View Full Version : "No More Room In Hell" - A HL2 Modification

18-Apr-2008, 10:40 PM
Hello everyone,

I am the lead Public Relations Supervisor for the No More Room In Hell modification for Half-Life 2. I know that there has been some discussion about our mod on these forums, but I just thought I'd take this time to show off some information and media from our mod to get your interested and encourage your to become a part of our community.

For those of you that do not know No More Room In Hell is a game that is being created by zombie fans for zombie fans. We know the zombie rules and culture through and through, and we are trying to be one of the few teams to actually replicate your favorite movies in order to make a great gameplay experience. Taking inspiration from the classic zombie films such as Night, Dawn, and Day of the Dead and a few modern ones as well, we want give each player the same experience that a character inside of a great film or story. We also take inspiration from The Zombie Survival Guide, The Walking Dead, and World War Z which assist us in giving our zombies the correct attributes that true fans are familiar with. There are no boss zombies, no power ups, no crazy weapons, and no player-controlled zombies. This is as realistic as it's going to get. It's just you and your friends vs. the undead world.

You play as an average joe, someone caught in the midst of a worldwide epidemic where you have to band together with up to 7 other teammates to survive in one piece. You must use whatever means necessary to survive. Whether it's grabbing a board off the floor and barricading a door or snatching up that tire iron off the ground to take out a lone zombie in a quiet manner, you will make the choice. The key is survival. If you manage to get bit, then you know that the end is near. Will you take your own life to save your team from being attacked by your corpse? Or will fight and assist them? The choice is yours.

Our team has been in production working on this mod for over 4 years. We have had major ups and extremely low downs. But we have kept on going. We have a dedicated and supportive community that we will not let down. Currently, we have been making the most straightforward progress that we have ever seen. By having solid team through the years and acquiring a lot of new talent (such as a few members from the popular HL2 mod Insurgency), we are getting closer and closer to release. So I strongly encourage anyone that is interested to visit http://www.nomoreroominhell.com and become a part of our community!

Now here is some media for your all to enjoy!

Interview from Interlopers.net which explains exactly what the mod is about and our views on ourselves and the community:

"Work In Progress" Zombie Animations

Map Shots:

"In-Game Shot" Wallpaper:
http://www.nomoreroominhell.com/media/nmrih_maxx_wallpaper_1024x768.jpg - 1024 x 768
http://www.nomoreroominhell.com/media/nmrih_maxx_wallpaper_1280x1024.jpg - 1280 x 1024

Tons of more media can be found @ http://www.nomoreroominhell.com

Take care! I'll be around to answer any questions that you may have.

Thanks for looking.

18-Apr-2008, 11:04 PM
oh i didnt know this was yours, theres 4 levels right? i had a in progress sketch of a farmhouse with a police car in fornt as my wallpaper for ages.

19-Apr-2008, 12:03 AM
We have many more than for levels now.

19-Apr-2008, 11:04 AM
Is it only multiplayer, or is it single player?

19-Apr-2008, 04:11 PM
Multiplayer Co-op.

19-Apr-2008, 08:09 PM
isnt left 4 dead made with the half life 2 engine as well?, thats some pretty stiff competition.

20-Apr-2008, 01:30 AM
L4D is coming out on the source engine, yes. We've been in production long before L4D was announced. I would suggest reading the interview posted there for our team's thoughts on the game. There are some clear differences between us and we are doing something that L4D isn't and that is staying true to the zombie genre in every way.

22-Apr-2008, 04:07 AM
Thanks for the update.
I've been waiting a long time to play this game.
I hope it comes out soon!