View Full Version : Uwe Boll to quit....

07-Apr-2008, 11:20 AM

i'll find the petition


07-Apr-2008, 11:30 AM
i posted the same one on here a while back when it was at 10,000, 8000 more people msutve got sick of him since then:lol:

07-Apr-2008, 11:50 AM
:D I have signed it myself twice.

Wow I must be dyslexic.

I have signed it twice myself.

07-Apr-2008, 12:10 PM
for the love of all that's holy - everyone sign this. get everyone you know to sign it, even if they aren't familiar with the horror of uwe boll.

think of the children.:D:p

07-Apr-2008, 01:01 PM
I'm not gonna sign it. Why would I want someone who loves making movies to stop making movies? Better just not watch them.

07-Apr-2008, 02:09 PM
I'm not gonna sign it.
Neither am I. Why should Uwe Boll stop making films? Okay, he's a crap director but somebody must be getting a kick out of his movies. Why should I deny them that. I could name a few others that are worse than him.

07-Apr-2008, 03:18 PM
46500 Total Signatures now :lol:

07-Apr-2008, 03:38 PM
I have to agree with Ned and Capn. True, he makes horrible films, but that doesn't mean has to quit doing so. If I don't like his work, I just don't watch it.

Ed Wood made sh*tty films, but the history of cinema wouldn't be the same without him...

07-Apr-2008, 06:29 PM
Yeah, but Ed Wood wore women's clothes, instead of fighting critics (who can't box) in a boxing ring (where Boll is adept).

Ed Wood also came up with his own (albeit lame) stories. Uwe Boll just rapes a bunch of videogame franchises and uses oddball German legislation to make sh*t movies that'll make nobody any money, movies which cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than Plan 9 or whatever.

Plus, Ed Wood has really cheap production values and makes a crap movie, which is entertaining because it's so bad.

Uwe Boll makes really expensive movies that are completely awful, and not in a 'good cos it's bad' way either ... they're just a bucket of ebola. :lol:

07-Apr-2008, 07:11 PM
Yeah, but Ed Wood wore women's clothes, instead of fighting critics (who can't box) in a boxing ring (where Boll is adept).

Ed Wood also came up with his own (albeit lame) stories. Uwe Boll just rapes a bunch of videogame franchises and uses oddball German legislation to make sh*t movies that'll make nobody any money, movies which cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than Plan 9 or whatever.

Plus, Ed Wood has really cheap production values and makes a crap movie, which is entertaining because it's so bad.

Uwe Boll makes really expensive movies that are completely awful, and not in a 'good cos it's bad' way either ... they're just a bucket of ebola. :lol:

I didn't mean for the Wood reference to be my main point. My point is - who cares if this guy is making bad films? Let him have fun with it. Nobody is making people watch his films...

07-Apr-2008, 08:38 PM
This twattish petition wont stop Uwe Boll making films. He wont even get a million signatures. :rolleyes:

07-Apr-2008, 09:09 PM
meh, he's a **** and a worthless human being. but honestly there are worse films that the crap boll pumps out.

07-Apr-2008, 11:21 PM
"German director Uwe Boll says he will quit making films if a petition demanding him to stop gets 1 million signatures."

He's acknowledged the petition which means he sees it as a publicity opportunity. Why else call for one million signatures demanding that you cease your craft? Today's "artists" would rather be infamous than forgotten.

07-Apr-2008, 11:42 PM
Can we organise a petition for his immediate suicide?

I'll sign that one a million times myself!

07-Apr-2008, 11:51 PM
Heres an idea

Stop watching his movies if they make you so pissed off. Seriusly, it's annoying to hear this about him all the time. as has been allready said, he enjoys making movies; and there are obviusly people out there who enjoy his films.

There is always a niche for a film, no matter what popular opinion is, someone will enjoy it, why take that away from them? All you have to do is not watch the films, not pay attention to him, and you'll be good.

There are plenty of people who absolutely HATE the Dead Series and Romero, or think he's a hack, but there are obviusly those who enjoy his films (as this, and numerous other sites would present) , and if he suddenly stopped making anything, how would you all feel? Now replace Romero with Uwe Boll, and you'll get what not only I, but others here are saying.

