View Full Version : whats your latest 360 achievement

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16-Mar-2008, 12:21 AM
not sure if this should be in gameing or the lounge, it seems like a lounge type topic but its about gameing so ill guess games is the right section.

So whats your latest folks?, for me it would be

mass effect: complete the romance subplot , an easy 30 or 50 points and 30 seconds of blue alien side boob-age :lol:

Army of Two: being dragged and healed by your parter.

...yes i bought army of two, yes im ashamed.

16-Mar-2008, 01:45 AM
Did you get the Paramour achievement on another Xbox? Cuz it's not showing up on xbox.com. It's only 10 points, btw. The last one I got was for killing 50 bad guys in "back to back" mode in Army of Two. I'm thankful that my friend bought that game, not me :barf:

16-Mar-2008, 06:15 AM
Not owning a 360.


16-Mar-2008, 08:39 AM
got some of the easy ones for symphony of the night, but i'm gonna try to nab all of 'em for this game.

not really big on the achievements points, think i got less than 2000. i once played against a dude in halo 3 with over 39k achievement points. needless to say, he was pretty good.

16-Mar-2008, 12:02 PM
My latest was yesterday. COD4, the one you get for surviving a dog attack (pressing right analogue stick at the right moment, which is a bit fiddly I've found in the past) - finally pressed it at the right moment and *SNAP!* down boy, down.

20 points, thank you please. :p

I've got something like 3465 points or something...or 3565 ... can't remember, something like that.

Ordered COD3, while it won't be COD4 level awesomeness, I'll still enjoy it - and it'll mean new achievements...then GTA4 next month, ho-yeah!

16-Mar-2008, 01:00 PM
Did you get the Paramour achievement on another Xbox? Cuz it's not showing up on xbox.com. It's only 10 points, btw. The last one I got was for killing 50 bad guys in "back to back" mode in Army of Two. I'm thankful that my friend bought that game, not me :barf:

do you mean the paragon achievement?, is so yeah i got that, i did a load of "good guy" stuff like letting the rachni queen go and stuff. my renegades less than a 5th full, and thats only cus i sometimes yelled at people like when ive got to calm down someone with a gun.

16-Mar-2008, 01:24 PM
I've killed/knocked out dozens of individuals in mass effect. To get more starting Renegade points, pick the earth born and ruthless personality matche thingies at the start of the game.

latest achievement? Probibly in Oblivion, just advanced to level below master in fighters guild.

and i'm at about 3000 or so...I gotta start catching up to my friend in halo 3 ones though, sunuva bitch is getting ahead of me, skull hunting.

16-Mar-2008, 03:47 PM
I was so gonna post this image I found online a while ago, an image of an Xbox360 achievement notice saying the "double lol" had been unlocked...canny find the bitch though...gah...I-fail.org. :p

16-Mar-2008, 03:52 PM
I was so gonna post this image I found online a while ago, an image of an Xbox360 achievement notice saying the "double lol" had been unlocked...canny find the bitch though...gah...I-fail.org. :p

probably hard to find because i made it and only posted it on here. :D


16-Mar-2008, 04:00 PM
You made it? ... technology-ninja.com? :confused:

Bah, you thunder stealing bastard. :D

Speaking of achievements though, I remember when I was playing through Splinter Cell: Double Agent of Awesomeness (my own title :p) the achievements came thick & fast for me, which is always good fun.

Tony Hawk's Project 8 on the other hand is completely f*cking stingy with the achievements, and they're always like 5 or 10 points...laaaaame...good game though.

16-Mar-2008, 04:16 PM
i allready took it off there and edited it, adn lemme tell you i aint the onyl one, theres tones of them, i foudn this one on the gametrailers.com forums:




and for your trouble


17-Mar-2008, 12:14 AM
The last achievements I've obtained...

Castlevania: SotN - Beat regular & inverted castle as Richter. (I now have 100% achievements for this game; first game I've done it on!)

Bully - Pick 50 flowers.

17-Mar-2008, 11:16 AM
last achievement was in the Arcade downloaded Brain Challenge game last night - my brain functions at 8% at the start, now it functions at 10%...damn I'm near genius level.

Fun game though, a nice alternative to brain training....

18-Mar-2008, 02:36 PM
Just got 4 of the monkeys on COD3.

Basic Training
Conservationist (of ammo)
Survived a level without getting hurt (or something like that)
Been an American infantryman

75 points in total there I think.

More to come with the rest of the game, blates.

18-Mar-2008, 03:48 PM
getting 3 perfects in a row on lost oddessy, and aginst that red griffon bitch on top of the mounatin no less.

18-Mar-2008, 06:40 PM
"Big Air", 25 points on COD3 for jumping the jeep.

19-Mar-2008, 09:46 AM
Somthing or other on the X-Men game (pretty crap game but I cant stop playing it)

19-Mar-2008, 11:05 AM
Got another couple on COD3, British Commando and something about proficient use of enemy weapons ... which arrived during the tank mission ... which makes no sense at all because it's not an enemy tank and you don't get out and shoot anybody with a machine gun or rifle...so why on earth did that achievement pop up?

A glitch methinks...still though, 15 points. I do make good use of enemy weapons anyway, especially as there's so few ammo opportunities for home team weapons, so-to-speak.

20-Mar-2008, 02:11 AM
I am not sure-- I think it was G3 Expert off of COD4 or maybe something off of Frontlines Fuel of War..

Love those games...

chelsea hh

20-Mar-2008, 03:46 AM
seems how i'd never played any halo games till halo3, i've lost more games than the average bear...and my internet set-up was pretty crappy for a while, so that sucked too....anywho, been havin trouble ranking up into major rankings, so i went ahead and finally finshed campaign mode (on normal) and chased down all the skulls today.

20-Mar-2008, 11:31 AM
"Won the War" for COD3, 80 points thank you very much. 3805 in total now.

As for COD3, I'd give it a 6/10. It's like Call of Duty ... but sloppy. Some levels are naff or far too 'videogamey', the driving stuff feels crow-barred in, as do all the 'button bashing' encounters with Nazis, and diddling your analogue sticks to rotate those guns on the last level is piss annoying.

But setting charges is cool, some levels are great (such as St. Lo)...basically, rather than trying to fit themselves into Infinity Ward's shoes, Treyarch tried to make IW's shoes fit their feet, which is the wrong way around - particularly as it's part of a franchise, and a numbered sequel too - not a spin off like "big red one" or whatever.

I'll no doubt replay my favourite levels many-a-time, but COD4 is still the mack-daddy of console FPS war play.

21-Mar-2008, 01:48 AM
10 pts DMC4 : Smoking

21-Mar-2008, 03:25 AM
master of the fighters guild- oblivion


i dunno what i'm at now for points..over 3000 now though...

21-Mar-2008, 09:58 AM
got 4 last night.

mass effect: finished the game and got an achievement for that adn for taking more shield damage than health damage, and now to retake those early bosses that gave me gype at lvl 42:elol:

....:bored:...army of two: spent a minute in "agrro" mode and killed 250 of the steriotypes ,sorry, terrorists with machine guns.

25-Mar-2008, 04:42 PM
arch mage magicians guild

now to control the minds of the feeble folk

25-Mar-2008, 04:42 PM
arch mage magicians guild

now to control the minds of the feeble folk

25-Mar-2008, 05:25 PM
I received a number of achievements for DMC4 including beating the game last night. DMC4 seemed easier than DMC3. I never played the first two games.

25-Mar-2008, 08:44 PM
finally defeated halo 3 on legendary (me and a few buds played the entire campaign in one sitting, good times), so i got the achievement for heroic and legendary difficulty settings, and also picked up the "we're in for some chop" achievement.

i have like 865 of the 1000 points available for halo 3, i just need the terminals, 2 for 1 laser kill, and the campaing meta-game scoring, then i could rock the katana. i imagine that'll end up being the first game i get all gamerpoints for.

26-Mar-2008, 01:15 PM
just finished disc one of lost oddessy earlier, if you aint got it yet dont be put of by the incredibly slow start, 5 hours in and it gets into its stride.

26-Mar-2008, 09:43 PM
"Self Defense" - 20gp - on Dead Rising.

Boshing the pish out of that dude in the Grocery Store who loves retail waaaaaaaaay too much. Bit of a pain in the bum-bum as he has a gun as well, but after a load of bullets and then slicing him up the back with a knife, I got my meds for Brad ... then was 2 hours late to continue the story. :lol:

At least the entrance plaza is open next to the paradise plaza - much easier.

Now to find the key for that empty store with 3 survivors in it...*taps chin*

26-Mar-2008, 10:19 PM
you should get the minichainsaws off the clown and run up at an angle when hes at the entrance to an aisle and hammer't fook out of 'im.

28-Mar-2008, 01:51 AM
"Too Many to Count"
Hit 250,000 notes in Career in Guitar Hero III

Can't believe it took me this long...

29-Mar-2008, 03:08 PM
Another Dead Rising one: "Raining Zombies", another 20 or 25 points, I thank you.

For those not in the know, it's knocking over at least 30 zombies with a parasol.

Expect a bunch of BioShock achievements to come flooding in from me, just ordered it. :)

29-Mar-2008, 05:56 PM
You're in for a treat, Minion. Do yourself a favor and go through the game sloowwwly. Bioshock is a game you won't want to end.

29-Mar-2008, 07:07 PM
You're in for a treat, Minion. Do yourself a favor and go through the game sloowwwly. Bioshock is a game you won't want to end.
I will take that on board, Sir. Plenty to see and do eh? I'll certainly have a good old gawp.

