View Full Version : 'The Happening' - oh dear!

20-Mar-2008, 01:30 PM
I had high hopes for Shyamalan’s new film, 'The Happening', but having read a review of the script it sounds utterly UTTERLY terrible!

The link below contains some big spoilers so read at your own risk...


ps: Please take the usual precautions posting stuff on this forum that might be considered a spoiler!!

20-Mar-2008, 02:08 PM
I noticed this guy didn't mention how he got the script. Does he have any credibility? I'm not really expecting much because I haven't really liked M. Night's past few films...

I didn't read the spoilers, but the trailer made the film look decent. On the other hand, I'm sure someone good at editing trailers could have made "Glitter" or "Batman & Robin" look good.

20-Mar-2008, 04:40 PM
Meh, thus far i've liked everything he's put out. The village was a little lackluster. but what the plot lacked the art direction more than redeemed.

i've seen this script reviewed elsewhere and while some of the plot elements seem on par with what AICN or CHUD have published. this review seems like a ****tard's guide to making fun of Shyamalan.

19-May-2008, 09:23 AM
More bad news... http://www.aintitcool.com/node/36786

Some of the ideas sounds great. People just gone mad and scenes where people are shooting themselves in the head, the gun falls to the ground and the next person just picks it up and shoots themselves, and the next person then calmly picks it up... etc...

19-May-2008, 01:21 PM
WOW, Mark's performance was horrible, really really horrible. Well I will take that off my list of must sees this summer.

19-May-2008, 08:39 PM
I had high hopes for Shyamalan’s new film, 'The Happening', but having read a review of the script it sounds utterly UTTERLY terrible!

The link below contains some big spoilers so read at your own risk...


ps: Please take the usual precautions posting stuff on this forum that might be considered a spoiler!!

High Hopes? Are you INSANE? Shamalamadingdong hasn't put out a decent film since Sixth Sense, and all his other craptastic flop fests have been riding Sixths fame for all it was worth. I vowed NEVER to see another Shamalamadingdong film after I forced myself to sit all the way through the Village. I am still scarred from that monumental waste of film, time and life.

20-May-2008, 02:07 PM
Shamalamadingdong .

Gee. How original and funny.:rolleyes:

I've still got a slight interest in seeing this film. Whalberg's performance in that clip did seem a bit "off", but I don't think that will hurt the entire film.

20-May-2008, 02:09 PM
i haven't been interested in this guy's movies for ages. the sixth sense was a transparent snooze fest as far i am concerned. one of those "hype" movies. boring.

20-May-2008, 02:17 PM
i haven't been interested in this guy's movies for ages. the sixth sense was a transparent snooze fest as far i am concerned. one of those "hype" movies. boring.

I've never liked Sixth Sense as much as most people did, but I loved "Unbreakable". You should check it out if you haven't seen it. It's not what I expected at all.

20-May-2008, 06:25 PM
High Hopes? Are you INSANE? Shamalamadingdong hasn't put out a decent film since Sixth Sense, and all his other craptastic flop fests have been riding Sixths fame for all it was worth. I vowed NEVER to see another Shamalamadingdong film after I forced myself to sit all the way through the Village. I am still scarred from that monumental waste of film, time and life.
I agree with you 100% except that it took you until The Village to realize what a hack director this guy is. You should have known by Signs. :D

20-May-2008, 06:28 PM
i loved signs.

bite me, even mel "sugartits" gibson did a good job in that.

20-May-2008, 08:04 PM
i loved signs.

bite me, even mel "sugartits" gibson did a good job in that.
Nobody is saying that you can't like Signs, though that doesn't change the fact that it's a ridiculous movie. Anyone familiar with Living Dead cinema should recognize a poor siege film when they see it.

I didn't care for The Sixth Sense all that much either--certainly not worth the endless parade of lame "twist-ending suspense/thrillers" that Hollywood found necessary to produce in its wake. It's too bad The Sixth Sense's success overshadowed the far superior though lower-budgeted Stir of Echoes.

