View Full Version : LMAO - They're remaking Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

11-Mar-2008, 09:56 PM

12-Mar-2008, 01:47 AM
This is a remake that I actually support...

I mean...it's not like the original is a work of art...

They're probably only doing it in the wake of "Grindhouse" because they know that there may be a genre out there for crap films....

12-Mar-2008, 02:43 AM
but. . um. . .why?

12-Mar-2008, 04:12 AM
oh God, please bring back George Clooney!

12-Mar-2008, 04:44 AM
Well sadly, Clooney was in RETURN Of The Killer Tomatoes - so, they would need to remake that sequel as well.


12-Mar-2008, 04:53 AM
well they could just remake both movies into one, I mean it's not like there was even that much plot between the two anyways.

12-Mar-2008, 07:32 AM
Despite the fact that I have this movie in my collection, and just about ANY movie I'm a fan of I will get pissed over the remake, I don't feel upset about this remake at all. Perhaps because I feel like all of the MTV Generation will be like "ew WTF, this sucks? no more remakes plz," and that'll be the end of that!

12-Mar-2008, 11:37 AM
Speaking of remakes, Vanishing Point is getting remade. Richard Kelly is writing a script for it...leave it be!

Who needs a remake of that when you've got Death Proof out there? I mean really...also, VP is really of it's time. That story wouldn't work in today's world.

12-Mar-2008, 11:43 AM
ya know Richard Kelly is a young guy, you'd thik these youngin's would bring some new life into Hollyweird and some originality... but NOPE!:annoyed:

12-Mar-2008, 12:14 PM
ya know Richard Kelly is a young guy, you'd thik these youngin's would bring some new life into Hollyweird and some originality... but NOPE!:annoyed:

You don't consider Donnie Darko to be original? I haven't seen Southland Tales, so I can't speak on that, but Darko is awesome.

12-Mar-2008, 12:20 PM
Darko was awesome, just saw Tales ... it was all over the place. Shoved up it's arse at times, other times inspired. A real scattered mess.

12-Mar-2008, 12:22 PM
Darko was awesome, just saw Tales ... it was all over the place. Shoved up it's arse at times, other times inspired. A real scattered mess.

So I've heard. Now he's making "The Box"(based on a matheson novel), so hopefully that will be better...

12-Mar-2008, 02:12 PM
Aye indeed. I think he just got really carried away with Southland Tales, like he was making some sort of cerebrally-brilliant work of art ... when it's not really. All the actors speak like they are totally aware that they're in some high-thinking, greatly anticipated film.

But it just doesn't work very well, at times it's good, but for the most part and the over-riding feeling you're left with is *sigh*, unfortunately.

12-Mar-2008, 11:24 PM
I liked Darko, but do we really need a remake of Vanishing Point

12-Mar-2008, 11:28 PM
normally id rant till i was blue in the fingertips but judging it by the subject matter i really am apethetic and couldnt give to ****s either way.

you get a lazy half shrug and a "aunt bessies old styled" meh.

13-Mar-2008, 05:47 AM
does aunt bessie do that?

how utterly fantastic

i would make her follow me around everywhere
into video stores so she could say that to the clerks
"tell them Bessie what we thought of the movie"
"meh" shrugs

but in the story "the box"
i am really wondering what he did with it?
its only 6 pages long the story.
and people are known for ruining mathesons work.
but I am going to be hopeful cuz if he pulls off
a descent version of a matheson story i will buy him
ice cream and kiss his ass.

26-Mar-2008, 12:25 AM
but. . um. . .why?

So they can have digital tomatoes attacking.:hurl: