View Full Version : hulu.com...

23-Mar-2008, 05:15 AM
ok mods and admins there's no copyright violation involved in this site. just wanted to get that out of the way up front.

kortick turned me on to this site and i want to share the goodness with you. this website has partnered up with NBC, FOX, the NHL, and the NBA so far (it seems that CBS is going to sign on any day) to provide free online access to both new and classic tv shows, movies and sports. there are commercials that play during whatever you are watching and all the content is fully licensed.

the site just went live on the 12th of march and while it has a pretty decent selection now, it just keeps growing by the day. i am a huge fan of 60s and 70s TV and when i saw that this site had lots of eps of "alfred hitchcock presents", "adam-12", "starsky and hutch", "the dick van dyke show", and an obscure horror show called "the sixth sense", i almost screamed like a little girl. it also has newer stuff like "24", "buffy", "30 rock", and others.

it was recently written up both in EW and on the NHL's homepage (the NHL just provided the first of its contributions).

anyway check it out for yourself (if you want to watch any of the R rated movies you need to register, which is free):


23-Mar-2008, 06:44 AM
Great site. I've been watching Arrested Development like crazy on there.

23-Mar-2008, 09:59 PM
I wonder if this site has something to do with the Writer's Strike?

Sounds like a good idea.

24-Mar-2008, 12:39 AM
actually i think this more of the shape of things to come. there does seem to be a market for this sort of thing and i really enjoy being able to see older shows (some rare on DVD) again.

CBS has started offering new and old shows on its site. they have all 3 seasons of the original star trek, a season of hawaii-5 O, and 2 seasons of the twilight zone up so far along with a few other classics as well as pretty much their entire primetime line up.

24-Mar-2008, 03:11 AM

glad i mentioned it to you.

never know what happens in hpotd chat room lol

24-Mar-2008, 03:13 AM
yes kor it is, as usual, all your fault.

it is the 70s shows on there that have me totally smitten.

adam-12, emergency, swat, starsky and hutch, barney miller, etc.