View Full Version : neat little freebie for bioshock fans

16-Apr-2008, 06:52 PM
listening to the xbox 360 podcast by "major nelson" who put up some sound bytes form the game http://majornelson.com/archive/2008/04/03/bioshock-audio.aspx

my phone now does the long circus of values tune when i get a text message, nd that evil clown laughter is allready creepy as fook.

16-Apr-2008, 07:32 PM
"Welcome to the Circus of Value, a-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!!"

I've had dreams with that sound bite in them, no sh*t. :D

Didn't play any of it today, too busy pouring over the Knocked Up 2-disc DVD, and listening to the new M83 album, ho yeah. :cool:

16-Apr-2008, 08:30 PM
"Welcome to the Circus of Value, a-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!!"

I've had dreams with that sound bite in them, no sh*t. :D

Didn't play any of it today, too busy pouring over the Knocked Up 2-disc DVD, and listening to the new M83 album, ho yeah. :cool:

Isn't the second disk of Knocked Up hillarious :lol:

as for the original post, thanks, thats pretty cool.

17-Apr-2008, 03:05 AM
"you beard looks like a 1970's vagina"

"you know whats not gettin' us any, richer reed the shoe bomber here"

"is that bens rabi?"

"was it wierd being american and joining the taliban?"

the beard jokes never get old.:lol:

17-Apr-2008, 10:08 AM
Ah mate, the 2nd disc is packed with great clips. Some are a bit "meh", but others are really good, such as the line-o-rama bits focussing on Jonah getting pissed off about pubes ... it's extra funny cos I had a similar conversation when I was at uni - true story, seriously. :lol:

As for this thingy, sweet, I'll go have a gander.

17-Apr-2008, 10:23 AM
i have no idea were and how you could use the gatherers garden one without looking like a pedophille.

-oh and the scene were jonah biches about brokeback mountain not showing a blow job scene or whatever?

as fook sir, funny as fook.

17-Apr-2008, 12:33 PM
There was quite a bit of Jonah that got cut out, but then again, a LOT of stuff got cut out as they just riffed a hell of a lot.

Jonah's bedside chat with Ben about his fear of babies and how they're all out to get him was superb too.

And Bill Hader's impressions are great, especially his Pacino. :D

17-Apr-2008, 12:37 PM

"did you ever want to kill anyone as a baby jonah?"


"i think you need to go, right now and see a therapist, because someone touched you in the wrong spot or did somethign to **** you up when you were a baby":lol: