View Full Version : looks like war is brewing in south america...

05-Mar-2008, 05:26 PM
now venezuela is moving thousands of troops to the border with colombia.

in one respect a war between these two might turn out to do some good. a military defeat could destroy the chavez regime. when you look at this both on paper and in terms of military capability and experience, colombia should walk all over venezuela in a war.


06-Mar-2008, 12:02 AM
Hopefully Chavez gets caught in the crossfire.

06-Mar-2008, 12:25 AM
Sitcom idea: Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il secret agents posing as tennis pros.

06-Mar-2008, 12:47 AM
Sitcom idea: Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il secret agents posing as tennis pros.

If it is created by Parker and Stone, then I am watching it. *L*

06-Mar-2008, 01:52 PM
in one respect a war between these two might turn out to do some good. a military defeat could destroy the chavez regime. when you look at this both on paper and in terms of military capability and experience, colombia should walk all over venezuela in a war.

I'm betting Chavez is just posturing. Like you said, Colombia would walk all over Venezuela. And I don't think the rest of the world would look too kindly on Venezuela starting a war just because Chavez didn't like being caught supporting terrorists -- especially the U.S. We're a little tied up with Iraq and Afghanistan right now, but even a spare carrier group would be a big boost to Colombia.