View Full Version : BioShock: Breaking the Mold...

21-Apr-2008, 03:38 PM
Free to download from the Rapture website, both 'lo-res' and 'hi-res' (although I duno how low is low and high is high)...


21-Apr-2008, 03:55 PM
i just downloaded the low res version. it unzips to a 78 page pdf file. it has some very cool artwork and includes some concept sketches. def worth the time to download if you are a fan of the game.

21-Apr-2008, 04:04 PM
i got this off gamespot last year, damn nifty i tell thee.

21-Apr-2008, 04:05 PM
I've just nabbed it too, will check it out later.

21-Apr-2008, 09:39 PM
yknow the podcasts are worth listening to you know, in one you hear all the scrapped ideas for bioshocks narrative, a WWII bunker, an island full of cultists ect. interesting stuff.

21-Apr-2008, 11:44 PM
yknow the podcasts are worth listening to you know, in one you hear all the scrapped ideas for bioshocks narrative, a WWII bunker, an island full of cultists ect. interesting stuff.
good find, and thanks.

now would you kindly, prod them into getting a damn sequel out.

22-Apr-2008, 09:46 AM
lol, I was like "no way!" when the "would you kindly" thing came up.

I would agree that it loses some of the magic and sparkle to it in the final third, but a bloody great game.