3 new achievements, 60 points in total, all on Dead Rising:

Sharp Dresser (20 costume changes), Strike (bowl 10 zombies over, with points resulting) and - I forget it's name now - but the one where you have to put comedy heads on at least 10 zombies (horse heads, teddy heads etc).

I tried to do the 'never miss with a machine gun' one, but evidently it's not for sub-machine guns, pfft...technicalities.

3905gp thus far, 172 achievements.

29-Mar-2008, 07:19 PM
coins right, i spend most of my bioshock adventure time just looking at the enviroments. it is a beautiful game.

oh and i've almost maxed out all acivements har har. got 6 left.

29-Mar-2008, 10:08 PM
im up to about 500 achievements i think after getting 6 of em in half life 2 episode 2, the stand off at the white forest inn was fatnastic, now THAT was great level design, im close to the end, but how are us 360 owners gonna get episode 3?, on its own or with something else like protal 2 maybe?

30-Mar-2008, 10:36 AM
Well it might very well be just on it's own, being that it's a PC-first title, even though the Orange Box was also released on PC for those proper late to the game.

As for consoles ... hmmmm ... they'll probably shaft something in there to make it worthwhile for consoles - or just have a lower price ... or a lower price and a longer game itself.

Ep2 was a bit longer than Ep1, so hopefully Ep3 will be longer than Ep2 ... it certainly looks cool, that whole missing ship business and so on.

30-Mar-2008, 12:59 PM
im interested in the apeture science tie in myself, maybe it'll be a XBLA download straight off xbox live like the penny arcade games are going to be.

30-Mar-2008, 04:14 PM
*cracks knuckles*

Indoorsman, 20gp, on Dead Rising. Ooh yeah, and leveled up to 30. :)

Almost finished this, my fourth 72 hour stint, on the game.

30-Mar-2008, 07:54 PM
just wait till you get a hard drive and try it with mp3.s some games become way mor eplayable or replayable with a soundtrack, the 69 eyes is good for condemned and the victory record disc of like novembers metal hammer is great for tony hawks.
as for dead rising, pfft, blates the gonk.:lol:

31-Mar-2008, 10:44 AM
lol...ahhh the gonk.

Here's a question - I have a little save card thingy (i.e. not the hard-drive). Can you copy the saves from one card to another?

As for Dead Rising, finished my 4th run through, now on lvl 32.

Got two more achievements after I got "Indoorsman".

I got "Outdoorsman" - which oddly popped up about 5 seconds after loading the game (and I was INSIDE in the bogs in Paradise Plaza) - and then I got "Humanist" for saving 10 people ... but I swear I only saved 9 this time including me...perhaps these achievements are cumulative?

Otherwise it's some weird-ass bug that's really generous. I'm very confused. I got an achievement come up at a weird time once with COD3 about using enemy weapons (which I had been), but it came up during the first Polish tank mission - where you don't get out of the friggin' tank at all. :confused:

31-Mar-2008, 03:29 PM
last night i got my last two achievements for halo 3, so now i have the security helmet and katana body armor. look out!

01-Apr-2008, 11:03 AM
Got "Assault Trooper" for 15gp on COD3...20 more gp and I get to 4000gp total. :D

BioShock arrived today by the way, came well quick...will sink my mits into that later.

Got over 4000gp now. BioShock arrived today (wasn't expecting it till tomorrow or later :)).

Good game, amazing level design, awesome water...very atmospheric. Taking my sweet-ass time too. Still haven't battled a Big Daddy, but no doubt will be soon.

Got 4 achievements on it so far.

Toaster in the Tub
First Hack
Hacked a robot gun thingy
Completed "Welcome" level.

02-Apr-2008, 03:47 PM
a few points on golden axe....

Damn why do I rememeber this game being better??

02-Apr-2008, 05:41 PM
a few points on golden axe....

Damn why do I rememeber this game being better??
Alas, I remembered much the same thing. It was then I realized that Golden Axe II: Revenge of Death Adder was 10x better than the original. They need that game on XBLA as soon as possible.

02-Apr-2008, 05:44 PM
Another couple on BioShock, hacking a couple of things. Turret and a safe if memory serves.

Played it for over 4 hours now, rather spiffing game, VERY atmospheric now.

02-Apr-2008, 11:28 PM
aye bioshock totally deserved all those game of the eyar awards, mostly because portal was short adn galaxy was late but thats beside the point, ive got 2 achievements tog et on bioshock, for one ive missed one bloody single gene tonic somewere around rapture and i cant find it, the others the historian one.

today i spent 4300 ms points on the HIM theme, mr driller, bomberman, n+, rez HD and marble madness, oh and the bring down the sky expansion for mass effect. my latest is getting below par on all the beginner levels on marble madness.

03-Apr-2008, 02:26 AM
portal was dumb.

sorry, but i just didn't like it. Actually, I reallty didn't like most of the orange box except for team fortress 2...

Half life 2 is okay, but the controls are so damn touchy most of the the time.

03-Apr-2008, 10:29 AM
Orange Box rocked ... even if I haven't even looked at TF2.

Portal was proper good, as was Episode 2.

My only gripe with HL games - the motion. As in, when you're walking forward, you stop pressing the key, but Gordon skids on a little further. It feels like he's skidding around on icy shoes or something, pisses me off so it does.

03-Apr-2008, 02:21 PM
Last achievement was on Gears Of War. Still hadn't finished the game properly due to lack of enthusiasm, I don't see what all the fuss is about personally.

It's alright but it ain't Halo that's for sure.

03-Apr-2008, 02:44 PM
i think gears is an aquired taste, most people dislike the lack of viariety, but i like dhow it was in chapters, it felt like a good 90's sci-fi movie and the art style , especially the arcetechture was great, plus what soundtrack there was was good and i cant wait for the sequel.

03-Apr-2008, 04:48 PM
Didn't get a 90's sci-fi movie vibe from it, but I dig GOW alright. More like 80's action star bravado meets 00's blockbuster bugs with a side order of Saving Private Ryan. :p

GOW's not for everyone I guess...

03-Apr-2008, 05:57 PM
GoW felt 'old-skool' for some reason, I guess it was the ideas and the formula, they were simple, but still thoroughly good fun.

03-Apr-2008, 09:32 PM
i just preffered the set pieces to halo 3, like using a spotlight to protect marcus when he is walking across an alleyw ith no lights, lets he be torn apart by kryll.

in fact that whole level was fantastic.

id describe it as having a bit of saving pritvate ryan, a bit starhsip troopers, a bit halo: CE and a lot of arnie movies , the action kind, not the "EETZ NAUGHT AH TOO-MOR!" kind :lol:

04-Apr-2008, 06:17 PM
After finally completing both Halo 3 and Gears a few times, I have to give the better campaign to Gears. The music, level design, and challenge were all just right. What struck me immediately is how easy Casual mode was, even for new players. Hardcore is where 99% of players should start, and Insane takes tactical gameplay to a new level, especially when playing with a friend. I really hope the sequel has 4-player co-op, I'd about **** myself. Check out this tech demo, it's basically a tease of some new features for Gears 2:


04-Apr-2008, 06:50 PM
all i can say is im WAY more excited about gears 2 than i was for halo 3, and aye 4 player co-op would rock ....well ,yknow. :lol:

04-Apr-2008, 06:54 PM
Sorry, Gears Of War sucks bollocks, mate. :dead:

Top cutscenes, mediocre battles, just a shame the player dies every 10 seconds. :rolleyes:

04-Apr-2008, 07:05 PM
Im with capn, queers of war is absoltuly awful.. it was the first game i got on the 360 (it came with my console) and ive hated it since, its one of the worse and the most overhyped peices of **** ever.

Never has anything been so overhyped since clive sinclair went home to his wife and said "honey, ive got an invention thats gonna replace the car!" and never have i played such a crappy, tacky lifeless game in my whole life, i would rather sit in a park on a hot sunny day playing with dog turds all afternoon than play GOW for 2 minutes.

And yeah i got some good quotes from my MSN convo with capn regarding this in there. :cool:

04-Apr-2008, 07:08 PM
Im with capn, queers of war is absoltuly awful...
Handbags at 20 paces LIVE. :lol:

04-Apr-2008, 08:04 PM
Im with capn, queers of war is absoltuly awful.. it was the first game i got on the 360 (it came with my console) and ive hated it since, its one of the worse and the most overhyped peices of **** ever.

Never has anything been so overhyped since clive sinclair went home to his wife and said "honey, ive got an invention thats gonna replace the car!" and never have i played such a crappy, tacky lifeless game in my whole life, i would rather sit in a park on a hot sunny day playing with dog turds all afternoon than play GOW for 2 minutes.

And yeah i got some good quotes from my MSN convo with capn regarding this in there. :cool:

*cough halo3, any final fantasy title cough*

So, I guess top tier graphics, gameplay, level design, and combat make a piece of **** game eh?

Gears is easily one of the best video games ever made. My only real complaint is the over use of the A button, and many functions it took over could have easily been tied in with anouther one. Oh, and how linear the single player campaign is, and it's length.

although, I will point out, I would not state that the game is over hyped or aweful, and i'm sure plenty of critics will agree with me here. Infact, i have yet to see any truly damning reviews of the thing.

Although, I suppose your and capn's hatred of GOW is like mine of the Wii.

04-Apr-2008, 08:23 PM
Andy, your achievements show you didn't get past the first level in Gears of War. Why not get a little further before judging it so harshly?

