View Full Version : The Mist

12-Mar-2008, 08:49 AM
OK... I felt a little let down by the film. The acting and shooting style sometimes made it feel like a TV movie.

Also the the script suffered from unrealistic behaviour at times, and the acting - when really needed - wasn't quite strong/good enough to pull off the more important moments of the film...

Certainly a better than usual King adaptation though - 6.5/10.

12-Mar-2008, 11:12 AM
man I remember reading that short story - i was blown away by it....will be interested to see how this film turns out...

12-Mar-2008, 04:15 PM
I liked it...the ending was pretty good...I will not spoil!

I would say in todays movie ratings...7 out of 10

Not to shabby especially for a King!

12-Mar-2008, 04:34 PM
I liked it...the ending was pretty good...I will not spoil!

I would say in todays movie ratings...7 out of 10

Not to shabby especially for a King!

I enjoyed it, but it could have been far better:-
- Acting let it down at times.
- Characters too controved.
- Character behaviour too unrealistic at times.
- Situations definately too contrived at times & therefore unbelievable (especially the ending!)

12-Mar-2008, 06:18 PM

Dunno about the film but the ending of the book was kinda depressing...well it just ended because it was a first person account of the situation....very very dark. I am kinda stoked to see this film. Can't wait. Setting is a shopping mall still right?

12-Mar-2008, 06:25 PM

Dunno about the film but the ending of the book was kinda depressing...well it just ended because it was a first person account of the situation....very very dark. I am kinda stoked to see this film. Can't wait. Setting is a shopping mall still right?


12-Mar-2008, 06:31 PM
quality...can't wait!

12-Mar-2008, 06:42 PM


Yo Neil, just watched it this afternoon. It drags at 2 hours along, and indeed some of it is a bit contrived - such as the explanation of where the things are coming from - a bit of on-base hear-say gives away an entire super-secret military operation. :rolleyes:

Some of the acting got a bit ropey at times, and while I enjoyed Thomas Jane in the role, at times - mainly at the end when he had to cry a lot and be all 'why god why?' shouty, it was rather uneven.

Epicly depressing ending, as if a Brit had written it. :D Although at least it was something different...had I been in that situation, I wouldn't have pulled the trigger until I saw those things drawling on the car - JUST IN CASE.

The bible bashing freak bitch infuriated me immensely...so I guess the acting was solid there, then. :D But it just pissed me off too much that all that was not enjoyable to watch, it just became a chore to wade through the utterly babaric God Wrath Bunch who relied on rhetoric and adjectives and finger pointing ... if it had just been pulled back a bit, it would have been easier to sit through - and therefore bettered the film.

At times it did feel like a TV movie, zoom twitches feeling out of place, some of the scenes and how they were covered etc...and the CGI things of course. It swung from good moments, to cheesy moments, to annoying moments, to more good moments, to depressing, to "well it was nice they didn't end it like some Hollywood garbage".

One of the better King adaps I'd say, solid enough, but a bit wobbly around the mid-rift.

12-Mar-2008, 07:01 PM



Yo Neil, just watched it this afternoon. It drags at 2 hours along, and indeed some of it is a bit contrived - such as the explanation of where the things are coming from - a bit of on-base hear-say gives away an entire super-secret military operation. :rolleyes:

Some of the acting got a bit ropey at times, and while I enjoyed Thomas Jane in the role, at times - mainly at the end when he had to cry a lot and be all 'why god why?' shouty, it was rather uneven.

Epicly depressing ending, as if a Brit had written it. :D Although at least it was something different...had I been in that situation, I wouldn't have pulled the trigger until I saw those things drawling on the car - JUST IN CASE.

The bible bashing freak bitch infuriated me immensely...so I guess the acting was solid there, then. :D But it just pissed me off too much that all that was not enjoyable to watch, it just became a chore to wade through the utterly babaric God Wrath Bunch who relied on rhetoric and adjectives and finger pointing ... if it had just been pulled back a bit, it would have been easier to sit through - and therefore bettered the film.

