View Full Version : Original Day or Day now?

01-Mar-2008, 09:18 PM
After reading the original script and reading how the original Bub was, I glad we got the Day we got know.......

Hard to say for me. That original first draft script is an absolutely cracking read; it's epic in scope, and would've provided the all-out zombie apocalypse many audiences were craving after "Dawn of the Dead."

01-Mar-2008, 11:01 PM
Its been a while since I read the script. I think Bub worked best in the movie that is. At the same time I think the script would have made for a better movie overall. I like the Day that was made quite a bit, but I always feel like it needs something more to push it over the top. Its one of the best zombie films, but still.

02-Mar-2008, 03:56 AM
Regardless of the script, Howard Sherman did a fantastic job with the character and helped form one of, if not the greatest zombie ever...

02-Mar-2008, 04:25 AM
almost a non sequitur. regardless of the original script we have the awesomeness that is day and i think it is quite fine the way it is.

all you day haters can bite me.:D:p

02-Mar-2008, 01:20 PM
The Day we actually got is awesome, so I'm sticking by it.

Besides, it's really hard to compare just a script, to a fully fleshed out and realised film.

02-Mar-2008, 01:25 PM
Some things about the original day script had me rubbing my head in exasperated wonder..like cowboy Bub...
I'm more then happy with the film we got, it is one of the most under-rated movies I've seen, and is so dark and bleak and pessimistic, especially after the cheese that was Dawn (yes, I said it, forgive me if I find some parts of Dawn 78 completely cheesie), which isn't saying it's a bad movie, but Day was just better. From a Horror/apocolyptic setting at the very least.

02-Mar-2008, 01:56 PM
Damn it

I voted backwards; disregard my vote.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr. :o

02-Mar-2008, 02:54 PM
I love the day we have, but I also think the original script would have made an excellent movie, with a little reworking of Bub.

02-Mar-2008, 03:10 PM
I think the original script is insane and I thank God every day that it never made it to the screen. I wonder how in the world the Day we got turned out to be so normal.

Zombie fighting units. Cowboy Bub. Spider w/nitro vials surgically embedded into her skin making her a walking bomb. Gluttonous scenes of depravity.

Whenever we discuss GARs preconceived plans or social commentary agenda or whatever I always think about the Original Day script and it leaves me believing that he had no plans beyond the end of his nose.

Moon Knight
02-Mar-2008, 05:37 PM
Now I've never read the original script but I am aware of the epic scale that was supposed to be "The Ben Hurr of zombie movies". However, I never heard of Cowboy Bub, can someone plz explain, it's racking my brain. :stunned:

02-Mar-2008, 07:21 PM
The Day we got is much better. Far less stupidity involved.

Although, I'll be willing to bet that if the original script had been what we got way back then, all these people that bitch about revved-up zombies would be instead be hailing them as greatness. A zombie quick-draw artist is about a stupid-as-hell idea, but if Romera had been the guy to do it, it would somehow "be a great idea".

02-Mar-2008, 07:30 PM
but if Romera had been the guy to do it, it would somehow "be a great idea".

Yeah it's easy to say that when it didn't happen isn't it? Easy to jump to conclusions, eh? :sneaky::p

02-Mar-2008, 07:38 PM
It's the truth. Look how many people crapped on super-zombies until Romero built one for Land. Suddenly, it's a wonderful idea.

02-Mar-2008, 07:44 PM
It's the truth. Look how many people crapped on super-zombies until Romero built one for Land. Suddenly, it's a wonderful idea.
*shakes head ... why bother getting into another long-winded discussion that makes absolutely no sense to me? ... goes to watch telly*



02-Mar-2008, 09:06 PM
*shakes head ... why bother getting into another long-winded discussion that makes absolutely no sense to me? ... goes to watch telly*



Your in denial!:p

03-Mar-2008, 10:22 AM
Your in denial!:p
Nope. :cool:

*returns to telly*

03-Mar-2008, 11:19 AM
The Day we actually got is awesome, so I'm sticking by it.

Besides, it's really hard to compare just a script, to a fully fleshed out and realised film.

I used to think the original would've been spectacular but after seeing Land, which had some elements of the original Day script in it, I reconsidered, so ditto.

03-Mar-2008, 05:07 PM
Although I do think that the original script for Day was really well done and would have made a great film, I would still day that I am very happy with the Day that we got. My personal favorite of all his films.

03-Mar-2008, 06:22 PM
It's the truth. Look how many people crapped on super-zombies until Romero built one for Land. Suddenly, it's a wonderful idea.
This is a silly and argumentative point. Nobody has any idea how an actual film would have turned out based on that original DAY script. You may think that you know "the truth," but you haven't a clue.

03-Mar-2008, 10:16 PM
This is a silly and argumentative point. Nobody has any idea how an actual film would have turned out based on that original DAY script. You may think that you know "the truth," but you haven't a clue.

You may not be able to read, but don't tell me that I can't. I know exactly what was written in the script, and it was described in great detail.

Romero fanboyism runs rampant.

03-Mar-2008, 11:32 PM
You may not be able to read, but don't tell me that I can't. I know exactly what was written in the script, and it was described in great detail.
Right, because both NIGHT and DAWN turned out exactly as written.

Romero fanboyism runs rampant.
Which is why I said "argumentative." Feel free to leave if it bugs you that much.