04-Apr-2008, 09:02 PM
*cough halo3, any final fantasy title cough*

Also vastly overhyped games, but GOW definatly is in the same catergory.

So, I guess top tier graphics, gameplay, level design, and combat make a piece of **** game eh?

Graphics i'll give you, they are good.. but graphics alone do not make a game good. gameplay is dire.. you even admit in your post, all you do is mash the A button.. level design? good? ive seen amiga games with better level design, we're supposed to be in the 21rst century now.. and combat? what? where? i think i blinked and missed it.

Gears is easily one of the best video games ever made. My only real complaint is the over use of the A button, and many functions it took over could have easily been tied in with anouther one. Oh, and how linear the single player campaign is, and it's length.

You have just contradicted yourself by naming two of its biggest flaws, you are aware of that? one of the best video games ever made? is that sarcasm? i wouldn't even put it in the top 1000 xbox360 games.

although, I will point out, I would not state that the game is over hyped or aweful, and i'm sure plenty of critics will agree with me here. Infact, i have yet to see any truly damning reviews of the thing.

Look up the defination of overhyped as you have just contradicted yourself again :rolleyes:

Although, I suppose your and capn's hatred of GOW is like mine of the Wii.

The one quote of yours i agree 100% perfect on, you are never going to dissuade another person of their opinion. ever.

Andy, your achievements show you didn't get past the first level in Gears of War. Why not get a little further before judging it so harshly?

Why dont i wade a little further into a sewer before i decide it stinks? becuase i dont need to.

04-Apr-2008, 10:24 PM
downloaded the original doom on the marketplace. after playing the first level, i got 3 achievements:

clean slate (kill all enemies in a level) 5g
neophyte (complete any level on "hurt me plenty" or higher 20g
scout (find a hidden area) 5 g

04-Apr-2008, 11:39 PM
Why dont i wade a little further into a sewer before i decide it stinks? becuase i dont need to.
Because it's like listening to the first 2 tracks of an album and calling it bad. You can't really form a constructive criticism against something if you haven't experienced the majority of it. Also, how can you call Halo 3 overhyped when you've only played about a dozen games of multiplayer, the core reason why 99% of people buy Halo? You seem to have a habit of reviewing games without getting the most out of them.

Top cutscenes, mediocre battles, just a shame the player dies every 10 seconds.
So you hold the game in low regard because it's challenging? Right.

05-Apr-2008, 02:11 AM
I didn't like (or want to like) CoD 4 the first time I played a few missions, I went back to it a few months after and it rocked balls. This alone has inspired me to try and replay some of the games I never bothered with and see how I like them now.

On Gears of War: For me GoW wasn't really groundbreaking (except in graphics for the time maybe) but I don't think it tried to be anyway. I just found it damn good fun, a nice break from games that tried to be groundbreaking in one aspect or another but just failed. Gameplay-wise I think it likens to Stranglehold, another game that was arcadey and I just had a lot of fun playing.

As I've said before in this thread or another the formula felt much like a return to 'old school' shooters, except with a whole team of ridiculously muscular protagonists instead of just one.

05-Apr-2008, 04:03 AM
got 50 for wastign 30 minutes of my life on the bring down the sky expansion to amss effect.

30 mins...from START TO FINISH.


Why dont i wade a little further into a sewer before i decide it stinks? becuase i dont need to.

because it might pick up later?, i mean geez, i at least got to lvl 4 in that piece of **** army of two before i finally gave it a the tramp stamp of disaproval.

05-Apr-2008, 09:54 AM
So you hold the game in low regard because it's challenging? Right.
Well, I like a game to be FUN. Hence the saying 'fun and games'. GOW was a chore to me - get from A to B without being destroyed. You pop your head up for more than 2 seconds and you're a goner - repeat to fade - that is not fun to me. Same ol' monsters, same ol' weapons, same ol' bloody storyline. I did enjoy the cutscenes and was really only playing the game so I could see more of them. By the time I reached Act 3 though, I was seriously BORED.

Another game I don't find fun is Splinter Cell. You got to sneak all over the place to kill one person (it would be easier to just walk up to the character and blow him away) but if you so much as knock over a bottle, it f**ks up the last ten minutes of play and it's game over.

05-Apr-2008, 10:31 AM
Because it's like listening to the first 2 tracks of an album and calling it bad. You can't really form a constructive criticism against something if you haven't experienced the majority of it. Also, how can you call Halo 3 overhyped when you've only played about a dozen games of multiplayer, the core reason why 99% of people buy Halo? You seem to have a habit of reviewing games without getting the most out of them.

No thats completely different.. your telling me you have never played a demo of a game or played the first few levels of a game, then decided that its not for you? bull****. everyone has done that.

Also i can call halo 3 overhyped becuase it was.. everyone knows it was, the amount of people raving on about it and how it had to be owned and was set to be the game of the year, we got it and it was another mediocre FPS game. im not saying its a bad game but its not good either in any way.. call of duty 4 kicks its ass online and bioshock is a far superior single player game.

05-Apr-2008, 11:12 AM
Jesus Christ Andy, calm down ... they're only videogames. :p

As for GOW - woo. :)

I did find it to be very challenging at certain points. The first Beserker battle had be cursing up a storm, I was about ready to (to use Bam's words) just go into the woods and cuss. :p

However - finally got past that, and then got stuck at the petrol station bit for f*cking ages. Once I got past that though, it was smooth sailing.

I wasn't dying every 10 seconds, but certain bits I found to be preposterously annoying - mainly those two examples - otherwise I found it to be quite entertaining, it had my heart in my mouth at certain points (like the final boss, which I did in one try).

I do like that it wasn't trying to be some mythical land mark of gaming, it's importance has kinda been thrust upon it a bit. It's just an arcadey-like shooter with a bunch of mountain-sized men fighting mountain-sized aliens.

There were flaws, but ultimately I totally dug it.

Although I would like it if games had an optional cheat mode in them, in case you get utterly stuck at some point, you just turn that on and do the level with God Mode or something. Because failing 50 times and swearing up a storm isn't fun ... also it's personal preference.

I don't play games for the challenge, I play them for the story, action, to see what you can do, the graphics and such like. But that's me personally - and yes, if it's multiplayer or online, I never-ever-ever-ever cheat. So f*ck off and leave me be, I'm NOT getting into that f*cking retardedly lame conversation with you lot again, it's flogged-horse territory...there's already a bunch of maggots wriggling around...:rolleyes:

Anyway...oh yeah, this is an achievement thread ... erm ... no new ones yet.

Although I've downed 4 Big Daddies on BioShock so far and saved 3 little sisters - aye - I'm being a good boy. :)

And is it just me, or is it a little bit heart-breaking when you've killed a Big Daddy and the little girl is crying over his/it's body calling him/it "Mr Bubbles" and such...

Reminds me of the first teaser trailer for the game, f*cking superb so it was, a real mix up of "who is the good guy?"

05-Apr-2008, 01:35 PM
Another game I don't find fun is Splinter Cell. You got to sneak all over the place to kill one person (it would be easier to just walk up to the character and blow him away) but if you so much as knock over a bottle, it f**ks up the last ten minutes of play and it's game over.

now that i understand, ill take metal gear solid 1 or 2 any day.

05-Apr-2008, 01:55 PM
now that i understand, ill take metal gear solid 1 or 2 any day.
Word. MGS1 takes a dump on all the other stealth games put together. Name another game where you can zoom in on a chicks ass and have her say "hey, stop that!" :lol:

05-Apr-2008, 02:17 PM
Blech, MGS kisses me chuddies so it does.

I'm in the Splinter Cell camp.

Don't wanna get into the usual two-brick-walls arguing thing, but SC is for me. And if you save at frequent times, it doesn't matter if you balls something up - that's what I did during all of them, particularly Double Agent as it was the first I wasn't playing on the PC (which means no cheats - again, I'm interested in the stories and what you can do).

w00t for Sam Fisher. :cool:

Anyway, just putting my view out there, don't want a whole bloody hoo-hah about it for christ-sakes, I'm not saying people aren't allowed to like MGS, who do you think I am, China? :rolleyes:

05-Apr-2008, 03:06 PM
If a developer could bring the strengths of both Metal Gear (great story, cutscenes and environments, but sub-par gameplay) and Splinter Cell (great gameplay, but the stories from each game have been forgettable), I'd be in heaven.

05-Apr-2008, 03:08 PM
I'll add my definitive opinion of GoW....

its ****e....

nuff said!

However I never played the multiplayer which everyone says is better, so I may a bit short of info!

05-Apr-2008, 05:07 PM
RE SC's "forgettable" stories ... I think that's subjective, each to their own opinion of it.

They're complicated...I think there's a kinda cut off time, you begin to forget just from not having played it...like you watch a movie once and then don't see it again for ages, you forget a whole bunch of it. It's got nothing to do with the quality of the story.

An interesting thing with Double Agent, they got rid of most of the cutscene use (there was loads in Chaos Theory if memory serves), in DA it went a bit Half-Life and story stuff would happen in-game.

And there's no ghey exclamation marks bleeping above Sam Fisher's noggin. :p

Whatever, each to their own...

Just got another 3 totaling 30gp in BioShock.

Got the camera and took at least one photo of a splicer, also that photo was an "A" grade pic, and there was something else related to that as well I think...

