View Full Version : Evans City Stores - Poser - Final Cut available

13-Apr-2008, 04:26 PM
I've made the final cut of ECS:Poser available. This is longer than the 3 min GAR Diary of the Dead contest cut and is available both in SD and HD. You can find it Here! (http://www.evanscitystories.com)

We are also casting the next episode so if your in the Raleigh/Durham area check out the casting page.

15-Apr-2008, 02:21 AM
Liked your photography. What kind of camera did you shoot it on?

15-Apr-2008, 03:04 PM
From my other thread...

We had 2 cameras on the shoot. The first was a SONY HDR-FX1. It was our primary camera and held up great. We also had a SONY HDR-SR5 which we used for the daylight shots as well as some of the mobile shots. In the end we should have stuck with the FX1 for the mobiles in the house since it handled low light better. There was a 3rd camera capturing behind the scenes footage but I don't know what it was.

It was edited in Vegas Professional on a kickass quad core WinXP pc.