At times it did feel like a TV movie, zoom twitches feeling out of place, some of the scenes and how they were covered etc...and the CGI things of course. It swung from good moments, to cheesy moments, to annoying moments, to more good moments, to depressing, to "well it was nice they didn't end it like some Hollywood garbage".

One of the better King adaps I'd say, solid enough, but a bit wobbly around the mid-rift.

The ending was a bit ham-fisted and didn't feel very realistic. No real desperation for example. And the number of bullets was so contrived it was rediculous. Why not at least dodge the contrived number of bullets by having only 3 for example, and them working that out!

There were just too many poorly written bits as well... They're in the middle of a bunch of bugs, under attack, but don't mind that all crouching down on the ground to look after and treat one of their injured party with little concern for the onslaught around them...

Still enjoyable, bit of a shame though...

12-Mar-2008, 09:05 PM
Yeah, but it was soooooooo close to the original story. A few changes but nothing big. Some scenes were shot for shot direct translations.(the tenticle scene!!!) I loved the movie. It did look a bit TV movieish from time to time. But overall, :hyper::D

13-Mar-2008, 02:48 AM
Am I the only one on here who laughed during the ending?

13-Mar-2008, 10:31 AM
Am I the only one on here who laughed during the ending?

It was just too cliche!

If I had been writing that ending, I wouldn't have dared leave 4 bullets in the gun for 5 people! Tooooo predictable/weak! You would have to do one of two things:-
1) Only have say 3 bullets so two of them survive, along with issues that arise from that.
2) He shows them he's putting FIVE bullets in the gun, shoots FOUR bullets, but he's infact put one empty casing in there pretending it was a live round, and had been the 'hero' for being the one left behind but pretending about enough bullets!

Overall the ending just wasn't written well enough (or acted well enough) to pull it off. No one seemed very bothered about the situation, and as a father myself, the premise of having to shoot ones own son would be absolutely beyond horror, but this just didn't pull that off!

ps: When the truck drove by, who was on it? Was it the mother who'd run off at the beginning (& made it to her kids after all)? It wasn't the people from the store was it?

13-Mar-2008, 11:40 AM
I like your idea about faking a fifth bullet with an empty shell, nice idea that.

Also, aye it was that woman who wigged out and left the store at the beginning. Didn't see any of the ones they left behind in the store, I hope all those bible-abusing murdering psychopaths got eaten.

13-Mar-2008, 12:31 PM
must. see. immediately!

24-Mar-2008, 08:47 PM
Love the adverts suggesting "one of the most shocking movie endings EVER!"... Hmmm... BOLLOX!

It's certainly a cliche one, a not particularly well written one and a mediocre acted one... Shocking nah! The previous three issues would have to be cleared up for that!

24-Mar-2008, 09:24 PM
ive still yet to see it, but i laughed when i learnt that american pies "the sherminator" was in it.

24-Mar-2008, 09:34 PM
Shocking by the standards of the sort of movies watched by people who'd pimp such a quote, which is damn near a spoiler on it's own, because it's setting people up to expect such an ending. :rolleyes:

It's like the 'alternate ending' of I Am Legend being labelled "controversial". No, "A Clockwork Orange" - THAT was controversial - the ending of IAL (the better one of the two at least) was not controversial, maybe it got a few producers rubbing their balls up against each other in a pissing contest, but come off it.

06-Apr-2008, 06:48 AM
Saw this one last weekend...the ending....WTF?!?!?:mad:

I've read (& loved) the novella, & the movie (from what I remember) was about 90% faithful, with only a few minor changes here & there, & then *WHAM* here comes a HUGE change...THE END! The original had a depressing enough ending as was (but not TOO depressing...sort of like the ending to "Dawn")

Why, oh why, would you try to have an ending more depressing than STEPHEN KING (not exactly known for bright sunshiny endings as as)?

Why you you stay so faithful to the book & them muck up the end?

