View Full Version : Welcome to the Dark Ages

07-May-2008, 02:26 PM
Now it's come to this
Like we're back in the dark ages
From the middle east to the middle west
It's a plague of superstition

TEACHER ACCUSED OF WIZARDRY FOR MATCH TRICK AND FIRED!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDPd3hM5Qtc)

And it wasn't even a very good trick.

07-May-2008, 02:50 PM
How utterly stupid and paranoid. Wizardry? Surely this has to be some kind of joke, all he did was perform a very basic trick.

07-May-2008, 03:01 PM


07-May-2008, 03:33 PM
I think the board of education needs to rethink their staff in that community. Wizardry? Jesus christ, man.

07-May-2008, 05:39 PM
Well, I'm still skeptical that there isn't more to this story, but...damn...

A relief teacher in Florida has lost his job after being accused of ‘wizardry’.

Jim Piculas performed a 30-second magic trick in which a toothpick disappeared and the reappeared in front of a class at Rushe Middle School in Land 'O Lakes.

Piculas says he subsequently received a call from the supervisor of teachers, saying he'd been accused of wizardry.

"I get a call the middle of the day from head of supervisor of substitute teachers. He says, 'Jim, we have a huge issue, you can't take any more assignments you need to come in right away,'" he said, according to various US news sites.

"I said, 'Well, Pat, can you explain this to me?' 'You've been accused of wizardry,'" Piculas explained.

The substitute teacher says he now worried the sacking will prevent him getting future jobs.

The assistant superintendent of the district said Piculas also had other issues, like not following lesson plans and allowing students to use unapproved computers.

07-May-2008, 05:54 PM
Well, I'm still skeptical that there isn't more to this story, but...damn...
I did, too, except for the fact that the asst. superintendent is claiming that Piculas had other issues which infers that "wizardry" was actually one of them.

Apparently, one student was "traumatized" by the disappearing toothpick trick which should make any concerned adult wonder what is actually happening with that child.

Teacher Accused of Wizardry (http://cfnews13.com/News/Local/2008/5/6/teacher_accused_of_wizardry.html)

If anything is going to be classified as "wizardry," shouldn't it be the widespread belief that a man walked on water and performed miracles?

08-May-2008, 03:19 PM
If anything is going to be classified as "wizardry," shouldn't it be the widespread belief that a man walked on water and performed miracles?

like returning from the dead after 3 days? now that would be one hell of a magic trick...

i always find it interesting that people whose entire belief system is built on the supernatural and hocus pocus are "offended" by this sort of stuff.

08-May-2008, 03:20 PM
on the tpoic of the retarded sub demogrpahic of america there are apparently people in the south who believe 9/11 was a magic trick.:|

08-May-2008, 03:59 PM
on the tpoic of the retarded sub demogrpahic of america there are apparently people in the south who believe 9/11 was a magic trick.:|
What sort of magic trick? Like "now you see it, now you don't"? :D

08-May-2008, 04:17 PM

Please be a joke.

08-May-2008, 04:51 PM
What sort of magic trick? Like "now you see it, now you don't"? :D

exactly, me and some freinds were looking through these websites we foudn googling redneck (just becuase) and one blamed criss angel.:lol:

08-May-2008, 06:02 PM
on the tpoic of the retarded sub demogrpahic of america there are apparently people in the south who believe 9/11 was a magic trick.:|

And on the other side, we have retards who think 9/11 was orchestrated by the inept Bush White House.

There are fools everywhere.

10-May-2008, 03:02 AM
meh is really anything but a good thing?

assuming the schools super intendant and principal aren't sacked by the end of the month by irate parents groups. then screw it why waste a clever teacher on their kids? hell if the locals are really that concerned about "wizardry" then that's fine let them have their way.

#3 on my personal giggle list is watching people raised in closed religious environments systematically destroy themselves once they hit the outside world. so anything that keeps this cycle going is fine by me.

further the substitute in the case came off as a rational and decent guy so i doubt he's hurting for job offers right now.

10-May-2008, 06:46 AM
I am just f*king flabbergasted at this...this is the height of stupidity....I mean words can't describe the serious amount of idiocy this requires to folow this through with a straight face...I always say this, and I hate it, but I do have a lot of respect and love for my friends in America, (and I always seem to say this to qualify me as a non-fascist before I rip the piss out of certain aspects of the US) but this is just a testament to the disturbing signs I'm seeing emerging from this country regularly now. It's akin to the Jesus Camp freaks who condemn Harry Potter for being a warlock and call for it to be banned (same groups ge kids to pray to cardboard cut outs of Bush etc etc). This **** needs to be stamped out before it ****s the whole world up even more...