View Full Version : So, Terminator is going to be a PG-13...

06-May-2008, 08:54 AM
...with McG (aka: f***head) directing it, surely this spells total utter doom!


06-May-2008, 10:23 AM

Guaranteed suckage, nuff said. Haven't 'they' learned from AvP - taking R rated franchises and mashing them into PG-13 suckfests doesn't work (not that the R rated AvP2 worked either).

Lame, and McG can f*ck off completely, and all the talk of merchandising right off the bat and how chuffed they are at the scale of the merchandising just shows T4 for exactly what it is, pocket-raping.

They can all completely f*ck off. :mad:

06-May-2008, 10:25 AM

Guaranteed suckage, nuff said. Haven't 'they' learned from AvP - taking R rated franchises and mashing them into PG-13 suckfests doesn't work (not that the R rated AvP2 worked either).

Lame, and McG can f*ck off completely, and all the talk of merchandising right off the bat and how chuffed they are at the scale of the merchandising just shows T4 for exactly what it is, pocket-raping.

They can all completely f*ck off. :mad:

Sorry... Can you clarify your thoughts on this one :)

06-May-2008, 11:58 AM

06-May-2008, 01:03 PM
I expected this once I heard McG's(what kind of f*cking name is that, anyway??) name was attached.

I really hope Christian Bale backs out of this flick. He's a better actor than his. He must be getting big money for it...

06-May-2008, 01:14 PM
Aahhh sh!t. Great....this is the first thing I read since waking. Maybe I should go back to sleep.

06-May-2008, 01:20 PM
ugh. PG-13 terminator? next thing we hear about will be a new G rated die hard flick.

06-May-2008, 01:21 PM
Just because its pg-13 does not mean it WILL suck...It might but there have been a lot of good flicks rated pg-13. If the story is solid the acting is good then it could be a good flick. Now direction is questionable. And Important! Lets not poo-poo on the rating. Feel free to bash director though.

09-May-2008, 04:36 PM
Oh for goodness sake.


First Amy Whineface and this ****...what is the world coming to? Next we'll have Freddy Vs Barney.

09-May-2008, 05:31 PM
Just because its pg-13 does not mean it WILL suck...It might but there have been a lot of good flicks rated pg-13. If the story is solid the acting is good then it could be a good flick. Now direction is questionable. And Important! Lets not poo-poo on the rating. Feel free to bash director though.
Right with ya, Skip. A PG-13 rating don't mean s**t to me. All the Terminator sequels bordered on that certification anyway. If one was to remove the language and a couple of gore scenes from T2, it would probably be a PG anyway so I don't see what the fuss is about.

But yeah, McG can f**k right off! :dead:

09-May-2008, 06:50 PM
It's not just down to a bit of gore and a potty mouth that made T2 an R, there's plenty of violence throughout.

Now in the UK it's a 15, but it's a fairly hard 15 - or at least back then. It's not the hardest R, but it's an R nonetheless.

Aiming for a lower rating is purely down to business, pack in the most kids - which makes no sense considering any adult or hobo can take a bunch of kids into see SAW if they want.

Also, it's neutering. Die Hard 4 was alright, but it was neutered and tame, it didn't have the utter BALLS of the first film ... heck, Die Hard 3 (an R in the US and a 15 in the UK) had a fair pair of nuts on it, and that was in the censored form - which is lame, censoring a film for a lower rating, but still - there's something to censor).

T3 was gash, a f*cking joke that took the piss out of the proper films - all that "talk to the hand" garbage, jesus christ.

There's no respect appearing with T4 the more we hear about it, it's all a business exercise, milk as much money out of it, the merch and the guaranteed all-platform videogame cash-in, which will also be rubbish.

Yes, there are good PG-13 movies, but they were always going to be that rating, not an R franchise getting it's balls lopped off for cash.

F*cking sick, I'm going to join hellsing by going "lalala-imnotlistening"...he's got it all figured out there.

11-May-2008, 12:44 AM
Forgive me for living in a dark hole, but who is "McG"? Is that a nickname or something?

I can just see the inevitable tie-ins when celebrities begin marketing themselves to sound like fast food products.

11-May-2008, 01:43 AM
Forgive me for living in a dark hole, but who is "McG"? Is that a nickname or something?

I can just see the inevitable tie-ins when celebrities begin marketing themselves to sound like fast food products.

he was a music vid director at first and has moved on to films and tv. he directed the charlie's angel films and is one of the perpetrators behind the american version of spaced.

11-May-2008, 12:40 PM
Aka McDouchebag ... lulz were had ... yeah. :D

11-May-2008, 10:06 PM
I expected this once I heard McG's(what kind of f*cking name is that, anyway??) name was attached.

I really hope Christian Bale backs out of this flick. ..

Gary Coleman is probably available.


12-May-2008, 03:07 AM
Paint me nonplussed by this info. I don't think I'm emotionally attached enough to this franchise to care where it goes from here. The last movie, i felt, wasn't actually that bad, but they really shouldn't have made it.