20-May-2008, 08:45 PM
Gee. How original and funny.:rolleyes:

Hehehehe, I get a kick out of it every time I see it.:o

20-May-2008, 09:21 PM
High Hopes? Are you INSANE? Shamalamadingdong hasn't put out a decent film since Sixth Sense, and all his other craptastic flop fests have been riding Sixths fame for all it was worth. I vowed NEVER to see another Shamalamadingdong film after I forced myself to sit all the way through the Village. I am still scarred from that monumental waste of film, time and life.

I enjoyed Unbreakable and Signs (even though it was flawed - a great ride)

20-May-2008, 10:45 PM
Sixth Sense--Was awesome, in my opinion.

Unbreakable--Well conceived, shaky execution, but solid acting.

Stuart Little--Haven't given it a shot, but it got solid press and made good bank.

Signs--Had some really nice elements to it, didn't like the resolution to the film, but *LOVED* the score.

The Village--Great film about human motivation and the power of choice, but poorly marketed to make people think it would be an actual horror film.

The Lady in the Water--Have not been able to get into it :confused:

The Happening -- Worth giving it a shot, as far as I'm concerned.

20-May-2008, 11:36 PM
Gee. How original and funny.:rolleyes:

I've still got a slight interest in seeing this film. Whalberg's performance in that clip did seem a bit "off", but I don't think that will hurt the entire film.

It is funny, sorry if you don't have a sense of humor.

26-May-2008, 06:12 PM
2 R rated trailers here.


Maybe there is hope for it.

26-May-2008, 06:50 PM
2 R rated trailers here.


Maybe there is hope for it.

Indeed... Some of it may still be worth it :)

27-May-2008, 12:23 AM
they seem to be on par with what was described in the script. which was consistantly referred to as "quite violent".

27-May-2008, 03:23 AM
Unbreakable was just plain awesome. I've enjoyed all his other movies with the exception of the Village. I like the premise for the Happening, Think it could be good, we shall see.

27-May-2008, 06:40 AM
I want to see this movie, the R rated trailers are pretty cool. The quick scene of a guy seemingly feeding himself to a lion was insane. Something makes me think this might be a kind of zombie film, but I am probably wrong.

13-Jun-2008, 09:54 AM
Oh dear.. oh dear... oh dear...


major jay
13-Jun-2008, 10:54 AM
This is the film by which other bad movies will set their standard by. In the not-too-distant future, this is a film that college students will rent, get drunk watching and spend the film's blessedly short 90 minutes mocking it without mercy.

Sounds like a winner to me.

13-Jun-2008, 08:16 PM
I'm still going to go see it.

13-Jun-2008, 08:20 PM
im seeing it tomorrow, but only because i said i go with friends and its either this or the hulk.

13-Jun-2008, 08:35 PM
im seeing it tomorrow, but only because i said i go with friends and its either this or the hulk.

Let us know what you think of it please...

13-Jun-2008, 08:52 PM
Let us know what you think of it please...

Yes, minus spoilers, I will definitely take a quick post on this movie from you, Hellsing, as a bellwether on the movies' viability as enjoyable Summer, theater-fare.

13-Jun-2008, 08:57 PM
Oh dear.. oh dear... oh dear...
This best sums up what I've always thought about MNS since The Sixth Sense: "...the absolutely and utterly predictable 'twist' gimmick 6th Sense, I just thought he was a hack plagiarist of Rod Serling, but without an iota of Serling's skills."

13-Jun-2008, 10:24 PM
what about shymalontinydong?

shymalonanbingbang? or...like....shy..shyma-...that foreign looking directer?

either way he is a tit.

oh, and what a TWEEST.

14-Jun-2008, 12:41 AM
oh, and what a TWEEST.

robot chicken FTW

itll probably be on watch-movies.net soon anyway if you cant be arsed to go and see it.

14-Jun-2008, 12:49 AM
Nobody is saying that you can't like Signs, though that doesn't change the fact that it's a ridiculous movie. Anyone familiar with Living Dead cinema should recognize a poor siege film when they see it.

The "poor" siege scene in Signs was better than in most zombie films I've seen, to be honest.

Ridiculous or not, Signs had something many films lack. Suspense! It was a great film. Especially the first time around. Saw it in the Theathers. Great film.

14-Jun-2008, 12:53 AM
i agree with ned, i for one found signs scarier than the 6th sense, or even night of the living dead for that manner, the booming music when it just walks past the camera was chilling.

did NOT need cgi for the aliens though, only the camo bits and the finger cut of bit, otherwise a guy in a suit would have done.

