View Full Version : how cool of a double feature would this've been...

26-Mar-2008, 07:59 PM
found this pic on a fansite a while ago. i'll be frakked if i can remember which one. just want to share with the rest of you guys.

why can't the theater in my town do this?

26-Mar-2008, 08:04 PM
No sh*t, man. That would be awesome.

I just recently found this independent theater about 30 minutes away from me(I actually found it because of Diary) that has posters for both Dawn and Day in their lobby. I'm hoping that means they'll play them. I would love to see those films on the big screen...

26-Mar-2008, 08:13 PM
there was an art theater in cincinnati that used to show night68 every halloween as part of a double feature. they'd show another classic horror film followed up by night.

the same place used to show dawn and day as well. it's the reason that i've seen them all in a theater before.

26-Mar-2008, 08:53 PM
I'm pretty sure this place will eventually show Romero's classics. They have a monthly event where they show classic and cult films. They've just recently played The Thing, Suspiria, Repo Man, and Easy Rider plays April 1st.

I noticed this flier that they had for The Thing...

Notice the "Horror Drunx Atlanta" logo? That's what they call it when they play the horror films. SURELY that means they'll eventually play Dawn.

26-Mar-2008, 09:27 PM
Excellent :)

26-Mar-2008, 09:27 PM
Ooh you lucky bastard having something like that in your vicinity! :)

I wouldn't have mind something like that myself.

27-Mar-2008, 06:43 PM
Too bad there are not real "independent" theaters in Las Vegas. The only classic film that I've been lucky enough to see in theaters so far is Halloween.

27-Mar-2008, 07:45 PM
There's these guys in my area, Exhumed Films, that have a triple horror feature every month and have been doing so for about 10 years now. They've never done Romero's dead series, however, they're showing Knightriders soon.

They usually do obscure horror stuff like Tenebre, Don't Open The Window, Satans Cheerleaders, etc. They've also done cult classics like Zombie, Fright Night, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ... so I don't know why they haven't done the Dead trilogy. They don't even have it in their plans for upcoming films.

27-Mar-2008, 07:52 PM
Shunning GAR's zed flicks, but showing Zombi just fine, should be a crime I say, what-what! :shifty:

Although I do like Zombi ... but GAR's are absolute necessity.

27-Mar-2008, 11:02 PM
Dawn '78 and Creepshow? Nice...very, very nice...:D:D:D

Add The Thing and you have a good time, my friend.

28-Mar-2008, 12:27 AM
I know that here in St. Louis we have an art house or what we call a limited run theatre called the "Tivoli" and I know at least every two years they show the cannes cut of Dawn, I might be wrong but I think they actually own some original reels for it