View Full Version : Who would you save???

11-Apr-2008, 12:16 PM
Given the world is becoming overrun with Zombies and you are stuck in a area without your bestfriend, mother or wife/girlfriend, you can only make it to one of them to save before you have no choice but to hightail it out, who would you go to first.....

or would you just screw them all and haul ass

11-Apr-2008, 12:23 PM
Some of us have a slightly higher priority than a girlfriend, how about our children?

11-Apr-2008, 12:33 PM
Some of us have a slightly higher priority than a girlfriend, how about our children?

That's what I was thinking....

Kids and wife would be first. Mom's lived a full life - Best of luck to her:D. My friends can take care of themselves.

11-Apr-2008, 12:39 PM
:-) Did think of kids but dont have any myself yet....

so didn't put them in maybe when I have some I will repost and add them on there....

11-Apr-2008, 01:09 PM
Some of us have a slightly higher priority than a girlfriend, how about our children?

And for those of us who have no wife or children, how about (insert favorite Hollywood starlet here) ?

11-Apr-2008, 01:14 PM
my friends are on their own. sorry - well actually i'm not.

my parents live 60 miles away on the other side of a large city, so i doubt i would be able to reach them. my dad is armed to the teeth though.

my siblings - all i can say about them is to quote the title to a queers song "see ya later fu*kface.

my top priority would be my son. i would risk anything to get to him. i would simply rather be dead than have to live with the fact that i didn't go to him.

my wife would be the second priority.

11-Apr-2008, 01:24 PM
And for those of us who have no wife or children, how about (insert favorite Hollywood starlet here) ?

Dont know about that, after sh***ing her brains out a few times youve got one whiney lil pop diva to carry round and stick your neck out for... :evil:

11-Apr-2008, 02:50 PM
Just me. :(

I hate to say it but anyone who's gonna slow you down will get you killed, period.

11-Apr-2008, 04:12 PM
Just me. :(

I hate to say it but anyone who's gonna slow you down will get you killed, period.

Very true.

Kind of stuck with the girlfriend though, since we live together. Can't really say, "I'm getting out of here! But you stay behind, and get eaten". Won't work; have to keep her.

Luckily, I have nobody else close enough to get to from my house. They're all on their own for this little adventure.

11-Apr-2008, 06:05 PM
My girl. I bought her The Zombie Survival Guide for a reason. :)

11-Apr-2008, 07:03 PM
Girl or kids (if I had any). Otherwise, it depends. I'd try to do my best to save everyone I could, but I'm no octopus. I don't have eight arms.

11-Apr-2008, 07:20 PM
i'd have to put my efforts towards the gf-saving choice. like srp76, i live with mine, so i'd not have to go far. my family lives a couple hundred miles away, but it's pretty rural between here (school) and home, so we'd probably head there, since we're both from the same area.

Zombie Snack
11-Apr-2008, 10:23 PM
it would be my lady.....go hole up and spend our last days doing .....well the same thing we do now...get stoned and f@ck like animals

12-Apr-2008, 02:37 AM
I Love my wife,but I would have to save my son.I wouldn't want to live anymore if something happen to him.

12-Apr-2008, 02:54 AM
Yup, gonna have to lend my voice to this crowd and say my daughter is first. . then my wife. Shoulda added the kids to the mix man. Lot of parents here.:D

12-Apr-2008, 05:00 AM
Depending on their ages and the circumstances, the kids could be saving you.

12-Apr-2008, 04:45 PM
Dont know about that kids seem to be getting more selfish with each passing generation, mine (when I get round to having them) would probs ring me up and say pops you know I love you and everything but I cant risk my life saving your ass, cause if I get killed you would have just wasted the last x number of years raising my sorry ass....

12-Apr-2008, 08:25 PM
Got several male buds, one or two might try to rescue me, IF I needed it, No kids yet, my best friend thinks my interest in shooting is sick. If I rescue Mom Dad comes along and they both have guns.


13-Apr-2008, 01:29 AM
Does "saving" also include mercy kills?

If a loved one will slow a person down and diminish their chances for survival, that may be the only way to save them if one doesn't have the stomach to abandon them to a horrible fate at the hands of the living dead.

13-Apr-2008, 09:47 AM
Does "saving" also include mercy kills?

If a loved one will slow a person down and diminish their chances for survival, that may be the only way to save them if one doesn't have the stomach to abandon them to a horrible fate at the hands of the living dead.

Depends if they have been bitten or not, I wouldnt consider it a mercy kill if they are healthy and well.....

13-Apr-2008, 05:53 PM
Depends if they have been bitten or not, I wouldnt consider it a mercy kill if they are healthy and well.....

I meant if age and/or disability were a factor.

14-Apr-2008, 08:55 PM
Having no children (yet) my wife iwould be my main priority. With apologies to the rest of my family, I took a sacred vow and am obligated to defending my woman's honor with my life.

14-Apr-2008, 09:00 PM
I meant if age and/or disability were a factor.

i am going to assume that by age you mean someone elderly (and who has extremely limited mobility) and by disability someone who is either injured or confined to a wheelchair, etc.

then i think by all means a quick bullet to the head would not only be merciful but preferrable to being turned into human carpaccio

14-Apr-2008, 11:58 PM
i am going to assume that by age you mean someone elderly (and who has extremely limited mobility) and by disability someone who is either injured or confined to a wheelchair, etc.

then i think by all means a quick bullet to the head would not only be merciful but preferrable to being turned into human carpaccio

Yup, that's what I meant :(

15-Apr-2008, 08:03 AM
I meant if age and/or disability were a factor.

mmmm... then I have to agree,

Not many people willing to save there best mate then :-)

15-Apr-2008, 12:28 PM
Mother = starter
Wife/girlfriend = main course
best mate = desert

15-Apr-2008, 12:50 PM
Mother = starter
Wife/girlfriend = main course
best mate = desert

I'm sure the girlfrined would match the description of dessert better then best mate

15-Apr-2008, 12:57 PM
Not many people willing to save there best mate then :-)

hopefully your best mate would be capable of taking care of themselves and would have loved ones they'd be trying save.

maybe some sort of rendezvous in an out of the way place would be the way to go with friends. you'd have a better chance with a small group anyway and who would you rather face something like this with? your friends/family or strangers? then again, i live out in the country where everyone is armed. i don't know how much moving around i would do in the beginning - the townies out here would probably be in shoot first mode.

16-Apr-2008, 06:31 PM
Gosh I can't decide. I'm torn. I'm either going to:

- screw them all and grab all the cash I can because money is going to be so important


- screw them all and grab a camera and film everything I can because if it isn't on film it didn't happen


No, but seriously - establish protection for immediate family (wife & kids) first. Then try to coordinate with best bud to meet up somewhere with him and his family.

16-Apr-2008, 06:56 PM
dont own a car and my best mates the only one in walking distance, plus hes a tech guy and great with electronics, so hed come in handy too.

19-Apr-2008, 06:59 AM
I'd do my best to save my wife and step-kids first ... or die trying.


21-Apr-2008, 09:41 AM
Glad to see there arnt many on here that would only save there own asses, though who knows how a person would actully react when actully faced with the situation.

21-Apr-2008, 09:50 PM
I'd save my mom and grandma, since we live with them and our Zed fortress would be our barn... Then save whoever came along, make an organized convoy with people and horses (I'm a horse rancher) to the Airfield 4-H Center, collect supplies and head to my Dad's farm, build up a wall or two and set up watch towers and live happy.

Or alternately stay at the 4-H Center. Big place, hard to make a complete wall but I suppose it could be formatted into a zombie 'moat' and have each major building defended.