Still an awesome game, only played it for 2 hours in the last 4 days though, just too lazy right now, lol...but generally I play for a full hour cos I take a lot of time, just gawping at everything, searching everywhere on the map. Great story, great graphics, great gameplay - you know what, I think that just maybe, BioShock might be great...:shifty:

07-Apr-2008, 08:23 PM
discovered all the remaining rooms in dracula's castle from castlevania : SOTN. (seeker - 35g) i saved just before i beat dracula and made an extra copy of my save, so now i get to go through the entire game again as richter.:cool:

07-Apr-2008, 11:55 PM
ive just got to lvl up the sword familiar and beat draclua without getting hit, both are bitches to do.

my last was 125 points today after a 7 hour gameathon on my day of off adn getting to disc 3 of lost oddessy, disc one is very meh, disc two is easy but fun but disc 3 is were it comes into its own and really takes off.

08-Apr-2008, 02:21 AM
ive just got to lvl up the sword familiar and beat draclua without getting hit, both are bitches to do.

if you are referring to the "bloodlines" stage, you can access the secret area by busting the wall (the low-hanging one right next to the candle with the cross) and hitting the switch, which will then bring down a staircase. climb this and grab the large heart, exit the room, repeat, until you've got your hearts maxed out. next, go into the room with dracula, and grab the holy water. as soon as dracula appears, use the Y button to cast the "holy rain" spell. 2 hits with this and dracula changes form, then a couple more should take his demon form out. easy achievement.

i tried forever doing it the hard way, i don't think it's possible. just use the holy water special spell, simple.;)

08-Apr-2008, 06:04 AM
i tried by just whipping him (du-du-du-du-dudu, whip that whip!) but that almost kept getting me there...bastard vampire fob mother ****er.... :lol:

08-Apr-2008, 10:34 AM
Another 2 on BioShock. Upgraded a weapon, and beat that dude in the freezer place (the one you have to get 3 pics of a Spider Splicer for).

I'm now in Arcadia, goddamn the level design on this game is superb.

I tell thee, if Ridley Scott were ever to make a videogame-to-movie adaptation, this would be it. :)

08-Apr-2008, 03:42 PM
Another 2 on BioShock. Upgraded a weapon, and beat that dude in the freezer place (the one you have to get 3 pics of a Spider Splicer for).

I'm now in Arcadia, goddamn the level design on this game is superb.

I tell thee, if Ridley Scott were ever to make a videogame-to-movie adaptation, this would be it. :)

Scott would be cool, but while playing Bioshock I've always thought of Peter Jackson or Quillermo Del Toro for some reason....

08-Apr-2008, 04:09 PM
Call of duty 4 multiplayer isn't as good as halo 3..it is no where near as fun.

And i never contradicted myself- I said teh game has flaws, every video game has flaws, and anyone who thinks that a game is perfect is a tard. The A button allows the person to grab cover, hug walls, any context sensitive action basically, and yes, it is indeed a hassle that it is used to much, but it's not "OMFG THE GAME IS TEH SUXS BCUZ I HAF TA USE A BUTTON :((:(:(:(". It's a worst a minor annoyance, and it works 99% of the time.

I don't see how me pointing out the games flaws causes it to suddenly not rank in the top 1000 360 games, If that where the case then Call of duty 4 should be there also due to the martydom perk, and the length of the single player.

People like the game Andy. It is presented well, plays well, looks nice, and is fun and challenging.

at any rate, you and capn don't like it, and thats fine, but give it anouther shot sometime, and play through the majority of the game.

08-Apr-2008, 07:06 PM
I guess I'm thinking Scott for two reasons:

1) He seems really obsessed about creating a sense of whatever the world he's filming in is.
2) I got the Blade Runner 5-discer t'other day, so I've been all Blade Runner/Ridley Scott in the noggin recently.


With BioShock though, it's the setting which stands proudest of all, and it's incredibly visual ... right up Ridder's street if he so wished.

10-Apr-2008, 10:10 AM
Another couple on BioShock, one was hacking a camera, the other was something I've forgotten ... Inventing something I think, aye. 15gp total from those I think.

10-Apr-2008, 11:33 AM
Scott would be cool, but while playing Bioshock I've always thought of Peter Jackson or Quillermo Del Toro for some reason....

****.yes. guilliermo del toros one of the most underrated filmmakers of today and i reckon hed easily do rapture justice on film.

10-Apr-2008, 07:04 PM
I bought Ikaruga last night from Live Arcade, and it's a shooter fan's wet dream. I imported the Japanese version for Dreamcast a few years back, and its great to play through it again with HD visuals and achievements. Be warned though, it's also one of the most challenging games I've ever played. I barely beat the second boss before losing all my lives within 30 seconds of the third level. You can save your replays too, which is a feature I'm glad to see is making its way in to more and more games. I got this achievement on the first level, it's actually easier than it sounds:

Dot Eater:
"Clear a certain chapter in any mode without shooting at all"

10-Apr-2008, 10:46 PM
Another couple on BioShock, one was hacking a camera, the other was something I've forgotten ... Inventing something I think, aye. 15gp total from those I think.

somewere on the bioshock site the soundtracks a free download man, well worth checking out.

11-Apr-2008, 09:49 AM
been killing time with dead rising lately. did all the case missions the other day then forgot to go back and see isabella, so i didn't get the A ending. working on that now. anywho, here's the latest:

stunt rider
hella copter
legendary soldier
snuff shot j
level max (50, aw yeah)

11-Apr-2008, 10:26 AM
Nice one Prof. :)

Hellsing - aye I'll check that out. :)

Also, another on BioShock - restored the Arcadia forest. :)

Am now heading towards Ryan, that pesky so-and-so.



Found the soundtrack after a fair bit of searching, downloaded it, will listen later. For anyone wanting in on it, it's available from 2k's website via this direct link:



12-Apr-2008, 08:36 PM
man, i been beating down these dead rising achiements:

(thanks to those who posted on the dead rising sticky thread:thumbsup:)

snuff shot b
perfect gunner
karate champ
overtime mode
infinity mode
tour guide

12-Apr-2008, 10:59 PM
finished disc 3 on lost oddessy 125pts, 27 hours in and im on the last disk, 40 hours my ass.

13-Apr-2008, 02:21 AM
finished disc 3 on lost oddessy 125pts, 27 hours in and im on the last disk, 40 hours my ass.

There is easily 40 hours if you do all the side quests. A few guys on my Xbox Live list have put well over 100 hours in to it.

13-Apr-2008, 05:31 PM
Experienced Hacker on BioShock for 40gp. :cool:

Had a couple of days away from it, was gonna have a third away from it, but I was so intolerably bored out of my arse this afternoon I just sat down to have a play, and kept saying "I'll just play a bit more" until it was an hour and a half later and dinner was ready. :)

I've got 1 of the 4 photos so far in Fort Frolic, I'm about to enter this frozen zone place...

13-Apr-2008, 08:59 PM
Experienced Hacker on BioShock for 40gp. :cool:

Had a couple of days away from it, was gonna have a third away from it, but I was so intolerably bored out of my arse this afternoon I just sat down to have a play, and kept saying "I'll just play a bit more" until it was an hour and a half later and dinner was ready. :)

I've got 1 of the 4 photos so far in Fort Frolic, I'm about to enter this frozen zone place...

and now do you get why we were all gay for this damn game?

14-Apr-2008, 10:01 AM
and now do you get why we were all gay for this damn game?
There was never a time when I didn't 'get' why folk were super flaming for this game, it's just that now I'm part of it myself cos I finally got myself a copy of it.

3 new achievements on BioShock:

* At least 1 weapon fully upgraded (grenade launcher, fact whores) 5gp
* Completed Cohen's masterpiece 30gp
* Irony (took a pic of Cohen's corpse) 10gp

So that's another 45gp in total...however, I found out too late that you shouldn't kill Cohen just yet, cos now there's something in his apartment later on apparently that I won't be able to get in on :rolleyes: ... sheesh ... still got his key though, which let me open that locked thing on display, so of course I'm gonna crack him on the noggin' by-crikey.

Ah well ... I'll YouTube the bit up as-and-when.

I'm now in Hephaestus, just under 1/2 way through that area methinks...than Ryan's a pesky bugger, eh? :p

15-Apr-2008, 06:29 PM
Another 3 BioShock 'ments ...

* 2 fully upgraded weapons.
* All slots open on at least one plasmids or a tonic.
* Defeated Ryan (lol, well easy :D).

Now I've gotta wait till my new memory unit turns up to continue playing it, GAH! :mad:

18-Apr-2008, 09:32 PM
Actually my memory unit turned up yesterday, but I only started playing it again today. Another couple of hours play, and another couple of achievements.

3 weapons fully upgraded, for 5gp - my 200th achievement in total, I might add ... and defeated Fontaine's mental hold over me for 30gp.

Currently in that Apollo Square place just after Olympus Heights and just before Prometheus right now...not far from the end now according to some walk through on Google I keep checking (only for the index which shows me how far through I am, though :)).

Ah mate, I'll have this in-the-bag before GTA4 easily ... ... I hope anyway! :)

18-Apr-2008, 10:06 PM
got the "saint" achievement in dead rising. only 4 left in that game (transmissionary, pp collector, then 5&7 day survivors). was gonna try to do the 7 day survivor, but my gf isn't too keen on the idea of me playing for 14hrs. straight, and truthfully, neither am i. i do want that laser sword, so i may try to get the 5 day one.

also recently finished all achievements on castlevania: sotn.