08-Apr-2008, 12:15 AM
ive said before he pisses me off that eh makes such crap but gets such exposure when theres films much more deserving of attnetion that get none, but at the same time i dont think he should stop making movies, i sure as hell aint gonna watch em, but if he lvoes what he does enough to beat the **** out of critics more power to him:lol:

08-Apr-2008, 12:32 AM
Heres an idea

Stop watching his movies if they make you so pissed off.
Here's an even better idea:

I've never seen a single one of Boll's movies, and I'm 100% certain that I never will.

And I accomplished all that without signing a petition. Amazing!

There are plenty of people who absolutely HATE the Dead Series and Romero,
And I say that those people are misguided freaks, though I don't believe this has anything to do with personal preference. The point of the Boll petition seems to be that there are people (fans) of the established properties (video games) that Boll is pissing all over with his films, and these folks would like him to cease and desist.

Petition or not, I could see a similar outcry if Rubinstein continues to license the DEAD remake franchise to hack directors. The difference here is that Boll is an attention whore, while Rubinstein just wants your bread.

08-Apr-2008, 12:42 AM
The difference here is that Boll is an attention whore, while Rubinstein just wants your bread.

But which of those is worse?

08-Apr-2008, 12:47 AM
if everyone who signed the petition already
send in a dollar

we could easily afford to have him shot
and his body crushed in a junkyard.

be money left over too....

not that I would ever condone
such a thing of course.

08-Apr-2008, 11:30 AM
we could easily afford to have him shot
and his body crushed in a junkyard.
Wouldn't this be overkill?

Why not just force him to watch a few of his movies?

09-Apr-2008, 01:45 PM
I don't care if you absolutely loathe this man....but you HAVE to give him props for this:



09-Apr-2008, 02:13 PM
I don't care if you absolutely loathe this man....but you HAVE to give him props for this:



bwahahahaha:lol: even though uwe isn't a genius by any stretch of the imagination he is right about a few things: michael bay is a retard, eli roth does make the same sheyat over and over, and george clooney has turned into some sensitive "ponytail" type, spouting off endless amounts of bulls*it about "social consciousness."

great find bassman.

09-Apr-2008, 05:54 PM
I don't "get" the sheer amount of Michael Bay bashing.

Fact is, the dude can make absolutely huge movies which are logistical nightmares, and not many can do that and handle the stress as well as the massive scale.

Pearl Harbour was still sh*te, and The Island wasn't that good, but Bad Boys 1 and 2 are solidly entertaining romps ... Transformers was also really entertaining ... and The Rock was awesome. :D

Now before you go all "blaaaargh" over me, be reminded that my favourite movie of 2007 is The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

I'm a man of many tastes.

Clooney - meh, take him or leave him, seems like a fun guy though ... but then again, he's far from the only celeb who's all a bit fart-sniffy.

Eli Roth - I dug Cabin Fever, and his trailer in Grindhouse was awesome ... but Hostel 1 and 2 were either "meh" or utter sh*te.

Uwe can suck a stick of lit dynamite. :lol:

09-Apr-2008, 07:18 PM
For those that don't get it, Uwe is sarcastic about his "genius" in that video. It's pretty obvious. The guy has a sense of humour. I think he seems like a great guy in person. His movies aren't great, but in noway do I want this guy to stop being apart of popular culture.

09-Apr-2008, 07:26 PM
For those that don't get it, Uwe is sarcastic about his "genius" in that video. It's pretty obvious. The guy has a sense of humour. I think he seems like a great guy in person. His movies aren't great, but in noway do I want this guy to stop being apart of popular culture.

Yeah, I picked up on the sarcasm. I bet Boll absolutely loves Michael Bay.:p

Not so sure about Eli Roth, though. He was probably serious about that hack...

09-Apr-2008, 07:57 PM
For those that don't get it, Uwe is sarcastic about his "genius" in that video. It's pretty obvious. The guy has a sense of humour. I think he seems like a great guy in person. His movies aren't great, but in noway do I want this guy to stop being apart of popular culture.

i got the sarcasm about himself. anyone who calls themselves a genius is either kidding or delusional.

who knows or really cares what he actually thinks about the rest of the people he talked about.

in my opinion michael bay does suck, eli roth is a hack and george clooney gets more pretentious as the days go by.

as for him stopping filmaking. i doubt it seriously, even if 10 million people sign the petition. we will be entertained by uwe boll's bad films for years to come.

and by the way - some may have missed my sarcasm in my first post calling on people to sign the petition. i haven't signed it nor will i. just a personal policy, i never sign petitions or support "causes" of any kind through signing a piece of paper.

09-Apr-2008, 08:31 PM
I don't care if you absolutely loathe this man....but you HAVE to give him props for this:



While I dislike his films, this guy is hillarious. I love that video. I was going to post a link to an article about that response, but I am glad to see that you already posted the whole video (which i had not yet seen).

10-Apr-2008, 09:34 AM
Just to clarify, I "get" his sarcasm ... I still don't like him though, he just annoys me in general. :lol:

The only movie of his I have any remote interest in seeing is Postal, and only because I'm a fan of the franchise itself.

My previous post was just to talk about those particular filmmakers who were mentioned in general ... oh and "Good Night and Good Luck" was a terrific movie, forgot to add that in before.

My main beef with Boll is that he takes all this money and makes garbage time-after-time, meanwhile there's a whole bunch of really great stories out there waiting to be told, but the filmmakers can't get the money to make them, meanwhile he's firing out sh*t-flicks like a chav girl fires out 'keds' for the burberry army.

Ultimately I guess, I see no point or purpose in Boll at all...that's my view anyway...onto other topics though, there's plenty of forum email notifications to sift through today.

10-Apr-2008, 04:02 PM
I don't care if you absolutely loathe this man....but you HAVE to give him props for this:


My hero. :D
Seriously. :cool:

Some balls on the guy.

11-Apr-2008, 02:22 PM

I signed the pro-Boll petition. Give the guy some support! His movies aren't good, but I've seen way worse. Besides, he's got a great sense of humour.

11-Apr-2008, 03:07 PM
I signed the pro-Boll petition. Give the guy some support!
Signed mate.

11-Apr-2008, 07:58 PM
I dont plan on signing either petition
or saying i will or will not see his movies

but I get disgusted by watching a video
of a Nazi wanna be filmaker barking his 'master race'
mentality and proclaiming himself a genius,
and others all inferior to him.

and yes he seriously believes it.

I dont ever recall george clooney saying
anything bad about him that he had to slam

the man is a warped person
who cries at night cuz he wasnt
alive when Hitler ruled.

12-Apr-2008, 11:02 AM
Harsh words for somebody who's taking a crack at sarcasm. Believe him or not, he's not serious. You might just think he is.

Oh, and please, please do NOT mix Hitler or the Master Race into this. That makes you just as bad as him. (Infact, it's extremely racist, of you. Please do not go there again.)

12-Apr-2008, 12:12 PM
Oh, and please, please do NOT mix Hitler or the Master Race into this. That makes you just as bad as him. (Infact, it's extremely racist, of you. Please do not go there again.)

actually hes got part in postal were he claims he funds his movies with nazi gold from his grandfather or something, now thats takin' the piss out of yourself :lol:

12-Apr-2008, 12:18 PM
No Ned

It has nothing to do with racism.

this man slams geoge clooney and his work.
clooney has never spoken ill of boll or his work
and probably has no idea of these petitions
and if he did he would dismiss them by saying
'dont see his movies if you dont like them, just
like you shouldn't see mine if you don't like me, but he has
every right to make them"
thats cuz clooney isnt a wacko

this guy in slamming clooney proves he is a loon.

and I dont see one note of sarcasm in what he is saying.

where do you?

he truly beleives what he is saying

and its not cuz he is german i say he sounds like a nazi
anyone who says i am superior and you are inferior
is speaking the litany of the master race.

this has absolutely nothing to do with racism
i dont care if he was american and lived next door to me
i'd still tell him he sounded like a nazi
and picking on someone like clooney only makes him look
like a wacko even more.

dont take offense Ned
I dont even hate Boll or his movies
but that video pissed me off.

12-Apr-2008, 02:46 PM
actually hes got part in postal were he claims he funds his movies with nazi gold from his grandfather or something, now thats takin' the piss out of yourself :lol:

Yes. I know! Which proves that the man has a sense of humour and is being SARCASTIC.

But actually comparing him to a nazi and Hitler is just... Wrong... And incredibly, incredibly racist.