View Full Version : Help me remember the name of a zombie film.

17-Mar-2008, 11:11 PM
Hey guys I need your help. You guys are the experts for all things zombie related so hopefully somebody knows what I'm talking about.

I remember watching a zombie film when I was younger with a very 70's/80's feel (and low budget of course). I rented it from a local video store on VHS (like I did with many cult movies at the time).

I think the movie was an Italian/French zombie movie. What I remember is it took place (or part of it) in a jungle type area. It had a woman with a group of guys with seemingly the same attair as Peter and Roger from the original Dawn of the Dead. I remember there was a scene where the woman had to "blend in" with the natives of the area by stripping down and taking her clothes of. Then applying paint or whatever to her body.

The only other part I remember is there is a scene (possibly at the very end) where the girl and another guy make it to some type of carnival/theme park. For refuge or something I don't know. I think at the end the girl ends up dying on a roof along with the guy. I remember she's getting bit and the zombies literally bites her arm off. Then the camera zooms in on her face and her eyes just explode/pop out. Very gory.

Anyways, for all I know I'm thinking of two different zombie films. If so I want to know what they are. If anybody can help in regards to what they could possibly be I would appreciate it.

17-Mar-2008, 11:16 PM
the only flick your description reminds me of is cannibal holocaust but that isn't a zombie movie. it is an italian movie about a film crew that go into the jungle to do a story and end up running into a very nasty group of natives.

17-Mar-2008, 11:19 PM
I think the movie was an Italian/French zombie movie. What I remember is it took place (or part of it) in a jungle type area. It had a woman with a group of guys with seemingly the same attair as Peter and Roger from the original Dawn of the Dead. I remember there was a scene where the woman had to "blend in" with the natives of the area by stripping down and taking her clothes of. Then applying paint or whatever to her body.
This section sounds a lot like Zombie Holocaust (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079788/) (also known as Doctor Butcher M.D.).

triste realtà
17-Mar-2008, 11:38 PM
U R remembering 2 diff movies:dead:


There's one scene in Hell, and it's in that trailer, where he shoots the zombie while they're escaping the house in the jeep and the dude cracks his head on the door frame. Hurts every time I see it.

17-Mar-2008, 11:55 PM
Is that the one where the zombie comes up out of the water to snag that woman?

17-Mar-2008, 11:59 PM
triste realtà: Yep, those seem to be what I'm thinking of. Man... it must of been like 10 years since I last seen them though. I don't remember much of what happens in the videos but some parts I do.


Btw, I like how Hell of the Living Dead took the music from Dawn of the Dead.

18-Mar-2008, 12:44 AM
U R remembering 2 diff movies:dead:

There's one scene in Hell, and it's in that trailer, where he shoots the zombie while they're escaping the house in the jeep and the dude cracks his head on the door frame. Hurts every time I see it.

Triste is right.

HELL, I think, tried to pass itself off as a sequel to ZOMBI: DAWN OF THE DEAD. If you view it as a GAR fan, it's pretty funny in how much they tried to rip off DOTD!

22-Mar-2008, 02:20 AM
Your mixing up 2 different movies.

The one with the Swat Guys and the Woman who has to get naked and paint her body has several titles, but when i saw it at the theater as a kid, and the DVD I own is called Night of the Zombies.

A Chemical plant releases something called Sweet Death which causes a zombie outbreak. It has some good scenes, but over all, it its a pretty crappy movie.