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View Full Version : Scam mail from Karl Hardman's guestbook

14-Mar-2008, 04:14 PM
This was just sent to me.

Guest Book for Karl Hardman Schon‏
From: karl_newe_solicitors@yahoo.com
Sent: 14 March 2008 10:10:27

Message: Dear Friend,

First of all I want you to know that this is not a scam mail. Because base on what is going on all over the internet world people find it very difficult to believe a thing like this any more. If you can guarantee me of your trust and honesty at your own end, I will be able to work with you. I shall also appreciate if you can come down your self and see things for your self before we proceed and this will make things clearer for you.

To prove my sincerity, you are not required to send to me as I shall adequately take care of expenses down here before the consignment will leave for your country.

I am Karl U. Newe, a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney/sole executor to the WILL of late a client who worked as an independent oil Business Magnate in my country and who died in a car crash with his immediate family on the 5th of Nov 2004. Since the death of my
client in Nov, 2004, I have written several letters to his embassy with an intent to locate any of his extended relatives whom shall be claimant/beneficiary of his abandoned Funds and all such efforts
have been to no avail.

After the transaction have been accomplished 40% shall be accorded you for your involvement, 10% for Charity work and the remaining 50% for me.
Please if you are interested, I crave your indulgence to please contact
me through this email address. As I have said earlier, I want you to know
vehemently now that this situation/transaction is not a scam, all I need is
your help and support to enable us carry out this project to a successful

I decided to contact you so that we can talk and see how we can both rub minds together and achieve this.

On this note, I wish to introduce you to the finance company, as the surviving relative to the decease so that we can put in claims for payment with your name as the beneficiary of the fund.

I will appreciate if you can send me the following,

1.Your Full Names
2.Your current Mobile
telephone and fax numbers
3.Your age
5.Your Current address

This will enable me file the necessary documents at our high court probate
division for the release of this sum of money in your favour.

I intend to invest my share in your country under your management in any
viable business venture. I will send you more details as soon as I hear from

Yours faithfully

Karl Newe
WTF? :confused:

15-Mar-2008, 12:06 AM
Uh Ok:moon:

15-Mar-2008, 12:39 AM
you seem to be getting a lot of these scam emails lately, capn.

are there really people out there stupid enough to respond to these things?

15-Mar-2008, 12:40 AM
That's a damn shame, that is.

15-Mar-2008, 01:21 AM
you seem to be getting a lot of these scam emails lately, capn.
The second in a month but it's a pisstake that Karl Hardman's guestbook had to be involved in it all.

15-Mar-2008, 01:24 AM
Uh Ok:moon:

yes you seem to be in love with the moon emoticon, which you have plastered all over just about every one of your posts.

and the ultra inane ass uh ok comments - if you have nothing to really say about a post don't spam this forum with this kind of crap.

15-Mar-2008, 04:05 AM
Oh a turd!

A turd!!

Oh God!! a Spam Turd!!

Nobody send a Spam Turd here
and expects to live....

15-Mar-2008, 05:38 AM
The second in a month but it's a pisstake that Karl Hardman's guestbook had to be involved in it all.
It's not involved. It's spam generated from either an e-mail address collected on the web, or a friend's address book/account that has your e-mail address listed. These will often have a familiar title in the subject, usually grabbed from a sent or received message in the person's e-mail account.

15-Mar-2008, 09:39 AM
and the ultra inane ass uh ok comments - if you have nothing to really say about a post don't spam this forum with this kind of crap.

Your right sir, I apologize, I take full blame I've been on enough Percocet to last 4 lifetimes

Anyone seen Dead Moon Rising, hilarious yet awful