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15-May-2008, 12:17 PM
Romero: I Just Make Zombie Flicks (http://www.rabiddoll.com/index.php?p=478)
By Julie Pyle

George Romero is not a man concerned with critics, big-budget remakes of his films or fans who want to see a slew of “Dawn of the Dead” reincarnations. According to him, he’s just an indie film guy who enjoys making zombie flicks, the most recent of which - “Diary of the Dead” - is due for DVD release May 20.

Despite his current cult status, his name was not always synonymous with success. Until “Land of the Dead” finally won over critics, Romero admitted to Horror-Movies that he “used to get nothing but lousy reviews!” But that hasn’t stopped him from growing a rabid fan base, even when they don’t understand why he does what he does.

“Most of my fans just want me to remake ‘Dawn of the Dead,” he said. “The gore fans and people I meet at conventions just want me to do ‘Dawn’ all over again. They didn’t like ‘Day of the Dead,’ because it wasn’t like ‘Dawn.’”

Unfazed, he continues to expand and re-invent the zombie genre. And with each film, the undead continue to evolve. Romero said he will stop short of making a life-challenged version of “Planet of the Apes,” though. “I don’t think I want to know what happens in that world,” he explained.

While always a trailblazer, Romero’s path seems to have recently crossed with mainstream tastes, causing comparisons between “Diary of the Dead” and more standard horror films such as “Cloverfield” and “Rec.”

“You know what? I’m an independent guy,” said Romero. “I do my own stuff. I can honestly say I don’t particularly care…My stuff is my stuff. Take it or leave it. I mean, they’re not making a splash or making as much money as the other films, but it’s there. The same could be said about the remakes of my films.”

To read the rest of the Romero interview, click here. (http://www.horror-movies.ca/horror_11696.html)

15-May-2008, 10:20 PM
Romero: I Just Make Zombie Flicks (http://www.rabiddoll.com/index.php?p=478)“Most of my fans just want me to remake ‘Dawn of the Dead,” he said. “The gore fans and people I meet at conventions just want me to do ‘Dawn’ all over again. They didn’t like ‘Day of the Dead,’ because it wasn’t like ‘Dawn.’”

It's a shame that GAR feels that way. I know there is a certain segment of the horror fan base in general that feel that way, but I wish he knew there are a lot of dedicated fans of all of his films in general that like "Day" & that "get it".

15-May-2008, 11:44 PM
It's a shame that GAR feels that way. I know there is a certain segment of the horror fan base in general that feel that way, but I wish he knew there are a lot of dedicated fans of all of his films in general that like "Day" & that "get it".
Well, be sure to tell him so. When I met Romero in Dallas, I said, "Thanks for making intelligent movies that make us think and don't assume the audience is a bunch of morons" and he replied, "thanks for noticing!"

16-May-2008, 12:38 AM
"The same could be said about the remakes of my films.”

Except Dawn 04. :rolleyes: :confused:

And other zombie faire like Shaun, 28 Days / Weeks, Resident Evil, RE - Extinction, RE - Apacalypse, all having box office success.

I just don't think George has anything really too offer anymore. Could he even make another film not zombie related or is he living off the legend ?

If he actually made a good film, it'd be successful. But no one was running out of the theatre after seeing LAND and going "Oh dude, you GOTTA see this film. It rules !"


I haven't seen DIARY yet; I want to. I'm hoping it's worth my time.


Day of the Dead. It's too bad it gets the rep it does. I loved it and it's my favorite among the 3 films.

19-May-2008, 12:39 PM
I'll go see whatever George puts on the screen. I was disappointed in Land (some of the worst practical special effects I've ever seen...not to mention they managed to make Asia Argento not-attractive) and thought Bruiser was just ass. I have high hopes for Diary, but if its bad, hey, its just a movie. All my oldest fav directors (Carpenter, Argento, Bava, Raimi, Fulci and Cronenberg) have had their share of stinkers. Most of the bad ones, well, at least they tried to do something interesting.

In reality, I enjoyed the Res Evil flicks, the Dawn remake and the 28 Days/Weeks Later movies were pretty danged good.They keep makin' 'em and I'll keep watchin' 'em. And if George has decided that making zombie films is what he's good at, well, hell. I agree with him.

19-May-2008, 01:06 PM
Well, be sure to tell him so. When I met Romero in Dallas, I said, "Thanks for making intelligent movies that make us think and don't assume the audience is a bunch of morons" and he replied, "thanks for noticing!"

FFS! He's just too cool at times!

Day of the Dead. It's too bad it gets the rep it does. I loved it and it's my favorite among the 3 films.

I love it too... Beautifully dark and depressing!

19-May-2008, 02:55 PM
not to mention they managed to make Asia Argento not-attractive
I've never understood the sex symbol status that some bestow on Asia Argento. She's her dad with a wig, and he sure ain't winning any beauty contests.

Then again, I could never understand why Jamie Lee Curtis was considered attractive either and I don't know what "FFS" means, so maybe it's me.

19-May-2008, 03:27 PM
I've never understood the sex symbol status that some bestow on Asia Argento. She's her dad with a wig, and he sure ain't winning any beauty contests.

Then again, I could never understand why Jamie Lee Curtis was considered attractive either and I don't know what "FFS" means, so maybe it's me.

Jamie Lee Curtis was known for a while in the 80s as 'the body'... That's one reason at the very least she was considered attractive...

FFS = For F***s Sake

19-May-2008, 04:17 PM
Jamie Lee Curtis was known for a while in the 80s as 'the body'... That's one reason at the very least she was considered attractive...
I'm aware of all the justifications seeing as I lived through the 80s, but it doesn't change the fact that she has the face of a guy. Regardless, both Jamie Lee Curtis and Asia Argento are skilled and convincing actors.

