View Full Version : Indy 4 film... Oh dear...

08-May-2008, 12:59 PM
...looks like we have the weekest of the bunch...


08-May-2008, 01:53 PM
Meh. Still too early to tell, but I don't know too many people in my walk-a-day life who actually think this'll be the Indy of old, or even a fresh new take on that old standard.

Still, I'll give it a shot.

08-May-2008, 02:20 PM
Meh. Still too early to tell, but I don't know too many people in my walk-a-day life who actually think this'll be the Indy of old, or even a fresh new take on that old standard.

Still, I'll give it a shot.

Yeah, all of us will see it no matter what. I hate to admit it, but George Lucas is right in his theory that it doesn't matter if it pleases the fans. They'll still go see it anyway. Multiple times most likely...

I'm doing my best to go in and watch it as it's own film and not think of the previous installments. That's the only way it can be enjoyed, imo....

08-May-2008, 03:13 PM
I'm doing my best to go in and watch it as it's own film and not think of the previous installments. That's the only way it can be enjoyed, imo....

thats not really a good sign for a direct sequel is it?

08-May-2008, 05:56 PM
thats not really a good sign for a direct sequel is it?
Well it helps in that Indy 4 comes so long after the previous three, just like with Land.

I wonder if Indy 4, for some people, will suffer the same fate as Land did - to those people that hated it anyway.

I'm trying to avoid reading too much about it or whatnot, just kinda go in a fresh-minded as possible without looking into it too much and just watch it and see what I think. It certainly looks like something I'd enjoy anyway.

09-May-2008, 11:09 AM
Slightly more up beat review... Puts it in position 3 of 4...


11-May-2008, 10:14 AM
I suspect it will be to Indy what the Prequel trilogy was to Star Wars.

12-May-2008, 03:45 PM
thats not really a good sign for a direct sequel is it?

How do you firgure that the 3 original Indy's are direct sequels, anyway? They have similar characters but the story lines really have nothing to do with each other. In fact....Temple of Doom is technically a prequel to Raiders if you go by the timeline.

And as MZ said....with a famous franchise like this and the passage of time since the last installment, people are going to be expecting the film they've had in their head for the past 20 years. Some will want a direct copy of Raiders or Crusade, and some will even want another installment like Doom. There will definitely be more fanboy bitching than praise.....that's for sure.

12-May-2008, 11:19 PM
I'm not too worried. Aint It Cool had a glowing review/praise for Speed Racer


Someone was out shopping for Indiana Jones toys..
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/showbiz/article-23484070-details/Indiana+Jones+and+the+hunt+for+memorabilia%3A++No. +1+fan+Harrison+Ford+scoops+up+his+own+action+figu res/article.do

13-May-2008, 06:57 AM
How do you firgure that the 3 original Indy's are direct sequels, anyway? They have similar characters but the story lines really have nothing to do with each other. In fact....Temple of Doom is technically a prequel to Raiders if you go by the timeline.

good lord, your turning into alive man there dude.:D

13-May-2008, 01:30 PM
When was the last time Harrison Ford made a bad movie? I cannot wait to see this.

14-May-2008, 08:51 PM
Hollywood Homicide?
Six Days, Seven Nights?
What Lies Beneath?

He's made plenty of bad movies recently.

I am however looking very much foward to the new Indy movie. No doubt!!

22-May-2008, 12:39 PM
Well, it's no. 165 in the top 250 films ever at IMDB! So it can't be too bad!

Any of you guys seen it?

22-May-2008, 01:26 PM
I've been having to stay around the house to take care of the little lady, but I'm hopefully going to see it in the next few days.

My buddy tells me that it's an awesome and fun ride as long as you can get over a few of the negative points. He said that there's no doubt in his mind that alot of fans will pick the film's bones clean because of their love of the originals, but it's still worthy to be in the series and really fun. He also says that Harrison Ford still has the Indy mojo. And apparently Shia Lebouf is quite surprising....

22-May-2008, 01:28 PM
I've been having to stay around the house to take care of the little lady, but I'm hopefully going to see it in the next few days.

My buddy tells me that it's an awesome and fun ride as long as you can get over a few of the negative points. He said that there's no doubt in his mind that alot of fans will pick the film's bones clean because of their love of the originals, but it's still worthy to be in the series and really fun. He also says that Harrison Ford still has the Indy mojo. And apparently Shia Lebouf is quite surprising....

I'm seeing it next Tuesday most likely...

22-May-2008, 02:41 PM
Hollywood Homicide?
Six Days, Seven Nights?
What Lies Beneath?

He's made plenty of bad movies recently.

I am however looking very much foward to the new Indy movie. No doubt!!

I stand corrected after you sent that reply I saw a bad Ford movie. Thanks. You jinxed me. It was What Lies Beneath. Btw, it is out today.

22-May-2008, 05:43 PM
I'll see it sometime soon, sometime around my birthday I think, try and wait for some of the initial audiences to die off a tad.

26-May-2008, 05:18 PM
I saw it and haven't fully digested it all yet..because it's so utterly rancid.I don't even want to get into it right now, but it's horrible.

26-May-2008, 06:05 PM
I saw it and haven't fully digested it all yet..because it's so utterly rancid.I don't even want to get into it right now, but it's horrible.

Completely disagree. Its hugely entertaining and funny. I really enjoyed myself which to me is what going to the movies is about especially Indy flicks.
Some of the jokes fell flat and a few i just didn't get but the rest of the movie made up for it.
I thought Harrison Ford was very convincing as an old Indy which was something i was a little bit worried about like most people beforehand.
The action is great in true over the top Indiana style and their are even shots that are purposely lifted from Spielbergs previous work especially Close Encounters. Even the way its shot made it look like an Indiana Jones movie. What more do you want except your own Indy movie.
This to me is one of the better of the recent "old heroes" new movies.
A great laugh and leave your brain at the door like your supposed to with this type of flick.


