View Full Version : The Incredible Hulk... Looks poor...

15-May-2008, 11:22 AM
...sorry but every trailer I've seen for this film just makes it look bad... :dead:

15-May-2008, 01:15 PM
same here, though when i say so people throw a **** fit going "but *whatshisname* was in fight club!?!"

the first trailer gave away the entire movie, and what i saw was a 3rd rate movie compared to iron man or batman begins.

15-May-2008, 01:23 PM
It doesn't look like anything incredible(pun intended), but I think it will at the very least be an entertaining one-time popcorn flick like Iron Man. No way do I expect it to be as good as Batman Begins or Superman.

15-May-2008, 02:25 PM
edward norten. I dislike him alot, apparently, he was throwing his weight around to make sure it was the film *he* envisioned.

so be happy if this is true, and the movie flops; he will be labled a twerp.

15-May-2008, 02:39 PM
edward norten. I dislike him alot, apparently, he was throwing his weight around to make sure it was the film *he* envisioned.

so be happy if this is true, and the movie flops; he will be labled a twerp.

From what I've read he had to fight with the producers because they kept messing with the script and it looks like he probably didn't push them hard enough.

15-May-2008, 02:44 PM
I've heard Norton can be a bit of an ass to work with, but I think he's a great actor. He finished American History X himself, so that definitely gives him filmmaking points in my book. I also thought Keeping the Faith was pretty good for what it is.

15-May-2008, 03:00 PM
I also thought Keeping the Faith was pretty good for what it is.

I'm not even aware of this film. Something new to look into. I've genuinely enjoyed and appreciated his performances in everything I've seen him (that comes to mind). With that said, I could believe that he might be tough to work with, as you mentioned, Bassman.

This Hulk movie however, has bomb written all over it :shifty:

15-May-2008, 11:46 PM
First of all, It's gotta be better that Ang Lee's piece of crap. Second of all, Ed Norton and Tim Roth (two of my favorite actors)in the same movie is awesome!!

I do have to say however that I am unimpressed with the Hulk's boyish looks. His face is all sensitive and human. Not nearly menacing enough

04-Jun-2008, 06:21 AM
just watched a preview for this and even though like clangee, i am a fan of both norton and roth, i really have lost any inclination to see this.

another 20 foot tall CGI character with a ridiculous and almost comical looking physique and the face of a toddler? think i'll pass. bring back another lou ferigno-sized dude jumping through cheap sets and screaming his head off and i'd probably watch it. this really doesn't seem like that much of a departure from the last craptacular hulk film....so no thanks.

officially off my radar.:bored:

04-Jun-2008, 07:06 AM
I hate CGI ...made filmmakers so ****ing lazy

04-Jun-2008, 07:21 AM
I hate CGI ...made filmmakers so ****ing lazy

so you'd rather someone develop a case of sudden gigantism and be painted green raither than use CGI?

04-Jun-2008, 09:04 AM
I hate CGI ...made filmmakers so ****ing lazy

I don't hate CGI, I just hate it when it's used poorly...

04-Jun-2008, 01:34 PM
officially off my radar.:bored:

Yeah, that just about sums it up for me.

04-Jun-2008, 04:02 PM
i thought the first movie was utter crap, so i see no real reason why this one will be any better. i agree with neil, everything i've seen about this movie looks poorly done.

04-Jun-2008, 04:19 PM
actually i like dthe origional, though yeah this one looks like balls.

04-Jun-2008, 07:41 PM
gotta agree with terran about the CGI. was thinking of starting a thread about how sick i am of hollywood substituting CGI effects for good story-telling in films these days.

aside from the new batman films, i've also had enough super-hero films, particularly those from marvel. as much as i respect some of the actors attached to this one, i hope this film hits the theaters like a 25-ton pile of pigsh!t filled with maggots. maybe it'll give a hint to studios that they need to piss off with crap films. (but i doubt it)

04-Jun-2008, 08:02 PM
CGI is an awesome tool if used correctly to slightly enhance the film. The bad thing is, too many directors completely rely on it. In small doses, though....you never know it's there.

