View Full Version : Why can't Games Workshop stop being dicks?

07-Mar-2008, 04:26 PM
and just let this movie be released?

07-Mar-2008, 05:27 PM

07-Mar-2008, 05:41 PM
I can see why Hollywood hasn't released this yet...I couldn't understand a single word!!! What planetary language is that Ferengi?


07-Mar-2008, 06:17 PM
not a hollywood movie and it's german...

games workshop said they would never make a movie of warhammer because they will lose all rights to the franchise..

greedy bastards

07-Mar-2008, 06:57 PM
It looks nice for an independant film, but honestly, Those people just don't scream Imperial Guard or Inquisition to me. :P

I do like the props and sets though, and that one adeptus mechanicus tech priest looked pretty bad ass (the one you see for about half a second). The Warhammer setting is undoubtibly my favourite Sci-fi/fantasy setting this side of the moon. If they made a movie based on 40k, I can easily see it becoming the new standard for the way Science fiction movies are made (only if it is doen correctly hoever, and stays true to the setting).

It's movies like this German film that would cause interest to grow, and movies like this wold eventually lead to a major film adaption. The Beauty of the 40k setting is that the game is more or less open ended for what a person can do in it. The only course is the players (and writers) imagination, as a multitude of settings and stories are available in a galxy that is more or less, embroiled in total and complete war.

Want some zombie action?
Nurgle spreads his rot across a city via cultists, slowly, the population succombs to the disease. No cure is available, as it is a supernatural contagian, spread via the will of the God of death and decay himself. The local PDF send out a distress signal as the city falls to the onslaught of decay and death. Nurgle plague zombies spill onto the street, cultists scream out praises to their father, and members of the death guard chaos space marine legion direct their followers. An astropath on some close by world recieves the message, and forewords it to his superiors. Recognizing that the threat posed here could eventually envelope the entire planet, turning it into a deamon world, the Forces of the Imperial Guard and Inquisition are mustered to face the threat.

There, a really quickly thought up summery of a possible situation in the setting. **** like this happens on a daily basis throughout the galaxy, and even more dire and insiduous threats reveall themselves in the long run.

I really wish they would make a 40k movie...I'd die a happy man eventually...

08-Mar-2008, 09:51 AM
I know very little about the 40k universe, but the more I read and hear about it, the more I am tempted to buy a few novels (and source books)...the God Emperor of mankind and his legions of Space Marines and other chapters seem bloody awesome.

I like the orks as well (thier language is great). :D

08-Mar-2008, 10:43 AM
Ive been into building and painting warhammer models for about 15 years, but never really learnt to play as ive never settled on anything ,bought a few boxes of necrons, then dark angels, then orks, then tau, then chaos space marines, then skaven, then vampire counts, then tomb kings and finally ogre kingdoms, but i bougth that battle for skull pass set, it was missing a sprue so the dude in games workshop just emptied anothe rfull box into it so now ive got a sizable dwarf and goblin army.

Never really dug the imperium, they allways seemed just as evil as the chaos in my opinion, the only real good guys seem to be the tau.

08-Mar-2008, 12:38 PM
Legion, First off, grab all of the Ciaphas Cain novels. They are pretty much some of the best literature you'll find. I would also recomend reading the sourcebooks, but be warned, they can get quite expensive.

*End helpful,begin nerdgasm*

The universe of warhammer 40,000 is clear on many things. War is a natural part of life in this universe, death and destruction are a major factor in shaping galatic stability, Gods and Demons literally walk the Earth, ranging from minor demons such as the Demonnette of Slannesh, to the truly horrendous greater demons, and demon princes. Beings of impossible power roam the stars, feasting on the souls of the slain sentients that their vast armies of metal undeath put to rest (necrons). One thing, that is not so clear however, is true good and evil.

Inarguably, the Forces of Chaos can be considered evil (more often then not, servants of the major Gods delight in tormenting and torturing the living), but the other factions (Tau, Imperium, eldar, orks, Tyranids) are not as clear cut.

The Imperium is, undoubtibly, the largest galactic institution. Its' territories span an entire galaxy (although, the distance between Imperial controlled space and contested areas can vary by considerable margins and frequency), With numerous armies consisting of the armoured columns and billions of soldiers of the Imperial Guard, The Super human Adeptus Astartes space marine chapters, the Militant wing of the Imperial Chruch (Sisters of battle. Seriusly, they are pretty much nuns clad in powered armour with huge fu*ken guns, with a fetish for flame) to the Assassin cults. The Inquisition has a careful eye over all Imperial doings, it's reason for existance- to clense the taint of chaos and the demon, and to safeguard the imperium from those threats (Ordo Malleus or deamon hunters), To purge the alien and eradicate it (Ordo Xenos), and finally to root out heresy (Ordo Heriticus or witch hunters). The Grand Imperial fleets guard Imperial held space lanes and systems, while the faithful of the Imperial cult (the main religion of the Imperium, whos basis is the belief and worship of the Immortal God Emperor of man) spread the holy word.

They are assailed on all sides by aliens, mutants, heretics, and deamons. These mofos are literally born into conflict, and that is more then likely where the vast majority of them will die. On the barre, blasted remains of some backwater planet, ripped apart by demonic, power armoured chaos space marines.

What am I getting to with this really long section? If the imperium wasn't the way it is, it would have been utterly destroyed ages ago. diplomacy just doesn't work against an alien species who is bent on enslaving and killing you now would it? Sacrifices must be made in order to ensure the survival of humanity. Thats what it is about. Survival. They don't declare genocidal crusadeson alien species becaus they're dicks, they do it because eventually, down the road, those very same aliens could come back and end up killing them.