Will I watch this new one? Too early to tell, but I'll probably not avert my eyes when it makes its rounds on the cable channels.

03-Jun-2008, 12:27 PM
Oh dear God! This sounds terrible :(

There's a big plot spoiler over at AICN - It's about 3 to 4 pages down here - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/36947

03-Jun-2008, 06:05 PM
Oh dear God! This sounds terrible :(

There's a big plot spoiler over at AICN - It's about 3 to 4 pages down here - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/36947
It just keeps getting worse, it really does.

That's the stupidest thing I've heard for ages. I mean really.

PG-13 rating, the joy the suits have over their marketing strategy for the movie ... it's pretty obvious just exactly what this sh*tbag of a 'movie' is. Pocket rape.

For crying out loud, T3 was too much. T1 and T2 - leave it there.

Mind you, I like Chronicles, it's not superb but it's not total gash either...and it's in another medium, so that also goes in it's favour.

T3 and T4 can gargle on my balls.

03-Jun-2008, 07:38 PM
Yeah. Total crap. I can just go ahead and forget that this film will even exist.

For the life of me I can't understand what Bale is doing.:annoyed: He was doing so well....

03-Jun-2008, 09:42 PM
i think i just threw up a little in my mouth. what a dumb fukken idea.

like the writer of the piece, mz, and many more, the story for me was over after t2. t3 was okay to watch, but i don't care if i ever see it again, quite frankly. and as for the sarah connor chronicles, it's like snoop dogg says : " i treat a b!tch like 7-up: i never have, i never will":lol:

the writer does make a good point though: what's hollywood gonna do when they are done remaking everything and raping dead franchises?

03-Jun-2008, 09:53 PM
OK im preparing for all the rotten tomatoes here, but i never bought into terminator 2, i didn't like it... its ok... its ****ing awesome in comparison to T3 and no doubt this.. but i thought the only truely good terminator film was the first one, that was an immense movie.

03-Jun-2008, 10:50 PM
OK im preparing for all the rotten tomatoes here, but i never bought into terminator 2, i didn't like it... its ok... its ****ing awesome in comparison to T3 and no doubt this.. but i thought the only truely good terminator film was the first one, that was an immense movie.

^ Andy

To quote The Thing: "You've gotta be f**king kidding!"

T1 was awesome but HOLY S**T, T2 was like a giant pair of elephant bollocks teabagging a midget. I had a whole speech set out but I'm so in shock I dunno if I can go there. Never 'bought' into it? The film is f**king priceless! :confused:

03-Jun-2008, 10:52 PM
C'mon a liquid metal guy? how does that even work? how is that even possible?

At least T1 had some realism.. thats what i like.

03-Jun-2008, 10:57 PM
At least T1 had some realism.. thats what i like.
What a bloke coming back through time to stop a woman being murdered by an android? :rolleyes:

03-Jun-2008, 11:15 PM
What a bloke coming back through time to stop a woman being murdered by an android? :rolleyes:
No more far fetched than the dead coming back to life and attacking the living..

I Admit its very far, far, far, far fetched.. but you never know :p

03-Jun-2008, 11:16 PM
ladies,ladies, stop the fighting. ok we all know that when you buy the franchise to something....you own it. meaning the guy who owned it previously decided he didnt want it anymore. u wanna be mad at anyone,be mad at james cameron and gale anne hurd for selling it.

04-Jun-2008, 09:04 AM
C'mon a liquid metal guy? how does that even work? how is that even possible?

At least T1 had some realism.. thats what i like.

I can see what Andy is saying - How does liquid metal, even if can turn solid, semi-solid, and change colour etc, produce power and then be able to do things like produce speach and see etc... But TBH it never bothered me :)

04-Jun-2008, 10:41 AM
ladies,ladies, stop the fighting. ok we all know that when you buy the franchise to something....you own it. meaning the guy who owned it previously decided he didnt want it anymore. u wanna be mad at anyone,be mad at james cameron and gale anne hurd for selling it.
I heard that Linda Hamilton won the property in Cameron's divorce settlement ... not sure if that's true, but it's what I heard anyway.

T2 was like a giant pair of elephant bollocks teabagging a midget.

Capn - f*cking legendary. :D

04-Jun-2008, 01:08 PM
The thing that still kept both T2 and Die Hard 3 great even when they reduced the certificate was that they were made in the '90s, when the whole movie industry in general still has some balls. Even Beverly Hills Cop 3 was a fairly worthy sequel in my opinion.

Nowadays.... T3, Die Hard 4, and now T4 and Beverly Hills Cop 4... ugh.

T3 was okay at best, won't watch it again though. I just flat-out ignored DH4 as a Die Hard film and plan to never watch it, and T4 sounds like a sh*tfest.

I actually hold more hope that BHC4 might be okay, since it seems like a less known franchise, and more likely to cater to the fans. But, as with anything and everything in the entertainment industry today, I'm not getting my hopes up.

