View Full Version : Question about Resident Evil Code Veronica

06-May-2008, 10:52 PM
hey all...had a question and I figured what better place to ask it than on my favorite forum...ok...I just finished playing Resident Evil Code Veronica on the PS2...pretty good game...so after you beat the game you get to play the battle mode...my opinion...awesome...blasting through the undead with unlimited ammo...classic...so anyway...when you get to the casion room and open up the slot machine there is a file titles D.I.J. journal...or something close to that...its red...who is this person that wrote the journal??? it states that the person has followed Claire the whole way through the game...Am I just being stupid and missing some thing very obvious?

07-May-2008, 04:44 AM
It's not a person who wrote the journal.The journal belongs to a mouse,that jumped out of a locker at Claire earlier in the game.

18-May-2008, 06:19 PM
ok...that makes sense...thanks...what is the significance to the mouse being named DJ...and how and the hell do you get an "A" rating in the battle game...I have tried every combination of weapons and time and picking up and not picking up health items...and how is it possible to even make it through the first stage with Wesker when he only has a combat knife...thanks for any info