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View Full Version : so, who else here was let down by.........

23-Apr-2006, 12:57 PM
......Silent Hill?
We saw it Friday night.
I was pretty bored with it.
Just another flick trying to get a jump out of you with spooky/creepy CGI FX (the FX, of course, there to cover up and distract you from the horrible acting and lack of character developement [that cop chika] ).
Is this one of those flicks where you HAVE to be familiar with the game to appreciate it?

23-Apr-2006, 02:22 PM
Was it better than House of the Dead, RE 2, and LOTD?

That is all I am curious about.

23-Apr-2006, 03:11 PM
Was it better than House of the Dead, RE 2, and LOTD?

That is all I am curious about.
about the same level of awfulness as House of the Dead & RE 2 (but with better looking CGI)

LOTD was better

23-Apr-2006, 04:37 PM
so what your saying is the previews show all the cool stuff, like always

23-Apr-2006, 06:21 PM
so what your saying is the previews show all the cool stuff, like always

23-Apr-2006, 07:34 PM
......Silent Hill?
We saw it Friday night.
I was pretty bored with it.
Just another flick trying to get a jump out of you with spooky/creepy CGI FX (the FX, of course, there to cover up and distract you from the horrible acting and lack of character developement [that cop chika] ).
Is this one of those flicks where you HAVE to be familiar with the game to appreciate it?

Well you usually don't like any movie with CGI. It looks like a scary movie from the previews but most movies anymore are not original or scary. I am going to see it tomorrow. I am curious!

23-Apr-2006, 07:36 PM
Well you usually don't like any movie with CGI.

Wrong. I don't like movies that use CGI to carry the bulk of the flick or use it to distract from the lack of acting ability or character developement. Get it right next time.

It looks like a scary movie from the previews ..
Another mistake made by too many moviegoers. NEVER judge a movie by what the Hype or the Previews TELL you it's going to be like.

...but most movies anymore are not original or scary.
Only the ones that creep out of the vomitous sewer known as Hollywood.

I am going to see it tomorrow. I am curious!
Take some reading material (even though you wont be able to read it during the movie, it will still be much more interesting trying to read it than what's happening on screen) or a nice, quiet crafts project; you'll need it for approximatley 127 mins.

23-Apr-2006, 10:46 PM
well i have to disaggre with you. I played about 20 min of the game and got board, so I really didnt know much about the plot at all. The movie though was one of the best I have ever seen!!! In fact as far as im concerned its NOTD DOFD DAY and Silent hill imo. Silent hill was too good to be true! Sorry you didnt like it, but thats not my problem really. If even 1/2 the movies out were as good as silent hill, the world would be a much better place!!!! Dang this movie is great!!!! Oh well cant please everyone all the time and now its out and ill have it forever so im good.

Dam i hadnt read all the thread, thats all basicaly a matter of oppinion, and imo hes wrong silent hill is a great movie!!! very involving, intense and the sound effects are supurb!!! Some of the diloge could have been better, but it really was not enough to bit*ch about. No you DO NOT have to play the game to get into this movie that is just bunk. If the resident evil movies were as good as this every game would get a movie even monkey ball!!!! lol seriously if you are even at all interested then go see it!!!

24-Apr-2006, 01:07 AM
I guess this is a spoiler but I think it will be OK since one of the other threads told it all.

Well I could not wait so I went to see it. The monsters were neat but much of it was corny or just strange. A lot of it made no sense. But at least the female cop had a nice ass. It was better than House of the Dead but that is just my opinion. I was disappointed I expected better. That giant with a metal cage on his head was very odd and a demon that spared her and the child is way too nice for a demon from hell to do.

I noticed one blooper that annoyed me. The locket around her neck disappeared and was no longer on her neck and was replaced by something that looked like a cell phone on a rope but yet the locket comes back later when it gets ripped from her neck in the church.

24-Apr-2006, 12:35 PM
well i have to disaggre with you. I played about 20 min of the game and got board, so I really didnt know much about the plot at all. The movie though was one of the best I have ever seen!!! In fact as far as im concerned its NOTD DOFD DAY and Silent hill imo. Silent hill was too good to be true! Sorry you didnt like it, but thats not my problem really. If even 1/2 the movies out were as good as silent hill, the world would be a much better place!!!! Dang this movie is great!!!! Oh well cant please everyone all the time and now its out and ill have it forever so im good.

