View Full Version : favorite superhero/comic characters?

20-Apr-2008, 02:00 AM
here goes:

the x-men (70s lineup)
iron fist
iron man
hell might as well say all of the avengers
fantastic four
blade (tomb of dracula incarnation)


20-Apr-2008, 03:18 AM

That mother fudger is pretty much my favourite comic book hero (or anti hero) ever.

20-Apr-2008, 12:03 PM

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers!

20-Apr-2008, 12:51 PM
Faster than a speeding bullet
More powerful than a locomotive
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...

Look up in the sky!

It's a Bird! It's a Plane. No... it's...


20-Apr-2008, 12:55 PM
Hellboy been my favourite comic book hero since i started reading it way back in ...i dunno 97.

20-Apr-2008, 03:06 PM

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers!


forgot about these guys. classic stoner humor. used to read freak brothers comics all the time back in the day.

20-Apr-2008, 04:11 PM

Captain Underpants! :lol:

Also Batman.

21-Apr-2008, 12:25 PM
forgot about these guys. classic stoner humor. used to read freak brothers comics all the time back in the day.
Gilbert Shelton did a new Freak Bros comic not too long ago. Here's a snifter:


21-Apr-2008, 01:39 PM
Superman, Batman, and.....

Powdered Toast Man!!!!

22-Apr-2008, 07:27 AM
What, no love for Spidey? Always has been my favorite, always will be. The Batman is aces, too. Superman, definitely. Wolverine, back in the day. Punisher too (even if he is a Mack Bolan: the Executioner rip off :D )

Heck, Cap, Iron Man, the Hulk, I could go on....

22-Apr-2008, 11:07 AM
Dangermouse is mine

22-Apr-2008, 11:46 AM
i've always been a huge spider-man fan. i had a subscription to a few different spidey comics as a kid, and have a few books on spidey, including the ultimate illustrated guide, which is pretty neat...the movie trilogy and the over-commercialization of the character of the last few years has really left me quite bitter, however.:(

22-Apr-2008, 02:03 PM
i've always been a huge spider-man fan. i had a subscription to a few different spidey comics as a kid, and have a few books on spidey, including the ultimate illustrated guide, which is pretty neat...the movie trilogy and the over-commercialization of the character of the last few years has really left me quite bitter, however.:(

likewise here. i grew up a big spiderman fan. i had subscriptions to spiderman from like 1977 until late in my teen years and also had one to web of spiderman. for some reason (i can't quite put my finger on it really) spidey has gone down in my estimation as i've gotten older. weird because i still love the x-men and batman as much today as i did when i was 7 or 8.

i really didn't care for the spiderman movies either. it isn't that i hate them or even dislike them a lot, they just didn't do that much for me. i guess you could say that i could take them or leave them.

maybe i'll dig out some of the old issues from my closet, give them another spin and see if can get my spidey mojo back.

22-Apr-2008, 04:39 PM
Judge Dredd.

'Nuff Sedd.

22-Apr-2008, 06:35 PM
Superman, Batman, and.....

shame batmans dying next month......

22-Apr-2008, 07:31 PM
Just like Superman did about 10 years ago?:rolleyes:

22-Apr-2008, 08:14 PM
there is of course Captain Pissgums and his Pervert Pirates


and for any of you who never read him
then you should stick with Archie.

And yeah Superman, was killed off, though not really.
he was injured and they made the mistake of burying him
so his body couldnt get any yellow sun to rejuvinate and the eradicator
revived him, but he technically did not die.

and batman already went thru his own disaster with Bane years
ago when he snapped his spine.

Comic deaths are meaningless now. all a sales ploy that
really suck. I remember when Phoenix died and it was
amazing how much it floored people, then they brought her
back to life over and over.
it gets stupid.

22-Apr-2008, 08:27 PM
I hope batman stays dead when he dies. Plot armour incarnate.

23-Apr-2008, 01:24 PM
theres two rumours going round A: he's going to become one of the new gods at the end of countdownm or B: hes going to become the leader of the black lanterns, the undead bad guys in the new g.l arc.
given his long history with the green lanterns i think the latters more likely.
whats surprising is inghtwing is NOT the one rumoured to be taking up the batarang after bruce wayne.

23-Apr-2008, 10:18 PM
Wolverine in the 80's. The Xmen movies portrayal of Wolverine pissed me off to no end. He's was suck a p u s s y. Specially when he fought Sabertooth in the first one. Wolverine almost always wtf pwnt Sabertooth. Wolverine in the movie gets his ass beat by everyone.

Also Riley and Huey.

23-Apr-2008, 11:55 PM

24-Apr-2008, 05:23 AM
i've always been a huge spider-man fan. i had a subscription to a few different spidey comics as a kid, and have a few books on spidey, including the ultimate illustrated guide, which is pretty neat...the movie trilogy and the over-commercialization of the character of the last few years has really left me quite bitter, however.:(

The movies l liked, though the 3rd was a bit :confused:. The commercialization doesn't really bother me either. Guess I have fond memories of all my comic favorites since I actually quit READING them years ago (70's-80's was my era)

I still keep a bit abreast of major developments. Comics today just leave me meh. Don't get it I guess. Maybe I'm just too old. I miss the days though when every supermarket & convenience store had that spinner where you could just buy 'em. The take over of the comic store seems to have changed things somehow. Seems to make them less accessible somehow. Used to be kids AND adults could read 'em, now it's really adults only, which makes me sad for some reason. I feel like a couple of generations of kids have already missed out on something cool & special.

24-Apr-2008, 01:07 PM
thats one of the reason that, whilst i may buy or download a few of the big name comics, lately ive been leaning to the more independent ones like the boys or the goon, or even less well known marvel ones like runaways and the like.