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View Full Version : Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines

21-Apr-2006, 07:16 PM
I'm not much for new games. I usually stick to old favorites, and occasionally buy new ones (like Oblivion, which will end up being one of those "old favorites" I'm talking about).

But there are exceptions. One of these is definetly the best horror game I have ever played: Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines. An excellent game with an excellent story, atmosphere and altogether just excellent. I love it.

Has anyone else played this top notch horror game?

23-Apr-2006, 06:27 PM
I played this one, it was one of the final games released by Troika, and it was a good note to end on.

There were some gripes, such as a bug that made the game crash at a certain point (later patched) and the repetitive NPC models, and the somewhat underpowered firearms compared to the melee weapons.

Still, I didn't buy it for the combat, but for the immersive, absorbing gameplay and superb atmosphere. Just standing in my donwtown apartment with my blood packs in the fridge, I felt like Nick Knight or something!

23-Apr-2006, 10:30 PM
that game was aweful!, it was just as bad as bloodrayne, any game with a cheat list that includes "make the jugs bigger" is a cheap ass game in my book, and damn greasy.

24-Apr-2006, 04:57 AM
I'm not much for new games. I usually stick to old favorites, and occasionally buy new ones (like Oblivion, which will end up being one of those "old favorites" I'm talking about).

But there are exceptions. One of these is definetly the best horror game I have ever played: Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines. An excellent game with an excellent story, atmosphere and altogether just excellent. I love it.

Has anyone else played this top notch horror game?

I love this game! Especially the fight with the zombies in the graveyard. (Which was a pain to beat). The little quests you could take throughout the game really added to it's re-playability.

One silly part was going in to stores... I'm sure there was a point, but I never really figured it out.

In fact, I think I'm going to load it up again.

24-Apr-2006, 05:07 PM
I think melee and firearms are a bit unbalanced in the sense that melee is great early on, whereas you pretty much have to learn fire arms to beat the game in the end. Or at least it's awhole lot easier if you do.

I remember killing the final bosses super easy with my high firearms skill and a Steyr.

Zombie Dollie
07-May-2006, 11:16 PM
I loved this game!! Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines was awesome! My friend and I could not stop playing it after he bought it. The game is just so interesting and like others say has a great Atmosphere and the story is thought out and different for everyone who plays, I actually made up a past for my character I got so absorbed in it.
I played it as a Venture first and beat it or ya know got to the end haha, the second time through I chose my all time favourite Malkavian Clan. <3 The story is great and after my friend got the clan book for the original D&D type version of the game The Requiem, and we still Roleplay Vampire the Masquerade a lot. Haha, regular Horror dorks are we.

08-May-2006, 02:01 AM
I played it and wasn't all that impressed with it. I actually like the first Vampire PC game "Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption" much more. In fact since I just got a new video card I should give these guys a spin again to see if they run better!

Combat Zombie
12-Jun-2006, 12:27 AM
This game was fun as hell. Myself, I prefer the Nosferatu clan. Sure, maybe you couldn't seduce people, fun as that was, but there was still other stuff you could do. Just as ZD has, I've worked out an actually history for my character, whom I've named Vincent. I wouldn't mind seeing a follow-up of sorts, using the clans from The Requiem. Infact, I wouldn't mind seeing a followup that included not only the vampire side of it, but the whole WoD idea that the company's RPG's seem to revolve around. That would mean that you could choose not only other clans, but races as well. Such as werewolves.