04-Jun-2008, 01:21 PM
Die Hard 4 isn't all that bad, Craig. Especially if you get the unrated version. A pretty good entry, if you ask me.

04-Jun-2008, 01:25 PM
C'mon a liquid metal guy? how does that even work? how is that even possible?

At least T1 had some realism.. thats what i like.

he wasn't actually a liquid but trillions of nano machines working in place of an organics cells and they could freely change shape to become knifes and whatnot.
ive seen some scientists working on an incredibly primitive version were its silver cubs with computers and stuff inside, moving along together as one thing even though there technically independent, and when the technology gets small enough they want to make nanites, liquid metal and stuff, it was all pretty cool, i think it was on bbc4.

04-Jun-2008, 02:51 PM
Sounds like the story from the earlier article, about John Connor, is false - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/McG-Debunks-Terminator-Rumors-9049.html

04-Jun-2008, 04:07 PM
i'll prepare for some rotten fruit coming my way too - i've never cared for any of the terminator movies (the first one does have its occasional moments). in fact, i've never cared for anything (and i do mean anything) james cameron has ever done. i don't like his style at all and i mostly cannot stand big "action" type movies.

04-Jun-2008, 04:43 PM
I heard that Linda Hamilton won the property in Cameron's divorce settlement ... not sure if that's true, but it's what I heard anyway.

in that case, she's the stupid one

04-Jun-2008, 04:49 PM
6yeah im pretty sure shesthe one toting the pgminator.

04-Jun-2008, 05:37 PM
This is what I've heard, and it certainly lowered my respect for Hamilton a butt load.

...this is from the Terminator wiki entry...

James Cameron announced T3 many times during the 1990s, but without coming out with any finished script. During his divorce with Linda Hamilton, she asked for the Terminator franchise rights which she promptly sold to Carolco Pictures owners Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna.

Bitch. :mad:

I wonder what Cameron's T3 would have been, but by the sounds of it he wasn't too fussed about making a third one as he never properly got a script together, perhaps more like he was doing as it was expected of him than him really being revved up to do it ... that's my impression anyway.

Still, it would have been better than the actual T3 we ultimately got which was gash on so many levels.

I haven't seen Die Hard 4 uncut, but it's retarded it was watered down in the first place, and wasn't a patch on either Die Hard 1 or 3, 2 was good, but well ... it was a bit meh ... but it still had a set of nuts on it, not the permed and flappin' in the wind nutless nutbag that DH4 had ... well, maybe it had one nut, but it wasn't the favoured nut ... at best. :p

Also, with T2, aye in the UK it got a 15 (which the original is now rated in the UK, I might add), but it was still an R rated picture in the states.

11-Jun-2008, 03:47 PM
First Poster? (http://joblo.com/first-t4-poster)

I know it's meant to be a teaser poster....but talk about generic.:dead:

It also says that the first teaser will be attached to The Dark Knight next month. I imagine the teaser won't even have footage from the actual film. They'll probably try to rip off Stan Winston's awesome teaser for T2 or something:


11-Jun-2008, 05:43 PM
And if this is real:
Get ready for a pile of gash, how rubbish is that teaser poster, as well as a Robocop-franchise-rape, anyway? Loads, that's how much.

As for T4 - ya-boo-sucks, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it can gargle on my salty-nut-balls.

12-Jun-2008, 07:06 PM
I liked Die Hard 4, I liked T3, I hated BHC3, and did not care to much for Die Hard 2 or three. I feel like I have landed in bizarro land. I think Cameron was to busy swimming and filming underwater junk to make a decent movie. Oh I forgot Titanic...oh no I did not forget. I will try to forget it though. He spent a fortune replicated a ship down to the type of plates they had??? WTF!!! I will wait and give it a chance...read a few reviews of people I trust....and then pirate it off the internet ;)

Lets not get to depressed over a few rumors...I mean remember how awesome SW ep1 was going to be?

12-Jun-2008, 07:32 PM
I liked Die Hard 4, I liked T3, I hated BHC3, and did not care to much for Die Hard 2 or three. I feel like I have landed in bizarro land. I think Cameron was to busy swimming and filming underwater junk to make a decent movie. Oh I forgot Titanic...oh no I did not forget. I will try to forget it though. He spent a fortune replicated a ship down to the type of plates they had??? WTF!!! I will wait and give it a chance...read a few reviews of people I trust....and then pirate it off the internet ;)

Lets not get to depressed over a few rumors...I mean remember how awesome SW ep1 was going to be?

Cameron didn't make T3. And Damn it I'm sick of people dissing on Titanic. It's a good friggin movie!:rant:

12-Jun-2008, 09:23 PM
Cameron didn't make T3. And Damn it I'm sick of people dissing on Titanic. It's a good friggin movie!:rant:

All Im saying is that it could have been made for half the money and very few people would have noticed...it was story driven and they spend the scratch as if it were special effects driven.

I know T3 was not a cameron flick...but I thought it was an ok watch