27-May-2008, 12:22 AM
The scene where they crashed through the black metal gate in the car in Yale, yeah thats where i used to sit and wait to get picked up from my buddy after work. :D that exact gate.

27-May-2008, 02:55 AM
I loved it. It took a while for me to accept it, but somewhere after the first action scene my brain reverted to my adolecent years and I was too busy going "Oh man that's cool!!" to pick the movie apart for its dialog and sillier plot points. The only character that I had problems buying was Marion, She was just to smiley and aware the she was in another indy flick.

27-May-2008, 03:05 AM
I'm not a hardcore fan, but I'll probably see it eventually. I finally watched Last Crusade last weekend, so it's safe to say I'll see this one sometime before 2020.

27-May-2008, 02:00 PM
I saw it at a drive-in last Saturday. It was entertaining, but not a masterpiece (none of them really were anything more than summer popcorn flicks).

The drive-in I saw it at was featured in John Waters Cecil B. Demented. Bengies boasts the largest movie screen in the U.S. >link> http://www.bengies.com (http://www.bengies.com/)

27-May-2008, 02:03 PM
I tried to go see it this past weekend, but when I pulled into the theater parking lot and the ticket booth line was wrapped around the building, I decided to wait a few days.

27-May-2008, 02:12 PM
indy 4 did pretty well at the box office this weekend (granted it was a long weekend in the US)

1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, $101 million; 2. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, $23 million; 3. Iron Man, $20.1 million; 4. What Happens in Vegas, $9 million; 5. Speed Racer, $4 million; 6. Made of Honor, $3.4 million; 7. Baby Mama, $3.3 million; 8. Forgetting Sarah Marshall, $1.7 million; 9. Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantánamo Bay, $900,000; 10. The Visitor, $800,000.

from what i've read it was expected to make at least $100 million overseas last weekend.

27-May-2008, 03:20 PM
I'm waiting till Sunday to go see it, me and the lads for my birthday (even though my b-day is on Friday), so that leaves a decent week-and-a-half between it's release and us seeing it, so hopefully the initial droves will have calmed down a bit.

28-May-2008, 08:16 AM
It was a bit meh for me...

Had a couple of nice moments, but the script was a bit sloppy in places, with rediculous set pieces (absolutely totally 100% utterly f***-the-viewers-IQ unbelievable) and poor dialog which in a couple of scenes was also poorly acted. I actually found myself flinching a couple of times at the poor dialog and its delivery!

All in all, reasonably disposable fun, but it missed much of the 'soul' the previous three had. And IMHO suffered from another 'Lucas' script.

Don't get me wrong! This is no Star Wars prequel mess... But it's certainly not as good as the original Indy films IMHO.


1) Gunpowder is not magnetic!
2) Why are movie motor bikes so slow? ie: Why can cars always catch them up?
3) Why did so many people have absolutely no regard for putting their lives in absolute 100% risk - Classic example Marion driving a f***ing truck off a cliff into a tree with f***ing stupid grin on her face! FFS! If she had driven off the cliff by accident then OK, but to do it on purpose as if she planned it! *Kicks Lucas in the nuts!!!!*
4) Infact, why did Lucas have so many stupid ill-thoughtout elements to his script?:-
a) Saved from a nuclear blast by a fridge? Why was there a TV on in a town about to be blown up? Why was there water on in a town about to be blown up? Why was there food etc in a fridge in a town about to be blown up. Given, he was blown clear of the town in a freezer, why wasn't there a shower of kitched appliances? Why no other fridges, cookers and toasters flying through the air?
b) So the Ruskies need a truck with saws to cut a road? Ummm, Did this truck also remove tree stumps and rocks for the cars behind? And the truck got blown up, but a road was still there for the car chase to then use?
c) Shia LaBeouf swinging through a jungle perfectly into a car? FFS! *smacks Lucas*
d) Has no one ever heard of breaks? Car chase after car chase, cars side by side, why doesn't someone just break to get out of harms way? eg; Indy nearly getting pushed over the cliff. Just press the break pedal FFS!
5) What is the tensile strength of a snake? Not enough for what they used it for I suspect!
6) Why was such an advanced race sitting there immobilized by a missing skull? How did such an advanced race lose the skull?
7) Why was Cate Blanchett absolutely wasted in her role?
8) Why was John Hurt absolutely wasted in his role?
9) Why didn't someone smack Karen Allen to get the grin off her face?

28-May-2008, 09:40 AM
I love the original Indiana Jones movies and I'm an Indy collector but I have to admit that I was very disappointed with KOTCS. The John Williams score has to be one of his worst yet (I never thought I would say that).

I also never dreamed I would say that a Spielberg directed Indiana Jones film was disappointing but it was. I spoke to some family and friends who had similar opinions. After all these years and all the scripts they went through - that was the best they could come up with. :stunned:

I understand why Sean Connery turned down a part in it now..

28-May-2008, 09:55 AM
I also never dreamed I would say that a Spielberg directed Indiana Jones film was disappointing but it was. I spoke to some family and friends who had similar opinions. After all these years and all the scripts they went through - that was the best they could come up with. :stunned:

Had some good ideas, but not put togethor as well as they could have been. *shakes fist* LUUUUUUCCCCCCAAAAAAAS!

28-May-2008, 08:19 PM
It was a bit meh for me...

Had a couple of nice moments, but the script was a bit sloppy in places, with rediculous set pieces (absolutely totally 100% utterly f***-the-viewers-IQ unbelievable) and poor dialog which in a couple of scenes was also poorly acted. I actually found myself flinching a couple of times at the poor dialog and its delivery!

All in all, reasonably disposable fun, but it missed much of the 'soul' the previous three had. And IMHO suffered from another 'Lucas' script.

Don't get me wrong! This is no Star Wars prequel mess... But it's certainly not as good as the original Indy films IMHO.


