View Full Version : YES! I saw a poster at my local theatre

03-Mar-2008, 09:32 PM
It does exist in the UK... Just need to find out when it's showing now :)

The website as March 7th - http://www.diaryofthedead.co.uk

EDIT! - Oh FFS! So they put a poster up in the cinema, but they're not showing it!!! There is no where around here to see it :(

03-Mar-2008, 10:27 PM
There is no where around here to see it :(
Watchu on about Neil? It's all over the West End and nationwide on the 7th. There's more than enough theatres in London showing it.

Although it's noticably absent from quite a few Odeon cinemas tho.

03-Mar-2008, 11:01 PM
...the only cinema showing it in my area isone of those dirty showcase cinemas.... *does a seth from superbad, the face about a vagina on its own*

and to translate that for americans, cineworlds and pdeans are like burger king and showcases are like wimpys :ukk:

04-Mar-2008, 05:32 AM
Oh FFS! So they put a poster up in the cinema, but they're not showing it!!!

why would they do such a thing?:confused:

that's pretty harsh...:rockbrow:

04-Mar-2008, 07:45 AM
Watchu on about Neil? It's all over the West End and nationwide on the 7th. There's more than enough theatres in London showing it.

Although it's noticably absent from quite a few Odeon cinemas tho.

London = 2hrs of travelling and nigh on £40 to see it!

04-Mar-2008, 02:35 PM
Starting to see some UK reviews now. Not very strong neither. Mainly 2 & 3 out of 5 from mainstream critics with the occasional 4 from genre reviewers. The main problem they seem to have with the movie has been well documented here already. The acting and heavy handed message. A lot of them seem to like the professor though.

04-Mar-2008, 02:37 PM
Starting to see some UK reviews now. Not very strong neither. Mainly 2 & 3 out of 5.
Yup, News Of The World gave it two out of five stars and called it 'Yawn Of The Dead'. :rolleyes:

04-Mar-2008, 02:39 PM
Yup, News Of The World gave it two out of five stars and called it 'Yawn Of The Dead'. :rolleyes:

HEY! That's already been taken!:p

As stated many times before, this film is obviously not for everyone.

04-Mar-2008, 02:53 PM
Unfortunately from a box office POV the mainstream critics will have the most influence for the casual viewer. Personally i couldn't give a sh*t what they think. Its more of a case of willing the movie to have a good opening weekend. BTW i haven't seen any sort of promotion. Has anybody else? If you do track down the uk reviews be warned. These people don't give a monkeys about spoilers as i've just found out to my dismay.

04-Mar-2008, 03:10 PM
Oi! Those bastards stole my quip! It doesn't even make any sense, Diary - Dawn - Yawn, you wot?

*runs around like a kid on a gallon of cocaine*


F*ck me, and in the afternoon - I'll be down there straight away in that case! It'll be damn near empty, sweet, my own private screening! :D


04-Mar-2008, 03:14 PM
The only advertising I saw for the film was the posters AT the theater. There were alot of them. It was a small theater and was only showing Atonement, Diary, and Rocky Horror...

04-Mar-2008, 04:04 PM
The main problem they seem to have with the movie has been well documented here already. The acting and heavy handed message.
I don't get it. What exactly is this mysterious criteria that everyone uses to measure "bad acting" nowadays? It's not as though there are any stellar performances coming from those receiving the biggest paychecks.

At least all you blokes across the pond will soon get to see it. :thumbsup:

04-Mar-2008, 06:02 PM
hope all you who've not yet seen it but soon will enjoy it as much as i did.


04-Mar-2008, 06:06 PM
Yup and it's at all three cinemas in my near vacinity. Obviously I'm going to the one with the bar in. ;)

04-Mar-2008, 06:20 PM
Yup and it's at all three cinemas in my near vacinity. Obviously I'm going to the one with the bar in. ;)

That pisses me off! I've heard that you guys have alcohol served in your theaters and we don't! At least not in my area or any that i've seen.

I would kill to have a few mugs of beer at the theater...

04-Mar-2008, 06:41 PM
That pisses me off! I've heard that you guys have alcohol served in your theaters and we don't! At least not in my area or any that i've seen.

I would kill to have a few mugs of beer at the theater...