The real problem is that Argento was completely miscast in Land as was Simon Baker, not that she wasn't "attractive" enough.

Some of our views are spacious
And some are merely space.
- NP

21-May-2008, 03:48 AM
I am always saddened a little bit by Romero not doing other types of movies. don't get me wrong, I am second to no one when it comes to enjoying Romero's zombie movies. I like them all, but most of the movies he has ever made have been good. They are not huge money makers and usually somewhat ignored but the ideas behind them are great. I don't think I have seen a movie he has been heavily involved in and not enjoyed it, his ideas are just special and the way he puts them into film. Not everyone has to like him, because things are an acquired taste, but I would like to see him do things aside from zombie movies.

Its always a shame to see someone become a prisoner of something they had such a big part in creating, be they actor or director (Robert Englund and Freddy Krueger for example). Romero would never be and will never be that sort of big name that draws in multi millions with his movies but I can see him doing well. Its not about the name, its about the story. He knows how to tell a story, I just wish he would tell different stories too. The zombie ones are great, but at times in interviews you can sort of tell he wants to do more, not that he is not having fun or he would not do it at all, but I would just like to see him do other films to. Maybe an every other film sort of thing.

22-May-2008, 01:11 AM
Then again, I could never understand why Jamie Lee Curtis was considered attractive either and I don't know what "FFS" means, so maybe it's me.

Inclined to agree about Jamie Lee Curtis. Not sexy when she was young, and kind of scary now that she is older.

The fact that she was born a hermaphordite doesn't really raise her sexiness quotient, though it makes me marginally more interested in seeing her naked just for the sake of novelty!

Regarding whether or not Romero can do non-zombie films, I have to say that while not commerically sucessful I thought that Martin and Knightriders were rather good. Season of the Witch/Jack's Wife was ok too. Have yet to see the shorts he produced for TV, but I think he has proven himself capable of stepping away from the zombie-genre. Whether he is commerically viable to the masses in that arena has no real effect on whether or not he is a capable screenwriter/director/editor.

You know what kind of directors are money makers for the studios and therefore considered "viable" as far as Hollywood and the mainstream media machine are concerned? Ron Howard, Zack Snyder and Dean Devlin. And I will personally pick a fight with anyone that says any one of those hacks are as good as George A. Romero.

22-May-2008, 08:03 AM
The fact that she was born a hermaphordite doesn't really raise her sexiness quotient, though it makes me marginally more interested in seeing her naked just for the sake of novelty!
Not this nonsense again... Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo had this sort of nonsense pinned to them during their careers to...

The fact you've just stated it as fact? Huh!? You need to learn to know the difference between actualy facts and just gossip or rumours... Especially when you're perpetuating them...

22-May-2008, 05:26 PM
I'm amazed the JLC/hermaphrodite rumour is still circulating.

23-May-2008, 12:38 AM
Not this nonsense again... Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo had this sort of nonsense pinned to them during their careers to...

The fact you've just stated it as fact? Huh!? You need to learn to know the difference between actualy facts and just gossip or rumours... Especially when you're perpetuating them...

Neil, you are absolutely right, and the board deserves an apology from me for perpetuating stupidity. I was just trying to be funny, but with hindsight I realize that by bringing up that myth in the manner which I did made me sound stupid and is nothing short of lame.

I'm amazed the JLC/hermaphrodite rumour is still circulating.

With my hat in hand, I admit that I am guilty of contributing to this problem, and as such will I recant my unwarranted statements about Jamie Lee Curtis, a woman who (though I do not find her attractive) is not and never was a hermaphordite. That I stated the rumor about her as "fact" was ignorant and incorrect, and I apologize.

23-May-2008, 01:15 AM
Neil, you are absolutely right, and the board deserves an apology from me for perpetuating stupidity.
I forgive you, Jimbo. You ain't stupid. :D

Besides, I started this by saying that Jamie Lee Curtis looks like a guy, though I've always said she is a very good actor and it shouldn't matter how she looks.

23-May-2008, 01:52 AM
With my hat in hand, I admit that I am guilty of contributing to this problem, and as such will I recant my unwarranted statements about Jamie Lee Curtis, a woman who (though I do not find her attractive) is not and never was a hermaphordite. That I stated the rumor about her as "fact" was ignorant and incorrect, and I apologize.
Why apologise? I knew you were joking all along.

Besides, who wants the story of JLC's missing weenie disappearing forever? It was a good 'un while it lasted. :D

27-May-2008, 09:13 PM
Why apologise? I knew you were joking all along.

Thanks Cap and Dubious for your understanding!

darth los
28-May-2008, 04:19 PM
I've never understood the sex symbol status that some bestow on Asia Argento. She's her dad with a wig, and he sure ain't winning any beauty contests.

Dude i was sure was the only one who noticed that. :lol::lol:

Good catch!! :thumbsup:

Thanks Cap and Dubious for your understanding!

Dude, it ain't that serious. If austin powers would have said it, it would have been hilarious!!

IT'S A MAN BABY!! :cool:

30-May-2008, 12:29 AM
Yeah, Darth, if only I had the comedic sensibility and delivery of Myers, maybe I would have been able to pull off the joke!

I don't know, y'all, but Asia Argento looks ok to me!

01-Jun-2008, 01:22 AM
FFS! He's just too cool at times!

I love it too... Beautifully dark and depressing!

Day was really good. To be honest I think that was the best group of actors out of the first three. I got to see it opening weekend at an old 'drive-in' that no longer is in business. It was cool to see it like that at night out doors with a few cold ones. hahaha constantly looking over our shoulders. :D