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View Full Version : silly movie sequel ideas...

28-Mar-2008, 12:55 AM
my friends and i have been throwing around crazy sequel ideas for years. pick a movie then put an absolutely ridiculous cast with a nutty plotline, all in the form of fake trailer.

my lastest offering: The Passion of the Christ II: the savior strikes back. starring arnold schwarzenegger as jesus.

all jesus' lines should be done in your head in arnold voice. the -- i am using to indicate movie trailer guy voice overs.

--in a world where the messiah has been betrayed, only one man can return from the dead to wreck final vengenence. this summer, jesus is coming and you better believe he is pissed off.

you will be stunned by the action.--

(cut to scene of arnold-jesus confronting pilate)

pilate: "i thought you believed in turning the other cheek."

jesus: "i'll do that after i've ripped yours off your face!"

--you will shocked by the retribution.--

(cut to scene of arnold-jesus in front of the temple priests)

jesus: hey you remember those 40 pieces of sliver? well, here's your change." (sound of roaring machine gun)

--with his faithful sidekicks, peter and thomas at his side, nothing will stop the final showdown, not even the love of a woman.--

mary magdalen: "i can't believe that you'd rather hang with your friends and deal out bloody vengenece than show me some love."

jesus: "hey, bros before hos baby."

--when he finally catches up to his betrayer, you will be on the edge of your seat.--

(cut to scene of jesus nailing judas to a cross)

jesus: "hey judas. stick around."

--coming this summer, arnold's greatest action masterpiece since kindergarten cop and in his finest performance since twins, the passion of the christ II: the saviour strikes back.--

the passion of the christ II: the saviour strikes back is a nipplelickin production.

arnold schwarzenegger as jesus
tom arnold as peter
dolph lundgren as thomas
phyllis diller as mary magdalen
and featuring
lorenzo lamas as pontius pilate.

disclaimer: this is all in fun. i am not trying to offend anyone or anything. just have a laugh.

28-Mar-2008, 07:39 AM
I always loved Family Guys ad for Passion 2

29-Mar-2008, 12:06 PM
Titanic 2: Electric Boogaloo (any excuse for that sub-title :D)

Shawshank Redemption 2: Andy's Back!
Andy is hunted down, tossed back in jail, he never gets out, there's no redemption going on anywhere and ultimately nobody is uplifted...:p

Terminator 3: Rise of...oh wait, they actually made that one...dang...