View Full Version : World War Z movie

22-Apr-2008, 03:38 PM
For those of you who are big Max Brooks fans, like moi, and have read World War Z, there's supposed to be a movie coming out.

Evidently, it's in Brad Pitt's studio (great... Angelina will get every single female part. -_-) but no release date, or even prediction has been set.

In fact, nobody has said ANYTHING about it since Plan B Entertainment took the movie deal.

What the?

22-Apr-2008, 06:09 PM
Actually there has been talk about how the script might make it the first zombie movie to win an Oscar.

22-Apr-2008, 06:17 PM
the script is being written by J.M. Straczynski of babylon 5 fame. he is a big user/fan of the internet (he actually posted regularly on a B5 forum back when the show was on the air) and he recently posted some comments online about how he is less than pleased about his script getting leaked and all the internet talk surrounding it.

basically he is asking people to shut the f*ck up with all the speculation, analysis, etc. about the script.

Guys, here's a simple question.

Do you want to see this film made, or just talk about the script?

Studios get very nervous when drafts leak out, and they get even more nervous when people start taking it apart, good or bad, online...it can make them think too many people have seen it, start reconsidering their opinions, and the next thing you know it's back in development hell or gone. I've seen several projects at this sensitive stage literally scuttled by such things.

If all you want is to talk about the script, then great...but if you want to see Max Brooks' novel brought to film, brought to life, and maybe make one of the best zombie movies in a long time, can we declare a moratorium on both analyses and passing around my script (which people shouldn't have in any event) until AFTER the film gets made?



22-Apr-2008, 07:22 PM
I totally wanna see the flick, but I can't be sh*tted to read any leaked scripts...:rolleyes:

I wonder how it got leaked...

22-Apr-2008, 08:48 PM
JMS did some fine work on B5. This is pleasant news.

22-Apr-2008, 09:10 PM
Hm. So nobody has any idea of a release date though?

22-Apr-2008, 09:15 PM
I admit it I was weak I read some reviews of the script and I also read the script itself And I am NOT looking forward to the Flic they took out (as of when I read it before the re-write)ALL characters of ANY interest including the two Japanese guys and the American Soldier. It mainly makes up a bunch of Shiite about the author and the story surrounds him trying to publish his book and the big bad evil government telling him not to. From what I saw it is not even a Zed flic and will most likely be a blemish on the Genre.

In my opinion its gonna be another festering Turd of big budget fuuckassery that the masses will love but the TRUE fans know better.

22-Apr-2008, 09:23 PM
Oh. oh... god. No U.S. Soldier story? That was the best part of the book!

22-Apr-2008, 09:44 PM
the script is being written by J.M. Straczynski of babylon 5 fame. he is a big user/fan of the internet (he actually posted regularly on a B5 forum back when the show was on the air) and he recently posted some comments online about how he is less than pleased about his script getting leaked and all the internet talk surrounding it.

basically he is asking people to shut the f*ck up with all the speculation, analysis, etc. about the script.

F*ck that guy! What time does he think he lives in? Welcome to the real world, asshole, nothing is safe anymore!

22-Apr-2008, 11:13 PM
F*ck that guy! What time does he think he lives in? Welcome to the real world, asshole, nothing is safe anymore!

Tell that to the studios. Not him. ;)

23-Apr-2008, 12:26 AM
You have a point. With the internet around, no movie script is safe...

23-Apr-2008, 04:33 AM
F*ck that guy! What time does he think he lives in? Welcome to the real world, asshole, nothing is safe anymore!

Studios? For all we know, he was the leak!

23-Apr-2008, 06:32 AM
You have a point. With the internet around, no movie script is safe...How do they get out in the first place? Other than carelessness, sending it to the email address - or simple hacking?

23-Apr-2008, 02:13 PM
How do they get out in the first place? Other than carelessness, sending it to the email address - or simple hacking?

Often, one person trying to impress another. "Hey man, look what I have access to!" After a couple of rounds of that, the cat's out of the bag.