19-Apr-2008, 04:49 PM
Part way into Point Prometheus now, got another 4 BioShock achievements:

* Fully research gun splicer
* Four weapons fully upgraded
* Five weapons fully upgraded
* Fully researched the Rosie

Oooooh, the end is looming near. I've got 3 Big Daddy wiffs drained over me, now to go and sound like one...

Bugger all on telly tonight, so I barged out the rest of Prometheus, then barged out Proving Ground, so I've left it saved with me standing before the lift to Fontaine himself...

New achievements therefore:

* Dealt with all little sisters (I saved them all, I thank you :D)
* Became a Big Daddy

20-Apr-2008, 05:31 PM
Well, that's BioShock dispatched with, done & dusted Sirs.

2 more achievements as a result, defeated Fontaine and Little Sister Saviour - cos I was super awesome and didn't harvest a single little sister, not one. 100gp for each, 200gp total from this afternoon's 10 minute final BioShock session.

So that's 700 out of 1000 on BioShock, to date my highest amount of achievement pointage in one game...previous highest was 595 I think.

Great game too, and cos I was so awesome, I got the fuzzy-wuzzy good ending. I'll YouTube up the bad ending later...so don't anybody spoil that sh*t for me, dagnammit.

Roll on GTA4 post haste! No doubt we'll all be whoring our 'Geeh-tee-ay' achievements. :p

I can already see the game of 'GTA4 achievement SNAP!' go'an'on...:D

20-Apr-2008, 05:37 PM
treasure hunter 20pts in N+

20-Apr-2008, 05:56 PM
How you liking Rez HD hells? Ive found it evoked emotions from me that I didn't think a videogame was capable of. Level 5 is flawless as far as presentation and music goes, and it proves that games can be considered an art form. I play almost every day, but I can't get more than 93% shot down on that level :mad:

20-Apr-2008, 06:06 PM
i got 99.9% hot down on level 3 but cant get any better than that.:dead:

23-Apr-2008, 06:32 PM
put someones head in an industrial vice and crushed it in condemned 2.


23-Apr-2008, 07:59 PM
I scored 70 or more points with Samurai Warriors 2 XL. Nice little add-on.

23-Apr-2008, 08:42 PM
hellsing - noiiiiice :D

I still haven't even played the first one yet, I'll get it for PC one of these days...

30-Apr-2008, 07:00 AM
GTAIV-warm coffee....ah video game sex.:D

30-Apr-2008, 10:20 AM
GTA IV - "off the boat", 5gp ... I tell thee, those were well earned points, I didn't have strive to get those. :lol:

Haven't even been to see Roman yet, was too busy wobbling around in a car and watching Weazel. :D

01-May-2008, 05:40 PM
Also gotten on GTA IV:

Warm Coffee
Driving Mr Bellic
Pool Shark
Pay For It (the sit through a taxi ride one)
and there was one more, but I forget now...oh yeah, something to do with Vlad - won't say as it's a plot point and spoiler, but yeah...

01-May-2008, 05:49 PM
and there was one more, but I forget now...oh yeah, something to do with Vlad - won't say as it's a plot point and spoiler, but yeah...

Feed the Fish, isn't it?

01-May-2008, 06:47 PM
Warm Coffee in GTA IV

01-May-2008, 07:10 PM
Expect this thread to fill up with random GTA IV achievements over the next month. :sneaky:

01-May-2008, 09:09 PM
got some random pointage for going all rambo on the opposing teams collected asses as the heavy in tf2.

02-May-2008, 10:16 AM
You are correct Sir, that's the 'ammer...

Currently 15.90% through it now.

03-May-2008, 10:28 PM
getting off the boat
driving mr bellic

04-May-2008, 10:25 AM
Gotten a couple more since then, post-Broker...

lowest point after your gaff got burned down, and then the one with Little Jacob who will gimme weapons apparently if I give him a bell on the dog & bone ... haven't managed that yet mind

Currently 25% of the way through.

Just did the bit where you have to kill either Dwayne or Playboy X ... I ultimately decided on PX, cos he was a nob'ed ... and it gave me a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyyyyyyyy :D - That's as far as I've gotten thus far.

04-May-2008, 07:48 PM
warm coffee and you gotta pay.

04-May-2008, 10:19 PM
On GTAIV I got 'Walk Free' for evading a 4 star wanted level, which is pretty cool, and the achievement for completing all of LJs deliveries.

05-May-2008, 06:50 PM
Got one for delivering all exotic cars for Brucie in GTA4.

05-May-2008, 06:55 PM
I'll have to get around to these deliveries and car thievings methinks, already done a few of them.

How many cars and deliveries in total out of interest?

05-May-2008, 07:03 PM
I got one man Army on GTAIV

I was able to keep clear of the coppers with a wanted level of 5 stars...of course I wound up dying in the end.

05-May-2008, 07:32 PM
I'll have to get around to these deliveries and car thievings methinks, already done a few of them.

How many cars and deliveries in total out of interest?
There's 10 of LJs deliveries, and 10 'Exotic Export' missions for Brucie, which are the ones you recieve by email I think.

Skippy I read that to achieve the One Man Army achievement you must stay alive for 5 minutes on a 6 star wanted level, which is even more of a a feat than you make out :lol:

05-May-2008, 10:03 PM
I've heard there are easier ways to get the One Man Army achievement, you go somewhere you shouldn't and just hang out for 5 minutes where the rozzers can't get at you and bingo ... mind you, I'm not sure where such places exist.

Cheers for the heads up on the delivery counts. :)

05-May-2008, 10:32 PM
I've heard there are easier ways to get the One Man Army achievement, you go somewhere you shouldn't and just hang out for 5 minutes where the rozzers can't get at you and bingo ... mind you, I'm not sure where such places exist.

Cheers for the heads up on the delivery counts. :)

go to the south western most part of the first island, at the train depo and get onto the tracks, avoid the trains and follow it all the way to were the tracks lead to the 3rd island and then you go past the terrorist blockades and you instatly get a 6 star waiting, then just drive about on the tracks and the choppers wont get around the buildings to get a good shot at you, then try and turn around at the airport and race back to the train depo to race along the coast to escape them;)

06-May-2008, 12:06 AM
I grabbed a helicopter and flew into part of the city I had not been to and it is automatic 6 star...then just fly really high for a while...I landed on a building and sat there waiting for the helos but none game. Then the achievement popped and I thought...COOOL!

06-May-2008, 04:04 AM
Since I've played nothing since it came out, here's all the GTAIV achievements I've racked up

Chain Reaction-exploded 10 vehicles in 10 seconds.

That's How We Roll!-unlocked the special ability of Brucie's helicopter ride.

Wheelie Rider-completed a 500 foot wheelie on a motorbike.

Courier Service-completed all 10 package delivery jobs.

Order Fulfilled-completed all 10 Exotic Export orders.

One Man Army-survived a 6 star wanted level for a full 5 minutes.

King of QUB3D-beat the high score in QUB3D.

It'll Cost Ya-made a taxi trip from one island to another without skipping.

Lowest Point-completed the mission "Roman's Sorrow".

Retail Therapy-unlocked the special ability of buying guns from Little Jacob.

Walk Free-successfully lost a 4 star wanted rating.

One Hundred And Eighty-scored 180 with 3 darts.

Fed The Fish-completed the mission "Uncle Vlad".

Pool Shark-beat a friend at pool.

Warm Coffee-invited into your girlfriend's house.

Driving Mr. Bellic-unlocked the special ability of Roman's taxi.

Off The Boat-start a new game

been working on the one you get for rolling 3 strikes at the bowling lanes, but it's pretty tough...

06-May-2008, 10:14 AM
I got a new one yesterday:

That's How We Roll!

Brucie's such a great character. In real life I hate those kinda people, but in the game he's hilarious ... and blatantly over-compensating cos he's gotta be gay.

07-May-2008, 07:33 PM
Another new one today, the one for getting all of Brucie's cars delivered to him, those 10 exotic export thingies...aye that one.

Working on finishing off LJ's jobs, should be only another couple of those left. :cool:

Taking a short break from the story at the moment, but will return to that shortly, currently 37% through.

07-May-2008, 11:30 PM
cut your teeth-ranked up in a multiplayer game

rolled over-rolled a vehicle five times

gobble gobble-3 strikes in a row in bowling

08-May-2008, 10:12 AM
3 strikes in a row?! Damn man, getting a strike is hella hard ... or at least I find it to be the case...

Any tips on how best to roll a car five times?

08-May-2008, 04:28 PM
for the gobble gobble (bowling), simply hold the left stick till niko takes 2 full steps to the left. then push "a" to get set to roll the ball. then pull back on the right stick for a second, then push it forward. there's some vids on youtube that show how it's done, but trust me, it's easy once you know where to stand.

as for the rolled over achievement, try grabbing a beast of a car (something quick and heavy, such as a lcpd cruiser) and get some major speed down over at the airport runways. in the grassy section between the runways, there are little yellow caution signs. hit one of these at a super high rate of velocity with only one set of tires (drivers or passenger side), and if you hit it just right, you'll take off like a jet and roll over several times mid-air before you land...just a matter of luck on this one....oh yeah, and watch for the fuzz, cuz you get a 4star wanted level for driving on the airport runways....might take a while to get this one.

hope this helps:thumbsup:

08-May-2008, 05:53 PM
Cheers for the tips prof. :)

As for the cop car and airport thing, I can always just do it until I get the achievement, then just reload my last save so I avoid all the cop hassle, muahahahaaaaaa.

I got "Courier" for doing all 10 of LJ's jobs, and then used Prof's tips to get "Gobble Gobble". :cool:

09-May-2008, 06:33 PM
*new ones*

Sweet, I got two more, two biggies too.

Walk Free for 50gp (did it legitimately too, no sneaky tricks on bridges or whatever), as well as Fully Explored or whatever it's called, i.e. unlocking all islands - for 20gp.

Ho yeah. :cool:

Oh yeah, can anyone remind me of where I can borrow a chopper from to fly myself, I wanna go to the Statue of Happiness at the top.

09-May-2008, 07:55 PM
mz, take a cab ride to the heli tours (you can go on all tours for 5gp, too, there's like only 3 choppers, but they take you on maybe 5 different tours...different helipads are for different tours)....anywho, you can steal one of those choppers.

recent achievements of mine:

full exploration (opened all islands)
dial b for bomb (buddies with packie)
under the radar (flew a chopper under all bridges crossing water)
sightseer (took all heli tours)

14-May-2008, 05:31 PM
Got a new one today, whatever it's called for doing a wheelie on a motorbike for 500 meters, 30gp. :)

I did it on a moped with Bernie on the back, who was a perfect counter-weight or whatever, had a nice straight stretch of Algonquin road and boom, nicely played.

Also, I got to go see 3 comedy club acts at last, woo. :)


Additional - got the one for acquiring over half a million dollery-doo's, ooh-yeah, another 55gp I thank you. :cool:

16-May-2008, 01:15 AM
back in my hometown right now with no xboxlive access, but have been still ripping it up. recently got liberty city 5, impossible trinity, and genetically superior.

17-May-2008, 01:38 PM
Flew under a bridge with a chopper and opened the entire map. GTA 4

17-May-2008, 04:31 PM
Got "Gracefully Taken" and "Assassin's Greed" this afternoon, 30gp in total.

66.21% through now.

20-May-2008, 06:25 PM
Got "Gracefully Taken" and "Assassin's Greed" this afternoon, 30gp in total.

66.21% through now.
I've now gotten 2 new achievements:

1) "That Special Someone" 10gp
2) "You Won!" 60gp

Aye, I completed it just now at just under 75% (I've done a few other things mind, so that'll probably add on 5% in itself) and within 50 hours (I took a more relaxed approach generally, but have been bashing through lately).

Now I can just enjoy flapping about the city like an idiot. :D

darth los
23-May-2008, 04:17 PM
"Beat cop" for beating the first mission on Condemned 2:Bloodshot :thumbsup:

23-May-2008, 04:19 PM
this time around i threw the can at the combine sum'bitch.

-if you know, then youll know.

23-May-2008, 05:34 PM
Liberty City 5, 20gp

Under the Radar, 40gp

Both on GTA IV, blates.

The latter was well fun. :D

I'm now well over 5000gp total, woo! :)

And another one - One Man Army for 40gp. :cool:

I did it by shooting up a bunch of stuff from Playboy X's penthouse roof outside, then once on six stars, hung out for 5 minutes inside his pad - sorted. :D

25-May-2008, 04:59 PM
Another couple today:

Manhunt, 15gp - do all the 30 vigilante missions ("most wanted" on each island)

Clean The Mean Streets, 20gp - did at least 20 crim-busting-shenanigans with the cop car computer.


Next up, the helitour one no doubt, might as well, piece of piss after all. :D

By the way - rigging a car with a bomb, parking it in the centre of a petrol station forecourt - KABOOOOOOM - fun alright. Cars keep turning into it automatically, so they (and their occupants) catch fire and yet more explosions. Hilarious. :D

25-May-2008, 09:21 PM
daredevil-completed all usj's in liberty city
completed "that special someone" mission, got that achievement too. after i get off of work tonight, i'm going pigeon hunting:elol:.

currently around 91% complete

26-May-2008, 10:28 AM
Rolled Over, 30gp - did 5 rolls in a car crash.

Aye, I just went to the airport, but used a Turismo. The key is to get half your car on one of those yellow box things (just like in Vice City), but turn into it at the last moment to increase the severity of the roll.

Then I barged it up the runway and chaffed a police chopper and fled the rozzers, then jumped out over the ocean and boom - safety. :D

30-May-2008, 09:00 AM
some more gta4 action:

team player (killed 5 members of opposing team)
top of the food chain (20 pistol kills in a ranked deathmatch)
endangered species (killed all flying rats:bored:)
key to the city (100% baby!:p)

anyone else ever watch "code monkeys"? just noticed a free downloadable episode on xboxlive. i think the 1st season is coming out on dvd soon. that show is ace.

02-Jun-2008, 07:32 PM
A couple on Tony Hawk's Proving Ground ... totaling 25gp ... can't remember what they are, but one was doing the first Mike V hardcore skater thing, the other I can't remember.

Anyway - indeed, I've moved to a new game, having played GTA IV for a month solid, it was time for a change, and with THPG as one of my birthday presents, I'm going to enjoy that for the next while ... then no doubt I'll be back to thieving cars, picking up ho's, shooting up gangsters and generally disobeyed red lights ... as well as playing GTA IV. :p

12-Jun-2008, 04:54 PM
"You got the message" - acquired all of Steve's 30 cars requested via txt msg. :cool:

12-Jun-2008, 05:00 PM
"did anyone order chinese?"

15gp for setting fire to some cats.

MURDER SIMULATOR!!!!!11!!1!:hyper:

12-Jun-2008, 05:02 PM
I got a few for Ninja Gaiden 2, but one stood out as the developers having fun with the player:

"Indomitable Spirit" - Die 100 times

This game is tough!

12-Jun-2008, 05:06 PM
more games need gp for failure. :lol:

i know f.e.a.r has one for killing yourself with a grenade 3 times in a deathmatch.

14-Jun-2008, 10:50 AM
No More Strangers, or whatever it's called, in GTA IV, 5gp for meeting all the random people.

Mind you, I didn't get to do Ivan's side mish, or Clarence's either if memory serves, because I killed them both, but I did get to meet them, so...

14-Jun-2008, 04:28 PM
Got some points on Ninja Gaiden 2. Yes, this game is bull**** hard on normal/warrior.

16-Jun-2008, 08:15 AM
Singularity on Mass Effect.

Level 47 baby, woohoo.

16-Jun-2008, 01:26 PM
killed someone with the assasin achievement and finished level 1 in the "one hit and your dead" mode of G.R.A.W

16-Jun-2008, 03:01 PM
I unlocked some more points on NG 2. Clearing stages, mastering techs, Test of Valor, and dying so many times * 5 pts*.

10-Jul-2008, 06:18 PM
been running down a lot of achievements in skate, but there's one i need help with: skate celebrity. for this achievement, i gotta get 20 reviews on a single photo or video. can you guys do me a favor and rate this photo?



10-Jul-2008, 07:28 PM
Prof, I tried to help you out but EA is the biggest piece of sh1t and their websites (especially SKATE) rarely work properly.

My latest achievement was Never Used A Door in Battlefield: Bad Company. This achievement is obtained by blowing up 1,000 walls in online multiplayer.

10-Jul-2008, 09:28 PM
During the past 3 weeks I have unlocked points for C & C: Kane's Wrath, Dragonball Z: Burst Limit, and recently Civilization Revolutions.

11-Jul-2008, 09:52 PM
thanks to everyone who tried to rate my skate photo, sorry i didn't realize that ea's website was such a pain in the ass.

17-Jul-2008, 02:32 PM
just got a good half dozen in alone in the dark, up to 950, and 47 in that game, 2 to go and ive 100%-ed it!

17-Jul-2008, 05:44 PM
just got a good half dozen in alone in the dark, up to 950, and 47 in that game, 2 to go and ive 100%-ed it!
I thought you said the game was rubbish? :confused:


I recently played through Halo 3 on easy mode, but seemingly you get F*CK ALL achievements on easy mode ... why? What about people who aren't at all good at games and can only manage Easy Mode? Or people like me, who have no interest in being challenged by a game, and just want to see the graphics/story/what you can do/have fun?

I got some more on Tony Hawk Proving Grounds, but kinda got as far with that as I was capable of ... I've gone back to GTA IV ... still chasing that helitours thing, the last bloody chopper never seems to be there! :mad:

17-Jul-2008, 09:28 PM
simple, you dont deserve them for being pussies.:lol:

"i finished on the "may never ever die" setting, what a great achievement"

i know you walked into a sarcy trap there, but there called achievements not obligatory's.

18-Jul-2008, 09:23 AM
Well I still think it's racist or something ... you know ... mode-ist, or something.

Getting the game finished, even on easy, is still an achievement. Yeah, smaller than on Legendary or some wank, but so - it's still an achievement.

Not everybody has to be/wants to be/actually is "the elite" ... you elitist bastards. :lol:

*imagines hellsing goose-stepping around in front of his own Reichstag dedicated to 'ze proper use of ze achievementz!'* :p

18-Jul-2008, 10:26 AM
Forest Ranger - Knock Down 1,000 Tree's (online)

Battlefield: Bad Company

18-Jul-2008, 10:08 PM
Well I still think it's racist or something ... you know ... mode-ist, or something.

Getting the game finished, even on easy, is still an achievement. Yeah, smaller than on Legendary or some wank, but so - it's still an achievement.

Not everybody has to be/wants to be/actually is "the elite" ... you elitist bastards. :lol:

*imagines hellsing goose-stepping around in front of his own Reichstag dedicated to 'ze proper use of ze achievementz!'* :p


19-Jul-2008, 12:20 AM
Still unlocking on Civ Rev.

19-Jul-2008, 07:55 AM
got "goal!" and "handyman carnby" for 50gp and now im at 1000pts and 49 out of 49 achievements in alone in the dark.

20-Jul-2008, 01:00 PM
got my first 5 star in rokc band with a rousing rendition of bon jovis dead or alive in the style of don vito corleoni.:lol:

22-Jul-2008, 03:44 AM
died 1000 time sin N+, YAY FAILURE!

im on an achievement streak this week.

22-Jul-2008, 04:17 PM
I got about 500 points recently, all from Battlefield....

22-Jul-2008, 04:52 PM
Assassins Greed - complete all assassin missions

Grand Theft Auto IV

22-Jul-2008, 05:08 PM
Assassins Greed - complete all assassin missions

Grand Theft Auto IV
Hell yeah, I got that one a while back. Fun side mission, but only 9 of them ... strange.

Good stuff though, but now, at over 84 clocked hours (in reality it's a bit more) I've gotten a bit bored of it ... but then again - EIGHTY FOUR HOURS! :eek::)

22-Jul-2008, 11:36 PM
Dead rising - Frank the pimp (20 points)

Only got 3 more to get and ive got the perfect 1000 points outa it.

22-Jul-2008, 11:41 PM
Dead rising - Frank the pimp (20 points)

Only got 3 more to get and ive got the perfect 1000 points outa it.

then your a better man than i.

i got 5 of, what i dubbed, hoez'n'bitches waiting in the ****ters, waiting for the cinema quest but it never arrived...

23-Jul-2008, 05:47 PM
then your a better man than i.

i got 5 of, what i dubbed, hoez'n'bitches waiting in the ****ters, waiting for the cinema quest but it never arrived...

Do what this guy says, it actually works lol

26-Jul-2008, 08:53 PM
Transmissionary done! soon i shall have the perfect 50/50 :elol:

26-Jul-2008, 09:02 PM
Well done, Andy. Two to go...

26-Jul-2008, 09:26 PM
I unlocked some points on 1942 remake.

09-Sep-2008, 09:11 PM
Battlefield Bad Company (really fun game, just started it today):

I Love Gold 10gp
Staying Alive 15gp
Killer On The Loose 25gp
Home Wrecker 15gp


I love this game, can't beat blowing the sh*t out of a building really. :D

10-Sep-2008, 08:57 AM
Some Half Life: 2 Orange Box achievement, can't remember which one.

10-Sep-2008, 09:53 AM
Battlefield Bad Company (really fun game, just started it today):

I Love Gold 10gp
Staying Alive 15gp
Killer On The Loose 25gp
Home Wrecker 15gp


I love this game, can't beat blowing the sh*t out of a building really. :D

Yeah it's pure awesomeness aint it?

I just got the 35g General of the Army achievement - level 25, all weapons unlocked!

I also got a couple more in Geo wars 2, Wax on, and Wax off, among others.

10-Sep-2008, 11:17 AM
Oh it's grand, just did a mission last night where you take this town but you've got an air strike thing in your possession - so I just blasted every single building into oblivion, hehe, that town sure could do with a make over alright! :D

New ones from last night's sesh:

You Found It You Keep It - 15gp
The Hypochondriac - 20gp

10-Sep-2008, 10:41 PM
Assassin's Creed:
The Punishment for Treason - You have found the traitor and have brought him before Al Mualim. 20GP

10-Sep-2008, 11:05 PM
Damn, he's catching up with me. I better quit studying and doing homework. Good thing there is a hurricane heading my direction. Might miss some school.

11-Sep-2008, 12:00 AM
got the first puzzle complete in braid, thats one of those achievements you feel is an actual achievement.

11-Sep-2008, 12:51 AM
Finished a few levels of Rainbow Six Vegas 2. My e-penis is now 16,000 points strong!

11-Sep-2008, 12:58 AM
bastard just when is was catching up to ya'!

11-Sep-2008, 06:17 AM
Earned 30 pts on Tales of Vesperia.

11-Sep-2008, 07:17 AM
Oh it's grand, just did a mission last night where you take this town but you've got an air strike thing in your possession - so I just blasted every single building into oblivion, hehe, that town sure could do with a make over alright! :D

New ones from last night's sesh:

You Found It You Keep It - 15gp
The Hypochondriac - 20gp

You used that online yet? If i can make a recommendation for your weapon upgrades, I'd suggest first upgrading to the MG36 in support (it has a red dot sight, is very accurate, and holds 150 bullets) and then the mortar strike thing which is also support...

As for snipers, go for the SVU if you're that way inclined - no bolt action reload!

And shotties....it's gotta be the N200 or whatever it's called - the SPAS12 has a great range, but the N2000 is more accurate...

Hope that was some help...of course you can do it your own way and have just as much fun discovering all the weapons :)

11-Sep-2008, 10:01 AM
You used that online yet? If i can make a recommendation for your weapon upgrades, I'd suggest first upgrading to the MG36 in support (it has a red dot sight, is very accurate, and holds 150 bullets) and then the mortar strike thing which is also support...

As for snipers, go for the SVU if you're that way inclined - no bolt action reload!

And shotties....it's gotta be the N200 or whatever it's called - the SPAS12 has a great range, but the N2000 is more accurate...

Hope that was some help...of course you can do it your own way and have just as much fun discovering all the weapons :)
Nope, I don't have XBL for a variety of reasons, so I'm just all about single player.

I'm in the middle of blowing up radio towers to cover my tracks or something right now, one thing that really strikes me about the game - is the audio - it's damn near perfect. Some of the interior clatter and noise is a smidge on the LOUD!!!! side, but apart from that, it's all awesome audio. The explosions, the debris, the gunfire, all awesome...even an explosion going off near you has the sort of effect on your lug'oles you'd expect (or have gained from being too near the speakers at a gig, like I have had a few times).

11-Sep-2008, 10:07 AM
Nope, I don't have XBL for a variety of reasons, so I'm just all about single player.

I'm in the middle of blowing up radio towers to cover my tracks or something right now, one thing that really strikes me about the game - is the audio - it's damn near perfect. Some of the interior clatter and noise is a smidge on the LOUD!!!! side, but apart from that, it's all awesome audio. The explosions, the debris, the gunfire, all awesome...even an explosion going off near you has the sort of effect on your lug'oles you'd expect (or have gained from being too near the speakers at a gig, like I have had a few times).

Audio is awesomeness in this game, much like COD4...unreal...

However I didn't like the single player, pales in comparison to the multiplayer...and the normal and hard achievements aren't linked, so you have to play it twice in a row...!! Ugh.

12-Sep-2008, 04:00 PM
Damn, he's catching up with me. I better quit studying and doing homework. Good thing there is a hurricane heading my direction. Might miss some school.

Your ass is grass!

12-Sep-2008, 04:09 PM
Your ass is grass!

Not if I stay one step ahead of you.

12-Sep-2008, 04:21 PM
Just bought castle cashers and infinite undiscovery so expect my gp to take a big jump, im coming for that number 2 spot coin old bean!

12-Sep-2008, 06:02 PM
Last night on Bad Company:

Manic Lumberjack = 15gp
Half Way Thru = 20gp

12-Sep-2008, 06:11 PM
You might just catch me, too, hells. I don't plan on buying anything this month except for Duke Nukem 3D on XBLA. Bring it!

12-Sep-2008, 06:36 PM
ive got a pile of 6 360 games unstarted, this **** is on dude, THIS **** IS ON!!:lol:

13-Sep-2008, 06:26 PM
Bad Company again:

The Anit-Mechanic = 20gp
Been There, Drove That = 20gp


13-Sep-2008, 06:40 PM
so bro'seph mengler, what be your gamerscore now?

13-Sep-2008, 06:44 PM
Bad Company again:

The Anit-Mechanic = 20gp
Been There, Drove That = 20gp


so bro'seph mengler, what be your gamerscore now?



14-Sep-2008, 03:19 AM
zombie hunter in Dead rising....


God I love the maintenance tunnels...driving back and forth between vehicle spawns is awesome nutters.

14-Sep-2008, 10:59 AM

Er, I think "bro'seph" is a reference to Mo, is it not? :rockbrow:

As for my gamerscore, or points or whatever the bollocks you call it, it's something like 5700gp or whatever now. Admittedly out of a possible more than double that, but there's so many achievements that don't apply to me - such as online achievements - or ones I just can't be arsed to do, scenes as I'm not an achievement whore.

14-Sep-2008, 12:23 PM
i think mines out of a possible 50,000 by now.

15-Sep-2008, 08:59 AM
I've racked up 230gp this weekend, after playing through 3x levels of COD2 on Veteran difficulty. I borrowed it off a mate and am going through on the hardest difficulty - it's worth it, not only is it a solid and brilliant game, all 1000 achievements are for Veteran difficulty levels and none are online or require any special tasks to be completed...brilliant.

18-Sep-2008, 03:05 PM
Earned some points on Tales and quickly booted Pizzoff from my spot.

18-Sep-2008, 03:29 PM
fist time i turned my 360 on in ages and did the deer run in castle crashers without hitting anything.

18-Sep-2008, 06:28 PM
Earned some points on Tales and quickly booted Pizzoff from my spot.

:shifty: you bastid.


darth los
18-Sep-2008, 06:38 PM
Dude, you gonna let em' get away with that!?!

