View Full Version : YAY...I can stop bitching!

Dead Hoosier
08-Mar-2008, 05:27 PM
After weeks of personal anger, Diary finally came to Indianapolis, so it looks like there's hope for many in the U.S. that have had to wait ... and in the end, it was worth the wait.
As a Land hater, I can tell those of you that haven't seen Diary that it is MUCH better.
- There is more tension in the first 10 minutes than in all of Land.
- The acting is nowhere near as bad as some have said.
- The cheese factor and heavy-handed politcal message in Land is not as apparent in Diary ... which was a BIG concern of mine going in.
Overall, it's hard for me to find faults in the film. I sat there not wanting it to end because of its quality, unlike Land, which I didn't want to end because I sat there saying, "Jesus, this is all we get after 20 years?"
I sure hope there's a sequel, and I'd say just about all of you that haven't seen it will feel the same way.

14-Mar-2008, 11:43 PM
:) good

15-Mar-2008, 11:26 AM
Glad you liked it. I liked it, too. I feel sorry for those that didn't.

05-Apr-2008, 04:08 PM
I just got to see it the other night and really enjoyed it. I mean to me its not Night or Dawn, but at the same time I might rank it with Day for what it is. Probably better than Land. This was sort of a step back into the original series as opposed to something else. It was just a new look into that sort of thing.

At the same time I always wish to see more in movies like this, the world falling apart and such (WWZ and all), but a good movie none the less. The acting was not as bad as people have made it out to be, the overall message was very apparent, but at the same time it was done in such a way to make it the message the documentary makers were going for so it was going to be more in your face.

It's ironic in a way that they put their spin on the stuff that was going on in their own way. A good movie, the zombies were good, alot more than I thought would be around, and I really liked how they used the dialogue from the original Night of the Living Dead in the movie "They seem to be eating the flesh of the people they kill." Good stuff.

living dude
08-Apr-2008, 03:22 AM
please forgive me. i'm a newb and i know this isn't the right thread for this, butt i must know if Diary of the Dead still showing in theaters. i live near Birmingham AL i'm willing to drive to Nashville or Atlanta.

08-Apr-2008, 11:58 AM
please forgive me. i'm a newb and i know this isn't the right thread for this, butt i must know if Diary of the Dead still showing in theaters. i live near Birmingham AL i'm willing to drive to Nashville or Atlanta.

Hey there. I'm a neighbor to the East and I can tell you that it's no longer playing in Atlanta. I don't know about Nashville, but I doubt it. Your best bet at this point is to hold out for the DVD. Hope that helps.:)

08-Apr-2008, 04:23 PM
please forgive me. i'm a newb and i know this isn't the right thread for this, butt i must know if Diary of the Dead still showing in theaters. i live near Birmingham AL i'm willing to drive to Nashville or Atlanta.

diary is playing in columbus, GA at the carmike peachtree 8

and is playing in huntsville, AL at the regal hollywood stadium 18

you can get showtimes and locations at imdb.com

Zombie Snack
08-Apr-2008, 10:21 PM
it was playing in Auburn Al last thursday when i was making a delivery there...I just got back from the columbus Ga/ panama city fl/mobile, al run and the only carmike cinema I saw diary playing at was in columbus, Ga....But I only deliver to the carmike chain of theaters....it also just opened here in NC at 2 more theaters last week..

Dead Hoosier
09-Apr-2008, 12:59 AM
Wow...lucky dogs. I wish it had more than its one-week run here, but DVD release is coming soon!

living dude
09-Apr-2008, 01:12 AM
thanks all, i think i can make it to Huntsville

i wish the Harpersville drive-in would show it

09-Apr-2008, 01:30 AM
thanks all, i think i can make it to Huntsville

i wish the Harpersville drive-in would show it

Welcome aboard living dude!

Hope you get to catch it in the theater since as far as I am concerned it is worth a road trip, hands down, but if not then don't lose heart since Diary will probably translate really well to DVD.

living dude
09-Apr-2008, 03:50 AM
I almost waited to long. Thursday is the last night for Columbus and Huntsville. :blood:

09-Apr-2008, 09:33 PM
Still showing here in Gainesville, FL. I went to see it today.

living dude
11-Apr-2008, 05:21 AM
get on your knees, get on your knees, get on your ****in' knees!

i left work early at 3:00, i told my boss (Dad) that i wasn't feeling well, "i'm cold and itchy and i can't find my pulse, i have an appointment with Dr. Romero". i drove 2 1/2 hours to Columbus, GA. admission was $1.00 no ****, just like 1984.

Diary of the Dead was great. it is right up there with the classics. i was so happy to be there, i laughed and cheered all by myself, too bad there wasn't more of a crowd, i would've liked to have heard other peoples reactions along with my own. i'll go see it again if i get another chance