14-Jun-2008, 08:50 AM
i agree with ned, i for one found signs scarier than the 6th sense, or even night of the living dead for that manner, the booming music when it just walks past the camera was chilling.

did NOT need cgi for the aliens though, only the camo bits and the finger cut of bit, otherwise a guy in a suit would have done.

I concur! And Gibson and Phoenix were plain excellent in their roles!

14-Jun-2008, 09:53 AM
I concur! And Gibson and Phoenix were plain excellent in their roles!

Praise the lord! Say it!

14-Jun-2008, 10:49 AM
Signs was good ... until the aliens were discovered to be killed by water ... yes, invade a planet that's 70% water ... doi. :rolleyes:

That ruined the whole flick for me pretty much, that was so f*cking stupid beyond belief.

Aside from that, it was a pretty good flick, aside also from Shyamalan's cameo, which just set my eyes rolling.

Sixth Sense was alright, I appreciate it for what it was at the time, but I didn't think that much of it to be honest, I preferred Unbreakable to SS, but even that was a bit "hmmm..."

The Village was garbage and I never even bothered to see Lady in the Water ... I might see The Happening (certainly NOT in the cinema) just to see how sh*t it is.


Reminds me of a Robot Chicken skit with M. Night in it and it was just a series of story premises and then a twist would happen and Shyamalan would pop up and go "what a twist!" ... sums it up for me really, lol.

14-Jun-2008, 12:55 PM
Signs was good ... until the aliens were discovered to be killed by water ... yes, invade a planet that's 70% water ... doi. :rolleyes:

That ruined the whole flick for me pretty much, that was so f*cking stupid beyond belief.

Whoever wrote the book the kid had must have been a prophet, thats what got me.

14-Jun-2008, 03:56 PM
Signs was good ... until the aliens were discovered to be killed by water ... yes, invade a planet that's 70% water ... doi. :rolleyes:

maybe they had no other alternative?

-im just back from seeing the happening, WHAT A PILE OF WANK!.

the main character is allready married to .whom i will name "the **** kirsten duntz" ,yet shes the "love interest". we know what it is right off the bat, and its just walking with a few notable deaths throughout.
there were some cameos, like the guy who played dante in clerks, and the cmaerawork was really nice, the plot adn acting however was completely appailing, i laughed all the way through.


14-Jun-2008, 04:47 PM
haha, you paid to see it, youfail.org on you too. :p:p:p

14-Jun-2008, 05:40 PM

Noted! Now I don't have to waste money. Thanks for taking one for the team, Hellsing!

14-Jun-2008, 06:11 PM
the movie was GREAT!!!!! til the ending

14-Jun-2008, 07:01 PM
the movie was GREAT!!!!! til the ending

Worth watching though?

14-Jun-2008, 07:07 PM
Worth watching though?

very much so.

14-Jun-2008, 08:07 PM
are you kidding dude?, i mean to each his own but aside from jhon luquizimo (who played luigi in the mario bros. movie:cool:) and the protagonist all the characters were expendable and forgetful.
The old crazy lady was unneeded, the army officer actually seemed mentally disabled and the female leads role was as bad as a made for the sci fi channel movie tarring dean kain!?!
its easily his worst movie, theres no suspense, everything gets spelt out and the "twist" seems more like an opening for a cheap more of the same sequel.


14-Jun-2008, 08:50 PM

Remake or original? The original was decent, but all I've read about the remake is it's just a massive gash pile.

major jay
14-Jun-2008, 08:56 PM
are you kidding dude?, i mean to each his own but aside from jhon luquizimo (who played luigi in the mario bros. movie:cool:) and the protagonist all the characters were expendable and forgetful.
The old crazy lady was unneeded, the army officer actually seemed mentally disabled and the female leads role was as bad as a made for the sci fi channel movie tarring dean kain!?!
its easily his worst movie, theres no suspense, everything gets spelt out and the "twist" seems more like an opening for a cheap more of the same sequel.


Would you say it was entertaining in a "so bad it was good" sort of way?

14-Jun-2008, 09:27 PM
Both prom night and the happening had me and my friends in stitches the whole way through. Both attempt horror and degenerate to a knee slapping satire of the genre, albeit ,an unintentional one.

major jay
14-Jun-2008, 11:16 PM
I've read a few reviews and can't help wondering if some of the humor was intentional.

*spoiler alert*
Review by Louise Keller:
The Happening is at its most ridiculous when Mark Wahlberg's logic-driven science teacher, Elliot, starts talking to a pot plant in a bid to negate a potential attack of poisonous toxins. Never mind that the plant is plastic or that it sits in one of the rooms of a model home in the middle of nowhere.

That sounds like something you would see in a Ed Wood movie.

14-Jun-2008, 11:26 PM
he doesnt know its plastic, or a model home till after he talks to it.

15-Jun-2008, 05:50 PM
he doesnt know its plastic, or a model home till after he talks to it.

it was hilarious when he was talking to it

16-Jun-2008, 09:43 PM
I just saw this... movie? It was the most unintentionally-hilarious movie I've seen in a LONG time. The death scenes were awesome... but, in my honest opinion, the dialogue was terrible, the directing was god awful, and the thing which caused "the happening" was pretty damn stupid.

A good premise that was terribly executed with extremely sub-par film-making and a horrible antagonist!!!

16-Jun-2008, 10:44 PM
Worth watching though?
He is kidding you, its a HORRIBLE movie... as if the beating us over the head with his ridiculous politics wasnt bad enough, you get ot sit there for 90 minutes and watch people run away from.... wait for it... wait for it.... WIND!!!! OH NO!!!!! WIND IS COMING RUN!

The movie never starts...I didn't feel like i was watching the end of society in this film i felt like i was watching the end of a horrid career. Shamalamadingdong has once again pooped onto the silver screen but used awesome marketing to cover up his utter mess of a film. AVOID this film like the undead plague!

Would you say it was entertaining in a "so bad it was good" sort of way?

NO, It was defiantly not on par on that level with ay Troll 2, it was just a horrid horrid movie that tried to take itself seriously and beat you over the head with BS about pretend global warming, there is even a sign in the film that says "you deserve this" once again mankind is evil and wicked and needs to die so you know the good beings... plants can rule supreme. Its absurd!

The acting was hideous, the story atrocious, there were laughs coming during "serious" scenes in the audience that must not have been intended. This was a horrible horrible film. SOMEONE needs to break Shamadingdongs fingers so he cannot work a camera ever again.

17-Jun-2008, 12:26 AM
I disagree, Khardis. This is definitely going to be a movie I'm going to be picking up on DVD (from the bargain shelf, no doubt) shortly after it comes out. The perfect flick to get with some buddies, drink some beers, burn one, and just laugh your ass off at the movie... in the vein of something like, say, Chopping Mall. A very campy movie, albeit unintentional.

I also had the same viewing experience... although the theatre only consisted of about 12 people, all of us were laughing our ass' off at the unwitting hilarity of a good amount of the movie.

PS - I'm trying to deter from calling this thing a 'film'.

17-Jun-2008, 12:40 AM
i not kidding anyone despite what others say. GREAT movie in that u dont even see a villain or bad guy and its one of those 60's movies where it just relies on your senses to manifest your own personal fear of it. it was good til that craptastic ending. and i WILL be picking it up on dvd

17-Jun-2008, 12:55 AM
he doesnt know its plastic, or a model home till after he talks to it.

....and he only figured out it was plastic because it didn't answer him, right?

17-Jun-2008, 01:11 AM
....and he only figured out it was plastic because it didn't answer him, right?

hahahahaha! :lol:

major jay
18-Jun-2008, 10:46 AM
What do you guys think of this comment by the director? Do you agree? Did it remind you of a zombie flick?

CNN: So a lot of people are going to see this and say, "Is this an environment movie?" Are you sending an Al Gore-like message out here, or is it just a thriller?

Shyamalan: No. 1, it's a B movie. This is the best B movie you will ever see, that's it. That's what this is. If there's other things that stick to your ribs as you walk out, that's great, but it's supposed to be, you know, zombies eating flesh.

CNN: So when you say B, you don't mean honeybee?