Anyone have any insights?

06-Apr-2008, 10:28 AM
I didn't like it. I thought the ending was bad.

07-Apr-2008, 03:34 PM
I like the ending...although maybe line the kid and women up in a row and shoot through them both...it a .357 it should be able to do that at point blank range.

Also I liked this ending...although its been a while since I read the short story so I don't recall Kings original. It would have been better if the mist ended right outside the parking lot to the store. All this mayhem inside and just a hundred yards away...safety.

08-Apr-2008, 08:54 PM
well, when you think about it, the book ending was infinitely more depressing. they get out of the store, but they drive into the mist and there is no rescue. the mist does not have an ending at all, it has covered the entire world as far as they know. The only glimmer of hope that they have is the little snatch of a voice they heard on the radio. In the movie. . sure it sucks for the Dad. . .a lot. but at least the rest of the world is safe.

09-Apr-2008, 01:13 AM
well, when you think about it, the book ending was infinitely more depressing. they get out of the store, but they drive into the mist and there is no rescue. the mist does not have an ending at all, it has covered the entire world as far as they know. The only glimmer of hope that they have is the little snatch of a voice they heard on the radio. In the movie. . sure it sucks for the Dad. . .a lot. but at least the rest of the world is safe.

From that point of view, true. I guess I just preferred to open ended uncertain version. The film version is pretty CERTAIN...:(

09-Apr-2008, 04:55 AM
Neil, in the book they had a gun with 3 bullets and 4 people in it, so they did it that way to be true to the book I guess.

The movie was almost a word-for-word adaptation from the book. I can't think of anything besides the ending that was altered; the movie even has more characters than the book (PFC Jessup or whatever his name was and the clerk chick).

I was digging the movie right up to the ending.

07-Jul-2008, 03:25 PM
I just watched it this past weekend. I liked it alot. Some of it was a bit lagging at times and the CGI was a bit weak at points(particularly during the loading dock/tentacle scene) but overall I thought it was a good time.

I really liked the whole commentary of when the world falls apart, people turn into animals. I think the line was "If you throw people into the darkness, they will eat each other" or something like that. It reminded me alot of NOTLD, actually.

Personally, I loved the ending. I can see why most people would hate it, but I thought it was a perfect way to end such a film with such a dark and hopeless situation. Someone here mentioned that it wasn't played out well by the actors, but I think the quiet, looking around and thinking of each character played it out perfectly. They knew it was coming and had time to think about it/reflect on their lives

And props to Thomas Jane. I haven't seen him in that many films, but I thought he knocked this one out of the park.

One last thing - Everyone saying that the ending to the film is off the mark when compared to the book, apparently it's not. Now, I haven't read the book, but in the special features King and Darabont both talk about the ending. Darabont reminds King that there is a certain small line in the book where David is thinking to himself that there are only three bullets left and if the time comes, he'll kill everyone else and find his own way to die afterwards.

On top of that, King says that he wishes he had thought of that ending and put it in the book, as he thought it was a much better ending than the original. So apparently it's not as un-King as some of you think....

07-Jul-2008, 06:09 PM
I just watched it this past weekend. I liked it alot. Some of it was a bit lagging at times and the CGI was a bit weak at points(particularly during the loading dock/tentacle scene) but overall I thought it was a good time.

I really liked the whole commentary of when the world falls apart, people turn into animals. I think the line was "If you throw people into the darkness, they will eat each other" or something like that. It reminded me alot of NOTLD, actually.

Personally, I loved the ending. I can see why most people would hate it, but I thought it was a perfect way to end such a film with such a dark and hopeless situation. Someone here mentioned that it wasn't played out well by the actors, but I think the quiet, looking around and thinking of each character played it out perfectly. They knew it was coming and had time to think about it/reflect on their lives

And props to Thomas Jane. I haven't seen him in that many films, but I thought he knocked this one out of the park.

