View Full Version : Priest Zombie

05-Mar-2008, 12:27 AM
Question about that priest Zombie. Looked to me that his head was hanging backwards by a flap of flesh. The spine severed. How on earth could it still have motor function enough to move it's body about? Always wondered about that one.

05-Mar-2008, 12:32 AM
Question about that priest Zombie. Looked to me that his head was hanging backwards by a flap of flesh. The spine severed. How on earth could it still have motor function enough to move it's body about? Always wondered about that one.

i am drawing a bit of a blank here right now about this one. what is the time sig when he is first shown on screen? i'd like to check this out and see fo' myself what you are asking about.

05-Mar-2008, 12:50 AM
Question about that priest Zombie. Looked to me that his head was hanging backwards by a flap of flesh. The spine severed. How on earth could it still have motor function enough to move it's body about? Always wondered about that one.

That question seems silly to me... how could a corpse walk around at all? I agree though it was a little cartoony, seems like they just wanted something cool to add to the scene whereas a regular zombie might not have been cool enough?

05-Mar-2008, 01:08 AM
That question seems silly to me... how could a corpse walk around at all? I agree though it was a little cartoony, seems like they just wanted something cool to add to the scene whereas a regular zombie might not have been cool enough?

Aren't we under the understanding that in these movies, a corpse walking around is acceptable science? Don't be difficult Khardis.

They went through a lot of screen time in Day to show the scientific rational of the zombie motor functions. Ever since the original movie, if you "destroy the brain or remove the head" you kill the zombie. That zombie's head was essentially removed, for all intents and purposes.

Scipio, can't remember the time sig. But it's the zombie that bites that stupid matador character. (god!!! I hate that matador character!!)

05-Mar-2008, 08:57 AM
Question about that priest Zombie. Looked to me that his head was hanging backwards by a flap of flesh. The spine severed. How on earth could it still have motor function enough to move it's body about? Always wondered about that one.

Good point, using GAR's own rules he shouldn't have been walking about...he was more like a Return otLD zombie.

05-Mar-2008, 11:50 AM
It was still connected via the spinalcord, wasn't it? And thus the nervous system would still be somewhat intact, thus allowing for basic motor-function throughout the lower limbs. Not a perfect answer, but perfectly accepteable in the world of the living dead.

05-Mar-2008, 12:26 PM
Damn....I never thought about this. He's right. Watch this (strange...)video. At the 2:58 mark you can clearly see that it's spine has been severed and it's head is hanging on by a small patch of flesh/muscle. Minor f*ck up...


05-Mar-2008, 02:37 PM
Looks like vessels, nerves etc...


05-Mar-2008, 04:09 PM
Looks like vessels, nerves etc...

in the pic that griff put up there certainly is still some sort of connection between brain and body. although it does look as if the head is severed from the spine and spinal cord and is being held there by, i don't know what those are supposed to be, blood vessels, muscles.

the next question is: how long do you think such a tenuous (from the look of the pic) connection would last? it would seem to me that it wouldn't last long given the way that the things head tends to flop about.

as for the matador - "Ole!"

05-Mar-2008, 07:52 PM
maybe it was like a reflex thing, just popping up and biting the guy on accident, without any forethought.

05-Mar-2008, 09:09 PM
We all know that GAR's attention to detail is a bit off. Whether it comes out as odd plot twists, breaking of his own zombie rules, or just little inconsistencies here and there it's just a part of his style. He routinely ignores matters of consistency and plausibility to get the shot he desires. Being a GAR fan means accepting some of that. In this case luckily it's a minor point that doesn't substantively change the story.

06-Mar-2008, 12:08 AM
We all know that GAR's attention to detail is a bit off. Whether it comes out as odd plot twists, breaking of his own zombie rules, or just little inconsistencies here and there it's just a part of his style. He routinely ignores matters of consistency and plausibility to get the shot he desires. Being a GAR fan means accepting some of that. In this case luckily it's a minor point that doesn't substantively change the story.

Romero's films have always had their flaws, but I amount that to problems that can affect ANY filmmaker.

I don't think that he necessarily ignores plot points to get the shot that he desires. In fact, the shot that he desires can be accomplished, but along the lines of the movie making process things tend to get distorted.

The way I see it is if the film is made by a group of people, the overall effect of the film is a combination of the effort included.

Romero's films have had their flaws...no doubt. It's just like any filmmaker's effotr.

06-Mar-2008, 01:44 AM
No No, No Dis to Romero meant at all. Just found it interesting. Nothing to add to my already terribly high opinion to that movie anyways. . . :rolleyes: :shifty: ok, maybe not so high opinion.:rockbrow:

06-Mar-2008, 06:10 AM
Really, I'm not dissing on GAR either. I see it as a style choice. And I'm not saying that it always leads to the detriment of the movie. Sometimes placing the shot over the attention to detail works.

Take the scene in Land in the liquor store. They raid the store, fight the zombie that comes from the cooler, load up the liquor, and all. After that the kid gets bit by a zombie that apparently has been silently hanging out behind the counter the whole time.

That's a great scene and a great scare and the zombie biting the kid works well to establish the tone of the movie. But realistically there's no way that zombie was behind that counter the whole time without drawing attention to itself.

07-Mar-2008, 12:44 AM
probably fell over the counter while they were fighting the other one.

09-Mar-2008, 06:23 PM
Priest zombie gag is the lamest thing in a Romero movie....ever.

I put it out of my mind

11-Jun-2008, 01:18 AM
Yeah I agree, I do like Land and thing it's a worthy addition to the mythology despite it's flaws.

But that Priest gag made me cringe from the very first time I saw it. I know Romero is all for zombie gags, but this one just seem beneath him.

13-Jun-2008, 09:27 AM
R.E. liqour store zombie, it seems there are always sneaky zeds about, look at the janitor guy who jumps Roger in the original Dawn, he comes out of nowhere when there has been plenty of noise/action going on.

13-Jun-2008, 01:51 PM
I liked Land, but the Priest Zombie was an...unfortunate...part of the film.