1) Gunpowder is not magnetic!
2) Why are movie motor bikes so slow? ie: Why can cars always catch them up?
3) Why did so many people have absolutely no regard for putting their lives in absolute 100% risk - Classic example Marion driving a f***ing truck off a cliff into a tree with f***ing stupid grin on her face! FFS! If she had driven off the cliff by accident then OK, but to do it on purpose as if she planned it! *Kicks Lucas in the nuts!!!!*
4) Infact, why did Lucas have so many stupid ill-thoughtout elements to his script?:-
a) Saved from a nuclear blast by a fridge? Why was there a TV on in a town about to be blown up? Why was there water on in a town about to be blown up? Why was there food etc in a fridge in a town about to be blown up. Given, he was blown clear of the town in a freezer, why wasn't there a shower of kitched appliances? Why no other fridges, cookers and toasters flying through the air?
b) So the Ruskies need a trusk with saws to cut a road? Ummm, Did this truck also remove tree stumps and rocks for the cars behind? And the truck got blown up, but a road was still there for the car chase to then use?
c) Shia LaBeouf swinging through a jungle perfectly into a car? FFS! *smacks Lucas*
d) Has no one ever heard of breaks? Car chase after car chase, cars side by side, why doesn't someone just break to get out of harms way? eg; Indy nearly getting pushed over the cliff. Just press the break pedal FFS!
5) What is the tensile strength of a snake? Not enough for what they used it for I suspect!
6) Why was such an advanced race sitting there immobilized by a missing skull? How did such an advanced race lose the skull?
7) Why was Cate Blanchett absolutely wasted in her role?
8) Why was John Hurt absolutely wasted in his role?
9) Why didn't someone smack Karen Allen to get the grin off her face?

You realize of course that you could do that for every indy movie with the possible exception of Raiders. They were all cheesy as hell. You can't watch this movie with the critical adult mind. The only reason you can do that with the old movies is the nostalgia involved. Remembering how awesome the old movies were whne you were younger is the only thing keeping you from picking them apart. If you can see this movie with the same viewpoint in mind, it's a whole lot better.

28-May-2008, 09:10 PM
I saw it with the same viewpoint and thought it was beyond disappointing for a Indiana Jones film (And I'm someone who could enjoy The Phantom Menace).:stunned:

28-May-2008, 10:19 PM
(And I'm someone who could enjoy The Phantom Menace).:stunned:

Well you just blew your credentials right there. ;):D

28-May-2008, 10:51 PM
You realize of course that you could do that for every indy movie with the possible exception of Raiders. They were all cheesy as hell. You can't watch this movie with the critical adult mind. The only reason you can do that with the old movies is the nostalgia involved. Remembering how awesome the old movies were whne you were younger is the only thing keeping you from picking them apart. If you can see this movie with the same viewpoint in mind, it's a whole lot better.

Well said. I don't know what the hells wrong with people these days. Everything has to be analysed and compared with something else rather than just being caught in the moment and enjoying the movie for what it is. A popcorn, suspend your disbelief, fun ride.
I must move in different circles to other people because everybody I've met and know rates Indy 4.

29-May-2008, 04:06 AM
Well said. I don't know what the hells wrong with people these days. Everything has to be analysed and compared with something else rather than just being caught in the moment and enjoying the movie for what it is. A popcorn, suspend your disbelief, fun ride.
I must move in different circles to other people because everybody I've met and know rates Indy 4.

Eh. Who is making comparisons? The film failed for me because it was sh1t, not because it was sh1t compared to the earlier films.

29-May-2008, 08:15 AM
Well said. I don't know what the hells wrong with people these days. Everything has to be analysed and compared with something else rather than just being caught in the moment and enjoying the movie for what it is. A popcorn, suspend your disbelief, fun ride.
I must move in different circles to other people because everybody I've met and know rates Indy 4.

Yes, if it had been a stand alone film, not connected with the Indy trilogy, people would go easier on it.

However, Lucas has gone over board in this one with some absolutely rediculous over the top scenes (nonsense) which unfortunately damage the film IMHO. There were a couple of glimmers of a good film, but basically (IMHO) it was trying ever so hard but didn't really manage to capture the quality of the originals.

Jumping the shark = Nuking the fridge

Yes, I enjoyed it, but the script (LUUUUCAAAAAS!!! :rant:) did this film no favours with his bollards! I'm sad I've given Lucas my money and endorsement (again) by going to the cinema TBH.

29-May-2008, 08:25 AM
Yes, the fridge was silly as hell. I admit it. So? The whole Character of Short Round was as well, and I love him anyways.

Yes the script was stupid. I admit it. So? The dialogue in the original Star Wars movies was absolutely terrible, and I still love them.

It was a great movie IMO. I think I liked it better than Last Cruisade. I am looking past the silly s*(t just like I did in the other movies, and enjoying the movie for what it is: a fantastical saturday morning serial, on a grand scale.

29-May-2008, 08:43 AM
Yes, the fridge was silly as hell. I admit it. So? The whole Character of Short Round was as well, and I love him anyways.

Yes the script was stupid. I admit it. So? The dialogue in the original Star Wars movies was absolutely terrible, and I still love them.

It was a great movie IMO. I think I liked it better than Last Cruisade. I am looking past the silly s*(t just like I did in the other movies, and enjoying the movie for what it is: a fantastical saturday morning serial, on a grand scale.

To me the film just didn't sit right... As I previously said, some of the acting/dialog just felt terrible. I actually flinched!

