before or since have i seena killer who i think might actually get away with it by the end, miechal myers actually gives off the feeling off being a soulless automaton thats not quite human yet and cant be stopped, certainly the scariest human bad guy in a horror film you gotta give it that

11-Mar-2008, 02:20 PM
Doesn't Jaws deserve to be in this list somewhere?

11-Mar-2008, 02:47 PM
Doesn't Jaws deserve to be in this list somewhere?

You know, many people would probably agree with you....but I've never considered Jaws to be a horror film....

11-Mar-2008, 06:39 PM
Doesn't Jaws deserve to be in this list somewhere?
F**k no, it's a nature film. :lol:

11-Mar-2008, 09:22 PM
Doesn't Jaws deserve to be in this list somewhere?

were gonna need a bigger list.

-oh snap, i whent there.