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View Full Version : Escape of the Living Dead?

15-May-2008, 04:22 PM
Most of you guys may have heard of this, but I couldn't find anything using the search feature.

Russo is apparently at it again:rolleyes:...


Three down....http://joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=12206

15-May-2008, 04:36 PM
Most of you guys may have heard of this, but I couldn't find anything using the search feature.

Russo is apparently at it again:rolleyes:...


Three down....http://joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=12206

there was link from a fangoria article about this a few weeks ago.

dear god though, tony todd is in this?? say it isn't so.

15-May-2008, 04:44 PM
Russo is apparently at it again:rolleyes:...
Yep, posted here (http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?t=10565).

While nothing can be as truly awful as the Just a Girl comic, I bet they'll be trying really hard to top it. :stunned:

15-May-2008, 07:46 PM
Andy will be so excited. Considering how much he loved Night 30. :sneaky:

21-May-2008, 03:53 AM
Eh, the Just a Girl comic was alright, the sort of prequel mini was probably the best of the recent comic run though. I only have a few issues of Escape (vastly prefer Walking Dead), but did not care for it to much. Its one of those things that I dont think deserves to be made into a film and if Russo is making it I dont know what to think. Probably wont be to good.

22-May-2008, 01:05 AM
Eh, the Just a Girl comic was alright, the sort of prequel mini was probably the best of the recent comic run though. I only have a few issues of Escape (vastly prefer Walking Dead), but did not care for it to much. Its one of those things that I dont think deserves to be made into a film and if Russo is making it I dont know what to think. Probably wont be to good.

In NOLD 68, one of the only redeeming factors of the "Harry" character was the fact that he cared about his little girl. Yeah, he was a coward and a creep, but at least he cared about his daughter!

While I did not mind the artwork - not great, mind you, but just ok - the Just a Girl comic totally perverted the "Harry" character - made him not give a damn about "Karen" - and then inserted a pathetic back story about "Karen" being an adopted child. That I do not forgive.

If Russo is producing this film then I pretty much know that it will be an unworthy piece of crap.