One last thing - Everyone saying that the ending to the film is off the mark when compared to the book, apparently it's not. Now, I haven't read the book, but in the special features King and Darabont both talk about the ending. Darabont reminds King that there is a certain small line in the book where David is thinking to himself that there are only three bullets left and if the time comes, he'll kill everyone else and find his own way to die afterwards.

On top of that, King says that he wishes he had thought of that ending and put it in the book, as he thought it was a much better ending than the original. So apparently it's not as un-King as some of you think....

Oh, it was VERY King like actually, IMO. I'd since read of King's enthusiasm for the new ending. I've since come to terms with it a bit. I still like the book ending better, but this one probably DOES make more of a lasting impact on the viewer. I found it very haunting & disturbing. I've still been thinking about after having seen it weeks ago. I definitely would like to watch it again.

Other than just the dark/disturbing nature of the ending, I think a segment of viewers that didn't like it are fans of the book. As in most cases, book fans usually don't like it when you change things seemingly arbitrarily. It was a shock too when the movie had been about 90% faithful & then took such a drastic turn.

Overall I've come to conclude it's a damn fine movie (the weak CGI in spots might be my only complaint) & I've come to accept the new ending the military riding to the rescue still kinda bugs me though.

07-Jul-2008, 07:51 PM
Stupidest ending of all-time. Got a huge "Yeah, RIGHT!" out of me when I saw it.

07-Jul-2008, 07:58 PM
Stupidest ending of all-time. Got a huge "Yeah, RIGHT!" out of me when I saw it.

The um...giant tenticles, or bugs, or spiders, or 50 foot monsters didn't make you go "yeah right"?:rockbrow:

Those are more "yeah right" inducing situations than a man trying to shield his son's eyes from the horror, imo....

07-Jul-2008, 08:15 PM
The um...giant tenticles, or bugs, or spiders, or 50 foot monsters didn't make you go "yeah right"?:rockbrow:

Those are more "yeah right" inducing situations than a man trying to shield his son's eyes from the horror, imo....

90 mins of people running from the wind comes to mind.

07-Jul-2008, 08:44 PM
The um...giant tenticles, or bugs, or spiders, or 50 foot monsters didn't make you go "yeah right"?:rockbrow:

Those are more "yeah right" inducing situations than a man trying to shield his son's eyes from the horror, imo....

No. And I didn't see any "shielding eyes from horror", either. All I saw was a ridiculously-too-convenient load of crap that was used to end things in a nice, tidy, "it's all over in 30 seconds" package. Completely stupid.

Kind of like if Dawn of the Dead ended with all the zombies just falling over dead the instant Fran and Peter get to the roof, and "the nightmare is over". Gag.

07-Jul-2008, 08:48 PM
Kind of like if Dawn of the Dead ended with all the zombies just falling over dead the instant Fran and Peter get to the roof, and "the nightmare is over". Gag.

Zombies fall over dead??? Did you and I see the same Dawn?:confused:

I thought the Mist had a perfect ending. Better than another typical "everything is back to normal for everyone!" kind of thing, imo.

I remember people used to rag on me because I liked the ending to Arlington Road. It seems as though if a film has a downer ending, most people think it ruins the film...

07-Jul-2008, 08:55 PM
Zombies fall over dead??? Did you and I see the same Dawn?:confused:

You must have missed the word "if" in there.:lol:

08-Jul-2008, 04:32 PM
You must have missed the word "if" in there.:lol:

Yes. Yes, I suppose I did.:lol:

I really don't see why alot of people here are so disappointed in the ending to the Mist seeing as how most of the Dead films end on a down note....

08-Jul-2008, 05:52 PM
Personally, I was a bit surprised by the ending - because it's so bleak and down - Darabont's brain was working well the day he secured a deal which demanded the ending to remain bleak.

So you can certainly say, the ending of the movie does stick with you and leave a lasting impression.

And you know, sometimes some things do have to end on a sh*tty note, because not every moment rules ...

My respect to whomever gets that bold & italicised reference. :)