Shyamalan: No, I meant like, you know, zombies and killer things running around.

18-Jun-2008, 10:58 AM
Roger Ebert liked the film - http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080612/REVIEWS/545929629

18-Jun-2008, 01:06 PM
I think MNS is essentially regarding zombie flicks as nothing but B Movies in his mind ... pfft ... Dawn of the Dead is much more than just some B movie.

He's not saying that The Happening is a zombie flick, he's saying it's his idea of a 'b movie', and the only example he can think of in such an eloquent manner (sarcasm overload) is "zombies and killer things running around" ... :rolleyes:

19-Jun-2008, 06:48 AM

Heh heh heh. Funny stuff, dude! :lol:

I never been a fan of Shamalonadingdong either.

19-Jun-2008, 09:51 AM
Did anyone that has seen the movie get the idea that M. Night was aiming for a B-movie? Or is this just some crap he's pulling after he realized that the movie sucked?

19-Jun-2008, 10:08 AM
I can't wait to see this film now... It's getting such mixed reviews... I won't pay for the cinema though...

19-Jun-2008, 11:31 AM
Its already been used for the first year film students at college to show in the "why you dont do this" class. im not joking.

19-Jun-2008, 03:34 PM
Did anyone that has seen the movie get the idea that M. Night was aiming for a B-movie? Or is this just some crap he's pulling after he realized that the movie sucked?

I don't know. The more I think back on it, the more it seems very plausible that he was aiming for a B-movie while creating this, and he hit the nail on the head. If that's the case, then kudos to him and I thoroughly enjoy this movie. However, if he just did a crap job and is now trying to cover it up, then boo to him and I enjoy this movie... but not because it's good, but because of how horrid it is.

24-Jun-2008, 03:25 AM
I just watched it, and you know. . . I didn't hate it. It was cheesy as hell and the acting was pretty bad, but I still kinda liked it. Don't get me wrong, It's not Shay's best work, but its better than the Village, and almost as good as Signs. 6.5/10

24-Jun-2008, 03:35 AM
i actually saw the village for the first time this week and dont see why its got such a bad rep, sure it never really gets going, but it tells its story without adding more loose side plots like some movies do and i enjoyed it , much better than the crapening.

24-Jun-2008, 03:36 AM
almost as good as Signs.

Thanks for the warning *turns and leaves theater*

24-Jun-2008, 03:43 AM
Thanks for the warning *turns and leaves theater*


Yeah, maybe not the best example. .

24-Jun-2008, 08:01 AM
I just watched it, and you know. . . I didn't hate it. It was cheesy as hell and the acting was pretty bad, but I still kinda liked it. Don't get me wrong, It's not Shay's best work, but its better than the Village, and almost as good as Signs. 6.5/10

I really enjoyed signs! Great performances by the leads and a nice apocalyptic feel to it!

24-Jun-2008, 10:50 AM
ive never really seen why signs gets such a bad rep compared to his other movies, it wasnt as good as the 6th sense or unbreakable but it was still a good movie.

24-Jun-2008, 11:03 AM
ive never really seen why signs gets such a bad rep compared to his other movies, it wasnt as good as the 6th sense or unbreakable but it was still a good movie.

It had the serious issue that the invaders were utterly poisoned by water, but they were invading a planet covered in water. Moisture, due, rain is all around. Heck you could wee on one of the aliens and kill it :)

But that aside it was utterly fabulous in so many other ways it was worth the ride!

24-Jun-2008, 11:09 AM
but they never explicitly said they want to live on earth right?, maybe they were refugees with no choice, or just wanted earth or its natural recourse ,besides water of course, like metals and gases and the like.

24-Jun-2008, 11:18 AM
but they never explicitly said they want to live on earth right?, maybe they were refugees with no choice, or just wanted earth or its natural recourse ,besides water of course, like metals and gases and the like.
It's still f*ckin' stupid and destroys the whole movie.

Before all that garbage, it was fairly decent though. The siege, essentially, in the farm house was all pretty good and tense.

The Village was utter toss-wank though, and I never even bothered seeing Lady in the Water, even if it did mean possibly getting to see a bit of nipple pokin' out cos she's all wet. :lol:

The Happening has got "free viewing" written all over, like over at a mate's or on telly.

24-Jun-2008, 01:52 PM
but they never explicitly said they want to live on earth right?, maybe they were refugees with no choice, or just wanted earth or its natural recourse ,besides water of course, like metals and gases and the like.

*Hellsing reaches for his brow, a subdued look of tired anguish upon his face.*

"I saw... its thoughts. I saw what they're planning to do. They're like locusts. They're moving from planet to planet... their whole civilization. After they've consumed every natural resource they move on... and we're next. Nuke 'em. Let's nuke the bastards."

24-Jun-2008, 02:00 PM
but they never explicitly said they want to live on earth right?, maybe they were refugees with no choice, or just wanted earth or its natural recourse ,besides water of course, like metals and gases and the like.

Yes, but their whole invasion plan could thwarted by a drizzley day :)

As I said though, I still love the movie... :)

24-Jun-2008, 02:32 PM
*Hellsing reaches for his brow, a subdued look of tired anguish upon his face.*

"I saw... its thoughts. I saw what they're planning to do. They're like locusts. They're moving from planet to planet... their whole civilization. After they've consumed every natural resource they move on... and we're next. Nuke 'em. Let's nuke the bastards."

are you quoting slither?:lol:

24-Jun-2008, 03:27 PM
are you quoting slither?:lol:


Independence Day :rockbrow:

24-Jun-2008, 04:39 PM
Did anyone that has seen the movie get the idea that M. Night was aiming for a B-movie? Or is this just some crap he's pulling after he realized that the movie sucked?

its exactly what he wanted. 60's movies did that a lot. no villain. just played on your senses

24-Jun-2008, 05:40 PM
its exactly what he wanted. 60's movies did that a lot. no villain. just played on your senses

I am glad you brought up the 60's ace...I guess since I was a little kid during that period of time I can appreciate these types of movies more, not to put anyone down here. My point is back in the day ,well, we had to use our imaginations a lot more than you do now. Everything is either cgi or have great makeup. Back then it was left up to your imaginations what happened cause the camera's cut away a lot. Which could be in itself real freaky left to what you thought would happen in a film. Anyway, I liked "Signs", "The Village" was ok, and I do like "The Happening". "The Happening" was nature turning against man it was interesting. It wasn't the wind but what was in the wind that was making people do it(trying not to spoil).
I think this movie is at the least worth a watch. imo!

24-Jun-2008, 06:26 PM
saw this with the gf over the weekend...while it had some redeemeing qualities, i didn't dig the part where they were running from the wind...kinda like the scene in the day after tomorrow where they are being chased by cold air.

overall, 6/10.

24-Jun-2008, 06:27 PM
I am glad you brought up the 60's ace...I guess since I was a little kid during that period of time I can appreciate these types of movies more, not to put anyone down here. My point is back in the day ,well, we had to use our imaginations a lot more than you do now. Everything is either cgi or have great makeup. Back then it was left up to your imaginations what happened cause the camera's cut away a lot. Which could be in itself real freaky left to what you thought would happen in a film. Anyway, I liked "Signs", "The Village" was ok, and I do like "The Happening". "The Happening" was nature turning against man it was interesting. It wasn't the wind but what was in the wind that was making people do it(trying not to spoil).
I think this movie is at the least worth a watch. imo!

Very interesting posts from Ace and Debbie. This last one makes me reconsider some things I've heard about the film, so far. It's now been upgraded back to a viewable rental film.

This movie has bounced all up and down on my expectation-o-meter.

24-Jun-2008, 07:34 PM
Let me get one thing straight. I did not pay to see this movie. If I had, I might not have enjoyed it quite so much. The slightly grainy quality of the version I watched helped to lend creedence to the B movie style. I do have to say this, the end. . . sucked. Stupid. Made me mad.

24-Jun-2008, 08:05 PM
if it didn't have the little bit in france i probably would have seen it more favorably.

25-Jun-2008, 07:47 PM
oooh gee the ending had me to be nice..spitting mad! It was like oooooh c'mon! Not gonna say another word or it will be huge spoiler but, ya, the ending left me down.:mad:

25-Jun-2008, 08:00 PM
Not gonna say another word or it will be huge spoiler

you mean like "bicycle" ?
