View Full Version : Spielberg to do 'Ghost in the Shell' 3D film?

15-Apr-2008, 12:16 PM

15-Apr-2008, 06:25 PM

No seriously why?

some one other than speilberg and maybe i'd see the point but do we really need a PG or PG13 version of Ghost?

15-Apr-2008, 07:35 PM

No seriously why?

some one other than speilberg and maybe i'd see the point but do we really need a PG or PG13 version of Ghost?

He can hit harder when necessary (eg: Saving Private Ryan, Munich), but I expect he'd just produce and someone else direct!

15-Apr-2008, 10:31 PM
i say this knowing i'm in the minority, but Shaving ryan's privates did absolutely nothing for me. it was 30 minutes of graphic violence then another two hours of torture. and it stands as one of the only films i've ever fallen asleep during (i **** you not).

Munich was ok, and i have to give him that. i tend to think i'm overtly critical of speiburg because he's done so many of the best motion pictures ever made. but of late he;s just been pumping out crap. minority report, AI, The Terminal, war of the worlds, were just truly bad films.

Back on point i agree he'll more than likely just produce it, which given his current credit on IMDb that seems the best bet around. i just fail to see a need to adapt this one. which i guess is the case for most american remakes. but until either Shirow or Oshii's names are attached to this in a functional manner, i say poo-poo on this one.

16-Apr-2008, 12:41 AM
do they actually think they can improve upon the origional?, what next?, will james cameron decide to do a live action perfect blue?:rolleyes:

16-Apr-2008, 03:50 PM
The Ring

The Grudge

lets leave it alone now, I wish the american studios would stop trying to cash in and ruin movies such as these (imho) they belong to the markets they came from with the directors and writers who put across these chilling classics.

Now they want to ruin ghost in a shell

18-Apr-2008, 11:54 AM
do they actually think they can improve upon the origional?, what next?, will james cameron decide to do a live action perfect blue?:rolleyes:

Ironically, when I watched Perfect Blue, I thought it was boring as hell and the only thing I could think about was how suspensfull this movie would have been had it been real actors and live-action lightning and photography.

As for Ghost in the Shell, same goes there actually. Anime just doesn't intrigue me. Many a-times they've got a good plot but the whole execution of it ruins it for me. It's like filming on film actually looks better than filming on DV. There's a feeling that's lost when you're alienated from the characters through 2D animation.

When I studied film at the Uni, they showed us Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner in the same sitting. It was painfully obvious which one of them was the superior film.