View Full Version : tooth and nail...

31-Mar-2008, 07:52 PM
ok first off this movie is just simply ridiculous. the reason for the apocolypse and the death of over 80% of the worlds population is so stupid that i am not even going to write about it. it is that fraking dumb.

edit: ok i will give the reason but as a spoiler.
the gas runs out. suddenly and without any warning. the wells just go dry and people start running mad in the streets and killing each other. i am serious. i couldn't make up crap like this. wells run dry overnight and mass panic ensues.

anyhoo - there is suspension of disbelief and then there are movies that simply make you go

this one falls squarely into the latter category. it pits two groups of people, one lead by robert carradine that have taken up refuge in a hospital and another led by michael madsen and vinnie jones (surprise, surprise he is a villian - shocking huh?) that have become cannibals and prey on the other human survivors for food.

this is the single dumbest thing in the entire movie - why these folks want to eat other people isn't really explained very well because in reality, food isn't that scarce. granted, the grocery stores have been picked clean BUT these morons are armed and living in a world where wildlife is rapidly taking the cities back over. guess what geniuses - animals are made out of meat and they are all around you.

why is it that every single retro-barbarian group in movies has to dress like extras from the road warrior movies? that is a bit irksome too. i half expected the ayatollah of rock-a-rolla to make an appearance.

that is about all the thinking i can do about this movie without my brain hurting. ugh - i had high hopes for this one based on the synopsis but alas it is a dud.

31-Mar-2008, 08:21 PM
edit: ok i will give the reason but as a spoiler.
the gas runs out. suddenly and without any warning. the wells just go dry and people start running mad in the streets and killing each other. i am serious. i couldn't make up crap like this. wells run dry overnight and mass panic ensues.

Be warned, once you have seen this, you cannot un-see it. :D

31-Mar-2008, 10:32 PM
why is it that every single retro-barbarian group in movies has to dress like extras from the road warrior movies? that is a bit irksome too. i half expected the ayatollah of rock-a-rolla to make an appearance.

Don't be silly. Don't you know the 1st thing you're supposed to do when the apocalypse occurs is put on a$$-less chaps, cut your hair in a mohawk & dress like one of the Village People? :lol:

31-Mar-2008, 11:18 PM
Don't be silly. Don't you know the 1st thing you're supposed to do when the apocalypse occurs is put on a$$-less chaps, cut your hair in a mohawk & dress like one of the Village People? :lol:

I prefer the hockey mask look myself...accomponied by loads of dramatic arm/hand gestures...whilst saying stuff like...

"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war..." :D


01-Apr-2008, 01:41 AM
Don't be silly. Don't you know the 1st thing you're supposed to do when the apocalypse occurs is put on a$$-less chaps, cut your hair in a mohawk & dress like one of the Village People? :lol:

I wish knew the version of The Village People you speak of... I'm used to the ones that look like a cop, construction worker, Native American, and two other professions that seem to slip my mind (perhaps strippers?).