View Full Version : Big Spoiler: For Ending

11-May-2008, 04:40 PM
So what happened after they locked themself in the Panic Room? did they just die or were they able to communicate with the outside world... And what about the dumb bitch that took off in the RV, Were the **** was she going ? to Texas.. LOL ... the POV was different but their best bet was to stay with the Black National Guard guy in the werehouse....

11-May-2008, 04:49 PM
I've added spoiler tags for you.

11-May-2008, 06:30 PM
Thanks... I also might bring up another question, Where is the Navy when all this is going on , I.E Aircraft carries... they could stay on one of those ships for a long time and just send raiding parties in for food... or take over a Costco..... You tell me..

12-May-2008, 12:55 AM
Are these rhetorical questions?

12-May-2008, 01:09 AM
Yea these are Questions , that anyone can answer... Being a fan off all the Dead movies these are things I think of, Pretty good questions I think.. I mean they semi adressed these issues in the dawn remake by going to the island... its not like the dead can swim or anything ... their are other options...

12-May-2008, 02:53 AM
I mean they semi adressed these issues in the dawn remake by going to the island...
Which worked out just swell for the survivors. Did you watch through the end credits?

12-May-2008, 12:25 PM
Which worked out just swell for the survivors. Did you watch through the end credits?

Indeed. My impression from the end credits/camera footage is that they all got butchered.

12-May-2008, 04:30 PM
Might as well ask where Superman and Batman are during the zombie crisis and how are they doing, and why aren't they, along with the Lone Gunmen, working on a cure?

12-May-2008, 05:19 PM
Might as well ask where Superman and Batman are during the zombie crisis and how are they doing, and why aren't they, along with the Lone Gunmen, working on a cure?
Quit making me spit coffee out of my nose at work, you dirty bastage! :D

12-May-2008, 05:45 PM
So what happened after they locked themself in the Panic Room? did they just die or were they able to communicate with the outside world... And what about the dumb bitch that took off in the RV, Were the **** was she going ? to Texas.. LOL ... the POV was different but their best bet was to stay with the Black National Guard guy in the werehouse....

I agree, its like they just ran out of film to shoot so they stopped. i don't expect it to tie up every loose end but it just seemed as though about half the cast storylines were left hanging.

My question is why in the hell in that sort of situation did it seem as though nobody could remember to close a door, gate, shower curtain whatever?!

"Oh hey, zombies are coming to eat us, should we close the steel gate at the front of the driveway? Nah, its ok"

12-May-2008, 06:00 PM
ok now your being a jerk, serious... questions... anyway for all you fellow dead lovers, Here you can watch Day of the dead remake free with nick cannon http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cc00XMjM1MTg4Njg=.html

copy and past in your browser

btw in the orginal dawn they never showed that the police officers that went to the island wernt succesful...

12-May-2008, 08:25 PM
ok now your being a jerk, serious... questions...
btw in the orginal dawn they never showed that the police officers that went to the island wernt succesful...

Sorry, Gabe, didn't mean to come off like a jerk, but what sort of answer could you have expected with such a speculative question? A definitive answer from what we saw in the film? Guesses?

Again, I meant no offense to you.

Yes, you are correct that they never showed in 78 that the police officers did or did not make it to an island. But at least there, with the information presented in the movie, we can make somewhat of an informed guess.Since the police officers were actually criminals who were posing as cops, and not entirely smart criminals (based on their conversations) with no real plan other than to get to "any island" but unsure as to whether "any island" existed, in addition to one of the dudes already complaining that he "had to have cigarettes" as they were barely leaving the dock, combined with their penchant for pulling guns on other folks, and presumably, shooting at and killing other people including cops, my guess is that they probably never made it to any island at all. This, again, is speculation, because maybe they made it after all -- who knows?

So, Gabe, after looking at your inital question again I thought of one definite answer. After they locked themselves up in the Panic Room, they were still able to communicate with the outside world, and in fact the film that you are watching is what they edited, added a sountrack to, and then posted on You Tube, or FaceBook, or whatever site they were getting their massive hits on. As to what happens to them after they posted the film, who is to say? I think that showing anything after that would kind of be useless to the point of the story, since, unless they were filiming it to be added to the documentary it would not be useful in the context of the film.

And as in previous Romero films from the series, once the story ends there is no real need to stay with the characters any longer, though it is fun to speculate what happened to them. Did Fran and Peter crash the chopper, or did they land in Canada to start a new family? Did John and Sarah make some babies? Did Sherrif McClellen ever get a donut to go with his coffee? But again, speculation aside, to know the answers to the above is not necessary for the primary story, which GAR has told to the best of his abilities and ended.

I do agree that those crazy kids in Diary could have protected themselves better, but since they were basically lame throughout the film their action or lack thereof is understandable in that context. I have no doubt that they probably got themselves killed after they edited the film.

Sorry again for being a jerk, brother!