23-Apr-2008, 10:08 PM
Yeah. Plus, some people do it for money. Middle-management schlubs who get paid to leak it.

24-Apr-2008, 08:37 AM
They both sound plausable.

No matter the reason, I think it's a great marketing tool for the movie.... making people like us talk about it, building excitement & keeping it fresh (for a while anyway).

24-Apr-2008, 05:22 PM
Studios? For all we know, he was the leak!

Why would he want to leak his own script and put the whole project in jeopardy?

24-Apr-2008, 10:22 PM
Why would he want to leak his own script and put the whole project in jeopardy?

I don't know, you tell me! Maybe he's nuts?

24-Apr-2008, 10:28 PM
I couldn't give a crap less about him, his script, or his movie. If you read the book, you're set. You've already got the story, and nothing you can see on the screen can top the sights and sounds you've already put to it in your own imagination. The books are always better than the movies, anyway.

25-Apr-2008, 09:27 PM
I don't know, you tell me! Maybe he's nuts?

Or maybe its actually a legitmate concern!? You ever think about that?

If anything its the studios that are nuts. Forcing a whole new script just because one got leaked (a good one at that).

26-Apr-2008, 01:27 AM
I couldn't give a crap less about him, his script, or his movie. If you read the book, you're set. You've already got the story, and nothing you can see on the screen can top the sights and sounds you've already put to it in your own imagination. The books are always better than the movies, anyway.

true dat, sir.

26-Apr-2008, 08:38 PM
I couldn't give a crap less about him, his script, or his movie. If you read the book, you're set. You've already got the story, and nothing you can see on the screen can top the sights and sounds you've already put to it in your own imagination. The books are always better than the movies, anyway.

SRP speaks the truth again! I would add that in many ways seeing a movie before reading the books screws you up even more because you inevitably see in your minds eye what was portrayed on the screen, and cannot divest yourself of those (read: someone else's) images.

Having not yet read this book, I would hate to see this movie first because I think, even if it is masterfully done, that it will color my view of the book and interfere with my own imagination's interpretation of the book.

27-Apr-2008, 02:57 PM
I couldn't give a crap less about him, his script, or his movie. If you read the book, you're set. You've already got the story, and nothing you can see on the screen can top the sights and sounds you've already put to it in your own imagination. The books are always better than the movies, anyway.

Books are books and movies are movies. The book cannot be "better" than the movie, because the movie is not a book, and thus cannot be compared.

Movie is, to me, the ultimate cultural medium of expression and if done right, a movie can outdo a book ten times over as far as emotional impact goes.

27-Apr-2008, 05:22 PM
I guess a book goes for depth, and a movie goes for impact...

27-Apr-2008, 05:54 PM
Movie is, to me, the ultimate cultural medium of expression and if done right, a movie can outdo a book ten times over as far as emotional impact goes.

I agree EvilNed, but the operative phrase is "if done right"

Too many times in the past have good and decently written stories been transformed by some smug hack into crappy scripts and then micromanaged by a bunch of executives in suits who arbritarily award themselves the titles of "Producer" who then proceed to focus group and reinvent the original vision into a piece of crap meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Add to that the influence a director has over the way the script is interpreted. Imagine if Boll instead of Romero had done DAWN 78! What a maggoty infested piece of tripe that would have been.

Since I have not yet read the Brook's novel, I am wary about seeing whatever film they end up releasing based on the novel because I fear that it will reduce my enjoyment of the novel. For example, if someone watches Kubrick's "The Shining" first and then proceeds to read the novel, they will have a difficult time divorcing their imagination from Kubrick's own vision. So instead of inventing their own vision of what the main chracters look like, they will tend to automatically see Jack Nicholson as the lead actor, etc. (Don't get me wrong, I did like Kubrick's version, but I only am using it as a point of reference -- don't mean to pick on him) So with WWZ, I fear that IF the producers/directors/editors/actors et al end up making WWZ into Seventh Heaven with zombies I will have a hard time putting this out of my head when I read WWZ, and inevitably a bad movie experience in this realm will effect my enjoyment of what I hear is a pretty righteous zombie novel.

Hollywood tends to make more crappy movies than decent ones, to the point where I consider it a rare event when a decent film comes out of the machine. I don't know, maybe they will make the best zombie film since Dawn of the Dead 78. I certainly hope so!

Your point, however, about the medium not being a problem in and of itself, and that books are inherently different than movies is well stated and well taken and very much correct.

27-Apr-2008, 10:03 PM
Let me see. As far as the double-viewings I've experienced:

Jaws: Book > Movie
The Godfather: Book > Movie
The Langoliers: Book > Movie
Dreamcatcher: Book > Movie
Needful Things: Book > Movie
'Salem's Lot: Book > Movie
I Am Legend: Book > Movie
1984: Book > Movie
Christine: Book > Movie
The Shining: Book > Movie
The Stand: Book > Movie
Cujo: Book > Movie

...so far, movies aren't exactly leading the head-to-head competition...

27-Apr-2008, 10:14 PM
Let me see. As far as the double-viewings I've experienced:

Jaws: Book > Movie
The Godfather: Book > Movie
The Langoliers: Book > Movie
Dreamcatcher: Book > Movie
Needful Things: Book > Movie
'Salem's Lot: Book > Movie
I Am Legend: Book > Movie
1984: Book > Movie
Christine: Book > Movie
The Shining: Book > Movie
The Stand: Book > Movie
Cujo: Book > Movie

...so far, movies aren't exactly leading the head-to-head competition...

What about Forest Gump? I was told the book is a bit outlandish.

Of the titles you have listed above, I was not impressed with the 'I Am Legend' book. Then again, the movie adaptations weren't that good either. What symbol should I put for that? I was thinking maybe a smoking hunk of sh*t.

27-Apr-2008, 10:55 PM
Never read any Forrest Gump book. I hated the movie with a passion, so I would have a natural bias against the book anyway.

27-Apr-2008, 10:57 PM
I guess a book goes for depth, and a movie goes for impact...
I totally agree. Books are generally the better medium for storytelling, but being a visually-orientated species, the images on screen are what stick in people's minds most.

28-Apr-2008, 01:32 AM
Not many movies can capture the sheer detail and depth of a book. They are different creatures.

I felt that Stephen King's "The Stand" came *quite* close in many ways, but Molly Ringwald as Fran Goldsmith? Give me a furkin break! :rolleyes:

28-Apr-2008, 04:16 AM
Read the Unabridged version of the stand and you will see that there is NO way to ever put it in movie format as good as the book was brother.

And dreamcatcher?? Come on mate a book/movie about a Retard that turns into an alien and saves the world!!! theres no way that could be good.

WWZ is gonna tank with the true fans but the mindless masses are gonna shiit themselves over it:mad:

28-Apr-2008, 08:00 AM
And dreamcatcher?? Come on mate a book/movie about a Retard that turns into an alien and saves the world!!! theres no way that could be good.

Anything with sh*tweasels in it is an automatic classic!:D

28-Apr-2008, 08:12 AM
you got me there mate:lol:

28-Apr-2008, 05:16 PM
A movie based on that book could be done and done well...think about it. Most of the story was told in interview fashion with clips of scenes from each persons experiences. This could be good if they stick to the book and not embellish it for the mtv and chewing gum crowd. I look forward to this movie and will most likely be disappointed...enough said ...

28-Apr-2008, 05:22 PM
Let me see. As far as the double-viewings I've experienced:

Jaws: Book > Movie
The Godfather: Book > Movie
The Langoliers: Book > Movie
Dreamcatcher: Book > Movie
Needful Things: Book > Movie
'Salem's Lot: Book > Movie
I Am Legend: Book > Movie
1984: Book > Movie
Christine: Book > Movie
The Shining: Book > Movie
The Stand: Book > Movie
Cujo: Book > Movie

...so far, movies aren't exactly leading the head-to-head competition...

Which are better, apples or oranges? See how this argument doesn't really hold up?

If you're going to ENJOY the Shining over an evening, would you sit down and watch the film or would you read the book? You'd watch the film. Even if you consider the book to be "better".

28-Apr-2008, 05:31 PM
I feel like books converted to movies can be done well if the adaptation (key word there) recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of the medium. I like how some movies can bring into focus the images that I conjured in my head while reading the book. At the same time, I always feel like without having read the book I'm going in with half the story. The movie alone isn't enough.

Take Lord of the Rings. There was no way to convey the intricacies of the storyline through film. But they did convey the grandeur of the settings, the characters, and the events. It did a great job filling in the gaps in my imagination while not tarnishing my experience from the books.

The same could be said for the Shining. The visuals took me to the place that the book created.

Then you have things like Starship Troopers. A highly political and engaging book turned into the most shallow special effects ridden teen summer-camp caricature of a movie. Reading the book is a whole different experience from watching the movie. The visuals did not convey the images from the book at all. Shouldn't even share a name. I had to re-read the book just to try to preserve the images that the movie tried to destroy.

I thought I Am Legend was a masterful book and have never enjoyed any of the adaptations. All of the derivative works should be considered "inspired by" the book, not direct adaptations. They all take too many liberties with the storyline.

By and large I like the Stephen King adaptations. Salem's Lot and The Stand both do justice to the books. It would be interesting to see how present day Hollywood fares in making a new King adaptation.

28-Apr-2008, 05:35 PM
By and large I like the Stephen King adaptations. Salem's Lot and The Stand both do justice to the books. It would be interesting to see how present day Hollywood fares in making a new King adaptation.

The Mist, Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, these movies were all pretty good in my opinion some better than others. You decide which ;)

28-Apr-2008, 05:39 PM
Then you have things like Starship Troopers. A highly political and engaging book turned into the most shallow special effects ridden teen summer-camp caricature of a movie. Reading the book is a whole different experience from watching the movie. The visuals did not convey the images from the book at all. Shouldn't even share a name. I had to re-read the book just to try to preserve the images that the movie tried to destroy.

Are you seriously suggesting the Starship Troopers film is NOT political? Uhm. Go watch it again... If you think it's about the special effects, you were probably not even paying attention.

Granted, the film takes a different stand than the book, and does not share much incommon with it. But to say that it's a-political is just... Wrong.

28-Apr-2008, 05:53 PM
Read the Unabridged version of the stand and you will see that there is NO way to ever put it in movie format as good as the book was brother.

And dreamcatcher?? Come on mate a book/movie about a Retard that turns into an alien and saves the world!!! theres no way that could be good.

WWZ is gonna tank with the true fans but the mindless masses are gonna shiit themselves over it:mad:

Not when it's a made for tv ****fest event.

Look what PJ did for The Lord of the Rings. It can be done.

29-Apr-2008, 06:31 AM
Are you seriously suggesting the Starship Troopers film is NOT political? Uhm. Go watch it again... If you think it's about the special effects, you were probably not even paying attention.

Granted, the film takes a different stand than the book, and does not share much incommon with it. But to say that it's a-political is just... Wrong.I am suggesting that the Starship Troopers film took all of the significant and controversial political statements made by the book and replaced them with shallow and obvious political statements. I'm also suggesting that the main selling points of the movie were special effects and hard-bodied pretty actors with no talent. And, yes, I was paying attention.

It's very similar to what happened to I Am Legend. All of the religious exploration done by Neville was jettisoned. It was deemed too risky. Hollywood won't embrace anything that is not widely accepted and might cause negativity toward the movie.

29-Apr-2008, 09:30 AM
I am suggesting that the Starship Troopers film took all of the significant and controversial political statements made by the book and replaced them with shallow and obvious political statements. I'm also suggesting that the main selling points of the movie were special effects and hard-bodied pretty actors with no talent. And, yes, I was paying attention.

Yes, the main selling point of the movie were the special effects. But anyone who thinks the film is ABOUT the special effects was obviously not paying attention.

The Starship Troopers film is one of the most beautifully demented and hilarious political sci-fi films of the last decade. In my eyes, it is without a doubt a masterpiece.

29-Apr-2008, 08:56 PM
Compared to the book however, it was a shiny new turd. :|

30-Apr-2008, 05:09 AM
Compared to the book however, it was a shiny new turd. :|You read my mind and condensed it from 4 paragraphs into one perfect sentence. :)

30-Apr-2008, 05:26 AM
Comparing a literary source to a film is an apple and orange equation

30-Apr-2008, 02:02 PM
I am suggesting that the Starship Troopers film took all of the significant and controversial political statements made by the book and replaced them with shallow and obvious political statements. I'm also suggesting that the main selling points of the movie were special effects and hard-bodied pretty actors with no talent. And, yes, I was paying attention.

I agree, it was a shallow parody of the statements in the book. When I saw the movie, it didn't feel like the makers of the movie were trying to make different political statements. It felt like they they totally missed what the book was saying.

30-Apr-2008, 02:19 PM
Compared to the book however, it was a shiny new turd. :|

No, compared to the book it is a disc, or VHS casette, whereas the book is a book.

30-Apr-2008, 04:00 PM
I agree, it was a shallow parody of the statements in the book. When I saw the movie, it didn't feel like the makers of the movie were trying to make different political statements. It felt like they they totally missed what the book was saying.I agree. And you said it well. The movie had characters state some lines that parroted the book, but it came off as if they didn't really understand it. That's why I said it seemed shallow.

On a side note, I think it is perfectly valid to compare a book to a movie. I get a little frustrated with the recurring statement on this forum "you can't really compare them because they're different." Whether it's Land vs. Dawn, Starship Troopers book vs. movie, or apples vs. oranges. Of course they're different. That's why they can be compared at all. But they're not so different that they have no aspects in common. Land and Dawn are both horror movies. The ST book and movie both try to tell the same story. Apples and oranges are both fruit. If you keep in mind the inherent differences you can form a basis for comparison. At the highest level you can simply ask yourself which did you like more? That's a valid comparison.

To try to get a little bit back on topic. I think that a World War Z movie would be great, but not if it has a sucky script. Making a bad adaptation would be worse than waiting. I'm still waiting for an I Am Legend that I'm happy with and the current adaptation has done nothing but prolong that waiting. It'll probably be another 10-15 years before the next incarnation is tried. I'd hate to see World War Z get made and suck because it'll mean a long wait for a second attempt. If the script is floating around and fans think it sucks probably best that it dies.

13-May-2008, 01:22 AM
Hey guys,
I don't post often but I read all of the posts very regularly. I want to thank everyone for discussing this book. I have never heard of it, so I called up Barnes and Noble and picked it up today. I absolutely love what I have read so far. I am glad that this is not your usual dumb-downed science fiction crap, but a thoughtful, intricate story.
If I continue at the rate i'm going, i'll be done this book in a couple days or less. A real page turner.
Thanks again!!!

14-Nov-2008, 12:13 PM
Director is 'Quantum of Solace', Marc Forster.


14-Nov-2008, 12:32 PM
Now this is what I call good news for the genre. I can't believe they didn't get some music video or commercial director that can make it "hip".

Haven't seen Quantum of Solace yet, but I like the dude's work. 'Stay' blew my mind.....

14-Nov-2008, 01:13 PM
Now this is what I call good news for the genre. I can't believe they didn't get some music video or commercial director that can make it "hip".

Haven't seen Quantum of Solace yet, but I like the dude's work. 'Stay' blew my mind.....

So, quality script writer and quality directory. Wonder if Hanz Zimmer is available :)

Mind you, maybe there shouldn't be any music/score!!

14-Nov-2008, 02:07 PM
Hmm... that would possibly make it more engaging, but on the other hand, it would probably cause the mindless dolts in the audience to fall asleep.

14-Nov-2008, 02:21 PM
Yup, this is the best news for the genre I've heard in a while. Makes for a very, very happy Friday, for me. :D

14-Nov-2008, 03:20 PM
Yep, definitely seems like good news.

14-Nov-2008, 05:48 PM
Well if that's the case, hopefully that'll mean shamblers. Somebody of Forster's calibre should be able to work with a quality writer to give us a shamblers movie adapted from a book written about shamblers - it's not like they'd really have to invent a lot by themselves, situations and such to allow people to fall victim to the shamblers you know.

As for QoS, Campbell (Casino Royale) is a better Bond director than Forster in my opinion.

Thank fook, mind you, that it didn't go to some music video tool, or Mc-f*ckin'-G or goodness knows what else.

14-Nov-2008, 06:13 PM
Well if that's the case, hopefully that'll mean shamblers. Somebody of Forster's calibre should be able to work with a quality writer to give us a shamblers movie adapted from a book written about shamblers - it's not like they'd really have to invent a lot by themselves, situations and such to allow people to fall victim to the shamblers you know.

I hope to God you're right! A movie of a book like WWZ with this caliber of support is a huge opportunity, and I'd hate to see it squandered.

14-Nov-2008, 06:39 PM
This is great news ! Forster is a true auteur.

Now this is what I call good news for the genre. I can't believe they didn't get some music video or commercial director that can make it "hip".

Not digging on Zach I hope ? Snyder is the real deal. :confused:

14-Nov-2008, 09:52 PM
Very good news, indeed. This can be the most incredible movie, if only it is done right, and well. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

14-Nov-2008, 11:09 PM
This is awesome news.Hopefully this movie will be good.

15-Nov-2008, 10:47 AM
Very good news, indeed. This can be the most incredible movie, if only it is done right, and well. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Indeed, you'd think with the talent on board, and the quality of the source material, it'd be hard to f*ck up ... but then again, Max Payne the movie is apparently a load of turd compared to the excellent source material.

Let's hope for quality - and most importantly - SHAMBLERS.

15-Nov-2008, 11:35 AM
Indeed, you'd think with the talent on board, and the quality of the source material, it'd be hard to f*ck up ... but then again, Max Payne the movie is apparently a load of turd compared to the excellent source material.

Let's hope for quality - and most importantly - SHAMBLERS.

I'm just concerned about the budget.... Zombie films aren't normally big earners!

15-Nov-2008, 02:11 PM
Not digging on Zach I hope ? Snyder is the real deal. :confused:
As compared to what... a fake deal?

Let's hope for quality - and most importantly - SHAMBLERS.
Let's start by no longer refering to the living dead as "shamblers" which sounds like a McHappy MealŪ processed food product.

It's the Living Dead. That phrase should immediately invoke iconic images of Romero's shuffling, grasping cinematic monsters.

15-Nov-2008, 03:44 PM
It's the Living Dead. That phrase should immediately invoke iconic images of Romero's shuffling, grasping cinematic monsters.

Please! The correct term is the living impaired :)

15-Nov-2008, 04:11 PM
Running zombies are ZINO, zombies in name only.

15-Nov-2008, 04:38 PM
I'm just concerned about the budget.... Zombie films aren't normally big earners!

But with a quality script (hope, hope), production and solid direction backed by a recent zombie boom in popular media, a good following from a best-selling novel and maybe it's just the right time for someone to put some real shekels behind a zombie film.

15-Nov-2008, 05:47 PM
Far too long has the genre waited for some quality thought and effort (and budget). here's fingers crossed and preemptive thumbs up. "living impaired"... I like that.

16-Nov-2008, 01:27 AM
Please! The correct term is the living impaired :)

Good one! How about "living challenged", as well? :D