View Full Version : GTA 4 - Final Trailer

27-Mar-2008, 10:52 PM

1 more month :hyper:

27-Mar-2008, 10:56 PM
damn you, coinreturn, and your ways of always being the first to post things like this..you literally beat me to it by less than 2 minutes. :o


let the countdown begin...:cool:

30-Mar-2008, 11:03 AM
There was a site that boasted about having this trailer as "exclusive" ... well it just flat out wasn't exclusive, EVERYWHERE has the trailer. :D

But yeah boy! :hyper: I canny wait!

In the mean time I'll fill the juicy, wet hole of time with BioShock. :D

31-Mar-2008, 01:43 AM
Bought mate, simple as! :cool:

31-Mar-2008, 11:13 AM
Bought mate, simple as! :cool:
Pre-ordered last year ages ago mate, simple as! :D

Cannot wait! Cannot wait! :)

03-Apr-2008, 02:24 AM
i've been thinking of this game like every hour on the hour....this is going to be a loooooonnnnnnnggggggg month....i literally feel like pulling a cartman and freezing myself for the next few weeks. time is at a standstill...:annoyed:

03-Apr-2008, 03:57 AM
Just went to my local GameStation and I'm guaranteed one for release day. YAY!

03-Apr-2008, 10:34 AM
I just hope where I ordered it from online get their stock in before release, so they all get dispatched ahead of schedule so they at least arrive on the day of release.

I've had it pre-ordered for f*cking ages, over a year now I think, so I'd better not get that "out of stock" crap. It surely should be first-come-first-served with such an item.

The prospect of waiting another several days for it while everybody else is cumming all over it's face while laughing hysterically isn't sh*t hot. :rockbrow::p

03-Apr-2008, 11:39 AM
How did I miss this thread?:eek:

And of course, now that I found this thread and try to watch the trailer, the website hosting it is down.:mad:

03-Apr-2008, 12:18 PM
It'll be all over YouTube.

... Yep, here it be ...


Now here's a question, there's a song during this trailer. Right at the start where the chopper is passing by, is that a sample from Day of the Dead used in the track?

03-Apr-2008, 12:53 PM
Looks awesome!:D

The graphics are obviously better than past games, but the characters still have that semi-crappy look that's become associated with the GTA games...

03-Apr-2008, 01:24 PM
Everything including characters look a damn sight better than before, all upgraded graphics.




Bit of a difference. :p

How do you mean "crappy", like not human-looking enough? Perhaps an element of 'cartoon-ish human beings' so it restrains the realism of the violence, or impact of the violence or whatever.

Ah mate, canny wait to play it. :)

03-Apr-2008, 01:36 PM
Everything including characters look a damn sight better than before, all upgraded graphics.

Bit of a difference. :p

How do you mean "crappy", like not human-looking enough? Perhaps an element of 'cartoon-ish human beings' so it restrains the realism of the violence, or impact of the violence or whatever.

Ah mate, canny wait to play it. :)

Like I said, the graphics are obviously better. I guess "crappy" may not have been the right word. I should have said that the characters still look like GTA characters rather than any other human character from any other game. They have a certain....."something". Something about them just screams "GTA!". It's definitely not a bad thing.

03-Apr-2008, 01:42 PM
Of course it's gonna look like GTA ... it's GTA. :p:)

This'll blow Saints Row out of the water easily. I enjoyed Saints Row, and spent many, many hours playing it, but the story and characters were devoid of any strong humour or character. I didn't give a bollocks about any of the characters in Saints Row, while in GTA, I always do (about most of them anyway). GTA has always had the better storylines anyway, while in SR it was all a bit too "gangsta", which after San Andreas felt a bit pointless, all that bling-bling stuff is just lame anyway.

SR is good for a preview of what's to come from GTA4 really, and it was enjoyable of course, but just didn't have the x factor that GTA has.

03-Apr-2008, 03:02 PM
GTA characters have always had a certain style about them, which I don't mind at all. I preordered a copy last Friday and I too hope I'll be playing it on release date while everyone else is as well.

03-Apr-2008, 03:15 PM
The prospect of waiting another several days for it while everybody else is cumming all over it's face while laughing hysterically isn't sh*t hot. :rockbrow::p
A lot of the games magazines have their copies already and according to the hype, it's killer mate. :cool:

03-Apr-2008, 03:18 PM
im still 100% sure ill buy it adn really enjoy it but jsut cant get excited for this one really, rock bands release next month has me more excited to be honest, though no doubt gta IV's gonna rock russian accented cock but i dunno, i just dont feel that "oh ****,, ive GOT TO get this on launch day when the store opens" like i did with halo 2 or vice city.

03-Apr-2008, 03:28 PM
This is one of the only games I know I want to have on release date, whether I do is another matter of course.... :confused:

While I'm sceptical about the lasting fun of multiplayer on 360 games after my experience with other games, the fact that in GTA IV you can master the streets, the cars and the guns and only have the multiplayer gamemodes to learn means there's not so much chance of being completely outclassed when going into multiplayer for the first time.

I just hope I get the chance at least once to make a massive roadblock of cars with some people and stand-off against the police :hyper:

03-Apr-2008, 03:35 PM
Are they real? You decide...

Clickety clack (http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/03/29/gta-iv-achievements-edition-ii-descriptions/)

03-Apr-2008, 04:58 PM
Seem real enough to me anyway, if so, most look pretty cool to me. :)

*side steps hellsing's GTA jadedness* :p

*spoodges all over GTA4's face* :lol:

Canny wait! :)

It's not really anything new - but it's the new installment of something awesome, and you know it's gonna be awesome - like Indiana Jones 4.

03-Apr-2008, 05:25 PM
GTA is a series in which every game in the series has been excellent. I remember buying GTA2 for the PC the day it launched, and even though it was a top-down, 2D view, I played for hours at a time because of the sandbox style world and simple yet addictive gameplay. I expect nothing but near-perfection with GTA 4, and with online free-roam, it shouldn't have too much trouble reaching the bar we've all set so high for it.

03-Apr-2008, 07:17 PM
But here's a question, will it shift more units than Halo 3 did on the SexBox?

Probably more across both platforms (and then with PC eventually), but specifically, will it be the new Xbox best seller?

I'm thinking maybe not, Halo is one age rating lower...but then again GTA is a behemoth title...ooooooh.

03-Apr-2008, 07:19 PM
I think it will definitely give Halo a run for it's money. I don't know about surpassing it, but it will be a close race.

03-Apr-2008, 08:41 PM
I don't mind whether it beats Halo 3 or not, I know I'll be enjoying it for much, much longer and that's all I care about :D