View Full Version : Some lovely screens from 'Aliens: Colonial Marines'

03-Mar-2008, 08:28 AM
Looks like Gearbox have really caught the look/feel of the film!!

If that don't work try - http://xbox360.gaming-universe.de/screenshots/554-1.html

NOTE: Article is Babal fish'ed from German to English for you!

03-Mar-2008, 10:34 AM
Or here:

If you, like me, couldn't see them on Neil's link.


Looks good though. I remember playing a demo of the Alien Trilogy game, it was a level from Aliens, and with the motion tracker sound it was really atmospheric at the time. This games looks pretty dern good, what-what. :cool:

03-Mar-2008, 10:57 AM
Looks good though. I remember playing a demo of the Alien Trilogy game, it was a level from Aliens, and with the motion tracker sound it was really atmospheric at the time. This games looks pretty dern good, what-what. :cool:
Yeah I have a copy of Alien Trilogy for PS1, the motion tracker was definitely a great element of it, even a wee facehugger would have you spinning in circles before it somehow manages to climb up your screen and implant its seed in your face.

The screens look really good, especially the one with the facehugger jumping at the player holding a plasma-rifle, very cinematic.

03-Mar-2008, 12:08 PM
f*cking AWESOME! Just yesterday I caught Aliens on tv and thought to myself that there needs to be a new game based on the film.....

03-Mar-2008, 06:30 PM
I loved all the aliens games and still play them now and then usually online. The screens look awesome and it gets even better four player co-op has been confirmed by the makers and more multiplayer details to come. Move over Left4Dead, heres the new multiplayer experience.

03-Mar-2008, 06:53 PM
Yeah I have a copy of Alien Trilogy for PS1, the motion tracker was definitely a great element of it, even a wee facehugger would have you spinning in circles before it somehow manages to climb up your screen and implant its seed in your face.
Have you tried playing it now though? Gives me a headache after five minutes.

I much prefer Alien 3 on the Megadrive. :cool:

04-Mar-2008, 06:23 AM
I was crushed when this game was cancelled back in the day. After hearing about it going into production last summer, I was extatic. I went out and bought the Game Informer featuring it last week and it just hightend my anticipation even more.

Well, with Aliens being my favorite film and all. :)

04-Mar-2008, 07:05 AM
Have you tried playing it now though? Gives me a headache after five minutes.

I much prefer Alien 3 on the Megadrive. :cool:
I might pop it in later and play a bit if I can be bothered just to remember what it's like. Why does it give you a headache?

04-Mar-2008, 08:23 AM

04-Mar-2008, 08:32 AM
I hope they can get the James Horner music in there...if not, ah well, but if so, woo-hoo!

The music during the two key battles - in Sub Level 2 and the subsequent escape ("Drake! We are leaving!" - COD4 referenced that bit, as well as "I like to keep this handy, for close encounters" :cool:) - as well as the operations room battle when it all goes red.

Supoib. Still, after many viewings, does it get my heart racing. :cool:

04-Mar-2008, 01:06 PM
I might pop it in later and play a bit if I can be bothered just to remember what it's like. Why does it give you a headache?
The movement is far too wobbly and there's no camera rotation. One thing that plagued old FPS's.

04-Mar-2008, 02:15 PM
I hope they can get the James Horner music in there...if not, ah well, but if so, woo-hoo!

The music during the two key battles - in Sub Level 2 and the subsequent escape ("Drake! We are leaving!" - COD4 referenced that bit, as well as "I like to keep this handy, for close encounters" :cool:) - as well as the operations room battle when it all goes red.

Supoib. Still, after many viewings, does it get my heart racing. :cool:

That would be GREAT. Set the mood of the film perfectly. Although these screenshots already give the vibe of the film.

I imagine it wouldn't be too terrible hard for them to include some of Horner's score. That's one of the things that I'm loving about the ghostbusters game. They're using Elmer Bernstein's score. It will give it the perfect vibe of the first film.

04-Mar-2008, 02:58 PM
As long as I can play my own versions of those two key action sequences - with that music - then I'll be happy. :cool:

That music is legendary in that movie, superb stuff, grabs me by the throat and holds my attention and keeps my heart racing every time.

04-Mar-2008, 03:05 PM
As long as I can play my own versions of those two key action sequences - with that music - then I'll be happy. :cool:

That music is legendary in that movie, superb stuff, grabs me by the throat and holds my attention and keeps my heart racing every time.

With the loud crashes and what sounds like someone banging on metal, it DEMANDS your attention.:D

04-Mar-2008, 03:16 PM
With the loud crashes and what sounds like someone banging on metal, it DEMANDS your attention.:D
I've got it playing through my head right now, it even makes normal life loads more exciting. :D

04-Mar-2008, 04:55 PM
I hope they can get the James Horner music in there...if not, ah well, but if so, woo-hoo!

The music during the two key battles - in Sub Level 2 and the subsequent escape ("Drake! We are leaving!" - COD4 referenced that bit, as well as "I like to keep this handy, for close encounters" :cool:) - as well as the operations room battle when it all goes red.

Supoib. Still, after many viewings, does it get my heart racing. :cool:

I think that the screens given show some goods signs for us getting to play through those. Notice the marines sealing up the door? Awwww yeahhhh.

04-Mar-2008, 05:36 PM
Hell yes, Sir. :cool: *high five*

Ah mate, the adrenaline of those action sequences I've mentioned, mixed with Horner's score...ah mate, it goes beyond words. So well done.