04-Jun-2008, 10:38 PM
How can you do a proper Hulk without CGI?:rockbrow:

I for one am looking foward to the movie, but I'm a Hulk fan, so there ya go.

04-Jun-2008, 11:00 PM
I don't hate CGI, I just hate it when it's used poorly...

so you'd rather someone develop a case of sudden gigantism and be painted green raither than use CGI?
I think that it should only be used to enhance other sorts of special effects....

Like spaceships look much better when made from models and if CGI was used to enhance these images they would look even better....

Makeup and animatronics with creative camera work I feel looks more realistic and better than CGI ....and if CGI was used to enhance these things they could make it look even better...

The Hulk would look scores better if it was an animatronic like suit or costume monstrocity that was enhanced with CGI to look more fluid in its movements and tiny details....

But the probelm with combining these techniques is of course the price...because essentially your paying for double the amount of effects....a whole team of animatronics workers....a whole team of makeup artists....a whole team required to run these things every day of filming...and a whole team to do the CGI.... but this would look so so so so much more convincing....

Like look how convincing the T-Rex was in the original Jurrasic Park...that was mostly animatronic(least the parts that looked most real)...That seems like a good size analogue.....

A CGI creature made from CGI alone is like oil in water....it never seems real.... it looks like a cartoon that doesnt belong

05-Jun-2008, 08:57 AM
Well... The reviews seem positive :eek:


05-Jun-2008, 10:05 AM
Well that review is meaningless to me...

I liked Ang Lee's Hulk, but it wasn't the Hulk that I fell in love with as a child.

*shakes head*

I dont think we can view this reviewer as a very objectional critic of a hulk movie if the person liked that movie :)

05-Jun-2008, 10:13 AM
Well that review is meaningless to me...

*shakes head*

I dont think we can view this reviewer as a very objectional critic of a hulk movie if the person liked that movie :)

There's at least 3 or 4 reviews on there... Not just one...

05-Jun-2008, 08:49 PM
Ahhhhh Ha!!!!!:moon:

06-Jun-2008, 12:06 PM
How can you do a proper Hulk without CGI?:rockbrow:

Like that.

They just had a cgi Hulk movie very recently. WTF is the point of this?

06-Jun-2008, 12:54 PM
Guess I am the minority here. I think it looks pretty good. It is what it is, an action driven movie about the one and only Incredible Hulk with quite a few tie ins with other recent and upcoming Marvel films. Kinda cool how they are creating their own little movie universe where each film kinda nods to the others. mark my words boyos......you will be singing a better tune AFTER (if) you see this movie or I will personally send Uwe Boll a sickeningly sweet fan letter as my penenace for having faith in this movie :evil:

06-Jun-2008, 08:26 PM

Like that.

They just had a cgi Hulk movie very recently. WTF is the point of this?

All respect to the old show, that s*%t wouldn't fly today. Besides, the Hulk is gigantic, and tall.

06-Jun-2008, 09:11 PM
and he can punch an asteroid that is twice the size of earth in two pieces with one punch.

09-Jun-2008, 04:51 PM
And he can crush a bowlingball in his buttocks!

10-Jun-2008, 11:30 AM
I'm seeing a lot of great reviews for this flick. Usually around 9/10. Looks like the naysayers could be wrong....

Anybody here seen the TV spot with Tony Stark(Robert Downey Jr.)? I thought it was supposed to be a big cameo for the fans/Marvel universe, but they put it in the advertising?:rockbrow:

SRP - I have a bit of a soft spot for the old Hulk TV show, but in the comics, isn't hulk supposed to be huge? About 12 feet tall or something. CGI is pretty much the only way they could accomplish that.

10-Jun-2008, 01:38 PM
I, for one, would love to be wrong about this movie, buuuuut I'll cross that bridge if we get to it. The cast, as said, is solid but the the trailers are weak and the initial hold off on the screening and marketing of this film made a lot of people question the project, hell it seemed like it had almost been written off already by the producers.