They have bars within the same complex. Not actually IN the cinema so you can't buy a drink and saunter into the screen to watch the movie. Its much easier to just buy some form of alcohol and smuggle it in. ;)

04-Mar-2008, 06:57 PM
They have bars within the same complex. Not actually IN the cinema so you can't buy a drink and saunter into the screen to watch the movie. Its much easier to just buy some form of alcohol and smuggle it in. ;)
Not for me, my local only has five screens and two bars, each having a large window that overlooks screen one and two. ;)

04-Mar-2008, 07:30 PM
My local is 13 screens and has a bar ... but a 40 minute drive doesn't mix well with a bar. :D

04-Mar-2008, 07:38 PM
They have bars within the same complex. Not actually IN the cinema so you can't buy a drink and saunter into the screen to watch the movie. Its much easier to just buy some form of alcohol and smuggle it in. ;)

I hear ya. I've done it. But it's harder to smuggle in a few beers instead of liquor. I don't want to get drunk...just sip on some beer in the theater.

I thought some UK cinemas had bars INSIDE. That would be my dream....

04-Mar-2008, 10:00 PM
well, bassman, if you ever get up towards st. louis, there's a killer place called the moolah and they show great films (they've recently played the big lebowski and snatch) and have a full bar, leather couches, etc. you can take your drinks inside the theater with you, too.

"Moolah Theatre & Lounge offers an unparalleled movie-going experience with plush leather couches, balcony seating, a gorgeous massive dome with ever-changing planetarium-esque lights, a full bar with an extensive list of selection and "state of the art" sound and projection system. In its second year, Moolah Theatre & Lounge has already hosted events such as "St. Louis Magazine FEVER Fall Fashion Show", "RFT's Best of St Louis Party", and "St. Louis' Official Academy Award Party" to name a few and also has been awarded The Best Movie Theater of 2005 by Riverfront Times Best of St. Louis. A whole new theatre experience, a different kind of concept comes to life with Saint Louis Cinemas. Enjoy the difference with St. Louis Cinemas. STL Cinemas operate the three best theaters in town; Chase Park Plaza Cinemas, Galleria 6 Cinemas, Moolah Theater & Lounge."


Single big screen 20'x45'
State of the art optical projection systems and Dolby® Digital surround sound
Seating for 400
Leather loveseat and couch seating
Full balcony
Like the movie palaces of the past utilizing its Historic and Unique Moorish Design
Full bar either as a destination or for enjoying a drink inside the theater
Discerning film programing
Available for rent for special events
Presentation of live events via satellite

if ya ever make it up this way, check it out.

04-Mar-2008, 10:26 PM
well, bassman, if you ever get up towards st. louis, there's a killer place called the moolah and they show great films (they've recently played the big lebowski and snatch) and have a full bar, leather couches, etc. you can take your drinks inside the theater with you, too.

I doubt I'll be up that way anytime soon, but damn if you didn't just give me a PERFECT idea for my next business venture.

There's no theater IN my town...now I'm opening one. A few screens for all ages and a few for adults with a bar. Awesome.:p

04-Mar-2008, 11:01 PM
I'm not sure how I would feel about a bar IN a cinema. Its bad enough having idiots talking through the movie without them being juiced up as well ruining it for everyone else. I prefer empty screenings where you can kick back and enjoy the experience. I'm quite a reserved guy but too many times recently I've had to tell people to shut the f#%k up and stop talking loudly.

04-Mar-2008, 11:23 PM
I'm not sure how I would feel about a bar IN a cinema. Its bad enough having idiots talking through the movie without them being juiced up as well ruining it for everyone else. I prefer empty screenings where you can kick back and enjoy the experience. I'm quite a reserved guy but too many times recently I've had to tell people to shut the f#%k up and stop talking loudly.

That's a very vaild point. I would enjoy the bar and the movie and keep to myself, but you're right that others would get tanked and ruin that for me.

Hopefully that wouldn't be the case. Very good point though, man.

04-Mar-2008, 11:29 PM
That's a very vaild point. I would enjoy the bar and the movie and keep to myself, but you're right that others would get tanked and ruin that for me.

Hopefully that wouldn't be the case. Very good point though, man.

agree totally. there would, unfortunately, be some people who would get completely polluted and start to re-enact the movie or, worse yet, pretend like they are in it. if you are in certain areas of the country this just might include shooting it out with the bad guys on the screen.

05-Mar-2008, 07:01 AM
They have bars within the same complex. Not actually IN the cinema so you can't buy a drink and saunter into the screen to watch the movie. Its much easier to just buy some form of alcohol and smuggle it in. ;)

actually the ones around were i live do, in the deluxe screens, theres a smaller bar foiye before the actual screen, with a few sofas and crap and you can just grab a beer and take it in, granted it means the tickets like 14 bucks but if you like beer it might be worth it, i go for the lazyboy seats myself :lol:

05-Mar-2008, 07:33 AM
There's a bit of hope. Here's a message from my cinema...

Unfortunately I cannot tell you if we will be showing this film at all, due to a number of reasons we are not showing it this coming week, but after its first week has ended we may well be showing it. Sorry I can't be of more help.

05-Mar-2008, 09:59 AM
Which cinema is your's Neil? A brand or an independent?

Hellsing - at my nearest Cineworld you can hire out Screen 13 (my favourite screen, by the way) for a party which includes a bar, which as you said is in a little foyer outside the main screen. I think you can even request a film to be shown in a birthday sesh circumstance.

05-Mar-2008, 02:48 PM
Actually, I just come back from my local cinema (passing while doing the rounds) and I've been assured any snack/beverage bought on the premises can be taken into the screening rooms, including booze. Top flight! Four double Jack Daniels it is and four beers on a tray, thank you.

05-Mar-2008, 03:52 PM
I see Jonathon Woss didn't like it. In short, said Romero's past it, compared it to Cloverfield and criticised the camera technique as not being very convincing. Im not gonna slate Wossy for this because no-one else in the UK mainstream media has done anywhere near as much for horror/cult movies as this guy. He did make the point that had he seen this in the comfort of his own home with likeminded friends he wouldn't have been as critical because its not really a cinematic experience type of movie. Fits in with what other people have said on here.
All the clips they showed i hadn't seen before and there were plenty of them more than any other film he reviewed. They spoiled the Amish farmer part (which i pissed myself at) as well. They also showed some tense scenes and the acting looked pretty good to me, couldn't fault it at all.

Roll on Saturday.

05-Mar-2008, 05:42 PM
Pfft, Ross can suck my balls. He slated Land of the Dead as well, I really don't like his film reviewing style, nor do I like him on Film2008. He's such an ill fit for it.

Woss can go blow a goat. He either sucks the cock off something or he's throwing up all over it, christ. :rolleyes:

05-Mar-2008, 09:14 PM
Pfft, Ross can suck my balls. He slated Land of the Dead as well, I really don't like his film reviewing style, nor do I like him on Film2008.
Yeah but he's a long standing FAN. His horror film collection is bigger than anyone here and has a deep knowledge of mondo movies. His reviewing style might not be all that but he DOES know what he's talking about.

That has shocked me and no, I'm not gonna slate him. We are all entitled to our opinions. I suggest youse all go see the film before going against his comments 'cos you might well be saying it yourself.

05-Mar-2008, 09:57 PM
Which cinema is your's Neil? A brand or an independent?

Hellsing - at my nearest Cineworld you can hire out Screen 13 (my favourite screen, by the way) for a party which includes a bar, which as you said is in a little foyer outside the main screen. I think you can even request a film to be shown in a birthday sesh circumstance.

im going in for a job interview at my locall on firday, ill have to ask about that, it is my brithday next month......

id pick either dawn or blair witch meself.

.....or maybe some good old mindless comedy for a bunch of freinds like ameircan pie or bill and teds excellent adventure.;)

05-Mar-2008, 11:32 PM
We are all entitled to our opinions.
But when you voice those opinions publicly and make money from doing so, don't be surprised when you're called out for being a bonehead.

Most reviewers/critics are guilty of being boneheads. Of course, they may demonstrate otherwise by simply initiating some thoughtful commentary for a change. :D

08-Mar-2008, 01:42 PM

Well, Mark Kermode on 5 live liked it. Good news for me as we share similar tastes. Overall he calls it a good, solid and grim movie.

Download here. Review starts at 20mins


5 hours to go and i'll make my own mind up.