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View Full Version : Funny stuff about Day remake

29-Apr-2008, 03:36 AM
I believe a while back I commented on the commentary to Contagium, and today I watched the movie again with my dad (he just rented it at Blockbuster because he liked the original...poor fellow). Anyway, the glutton for punishment that we are, we decided to watch the commentary. Now with all of these things, people always think they are making the best movie ever made, which is always funny for B horror in the first place but in this one they keep going on about how they were taking Romeros concept and expanding on it and so on. Sort of funny. The one that caught me the most is that they said that if one goes on line they find that every zombie fan thinks that with a $100,000 they can make the best zombie movie out there and laughed about it for a while. Just caught me off guard, because how much the movie cost and it was not even close to being the best of the worst let alone the best. Not to mention that I think a zombie fan with the right connections, know how and such with that amount of money could make a decent movie. Although in todays market it would not be to stellar, but would be watchable compared to he trash that is DAy 2008

18-Jan-2009, 05:18 PM
just ask DJ Funkmaster G about making great zombie films on a budget cos he can do it

18-Jan-2009, 06:46 PM
Dj's Deadlands 2 kicks Craptagium's arse all over the shop, and then takes it out back for a skull-fucking - and DL2 cost a few thousand dollars.

The Craptagium fist-fuckers can shit off with their utterly ghastly, name-raping piece of garbage. I would gladly make a proper zombie flick for one hundred grand.

Night was rather cheaply made, and it's a seminal classic of cinema now.

19-Jan-2009, 06:40 AM
It's not about money, it's about the script. I'm surprised these guys didn't realize that.

19-Jan-2009, 09:52 AM
It's not about money, it's about the script. I'm surprised these guys didn't realize that.
I'm not surprised, these numpties are from the same stable as those Meet The Spartans et al twats. :mad:

Talentless hack bastards, the lot of them.

20-Jan-2009, 07:46 PM
It's not about money, it's about the script. I'm surprised these guys didn't realize that.

it certainly can't be about the money. the fucks who made ghey 08 had $18 million to work with, $2 million more than the budget for land. i don't remember what the budget for craptagium was, but whatever it was, it was money wasted on complete and total gash.

31-Mar-2009, 08:04 AM
Tell ya what, give us all a hundred grand to claw our own eyes out and we won't have to see this piece of shit again. Much better than these people attempting to make "movies" - everyone's a winner really...don't know why I haven't already thought of this!

31-Mar-2009, 11:35 AM
while budget is a factor, it is not the only factor. DAY Contagium was a disaster when they decided to rape Romero's DAY by putting in that god-awful plot with the Alien virus canister. While watching I couldn't decide if they were ripping off Romero or Dan O'Bannon.

Scipt is very important, and even I admit I fuck up a lot of my scripts and end up having to make the movie in post production. One valuable lesson I am learning is what looks good on paper doesn't always translate well to screen.

When you guys to get to see Deadlands 2, the metting between Jim krut and the lead Scientitst used to run over 4 minutes in its original incarnation, but now runs 90 seconds at best. Movies truly are made in editing.

17-May-2009, 07:24 PM
The one that caught me the most is that they said that if one goes on line they find that every zombie fan thinks that with a $100,000 they can make the best zombie movie out there and laughed about it for a while.

Got a guy here at work who is smug, self-obsessed and beset with delusions of grandeur in that he thinks that he is indispensible to the office and the best and brightest cat that ever walked the face of this earth. Of course, the reality is far, far away from his perceptions and he is widely viewed by my coworkers as one of the worst dudes you could ever work with.

Isn't it funny how the folks with the least to brag about sometimes tend to think of themselves as unique treasures that shine above all others? Although I did not bother to listen to the commentary track you speak of - and glad I did since it likely would have given me an ulcer, high blood pressure, hemmorhoids and an increased sense of disdain for my fellow man - it sounds as if these fools have no clue about how their film is being perceived as possibly among the worst zombie films of all time.

If given the opportunity, I would urinate on these sorry idiots.

18-May-2009, 11:20 AM
I believe a while back I commented on the commentary to Contagium, and today I watched the movie again with my dad (he just rented it at Blockbuster because he liked the original...poor fellow). Anyway, the glutton for punishment that we are, we decided to watch the commentary. Now with all of these things, people always think they are making the best movie ever made, which is always funny for B horror in the first place but in this one they keep going on about how they were taking Romeros concept and expanding on it and so on. Sort of funny. The one that caught me the most is that they said that if one goes on line they find that every zombie fan thinks that with a $100,000 they can make the best zombie movie out there and laughed about it for a while. Just caught me off guard, because how much the movie cost and it was not even close to being the best of the worst let alone the best. Not to mention that I think a zombie fan with the right connections, know how and such with that amount of money could make a decent movie. Although in todays market it would not be to stellar, but would be watchable compared to he trash that is DAy 2008It's not people think they can make a better film, or even care about the budget. Typically with these films 'the fans' get annoyed so much time, effort and money has been wasted on a p*$$ poor script and idea.

That for example is why "The Asylum" need to be butchered to death with a spoon, because they clearly have some skills in the film making department, just pi$$ is away on absolutely dreadful plots with pityful ideas and dialogue!

18-May-2009, 12:11 PM
It's not people think they can make a better film, or even care about the budget. Typically with these films 'the fans' get annoyed so much time, effort and money has been wasted on a p*$$ poor script and idea.

That for example is why "The Asylum" need to be butchered to death with a spoon, because they clearly have some skills in the film making department, just pi$$ is away on absolutely dreadful plots with pityful ideas and dialogue!
And - in both cases - a distinct lack of originality.

22-Nov-2009, 06:09 PM
Could be good. The eighties-remake of The Blob was great, so its a story that works for new versions. Never been fond of the original one anyway.

You do know that the Day remake was released in 2008 right? And was universally hated by fans and critics alike.

22-Nov-2009, 06:17 PM
Quiet, kraken. Don't encourage him...

22-Nov-2009, 06:20 PM
Could be good...

The universal cry of the optimist where remakes are concerned (been guilty of using it myself on occasion). Down that road usually lies anger, bitter disappointment & regret.;)

22-Nov-2009, 06:28 PM
Down that road usually lies anger, bitter disappointment & regret.;)

Are you still talking about the Day remake here? Or is there something you need to share with the group? :lol::lol:;)

22-Nov-2009, 06:37 PM
Are you still talking about the Day remake here? Or is there something you need to share with the group? :lol::lol:;)

Have you SEEN the Day remake? If so, there's no need to ask.;)

22-Nov-2009, 06:42 PM
Have you SEEN the Day remake? If so, there's no need to ask.;)

No fair. Trick question. There is noooooo right answer... ;)