View Full Version : One reason why Jericho got low ratings

16-Mar-2008, 01:46 PM









22 episodes in and the best they came up with is the town going to war with a neighbouring community. Wouldn't hurt to have more conflict between the characters or to have a few with provocative personalities or unsympathetic Aholes that clash like sawyer in Lost.

16-Mar-2008, 02:07 PM
agreed. i gave this show a chance. i think we watched the first 7 or so episodes before stopping. the thing that bothered me about the show was that it was so heavy handed and i also didn't find the way that gerald raney (sp?) interacted with his sons to be very realistic.

plus the show was just too coy for its own good.

16-Mar-2008, 04:21 PM
i tried to enjoy it but it was like 5 minutes of lost or taken stretched over 40 minutes.

16-Mar-2008, 10:52 PM
I got into this long after the 1st season had aired and demolished it in a week. It was really good but they get so far away from the original premise that you think you are watching a soap opera. The beginning of the 2nd season was very poor and I gave up after the 4th episode. Shame really

16-Mar-2008, 11:01 PM
eh, what can you do, sometimes a good foundation idea isnt enough to keep a series fresh, its a shame that stuff like this gets stale and keeps going but genius stuff like kingdom hospital doesnt get picked up again.

maybe if someone mailed stephen king some peanuts or something.

17-Mar-2008, 08:15 PM
For those of you that gave up on Jericho early in the season last time, the show got amazing. From the moment they realized that New Bern was building mortars to attach Jericho to the conclusion, it was some of the best TV going. And Gerald MacRaney (fresh off Deadwood) proved again that he is one of the finest actors working.

This season has been more political. Last season was about physical survival. This season has been about the survival of unalienable rights...and its not as clean as us-them. Seriously, even Esai Morales has proven that he can not only act but that he is likeable. A couple of weeks ago, you couldn't have gotten me to take a bet on that...

No, the reason Jericho has been getting low ratings is that they threw a hiatus in the middle of season 1, put repeats on the SciFi network and then gave it a terrible time slot.

I have no doubt the show will be cancelled. But I'll tell you what...if SciFi produces any Jericho-based tv movies (to replace Manquito and Rock Monster), I am SO there.

18-Mar-2008, 02:31 PM
...and its not as clean as us-them.

see, thats not even a selling point for a show anymore since it would be a breath of fresh air to see a series were it WAS that clear again, its been 10 years now of shows having an "origional.and.edgy" plot about bluured aliegiances.

18-Mar-2008, 04:39 PM
Er, I wasn't talking about edgy or not edgy. I was talking about the fact that the J&R/Ravenwood connection contains elements like Beck and the blonde girl from John From Cincinatti that's actually trying to help.

Besides which, there's a tale in the telling here. The corporate ties between government and industry, the greed running rampant and the fingerpointing at the Middle East. Its not edginess, its more about making relevent political points using a fictional universe, not terrible unlike some of GAR's flicks.