There is also a deep rooted fear and hatred of aliens (and intelligent AI technology) due to the events of the past. Humanity had reached the pinacle of it's technological powers, and they became complancent and reliant on machines and AIs' to do the dirty work. Eventually, they rebelled, and tore the human empire from the inside, leaving the once proud human race, shambled, despaired, and most of all, weakend. The various aliens took advantage of this and began conquering humanity, claiming it's worlds as their own.

This all changed when the Emperor reveiled himself on Terra...But thats for later.

The Imperium of present time-line is far from perfect, but it's the best that humanity could ever hope for in this time. It does what it does in order to protect itself, and ensure the survival of the human species as a whole.

08-Mar-2008, 12:46 PM
i reckon id jsut be a human thatd defect to the tau then. :lol:

08-Mar-2008, 12:59 PM
Tau are just as bad in their own way. Space commies who actively preach their greater good, and equal status of races absorbed into their "empire" when they treat em like a a second class. Their is also a link between the Etherial cast and mind control. That little jewl in their foreheads is rumoured to release a pheremone that attracts other Tau and bends them slightly to their will.

Take for instance the case of the one Tau who actively rebelled against the greater good: Commander Farsight, other wise known as Shas'o Viorla Shovah Kaius Montyr.

Basically, his Etheral was killed in battle (during the Damocles gulf crusade I believe, or shortly afterword) and he set up a conclave on the far side of the gulf. He acts as his own, without any guiding from the Etherials. Pretty neat stuff actually.

I'm reciting all of this down from memory fyi...It's amazing how much the human brain can store isn't it?

The Tau aren't bad, I like the ideal they carry, but ultimately, they have barely scratched the surface of the galaxy, and no not what horrors lie in the deep, cold void of space.

I'll stick with my Imperium of man for now I think.

08-Mar-2008, 04:18 PM
I almost wet myself at the start of that trailer, but I was left disappointed when no Astartes (Space Marines) were shown.

I've gone Warhammer 40K mad these last couple months. I've been reading the Horus Heresy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus_Heresy) books, it's a series which is still going on (7 books and counting) written by a number of Warhammer 40K writers (Ben Counter, Graham McNeill, Dan Abnett, James Swallow, etc). The latest book, Legion only came out a couple weeks ago and the next one is coming out in August (That is too bloody long :annoyed:).

Also Dawn of War: Soulstorm was delivered this morning and I've been playing that for a couple hours. Even with 2 new armies I still go me Orks! :)

Anyway, if you want a good read start the Horus Heresy books (http://www.blacklibrary.com/productlist.asp?producttype=NULL&world=HH&stockstatus=In+stock&lettersort=NULL&disp=50&sortby=Releasedate+DESC&army=NULL), I particularly liked Decent of Angels (It's about the start of the Dark Angels before the Emperor came and a bit after that too).

Now, who wants a game of DoW? :hyper:

08-Mar-2008, 11:30 PM
too bad i only have dark crusade :(

hey lost, did they tweak the Imperial Guard at all so they aren't pathetically weak in T1? Just watch out as soon as T2 hits, 13 member squads with attached commissars + execute is nasty as hell! And chimeras are the best troop transport offensive wise (imo) 3 squads of plasma equipped IG with execute spells good by for heavy armour :)

09-Mar-2008, 10:12 AM
Hey Mo,

Yeah the Imperial are still the usual weak characters, only good in numbers really.

My Orks have the numbers and the strength, my slugga boyz is the strongest scouter unit in hand to hand (As far as I know, I still have to play fully with the new Dark Eldar and The Sisters). Then in T2 you get me Big Nobz :moon:

They have added a single flying unit to each team, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet.

Now I'm off to watch The Mist then back to conquering the Tau. :hyper:

09-Mar-2008, 11:11 AM
damnit, It kinda disapoints me on how individually weak a single guardsmen is. DPS is low, HP and armour are low, morale is off the wall balls out bad, and they are utterly expensive as hell at the start...

I find, after some eperimenting that I just did, that even T1 Guardsmen can hold their own against space marines, chaos marines, kroot, and slugga boys in CC with a Commissar attached. Once The tactica comes out, you get Grenade launchers for disruption, sarges, and some very important upgrades. T2 you get plasma, chimeras, basilisks, hellhounds, and sentinals, heavy weapons teams, psykers, and most importantly of all, execute :)

I still get a kick out of being able to outgun any of the other other races shootier units with 13 Guardsmen with the appropriate upgrades (range increase, and plasma are all it really takes) with liberal use of execute thrown in (it doubles dps) in T2. Then flash gits and terminaters, and the like start coming out, so ya gotta move to kasrkins...

you know, looking at it, They probibly scale better then most races do..early on weak as a kitten, mid game average, late game pure mobile firepower.

I can't help but get excited...I think i'll be ready to play on-line soon again...

Oh, and as far as I know, Mandrakes (Dark Eldar capping units) have a higher dps for cc then sluggas. I think they do anyway, I haven't played the demo in ages. You should give me some pointers some time hahaha, I could use a toon up.

I think i'll go kill some Tau as well (sorry for long posts btw, and it probibly should be moved into game discussion, even though it pertains to 40k)

11-Mar-2008, 03:51 PM
The videogame Warhammer 40K: Final Liberation has scenes from an aborted 40k movie that was produced in the 90's. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Warhammer+40K%3A+Final+Libera tion&search_type=