As for the over the top action, Lucas has just gone too mad so he's gone completely past any point of suspension of disbelief. There are just sooooo many areas of the script where he clearly doesn't give two-hoots for the audiences intelligence. Things were just done because they 'looked cool' rather than made sense:-

- Fridges getting blown by a nuclear blast miles trough the air
- Marion driving up and down trees with not a worry in the world, and a big f***ing stupid grin on her face. 'Oh yes, I do this every day! Don't worry we might all actually F***ING DIE WHEN I DRIVE OFF A CLIFF AND DOWN A TREE!' FFS! Come on! At least make out it was a complete accident or something... Sheeeesh!
- Russian road cutters that don't leave stumps, or rocks.
- Russian road cuteers that once they've been blown up, they still create roads.
- Tarzan Lebouf!
- The hole premis of the story. Did you understand why one skull was missing, yet there were talk of lots of them in museums etc, and why the skull had gone missing, and why the creature(s) needed all of them to function, and why they were happy to kill people they'd never encountered before... and why... and why... and why...
- Infact, what even happened to Cate Blanchett at the end? Beams of light into her eyes, and explode... Huh? Wha? Plah! She was wasted! Almost as much as John Hurt was wasted!

Again, I enjoyed the film, but it was very lazy to the extent the plot didn't even make sense really... All because Lucas has lost it...

The original films had at least some intelligence and charm to them, this one had far less...

29-May-2008, 09:39 AM
Well you just blew your credentials right there. ;):D


I agree with you Neil. It didn't feel like a indiana jones film.

The cinematography even bothered me. You can look at the first 3 Indy films and this one doesn't fit in with the overall look.

Harrison Ford seemed to get into the character slow. That first Ford scene was hard to watch. Once he got inside the building it seemed fine. The whole movie had really odd moments that didn't fit right with the other three films.

The refrigerator bit was stupid beyond belief...Then there is the Mutt Tarzan scene (or video game scene whichever you want to call it) - That wasn't fun to watch.

The odd moments took you (or at least me) right out of the Indiana Jones adventure. Something the other three films never did.

Hard to believe that:
Raiders of the Lost ark $18 million budget
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull $185 million budget

29-May-2008, 09:52 AM

I agree with you Neil. It didn't feel like a indiana jones film.

The cinematography even bothered me. You can look at the first 3 Indy films and this one doesn't fit in with the overall look.

Harrison Ford seemed to get into the character slow. That first Ford scene was hard to watch. Once he got inside the building it seemed fine. The whole movie had really odd moments that didn't fit right with the other three films.

The refrigerator bit was stupid beyond belief...Then there is the Mutt Tarzan scene (or video game scene whichever you want to call it) - That wasn't fun to watch.

The odd moments took you (or at least me) right out of the Indiana Jones adventure. Something the other three films never did.

Hard to believe that:
Raiders of the Lost ark $18 million budget
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull $185 million budgetDriving down trees was the 'jumping the shark' moment for me (or as now know, 'nuking the fridge'). The moment I realised it had just gone beyond stupid...

29-May-2008, 12:09 PM
I feel that you guys are being WAY to hard on this flick because of your love of the originals. I saw it last night and absolutely loved it. True, there are a few things that were "out there"....but ALL the indy films have that!

I think the movie would have been a bit better if these things had been changed:

- I get that throughout the film Henry III is being set up as the next indy and the monkey/vine thing is a hint at him knowing how to swing with a whip....but come on....
-Marion wasn't really needed.
-The Alien Skulls was "supernatural" enough and should have ended at that. There was no need to see the alien in the flesh and the ridiculous ship that looked like a dinner plate.
-I loved the bombing test site scene. I thought it was fantastic. I just wish Indy wasn't so quick to get out of the fridge like nothing happened.
-The scene at the end when the hat blows through the door, mutt picks it up, and the theme starts. I was thinking "NOOOO!", but then Indy snatches it out of his hand before he can put it on. AWESOME.:lol: I think that may also be a hint that Harrison has one or two adventures left in him before Henry III takes over.(I liked LeBeouf, but I don't know if he can carry an indy flick)

There are more that i'm forgetting right now, i'm sure.

Even with those complaints, I had a ball watching this film. It's INDIANA JONES PEOPLE! It's not meant to be serious. Look at the original films and tell me that they're 100% serious. You're being too hard on this just because it's a new film in a classic franchise.

And to those of you that say it doesn't "feel" like an indy film......REALLY? I thought it just screamed Indian Jones. From the very first shot I was thinking "holy sh*t, this is another Indy film in theater".

I would have to rate this film as better than Doom, but not as good as Raiders or Crusade. I loved it and will probably go see it again.

29-May-2008, 12:18 PM
I feel that you guys are being WAY to hard on this flick because of your love of the originals. I saw it last night and absolutely loved it. True, there are a few things that were "out there"....but ALL the indy films have that!

I think the movie would have been a bit better if these things had been changed:

- I get that throughout the film Henry III is being set up as the next indy and the monkey/vine thing is a hint at him knowing how to swing with a whip....but come on....
-Marion wasn't really needed.
-The Alien Skulls was "supernatural" enough and should have ended at that. There was no need to see the alien in the flesh and the ridiculous ship that looked like a dinner plate.
-I loved the bombing test site scene. I thought it was fantastic. I just wish Indy wasn't so quick to get out of the fridge like nothing happened.
-The scene at the end when the hat blows through the door, mutt picks it up, and the theme starts. I was thinking "NOOOO!", but then Indy snatches it out of his hand before he can put it on. AWESOME.:lol: I think that may also be a hint that Harrison has one or two adventures left in him before Henry III takes over.(I liked LeBeouf, but I don't know if he can carry an indy flick)

There are more that i'm forgetting right now, i'm sure.

Even with those complaints, I had a ball watching this film. It's INDIANA JONES PEOPLE! It's not meant to be serious. Look at the original films and tell me that they're 100% serious. You're being too hard on this just because it's a new film in a classic franchise.

And to those of you that say it doesn't "feel" like an indy film......REALLY? I thought it just screamed Indian Jones. From the very first shot I was thinking "holy sh*t, this is another Indy film in theater".

I would have to rate this film as better than Doom, but not as good as Raiders or Crusade. I loved it and will probably go see it again.

So you're happy to see people drive trucks up and down trees (with a stupid f***ing grin on their face)? :rockbrow:

Again, I enjoyed it, but Lucas has just got too mad, and hence the film pole vaults past the point of suspension of disbelief... It's all a bit too lazy to sit comfortably with me, and could have been so much tighter and intelligent...

Seriously though, the phrase 'jumping the shark' is now gone, it's now either 'nuking the fridge' or 'driving down the tree'...

I rated it about 6/10, with all the rest scoring more... And that has to be the case if only because there were not daft low altitude fridges or stupid tree scaling trucks in those!

If they do another one, as I suspect they will, I do hope Lucas has less to do with the script...

29-May-2008, 12:40 PM
So you're happy to see people drive trucks up and down trees (with a stupid f***ing grin on their face)? :rockbrow:

She didn't really drive down it. She kind of landed on it, it bent over and they floated off into the water. It was a bit of a stretch, but really.....think really hard about the original films. There are MANY things like this in the originals, but people tend to over look them because of their classic status.

A huge rolling ball?:rolleyes: Jumping out of an airplane with a water raft?:rockbrow: There are many, many more. They're just accepted because they were in the originals. People are being too hard on this one because of the gap between Crusade till now.

Don't get me wrong....there are things wrong with Kingdom. Quite a few actually. But it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. They've seem to have forgotten that the original Indys are just as absurd...

29-May-2008, 01:38 PM
She didn't really drive down it. She kind of landed on it, it bent over and they floated off into the water. It was a bit of a stretch, but really.....think really hard about the original films. There are MANY things like this in the originals, but people tend to over look them because of their classic status.

A huge rolling ball?:rolleyes: Jumping out of an airplane with a water raft?:rockbrow: There are many, many more. They're just accepted because they were in the originals. People are being too hard on this one because of the gap between Crusade till now.

Don't get me wrong....there are things wrong with Kingdom. Quite a few actually. But it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. They've seem to have forgotten that the original Indys are just as absurd...


But she did it on purpose... She did it somehow knowing it would work??!?

They are driving a f***ing X ton truck towards a cliff, and she's got that stupid grin pinned to her face without the slightest worry of throwing X tonnes of metal off a 200ft cliff, into a tree... It's absolutely, 101% moronically daft!

If she'd done it completely by accident and unintentionally, I'd give it more grace (& accept it)... But nope, somehow she'd worked all the trajectories, mass, vectors, and tensile strength of old trees out before hand... And therefore has absolutely not the slightest concern for her life, or those of the others in the truck... Utterly unforgivable scripting...

As for your examples...:-
- Huge balls rolling? Yep, just like small ones, big balls will roll too!
- Jumping out of a plane in an inflatable dingy? (a) They had no choice... (b) I can almost imagine that sort of working?! (c) They actually seemed scared and I'm certain did not have a huge stupid f***ing grin on their face at the concept of death rushing towards them...

I'm not being hard in this because it's the 4th Indy film... I'm being hard on this because the other three managed to have a good solid script, where as this one in some places went moronically daft for absolutely no good reason... I still give it 6/10 for a fun run...

29-May-2008, 01:43 PM
They had no choice about getting off the cliff in Kingdom, either.:p And you can imagine three people smacking into a mountain and surviving because of a 3 inch thick raft??? It MAY be possible, but that's just as much of a stretch as the tree/cliff thing.

I suggest all you people that were offended by the crazy stunts go back and watch the original three as though you had never seen them and they weren't classics. You may be surprised to find that they all have stunts that could make you roll your eyes. Just as I think glanglee said earlier in the thread....This is a series based on fantatical saturday morning serials and you're complaining about outlandish stunts? jeesh...

29-May-2008, 01:55 PM
They had no choice about getting off the cliff in Kingdom, either.:p And you can imagine three people smacking into a mountain and surviving because of a 3 inch thick raft??? It MAY be possible, but that's just as much of a stretch as the tree/cliff thing.

I suggest all you people that were offended by the crazy stunts go back and watch the original three as though you had never seen them and they weren't classics. You may be surprised to find that they all have stunts that could make you roll your eyes. Just as I think glanglee said earlier in the thread....This is a series based on fantatical saturday morning serials and you're complaining about outlandish stunts? jeesh...

Dude! They had not choice but to drive X tonnes of truck off a cliff? Watch the scene again... I'm sure you'll see quite clearly:-
(a) The break pedal could have been used, to slow the vehicle.
(b) The steering wheel could have been used, to divert the vehicle.
(c) The doors (or open top) could have been used, to exit the vehicle.

But to jump a truck off a cliff into a tree with not the slightest of concerns? It's utterly stupid and daft and weak! This results in a complete lack of care and tension as if they don't care about any risk, why on earth should you?

Here you go! Here's the problem solved and film improved with 10 seconds of thought - Make them try and drive near the edge (getting away), but the edge gives way so they're hanging over the edge in terror (with no grins on their faces), before it gives way completely, only for them to be saved by the tree! Anything other than a stupid f***ing grin and not a care in the world knowing there is absolutely somehow no risk in driving a truck off a cliff into a tree!! For goodness sake! Doesn't take much does it LLLUUUUCCCAAAS!! :rant:

29-May-2008, 01:55 PM
I feel that you guys are being WAY to hard on this flick because of your love of the originals.

And I think, sir, that some of you are being way too lenient with regards to this film because of your childhood affection for the franchise ;)

29-May-2008, 02:02 PM
Dude! They had not choice but to drive X tonnes of truck off a cliff? Watch the scene again... I'm sure you'll see quite clearly:-
(a) The break pedal could have been used, to slow the vehicle.
(b) The steering wheel could have been used, to divert the vehicle.
(c) The doors (or open top) could have been used, to exit the vehicle.

It's utterly stupid and daft and weak! Make them try and drive near the edge, but the edge gives way so they're hanging over the edge in terror (with no grins on their faces), before it gives way completely, only for them to be saved by the tree! Anything other than a stupid f***ing grin and not a care in the world knowing there is absolutely somehow no risk in driving a truck off a cliff into a tree!! For goodness sake! Doesn't take much does it LLLUUUUCCCAAAS!! :rant:


Maybe I'm confused here, but I thought Marion, Mac, and Mutt were trying to get away from the ants while Indy was fighting with the russian and the skull was keeping the ants away. Marion sees the tree and river, and goes back for indy. After the russian is defeated, Indy jumps in the "duck" and to get away from the ants, Marion drives straight for the area where she saw the tree/river. And that's why she's smiling, because she had a plan....

And aces....That's not the case. I actually never saw an Indy film(althought I knew what they were) until I was about 15-17.

29-May-2008, 02:08 PM

Maybe I'm confused here, but I thought Marion, Mac, and Mutt were trying to get away from the ants while Indy was fighting with the russian and the skull was keeping the ants away. Marion sees the tree and river, and goes back for indy. After the russian is defeated, Indy jumps in the "duck" and to get away from the ants, Marion drives straight for the area where she saw the tree/river. And that's why she's smiling, because she had a plan....

And aces....That's not the case.

You're right... Her plan was to drive a X tonne truck, off a X hundred foot height cliff into a tree which would then safetly bend and softly put them in the water... Would you try this plan? Would you believe this plan could work?:-
- Maybe the truck would just overshoot and topple over the tree? They'd die.
- Maybe weight of the truck would just break the tree. They'd die.
- Maybe the tree was quite strong so the truck would hit it, and just fall down. They'd die.

But nope, she carefully sat there with her cray computer and taken the weight of the truck and its occupants, and after having taken tree samples, and having run similar test, 100% certain than driving X tonnes off a cliff at X MPH, into a X foot high tree would certainly save their lives... And all this with a F***ING stupid grin on her face...

Did I mention the f***ing stupid grin on her face?

Again, I put forward my suggestion for that scene is utterly more believable than Mr Lucas'...

29-May-2008, 02:11 PM
Just as you said about the raft in Doom...they had no choice!

It was either A) stay and be eaten by the ants. B) drive of the cliff at any given point and die. or C) drive off the cliff where the tree was and try to soften their blow. Either way, they were most likely going to die so she had to try something.

It's the same situation as the Lao Che plane/raft/mountain scene in Doom!

29-May-2008, 02:54 PM
Just as you said about the raft in Doom...they had no choice!

It was either A) stay and be eaten by the ants. B) drive of the cliff at any given point and die. or C) drive off the cliff where the tree was and try to soften their blow. Either way, they were most likely going to die so she had to try something.

It's the same situation as the Lao Che plane/raft/mountain scene in Doom!


Bollox! They had loads of choices other than grinning faces stupid stunt drive of unbelievability. They simply did not have to drive off the cliff:-
(a) Why didn't they drive back down the road they'd just come on?
(b) Why didn't they drive in any other direction?
(c) They get out of the car and try and find another route, surely they can outrun ants?
(d) The crystal skull meant the ants wouldn't come near them.

I don't recall any Russians driving off the cliff down trees? How did they all survive?

Basically there were plenty of options other than driving off a cliff on purpose to almost certain death - and yes, although grinning face was grinning her little heart out, let's be frank about the matter, that jump was almost certain death - hence the stupidity of it, and my issue with! It was basically almost certain suicide! No one would do it, unless they were in a character in a Lucas script. Utter daftness! Utter poor writing.

I'd again suggest my simple alternative is far more believable, even though the outcome is the same... (ie: Simply because they don't do it on purpose and have some concern for their own lives/mortality).

It's the same situation as the Lao Che plane/raft/mountain scene in Doom!Not at all... They clearly had no choice... Also I'd give myself some sort of odds jumping out of a plane and landing on snow... In a raft slowing my fall, and cushioning my landing + landing on snow I can actually believe that just might work...

Driving a truck off a X hundred foot cliff down a tree? Hmmm! Almost certain suicide! And when you have the choice simply not to, utter stupid madness... = Lucas

29-May-2008, 03:19 PM
Damn neil....you do drive a good argument. I guess We'll have to agree to disagree. Well, kind of. I agree that it was a bit of a stupid stunt, but it's really not that silly when compared to some of the others in the film, you know it?

Monkeys, anyone? WTF is that about? I think we can probably agree that the motorcycle chase at the school was pretty cool. I like that alot.

29-May-2008, 03:32 PM
Damn neil....you do drive a good argument. I guess We'll have to agree to disagree. Well, kind of. I agree that it was a bit of a stupid stunt, but it's really not that silly when compared to some of the others in the film, you know it?

Monkeys, anyone? WTF is that about? I think we can probably agree that the motorcycle chase at the school was pretty cool. I like that alot.

Oh! Don't get me started on swinging on vines and perfectly into cars, or how Hollywood motor bikes are slower than cars... :dead: :)

Again, I enjoyed the film, but for the sake of some intelligence and thought in Lucas' script it could have easily have been better...

29-May-2008, 03:49 PM
Oh! Don't get me started on swinging on vines and perfectly into cars, or how Hollywood motor bikes are slower than cars... :dead: :)

Again, I enjoyed the film, but for the sake of some intelligence and thought in Lucas' script it could have easily have been better...

I would love to read Frank Darabont's script that everyone but Lucas thought was incredible.

I think this is a silly question, but my buddy somehow didn't notice it so I'm going to ask....did you see the ark?

29-May-2008, 07:56 PM
I think this is a silly question, but my buddy somehow didn't notice it so I'm going to ask....did you see the ark?Yes...

I'd love to read Darabont's script too!

29-May-2008, 10:49 PM
It seems Neil that your main problem with that scene was my main problem with the movie. Karen Allen was grinning through the whole damn movie. I think she was just soooo happy to have a part again!! She just looked to aware that she was in another Indy movie. That really distracted me from the movie I must admit. There should be at least the appearance of danger, and she was kind of screwing that up.

Oh, and one more Happy Days reference and I am throttling you. :) It wasn't even close to being that bad.

29-May-2008, 10:57 PM
What looks more actiony, driving away or driving off of a cliff? The Indy flicks are campy action adventure movies, and this fits the bill, especially when compared to some of the over the top stuff in previous films.

I'm not saying it wasn't stupid, or poor writing, but it looks flashier, and would give people more of a: "Wow, omg, they just drove off of a cliff, How tight is that?!" feeling instead of "oh, they drove down the road..well that's...cool, I suppose..."

I didn't think it was thought provoking in the least, but it was a damn good bit of fun.

Oh, and I agree with Neil incase anyone was wondering.

30-May-2008, 12:07 AM
It seems Neil that your main problem with that scene was my main problem with the movie. Karen Allen was grinning through the whole damn movie. I think she was just soooo happy to have a part again!! She just looked to aware that she was in another Indy movie. That really distracted me from the movie I must admit. There should be at least the appearance of danger, and she was kind of screwing that up.

That's what is shocking about it to me - It's not her fault but the director's fault.

30-May-2008, 01:21 AM
That's what is shocking about it to me - It's not her fault but the director's fault.

I think maybe both

30-May-2008, 07:45 AM
There should be at least the appearance of danger, and she was kind of screwing that up.

Exactly, or the slightest recognition that (in the scene in question) there was a high risk factor and they could very probably die. They needed (A) a real reason to attempt this rediculous stunt (which they simply did not have), and (B) a fitting reaction to risking their lives (which again they did not have - that grin did not stop for a second).

Basically, Lucas has little idea how to make you care about characters - By making them so willing to risk their lives in such crazy unbelievable ways, you just lose any sense of reality and hence you lose any concern about them...

03-Jun-2008, 10:17 PM
See, I didn't have a problem with the action though. I just had a problem with Karen Allen.

04-Jun-2008, 12:51 AM
so Neil would have preferred a 40 minute ,eventless ,quiet leisurely drive down the mountain instead of action?


04-Jun-2008, 08:54 AM
so Neil would have preferred a 40 minute ,eventless ,quiet leisurely drive down the mountain instead of action?


No... Read my posts - they were perfectly clear. I can give you a hand with some of the bigger words if necessary...

04-Jun-2008, 01:49 PM
See, I didn't have a problem with the action though. I just had a problem with Karen Allen.

See, to me the initial motorcycle chase was decent and had some well placed humor, while the tromp through the jungle was kind of crudely thought out and was not only boring, but contrived. I don't know, maybe I have to see it again, but it just seemed like lazy film making and the tarzan swing and cgi monkeys were horrible.

Add to all this the heavy-handedness of how the 'aliens' were dealt with and you get mediocre, unimaginative box office fare.

14-Oct-2008, 02:48 PM
I know that alot of people weren't too happy about the new Indy film, so I'm not trying to get into one of those "I'm not buying that because it's crap and my opinion is FACT" arguments.

Just curious if the people who did like the film have bought the DVD yet. I'm thinking of going to pick it up today, but want to know what the features are like. If the features are no good, I'll wait until they release the better version. Which you know they'll do. It's Lucas...

14-Oct-2008, 02:53 PM
I know that alot of people weren't too happy about the new Indy film, so I'm not trying to get into one of those "I'm not buying that because it's crap and my opinion is FACT" arguments.

Just curious if the people who did like the film have bought the DVD yet. I'm thinking of going to pick it up today, but want to know what the features are like. If the features are no good, I'll wait until they release the better version. Which you know they'll do. It's Lucas...

If they can replace the guns with walkie-talkies in ET, they can wipe that stupid grin off her face!

darth los
14-Oct-2008, 02:54 PM
See, to me the initial motorcycle chase was decent and had some well placed humor, while the tromp through the jungle was kind of crudely thought out and was not only boring, but contrived. I don't know, maybe I have to see it again, but it just seemed like lazy film making and the tarzan swing and cgi monkeys were horrible.

Add to all this the heavy-handedness of how the 'aliens' were dealt with and you get mediocre, unimaginative box office fare.

Which just reinforces the notion that hollywood is bankrupt in terms of fresh ideas. (among other things). Not many movies impresses me anymore. Truthfully speaking, imo the more cgi that's in a movies the worse it usually is. It seems to be used as a substitute for a solid plot, good pacing and commentary.


14-Oct-2008, 03:02 PM
If they can replace the guns with walkie-talkies in ET, they can wipe that stupid grin off her face!

Damn it Neil! That's exactly the kind of input I DIDNT want!:p

There was a bit too much grinning, though.;) I;m definitely going to buy the DVD because although it does have it's flaws, I thought it was a good time. It kept me entertained like it should and I have to have the DVD to complete the series, anyway.

I'm looking forward to watching it at home. Especially the special features.

14-Oct-2008, 03:21 PM
I;m definitely going to buy the DVD

For use as a coaster, a frisbee or a gift for someone you harbor a grudge against? :D

14-Oct-2008, 03:26 PM
For use as a coaster, a frisbee or a gift for someone you harbor a grudge against? :D

No...I'm getting it to watch it because I'm not overly critical of a film series based on Serials with outlandish action sequences from the 1930's.;)

Thanks for making the exact kind of comment I was trying to avoid, btw. You've contributed alot...

