View Full Version : Dance of the Dead

10-Mar-2008, 09:48 AM

10-Mar-2008, 04:20 PM
"The story is simple: Zombies take over a town on prom night. The kids react. Guts fly everywhere." :p

10-Mar-2008, 10:20 PM
Sounds like fun. Now put it out on DVD & I'll watch it.;)

17-Feb-2009, 02:11 PM
Out on DVD now for those who have not seen it.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kmdUJJSQzhI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kmdUJJSQzhI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
And an interesting review...

You've seen George Romero movies. You've seen John Hughes movies. But have you seen them rolled into one fantastic amalgamation? If not, you should definitely see Dance of the Dead.

Ten years ago, Joe Ballarini and Gregg Bishop graduated from USC film school with little under their belts but a few well-made 16mm student films. After coercing some of their old classmates to join in, the writing/directing team put together a zombie film created by unknowns, starring unknowns. Their goal? To produce one of the most entertaining pieces of cinema they had ever seen. According to the movie's DVD commentary, they succeeded. In fact, they even found a fan in Sam Raimi, who hand-picked the film as a selection in his Ghost House Underground DVD collection.

Dance of the Dead is the story of a group of high school students. You know them well... the underdog, the princess, the rebel, the nerds, and the cheerleader. When none of them winds up going to the prom, they find themselves in the middle of a zombie uprising. Now, little explanation is given for the emergence of said zombies, other than a nuclear reactor which looms over the skyline of their town. But this lack of exposition doesn't really matter once the zombies start flying out of their graves, hitting the ground running.

Our hero is Jimmy (Jared Kusnitz), the slacker who has always been in love with the red-headed student body vice president (Greyson Chadwick). The kids are joined by Hummer-driving, gun-weilding Coach Keel (Mark Oliver), who bashes zombie skulls with the same gusto he uses to torment his gym class. In the end, Jimmy of course becomes the hero and gets the girl. But along the way, he sees an awful lot of his friends turn into the walking dead.

What makes this movie so remarkable is not just the quirky, smart writing or the cast of real teenagers or the killer stunts or the visual effects. It is the fact that what appears to be a $200 million film was actually made for $200,000. It is almost impossible to see where corners were cut as Bishop uses the same tricks he employed in film school to masterfully stretch his tiny budget. (When you see zombies fly out of their graves via pullies attached to three fat guys, you'll know what I'm talking about). Filmed near Bishop's hometown in Georgia, Dance of the Dead features a number of local actors and uses almost all local crew and locations. And who knew After Effects could do everything they pay millions of dollars for ILM to do?

If you don't fall in love with every character in this film, your heart is dead inside. If you don't laugh at the Bring It On-style repartee, your comedy meter is seriously broken. If you don't feel a pang every time one of our heroes turns into a zombie (whoops, spoiler alert), you might just be one yourself.

Source: http://blogcritics.org/archives/2009/02/14/112554.php

17-Feb-2009, 10:24 PM
I just got this one the other day, but have, as of yet, to watch it.

28-Feb-2009, 10:05 PM
I just watched this one last night. Not bad. Very "ROTLD" meets your high school prom. I was impressed the most at how GOOD the film LOOKED. Didn't look much like a low-budgeter at all. Very slick, polished, & professional looking. Good make-up's & spfx. Zombies are a mix between Romero & ROTLD & D'04. The comedy was in the vein of ROTLD or Dead Alive, but not as good as either. Only a couple of laughs, mostly just silliness.

Overall, might be good for a rent. Buy if you're a collector/completest.

28-Feb-2009, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the review, Sylver. I'll give it a watch if I can snag it. :)

30-Mar-2009, 11:20 PM
Once again, I agree with Moon. Just caught this over the weekend and it wasn't as bad as you would think it would be, what with the stupid hair style of the lead (when you see it, you will know)

But there were some very good bits in this, and actually some pretty solid zombie junk in there as well. Worth catching.

08-Apr-2009, 08:14 PM
I just watched it as well, and found it to be decent for what it was trying to be. Not an amazing work of gritty zombie film making but a fun little zombie film all the same.

08-Apr-2009, 08:25 PM
I just watched it as well, and found it to be decent for what it was trying to be. Not an amazing work of gritty zombie film making but a fun little zombie film all the same.
Yeah brother, nowhere near DOTD 78, but certainly not among my list of the worst ever. Maybe even worthy of permanent collection...maybe. Then again too, I liked "Zombie Strippers" too, though not for the reasons most would guess.

28-Apr-2009, 08:14 AM
was just flipping through FearNET on-demand tonight looking to see if anything interesting was on and this title caught my attention. didn't really expect to sit through the entire thing but I did. it was enjoyable, I'll give it that. I wouldn't go out of my way to purchase it, but if the chance comes your way, give it a shot.

28-Apr-2009, 10:31 AM
I just watched this one last night. Not bad. Very "ROTLD" meets your high school prom. I was impressed the most at how GOOD the film LOOKED. Didn't look much like a low-budgeter at all. Very slick, polished, & professional looking. Good make-up's & spfx. Zombies are a mix between Romero & ROTLD & D'04. The comedy was in the vein of ROTLD or Dead Alive, but not as good as either. Only a couple of laughs, mostly just silliness.

Overall, might be good for a rent. Buy if you're a collector/completest.

Nice to have $500,000 at your disposal. Yeah Dance of the Dead looks great and was filmed using the HVX900 series cameras, which are fully High Def.

28-Apr-2009, 01:18 PM
Watched it this weekend. It's ok but nothing I would add to the DVD collection.

30-Apr-2009, 01:58 AM
I really enjoyed the coach character.

I thought the zombies jumping out of the graves was funny as hell.

Good little film, a modern attempt to duplicate the ROTLD style.