View Full Version : Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Trailer

05-Apr-2008, 11:23 AM
for my fellow halo fanatics:


pretty excited about this. i'm looking forward to forging the avalanche level:thumbsup:

this should hold me over till>>>>GTAIV:hyper:

05-Apr-2008, 11:29 AM
Whinge of the day: American date systems are bizarre....!!!!

On topic: looks cool - and good point about tiding you over til GTA 4, I've been re-playing COD4 just to keep busy with it....kinda debating which multiplayer is more frantic, hoping these maps reach Halo 3's potential of being heavy going, fast paced and stuff.

05-Apr-2008, 01:38 PM
i only just got the damn heroic maps :lol:

and theyve gone form heroic to legendary, whats the next map pack gonna be called?

05-Apr-2008, 02:23 PM
whats the next map pack gonna be called?

'ard as nails
(where everybody dresses up as Harry Enfield characters and catch-phrase each other to death)

Operation: Concrete Bollocks
(where you can only kill anybody with your concrete nuts, teabag style)

(where you can only kill anybody by glassing them while calling them a "c*nt" down the internet)


Meh, duno...I've still not gotten Halo 3. :p

Will get it one day I guess when it's well cheap, I was only into Halo for the multiplayer (which was me and 3 other mates at uni). Don't have XBL, so...meh.

05-Apr-2008, 02:48 PM
i like that there Begbie idea.

05-Apr-2008, 02:53 PM
next map pack will probs be called Mythic Map Pack....

05-Apr-2008, 03:08 PM
A true Lockout remake? I'm there.

05-Apr-2008, 09:41 PM
should have a hpotd halo 3 tournament :P

05-Apr-2008, 10:03 PM
should have a hpotd halo 3 tournament :P

i know, ive been thinking about something like that for a while, since most of us are 360 owners with live accounts and seem to have roughly the same tastes in videogames theres a good few multiplayers we could use over live from fps to racing to organise some kind of tournament.

and then theres left for dead when that comes out, one of the big selling points for me is gonna be playing that with some of you guys on my freinds list adn seeing who would run off and save there own ass instead of helping and whatnot, i reckon with other romero fans itd be way better.

05-Apr-2008, 10:20 PM
****, i don't i have ya on my live account hellsing haha.

it would be fun though, i could owned. i tend to suck when i'm not into the game though, but when i get into halo mode, goddamn am i ever good...

05-Apr-2008, 10:52 PM
my favourite wa to play is drive a warthog to a really dodgy place, or fly a banshee to the "lip" of the level adn snipe or go nuts with the chaingun.

oh yeah. i play dirty, stleath camo, grenades, i really go for the straight up rna and gun method, back smacking is a joy of mine.

though i reckon theres enough orange box owners to get some tf 2 games going as well.

05-Apr-2008, 10:54 PM
i hatesniper matches..i am terrible tthem. i prefer to either run u over ot have a straight up gun fight tbh...i wish the skorpion was available in multiplayer though..i have yet to see it..

05-Apr-2008, 11:00 PM
im pretty good with a sniper but in the sniper events the secondarys allways shotgun, and if you can learn to swtich fire between the two you can have a lot of fun in those levels.

05-Apr-2008, 11:41 PM
I hope to play L4D and maybe GTAIV with some of you guys, L4D especially for the obvious reasons :)

06-Apr-2008, 03:16 AM
i'm pretty sure that scorpions will be on the avalanche map. if not, you could always go and add them in forge.

06-Apr-2008, 01:16 PM
Forge is okay, it takes awhile to get used to though; item placement is haphazard with some structures though (ie walls) and it requires alot of skill and patience to build. If your good at it though, your only limitation is your imagination.

and shotty snipers are the best man, i love the **** gun...i hate the sniper magnum matches though, god damned do i hate them.

Me and my bud played a snipers/magnum match the other day, and we faced off against 2 people who practically lived for the snipers. asshats could pull off headshots and **** while jumping in the air, from the other side of the level...

we lost 2 to 25, and it still pisses me off to no end. Sad thing is, we played against em next game, same mode, and lost 11-25 though.