19-Sep-2008, 09:23 AM
now racked up over 450gp in COD2....only 7 more achievements for the whole game, 2 of which I get just for completing it and rack up 350gp on their own...

19-Sep-2008, 11:21 AM
Complete Chapter 7 - Dark Sector

Just 50pts away from 10 grand. Think I'll play some competitions on Pro Evo :P

20-Sep-2008, 01:22 AM
Another 20 pts for Tales of Vesperia. Beat a large and hard optional enemy.

29-Sep-2008, 09:57 PM
transmissionary, which gives me all achievements for dead rising.

heard that halo 3 now has a bunch more achievements, so i need to get back on xbox live and catch up.

29-Sep-2008, 10:06 PM
completed another world in braid and only need the final piece in world 3 to make it down to 2 left till the real end game gets going, dagnabbit its tricky but that game aint gonna beat me!

darth los
30-Sep-2008, 01:44 AM
My latest achievement is not touching the damn thing for a month. Damn i miss gaming. :(

30-Sep-2008, 04:48 AM
well I did have 250 worth of achievment from kain and lynch but recovering my game tag erased them all, do you know how pissed Iam??

30-Sep-2008, 05:15 AM
Getting 5th place on the leaderboard without doing anything. The ultimate achievement.

*update* We're all wiped out. *L*

30-Sep-2008, 09:54 AM
My latest achievement is not touching the damn thing for a month. Damn i miss gaming. :(
hehe, same here actually. Since finishing Bad Company, I haven't touched my 360. Ain't played a game in quite some time ... why? Busy filming and editing ... and in my spare time - X-FILES MANIA!!!! (nearly half way through season six right now to be exact, I'm doing about a season in a week on average. :cool:)

30-Sep-2008, 11:31 AM
Latest achievements: got over 150gp on the new Halo 3 achievements, including Double Double (two double kills on a legendary map) 3 assassinations on a legendary map, among others.
also got 60gp for Veteran of Point du Hoc on Cod2...

02-Oct-2008, 12:25 AM
man, i can't wait to get back on some halo action..those new achievements have prompted me to get off my ass and get the internet at my place.

02-Oct-2008, 12:40 AM
My latest achievment is completing a few missions on GTAIV.

Let's just say that i'm saving the system for the Ghostbusters game.

Okay....not really. But we'll say that.:lol:

darth los
02-Oct-2008, 01:08 AM
hehe, same here actually. Since finishing Bad Company, I haven't touched my 360. Ain't played a game in quite some time ... why? Busy filming and editing ... and in my spare time - X-FILES MANIA!!!! (nearly half way through season six right now to be exact, I'm doing about a season in a week on average. :cool:)

On top of being a full time student, i'm working full time as well. Not fun dude. But yeah, i did the same thing with the x files. It truly is a great series. One of the few which i would pay for to get the boxed set. I'm waiting for the blu ray release tough.


11-Oct-2008, 10:07 PM
so i finally got my sexbox back online, and was informed that my gamertag wasn't compatible or valid or some crap......so i had to recover my gamertag from xboxlive....and ended up losing over 1000 pts on my gamerscore...it was a little over 6k, but now is back down to 5k. lost all achievments for madden 08, battlefield bad company, ninja gaiden 2, and those last two dead rising achievments i got.

not a big deal, just frustrating.

12-Oct-2008, 02:47 AM
Closed a Great Gate + Champion of Cyrodill <--110 GP right there

more people need to play oblivion

12-Oct-2008, 04:12 AM
Closed a Great Gate + Champion of Cyrodill <--110 GP right there

more people need to play oblivion
Damn straight, Codes. I must return to it sometime as I've still not completed everything yet. Some of those Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild missions are mental!

22-Oct-2008, 09:55 PM
just beat bioshock on hard and got all the tonics, once more on easy to get all the audio-logs and once more on hard WITHOUT DYING ONCE.

should tide me over to dead space.

22-Oct-2008, 10:43 PM
been racking up the new halo 3 achievements:

double double
defend this
came from behind
look both ways
flag dropped
road rage

22-Oct-2008, 11:15 PM
is dead space already out? getting that soon..or monopoly..what ever I'm weird like that.

poker king
journey man, mages guild

coming soon..beat the 4th board on doom muahahaha!!!

22-Oct-2008, 11:30 PM
for us on this side of the pond dead space and fable are both out in less than 24 hours, ive preordered fable and know i love the co-op, but its got hundreds of freezing reports and im actually more excited about dead space.

23-Oct-2008, 01:22 AM
Earned a number of points on Fable 2 and again, smash Pizzoff's chances of catching up. *S*

23-Oct-2008, 09:54 AM
Got one in SR2, the stuff about 'bring back the Saints' or something ... that's the ONLY one thus far, they're proper stingy with giving them out. :rolleyes:

23-Oct-2008, 02:10 PM
I've gotten a few for Fable 2, my latest one was for killing a sweet, innocent bunny rabbit. Even if you didn't like the first one, you should still give this one a go. It's the Zelda game that I've always wanted but never got, and easily the best RPG I've played this generation.

23-Oct-2008, 03:54 PM
240 points from fable 2 last night.

nom nom nom nom

I could show you...but why not show you my 360 blog where my 360 unleashes its creativity and writes one itself?


23-Oct-2008, 04:09 PM
2 achievements for SR2 - one secret one (no idea what it was now) and the "got passed the first stage" one....equally a massive ten points!

23-Oct-2008, 05:24 PM
My last 10 achievements have come in Saint's Row 2. In order I've gotten:

Welcome Back-Completed the Saints Revival prologue
Aww Nuts!-Hit 100 lifetime nut shots
Love Thy Neighbor-Grabbed 50 human shields
Going the Distance-Threw someone a long, long way
Soprano-Sung along to the radio
Seppuku-Defeated the Ronin
Remind Me of the Babe-Defeated the Sons of Samedi
Hello 47-Killed all Hitman targets
Brother's Keeper-Defeated the Brotherhood
A Brighter Future-Defeated the Ultor Corporation epilogue

There is a "secret" mission that I'm going to try when I get home from work. If I get an achievement for it cool, if not, no problem. I'm good to go either way :cool:.

23-Oct-2008, 06:06 PM
am I the only one thats not getting fable 2?

23-Oct-2008, 06:30 PM
am I the only one thats not getting fable 2?

No, count me as someone who's not getting Fable 2 as well.

23-Oct-2008, 07:24 PM
"Surf's Up" on Saints Row 2, a whole whopping 5gp ... in addition to my other 5gp on SR2. :D

But that's now 5800gp total now. :)

23-Oct-2008, 09:36 PM
am I the only one thats not getting fable 2?

i want it an im a huge fan of the original, but its suffering worse glitches than gta 4, in style of and in number of.

i can only get one this week so im getting dead space instead, im gonna wait till i see some fable first hand before i buy.

23-Oct-2008, 09:52 PM
It's the Zelda game that I've always wanted but never got.....

that's a bold statement. is it that good? comparable to the zelda series? i've not played the first, but from what i've heard from two buddies, it was epic. i've thought about checking fable 2 out, and noticed lots of others on my friends list doing so...comparing it to zelda has now sparked my curiosity.:rockbrow:

24-Oct-2008, 04:58 AM
I got the archmage achievement by killing more than 5 enemies with a spell. I leveled up my Shock to level 5. *S*

24-Oct-2008, 09:50 AM
Hellsing - beyond the freezing issue that only some people had with GTA IV (I never had it at all like many, except one minor, very short pause when loading merely one area of the map), GTA IV wasn't buggy in my experience.

Speaking of bugs, I had one on Saints Row 2 yesterday. I got set on fire, but the fire didn't go out, but my health wasn't going down. I was just walking around on fire only able to move, right bikes and shoot. So I flung myself into the nearest ocean to correct the glitch. :p

Let me know what Dead Space is like, I'd be interested in playing it on PC when I get a new rig, especially considering that I really liked Doom 3.

24-Oct-2008, 12:32 PM
Got 3 more in Saint's Row 2:

Vengeance - Exacted revenge on Julius
Do Not Talk About It - Completed all levels of Fight Club
Still Addicted to tha Row - Played Saints Row 2 in single player or co-op for a combined 50 hours :stunned:


24-Oct-2008, 05:39 PM

I've done 12 and thought that was doing well.

I'm at 36% currently, been doing a lot of activites and strongholds especially in addition to some missions, but I've certainly got plenty of story mode left to do.

24-Oct-2008, 07:07 PM

I've done 12 and thought that was doing well.

I'm at 36% currently, been doing a lot of activites and strongholds especially in addition to some missions, but I've certainly got plenty of story mode left to do.

Believe me, that achievement came up on me & I didn't even realize :). I'm at 71% right now. I've spent time on pretty much everything including finishing all the missions including the "secret" mission. Plus, I've spent a good amout of time just causing all sorts of mayhem in the city :elol:.

24-Oct-2008, 08:01 PM
I got the bunny kill on Fable 2.

24-Oct-2008, 09:36 PM
Swinger in fable two..

"You had sex with more then one person...And well why do you think we blacked out the screen?"

24-Oct-2008, 11:07 PM
my character who looks like zorro/a pimp/ a pirate married a bar wench, but to sound like mo' she aint putting out for love nor baconators.

26-Oct-2008, 07:02 AM
im so pissed when i got master wizard i didnt get the achievment for it but i some how got arch mage. HOW DO I SKIP AN ACHIEVMENT I WOULD HAVE HAD 1000 PTS FOR A GAME