10-Jun-2008, 03:14 PM
I thought the trailer looked alright, as it happens. Wasn't mad on the first film but hey, we're talking quick popcorn injections here.

10-Jun-2008, 03:48 PM
I thought the trailer looked alright, as it happens. Wasn't mad on the first film but hey, we're talking quick popcorn injections here.

Judging by the reviews i've seen...if you enjoyed the popcorn fun of Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk won't let you down.

I was actually surprised by the amount of praise that Iron Man got. It was a good, one time entertaining summer flick, but most people were hailing it as the greatest superhero film ever. Not even close, imho.

I'm putting my money down that The Dark Knight will totally smash(pun intended) Hulk and Iron Man next month.:elol:

10-Jun-2008, 11:03 PM
SRP - I have a bit of a soft spot for the old Hulk TV show, but in the comics, isn't hulk supposed to be huge? About 12 feet tall or something. CGI is pretty much the only way they could accomplish that.

Depends which Hulk you want. The original Hulk wasn't a "Hulk" at all. He was more a Mr. Hyde character.

It also depends which artist is drawing him. He ranges from just about head-and-shoulders taller than Wolverine (who isn't exactly a giant) to the size of an aircraft carrier.

11-Jun-2008, 01:04 AM
Depends which Hulk you want. The original Hulk wasn't a "Hulk" at all. He was more a Mr. Hyde character.


Really now? I present the cover of Hulk#1 . . . obvious size growth. Just not so green.


11-Jun-2008, 02:59 PM
Positive review at AICN - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/37043

14-Jun-2008, 04:24 AM
So i literally just finished watching it and i can say its a great flick, on par with iron man, its got a better plot than iron man, but iron mans got better acting in it, robert downey junior IS tony stark on screen, yet this aint banner, its the dude form fight club.
theres more references than there was in any spidey movie, Lou ferigno (of course), the purple pants and ,most surprisingly, when hes walking down a dirt road that "du-da-du-du" theme form the old series plays.
all in all its great action and fits as much hulk mythos in one movie as spiderman 3, but does it in a coherent way thats actually relevant to one narrative.
if you've enjoyed all the other marvel movies youll dig this one, and i was surprised that i found it better than the first one, worth checking out if your a hulk fan, HULK SMASH!...sorry, had to be said.

14-Jun-2008, 05:47 AM

Okay, I'll give it a shot, providing I can find someone to go with.

Thanks for a quick and dirty report back on the movie, Hells! It definitely makes a difference with my confidence level on going to see this.

15-Jun-2008, 03:21 PM
Funny that a rampaging monster in Harlem wasn't enough to draw out the Fantastic Four or Spiderman.

15-Jun-2008, 07:28 PM
^more like there budgets, i allwasy wondered though why you never, in the sandbox spiderman games, saw any other heros just fly past as easter eggs, that be bitchin'

15-Jun-2008, 07:56 PM
^more like there budgets, i always wondered though why you never, in the sandbox spiderman games, saw any other heros just fly past as easter eggs, that be bitchin'

While not the same as the movies there were a couple of Ultimate heroes in Ultimate Spiderman and I think we'll have alot of cameos in the forthcoming Spiderman Web of Shadows which is based on the comics.

Thinking back to the Hulk film, I wonder if the moves he did like sonic clap and the fists he made from the police car are moves he does in the comics or taken directly from the 2005 game Ultimate Destruction.

16-Jun-2008, 02:57 AM
Thinking back to the Hulk film, I wonder if the moves he did like sonic clap and the fists he made from the police car are moves he does in the comics or taken directly from the 2005 game Ultimate Destruction.

A sonic, or shock wave inducing clap is a move that the various versions of Hulk have done over the years. Definitely.

16-Jun-2008, 07:22 AM
As was the ground punch thing.

Great movie by the way. Enjoyable all the way through. I did notice that this hulk was quite a bit more vulnerable that the previous movie hulk or the later comic hulk. Not nearly as powerful, and destructive. But the action in this one was way better.