14-Oct-2008, 04:49 PM
I wasn't popping a boner for it, but nor was I 'doing a South Park' over it either. :lol:

Although I did find that South Park episode to be absolutely hilarious ... and wrong ... very, very wrong ... in terms of visuals they presented, not opinion ... f*ckin' ewww. :eek::lol::hurl::eek:

Anyway, nope, I haven't bought the DVD...might get the whole lot on DVD at some point - IF they put out a PROPER box set with kick ass extras, not just some lame sh*t where everybody briefly says how lovely everybody else was.

Apparently the original box set (now out of print) was better than the current one in terms of extras and such. Missed the boat on that one then eh?

I will watch it again though, and the first three had some pretty darn outrageous things in them too ... and yes, while the whole fridge thing was preposterous, it was really entertaining - and obviously fitting with the 1950s setting - which is obviously why it has the ending twist that it does, it's one of the fundamental things about 1950s America.

14-Oct-2008, 05:13 PM
Apparently the original box set (now out of print) was better than the current one in terms of extras and such. Missed the boat on that one then eh?

That's the one I've got. If you ever see it for sell I would suggest you snatch it up. It's got some good features. Disc four contains making-of's for each film that are an hour long each. Several other little treats, too.

14-Oct-2008, 05:47 PM
South Park guys just did their take on Indy 4...funny as hell!!!

Be sure to try and see this!


14-Oct-2008, 07:55 PM
South Park guys just did their take on Indy 4...funny as hell!!!

Be sure to try and see this!

Ah man it was good, disturbingly so.

Apparently there's been a bit of a flap about it from some people, decrying 'why is this on national television?!' and such ... but some of the best SP episodes court controversy, so it's all good.

Bassman - aye indeed, I wish I'd bought it when it was available. I did get the three original films on VHS a few years back, but now I look back and think "why the f*ck did I do that?" - they're all in bloody pan & scan. :hurl:

15-Oct-2008, 12:13 AM
My father got the Indy 4 dvd today,and he is going to let me watch it this weekend.

15-Oct-2008, 12:36 AM
Ah man it was good, disturbingly so.

me gran was in the room right at lucas raping him over a pinball machine :lol:

15-Oct-2008, 12:43 AM
The Accused. . . .:lol::lol::lol:

15-Oct-2008, 02:00 AM
Apparently the original box set (now out of print) was better than the current one in terms of extras and such. Missed the boat on that one then eh?

This the original one right?


15-Oct-2008, 02:13 AM

My father has that box set.

15-Oct-2008, 09:46 AM
This the original one right?

Aye that's the one.

Or, well ... I think it is. They both kinda look the same, I duno...yes, actually that is the right one - the one I'd be after some time.

The new "adventure collection" box set is the one that gargles balls.

15-Oct-2008, 11:19 AM
Well you just blew your credentials right there. ;):D

LOL. Sorry but even I enjoyed Phantom Menace over this schlock. This has to be the worst Indy film ever. This is almost as bad if not worse than Land of the Dead.

Maybe its me and maybe classic characters and films don't need to be revisited 20 years later. They should have stopped at The Last Crusade.

15-Oct-2008, 12:25 PM
After viewing it again last night at home.....I still think you guys are blowing it out of proportion. Yeah, there are a few things that should've been left out, but it's still very much an Indy film.

Glad to have it on the shelves with the other three.

And I totally forgive the nuking of the fridge now. The scene is just so funny it makes up for it not being very believable. The look on Indy's face when he sees the dummies, realizes where he's at, and starts looking for a place to 'hide' is absolutely priceless.

23-Oct-2008, 01:11 AM
I just watched this movie a few days ago,and it wasn't that bad.The ending was complete crap,but overall I enjoyed the movie.

23-Oct-2008, 01:23 AM
Never been much of a Indy fan. Do I need to see the previous 3 to understand this one? Or do they all stand on their own?

23-Oct-2008, 01:27 AM
Never been much of a Indy fan. Do I need to see the previous 3 to understand this one? Or do they all stand on their own?

You could watch this movie without seeing the other movies.But I think you should watch the first three before you watch the new Indy movie.It would make a little more sense that way.

23-Oct-2008, 02:04 AM
Never been much of a Indy fan. Do I need to see the previous 3 to understand this one? Or do they all stand on their own?

Oh, good lord high on his throne!:eek: I beg of you, Doc, do not see this movie before you see Raiders and the Last Crusade (Temple of Doom is fun, too)! For my sake, if not for your own...

23-Oct-2008, 02:10 AM
You could watch this movie without seeing the other movies.But I think you should watch the first three before you watch the new Indy movie.It would make a little more sense that way.

but how would he get the warehouse gag with the ark?

23-Oct-2008, 02:46 AM
but how would he get the warehouse gag with the ark?

You should watch the first three Indy movies before you watch the new one.

23-Oct-2008, 02:49 AM
Oh, good lord high on his throne!:eek: I beg of you, Doc, do not see this movie before you see Raiders and the Last Crusade (Temple of Doom is fun, too)! For my sake, if not for your own...

Yeah I've seen "Doom" except for the last 15 mins I think. Although I heard its a prequel of some sort. I haven't seen Raiders or Crusade sadly.:(

You should watch the first three Indy movies before you watch the new one.

Noted. Now time to buy them.:)

23-Oct-2008, 03:25 AM
You should watch the first three Indy movies before you watch the new one.

previous poster stated u could watch the new film without seeing the old ones....thats liek watching saw 5 and being lost

23-Oct-2008, 11:57 AM
Yeah I've seen "Doom" except for the last 15 mins I think. Although I heard its a prequel of some sort. I haven't seen Raiders or Crusade sadly.:(

The Temple of Doom is the second film in the series, just the time it takes place in the storyline is before the first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark. It really has nothing to do with the first film, anyway. Actually, all the films in the original trilogy have nothing to do with each other at all.

But yeah, I think you should see the original trilogy before you see the new one. If you do that you'll catch alot more in-jokes when you see Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Besides....Raiders and Last Crusade are friggin awesome man! Get out there and see them sh*ts!:eek: