View Full Version : Jericho Axed

Dead Hoosier
22-Mar-2008, 01:39 AM
Does anyone here watch Jericho on CBS?
It's the only show I've watched on network TV in so long, and it got the axe today...for good this time.
The Big Three Networks -- where quality alternate reality/sci-fi goes to die:mad:

22-Mar-2008, 05:25 AM
whatever. couldn't get into it and don't like "skeet" anyway.

22-Mar-2008, 12:12 PM
meh, good starting premise, but the acting was like an early episode of the outer limits now i think about it, it just wasnt that good a show.

22-Mar-2008, 05:13 PM
this isn't at all surprising. i tired of this dour, morose and overly coy show after giving a chance last year.

22-Mar-2008, 05:21 PM
Does anyone here watch Jericho on CBS?
It's the only show I've watched on network TV in so long, and it got the axe today...for good this time.
The Big Three Networks -- where quality alternate reality/sci-fi goes to die:mad:
meh i liked it, so it sucks it's done. hopefully the finale next week will wrap it all up in some workable manner.

22-Mar-2008, 11:46 PM
meh i liked it, so it sucks it's done. hopefully the finale next week will wrap it all up in some workable manner.

I liked it too. The producers said if it was cancelled they would look to shop the show around. SciFi may pic it up since it has purchased re-runs to air.

23-Mar-2008, 03:04 AM
Deleted post.