Dam i hadnt read all the thread, thats all basicaly a matter of oppinion, and imo hes wrong silent hill is a great movie!!! very involving, intense and the sound effects are supurb!!! Some of the diloge could have been better, but it really was not enough to bit*ch about. No you DO NOT have to play the game to get into this movie that is just bunk. If the resident evil movies were as good as this every game would get a movie even monkey ball!!!! lol seriously if you are even at all interested then go see it!!!

Oh my....that's a little too much, don't you think? (Unless,.....you the son/daughter of Christophe Gans, Roger Avary or Nicolas Boukhrief.)
But, you're right. It's all a matter of opinion.

24-Apr-2006, 12:37 PM
So the news that Pac-Man is being turned into a movie is a bad thing to mention then?

24-Apr-2006, 12:43 PM
So the news that Pac-Man is being turned into a movie is a bad thing to mention then?
**spews coffee onto keyboard, runs from house screaming incoherently!**

24-Apr-2006, 12:46 PM

24-Apr-2006, 12:53 PM

a pac man movie? good grief

24-Apr-2006, 01:21 PM
I thought it was a good enough movie. It did show that Japanese-type horror doesn't have to be all about atmosphere and mood setting. Pyramid Head and the Nurses were cool enough creatures and other than helping bring about the fog and the beetles, alot of the effects were non-CGI. Though they did use some CGI to make the nurses move in weird ways. Christopher Gans seemed to have been trying to channel Argento with Silent Hill.

I think for people who have played the game the film is a disappointment, but then what game to film adaptation hasn't disappointed. I've played the first and second game and I tried going into watching the film with an open mind and saw it as Gans' and Avary's take on story of Silent Hill and not of THE game. They succeeded quite abit, but they still ended up trying to put game-type elements in the film: overhead shot of Rose running through an area, constant looking at maps, and what seemed like boss fights.

If any, the flaw I could see in the film was its pacing, a bad use of Sean "Boromir" Bean's character whose scenes broke the tension way too much, and trying to be both very atmospheric and gory at the same time. And for a film that confused alot of people it sure was very talky in trying to explain everything. The ending was very like last summer's Dark Water which begged the question of whether everything from the moment of the SUV until the end was all in Sean Bean character's imagination.

I put it above HOTD, Alone in the Dark, Doom, etc... and on par with films like Emily Rose, Dark Water, the first Ring... Silent Hill just did things abit more differently by doing more than just shadows, fog and dread. I think the film needed more Pyramid Head making use of a sword that would make Cloud and Auron from the Final Fantasy game envious.

24-Apr-2006, 03:20 PM
RE2 rules suckas :D


Milla! :D

24-Apr-2006, 03:49 PM
RE2 rules suckas :D


Milla! :D

Milla is yummy.

24-Apr-2006, 03:51 PM
Milla is yummy.
I would drink her bath water.:p

24-Apr-2006, 04:01 PM
She's showing some fine butt-cleavage in that clip. And not plumber-type either.

25-Apr-2006, 02:29 AM
I put it above HOTD, Alone in the Dark, Doom, etc... and on par with films like Emily Rose, Dark Water, the first Ring... Silent Hill just did things abit more differently by doing more than just shadows, fog and dread. I think the film needed more Pyramid Head making use of a sword that would make Cloud and Auron from the Final Fantasy game envious.

If it's on par with films like the Ring and Dark Water, then it really must be a steaming pile of s**t! :lol:

25-Apr-2006, 05:20 AM
I just walked in the door from seeing it. Sure, I'll agree that it's not what most would call a "good" movie, but I really enjoyed it. Although, I'm a sucker for bad horror (to an extent... I won't touch HOTD ever again).

Yes, Pyramid Head was ****ing AWESOME! Every scene he was in was excellent. I'm pretty disappointed that he wasn't in it more.

I wasn't feelin the last like 20 minutes of the movie, though. The whole finale was pretty downhill for me.