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View Full Version : Has anybody read the current Rolling Stone?

26-Apr-2006, 09:14 PM
I know that there are a lot of Republicans on the board who will most likely disagree with their cover article about Bush going down as being one of if not the worst president in history, but what do all of you think about the article if you have read it? If not, go buy the magazine and read it. It is really interesting and brings up a lot of valid points about G Dubbya.

And no, I will never support him just because he is the President due to the fact that I do not and will not follow an idiot. Plain and simple. Worst President in history?? I don't know about all that, I think Andrew Jackson gets the title for Worst President in US History, but G Dubbya is damn close. All he has to do now is herd one group of people onto "reservations", strip away their rights, and then let them die off slowly like Jackson did... give him time and he will.

26-Apr-2006, 09:47 PM
Yeh, personally I don't get the "I'll support him because he's my elected President" thing - fair do's for those who feel that, but personally I don't buy it. Especially here in the UK, Labour are a bunch of twats - although it's hilarious to see them making such a complete and utter BALLS UP of their third term ... which isn't quite a year old yet, lol. Labour never did manage more than two terms in a row before ... gee, wonder why.

I support my country, but I certainly don't support 'my' - or "the" - government, the sooner they're ousted then the sooner we can start fixing our country again. Their actions just keep getting more and more depraved.

26-Apr-2006, 09:49 PM
Why bother buying the magazine if you can read it online


01-May-2006, 05:42 AM
Why bother buying the magazine if you can read it online


Because I still prefer print over monitor whenever possible.

01-May-2006, 09:09 AM
Why bother buying the magazine if you can read it online


aah the life of an internet scab:lol:

01-May-2006, 09:50 AM
Yeh, it's like people who read whole books online. A mate of mine at uni downloaded a whole ton of books, including the entire Stephen King back catalog ... but when on earth was he going to read all those books - ON A SCREEN - we asked. Needless to say it was a pointless download.

01-May-2006, 10:06 AM
printable version of the article