View Full Version : Watchmen Alert!

06-Mar-2008, 01:53 PM
This may be one of my most anticipated movies....Zach Snyder really got me on his side with the one-two punch of Dawn of the Dead and then 300.

Watchmen, the graphic novel, to me is one of the best examples of how comic art can really be an art. When I read it, lo those many years ago, I fast became convinced that Alan Moore is a demented wonderful genius and that he was at the height of his power when Watchmen was published between 9/86 - 10/87. Then I read V for Vendetta (much better than the movie), From Hell (one of the most amazing graphic novels ever...do NOT see the movie first or for that matter at all) and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (a great graphic novel that was made into an awful movie). Ok, so looking over the list...I can see why Moore hates when anyone makes a movie about his stuff.*

Understand, this guy gives great read. Read his stuff. Buy it. Spend time with it. It will be more than worthwhile.

Anyhow, Zach been making Watchmen for the past couple months and it ought to rock pretty thoroughly. Ain't It Cool News posted pictures (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35862)of the major characters. They're amazing. Do NOT be turned off because it is a 'superhero' movie. This is the superhero movie for anyone who hates superheroes. Harry seems to have a problem with Ozymandias, which I do not. But the Comedian looks annoying and he's a pretty pivotal character.

Last thing (before the last thingy in the foot note below): Watchmen, the graphic novel, contains a pirate story. The film will not, but the DVD will and that alone guarantees that I'll buy the damned thing even after seeing the movie. See...I knew there was a reason to still buy DVDs.


*At one point, Moore had to give a deposition over a lawsuit related to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. He is quoted as saying that he would have been better treated if he had ""molested and murdered a busload of retarded children after giving them heroin." Oy. He has refused any further payments for movies made from his work and has requested that his name be removed from all material he has ever produced that he does not himself own and control.

06-Mar-2008, 04:20 PM
true but Moores' is sort of a curmudgeon when it comes to his own works. Granted League was absolute ****. But the Wachokski's version of V for Vendetta was friggin amazing, as was From Hell. Both of which Moore ditested.

so i'm iffy about Moore disliking certain things.

having said that, anything the man has writen is just pure gold.

06-Mar-2008, 04:57 PM
Another visuals-only effort from Snyder then is it?

The chick in the yellow top and the black thigh-high boots is hot though...but that's hardly reason for a good movie...that's just soft-ass porn.

Speaking of Snyder, brings me to Yawn04...I'm doing a Ghey08 style bitch list. 33 minutes in and I've got something like 43 things. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be that high so soon - truthfully.

I thought 300 was better than Yawn04, but not by much. The story is thin on the ground and thrown around like a toy in a dog's mouth, once again a sex scene is tossed in for relationship establishment, plus it just takes a slice of history and pisses all over it with weird goblin-people and gigantic elephant things...

I remember reading somewhere recently that some called it 'the gayest homophobic movie ever', which I found chuckle-worthy.

Needless to say, I've not paid a shred of attention to this new thing he's doing.

06-Mar-2008, 06:05 PM
Another visuals-only effort from Snyder then is it?

The chick in the yellow top and the black thigh-high boots is hot though...but that's hardly reason for a good movie...that's just soft-ass porn.

Speaking of Snyder, brings me to Yawn04...I'm doing a Ghey08 style bitch list. 33 minutes in and I've got something like 43 things. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be that high so soon - truthfully.

I thought 300 was better than Yawn04, but not by much. The story is thin on the ground and thrown around like a toy in a dog's mouth, once again a sex scene is tossed in for relationship establishment, plus it just takes a slice of history and pisses all over it with weird goblin-people and gigantic elephant things...

I remember reading somewhere recently that some called it 'the gayest homophobic movie ever', which I found chuckle-worthy.

Needless to say, I've not paid a shred of attention to this new thing he's doing.

Well, I guess my point is, go get the graphic novel. Its amazing, whether the movie's any good at all.

06-Mar-2008, 08:57 PM
Don't mind Minion, he's just got a personal vendetta against Zack Snyder.

As you can tell, I'm pretty darn excited about this movie. :hyper::hyper::hyper:

06-Mar-2008, 09:19 PM
Another visuals-only effort from Snyder then is it?

The chick in the yellow top and the black thigh-high boots is hot though...but that's hardly reason for a good movie...that's just soft-ass porn.

Speaking of Snyder, brings me to Yawn04...I'm doing a Ghey08 style bitch list. 33 minutes in and I've got something like 43 things. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be that high so soon - truthfully.

I thought 300 was better than Yawn04, but not by much. The story is thin on the ground and thrown around like a toy in a dog's mouth, once again a sex scene is tossed in for relationship establishment, plus it just takes a slice of history and pisses all over it with weird goblin-people and gigantic elephant things...

I remember reading somewhere recently that some called it 'the gayest homophobic movie ever', which I found chuckle-worthy.

Needless to say, I've not paid a shred of attention to this new thing he's doing.
meh. 300 ain't high art. having said that i thought snyder did an excellent job at adapting the core material and making it work on screen.

Also credit where it's due, he doesn't bear all the blame for Yawn 04. that script should have been used as backup ****paper and even that job is an upgrade.

besides there are larger fish to fry in the world of crap directors. The fact Mc"arsebiscuts"Gee is still alive still perplexes the **** out of me.

07-Mar-2008, 09:06 AM
Reasons why Zack Snyder films suck in my opinion - the writers, the producers...and Snyder.

Just over an hour into Yawn, over 70 things on the bitch list...I'll say it again, I honestly didn't think I'd have this many at this stage.

07-Mar-2008, 12:06 PM
As most of you guys know, i'm not a big fan of Dawn04. I think 300 is an okay popcorn flick but for some reason it gets WAY too much praise. It's visually impressive, though. Too bad he basically stole Robert Rodriquez's ideas...

I'll check this one out. Haven't read the book yet, but I know some people that have so I got the basic rundown of it. Hopefully he can get a bit more substance worked into his flick this time.

I love the way this picture looks:

08-Mar-2008, 01:58 AM
Reasons why Zack Snyder films suck in my opinion - the writers, the producers...and Snyder.

Just over an hour into Yawn, over 70 things on the bitch list...I'll say it again, I honestly didn't think I'd have this many at this stage.
not disagreeing with you there. i just tend to write the film off as "fial" and not itemize it's staggeringly numerous flaws.

08-Mar-2008, 10:58 AM
not disagreeing with you there. i just tend to write the film off as "fial" and not itemize it's staggeringly numerous flaws.
Just doing it as a bit of fun, plus it'll be the definitive list of reasons why I don't like the film. :D

The list is complete by the way. :cool: