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01-Mar-2006, 07:17 PM

It's almost three quarters of the way down the page. Found it searching info on the remake. This is a complete ripoff of Land of the Dead's poster. A hand reaching up. gasp, and the slogan of the film is...

D-Day is coming

God, this is gonna suck...

01-Mar-2006, 07:23 PM
Not to mention the poster of Creepshow III which is sure to be a grade a 'ass'terpiece

01-Mar-2006, 08:46 PM
I can't wait to see it! It's going to make the original (which is over 20yrs old) look even better!!

01-Mar-2006, 09:40 PM
I can't wait to see it! It's going to make the original (which is over 20yrs old) look even better!!

Like Contagium did? I'd agree with you there if anyone else was making it. But Taurus Entertainment, the company responsible for Contagium, is involved, and the writer is the writer of Final Destination. It looks like it'll bomb.

I can't wait to see it anyway, just to see how it is...

02-Mar-2006, 06:57 AM
Final Destination was pretty good though!!!

02-Mar-2006, 10:21 AM
they should let romero make his original day script, or something closer to it. now that would be good :D

02-Mar-2006, 10:36 AM
Yeh that'd be cool...but it'll never happen, which is a damn shame. GAR really deserves far more credit and work in 'the system', instead of people just ripping off and remaking his flicks - but the dude seems pretty "meh" about it all - I guess he knows his flicks are the ultimate ones, the remakes will never do better, he's got at least a 20 year head start and HE was the kick start for the modern zombie after all with "Night".

Besides, everywhere a remake will go, the original will follow - often with the words "seminal original" or "original classic". The sooner this remake fad is over the better.

02-Mar-2006, 01:14 PM
the poster art is pretty cool. the tax line is moronic.

i'm truely hoping, and bear with me here, that they continue with the new Day using the zombies and "world" from the dawn remake. I think the dawn remake had alot of potential that was never considered. and if nothing else the amount and quality of related fiction it's inspired on this site, prooves the concept of...."running" zombies can work.

i think it would be more meaningful if they tried to tie these films together as a new series that's inspired by the old one, rather than two stand alone "reinvisioning" films.

02-Mar-2006, 02:23 PM
huh, i actually quite like both the day of the dead and creepshow3 poster, go fig. :D

02-Mar-2006, 06:56 PM
I've seen some things on Creepshow 3. It doesn't look good at all.

As for Day of the Dead's remake. We need to recruit some people to get scripts out there. Universal needs to get involved, then we could sick djfunkmasterg on them again. :D

03-Mar-2006, 02:41 PM
heh, yeah creepshow 3 probably will suck, but I do think I really want to buy that poster :D

03-Mar-2006, 06:12 PM
I guess it's what they represent.

I haven't seen the Creepshow 3 one, but I have seen the one for "Day of the Remake"...and it's SUCH a rip-off of Land of the Dead...the tag line sucks bean bag too.

03-Mar-2006, 06:52 PM
Here's a closer look at the poster:


From the director of Halloween H20

I'm sorry, but thats absolutely nothing to brag about...

03-Mar-2006, 08:13 PM
again, i really do like the art. it's very nice.

04-Mar-2006, 05:15 PM
Ummmmm...I agree the art is fine, but it is too reminiscent of the LOTD artwork for me to appreciate it. I also don't think the artwork evokes what I expect of the film (i.e. military men unraveling at the seams, useless scientists and some sort of an installation that will turn into a death trap), but that's probably just me splitting hairs.

05-Mar-2006, 04:55 AM
Post deleted.

05-Mar-2006, 05:59 AM
Ummmmm...I agree the art is fine, but it is too reminiscent of the LOTD artwork for me to appreciate it. I also don't think the artwork evokes what I expect of the film (i.e. military men unraveling at the seams, useless scientists and some sort of an installation that will turn into a death trap), but that's probably just me splitting hairs.

fair point, but this is juts the "announce" poster, i'l expect more once we get to the actual theatrical placement and AD posters.

like i said earlier, the art is the only thing i like. the rest of the poster is ass.

06-Mar-2006, 02:53 AM
I would love to see if the characters remain. Are the zombies fast or slow?

06-Mar-2006, 03:54 AM
myself i love the fact that they are makeing more zombie movies. it gives us something to talk about.
if anything it will make the original look even better.

06-Mar-2006, 09:25 AM
No doubt they're fast ... and they'll be wearing big, gay cowboy hats. And they'll talk, and play Twister and drink beer. And they do the splits, high jumps and barrel-rolls ... and they'll fart fairy dust out their ass.

06-Mar-2006, 01:32 PM
is joel schumacker directing this?


06-Mar-2006, 01:37 PM
"Day of the Remake" is getting poked by Steve Miner - forshame - but after H20...what do you expect really? It's a shame how so many of the greats have sold out and just poop out ... well ... crap, these days.


Move over you old hacks, make way for the young guns - and I don't mean freakin' Hack Snyder - I'm talking the likes of that Greg McKlean fella - "Wolf Creek" (just watched it) was actually rather good, beautifully shot too - on HD, mmmm.

06-Mar-2006, 03:02 PM
Wolf Creek, really? i was looking at that in my Ondemand folder. perhaps i'll order it this week.

as for current hacks, the list begins and ends with the name "McG". fraking hell i loathe that twit.

06-Mar-2006, 06:10 PM
Yeh Wolf Creek is not a bad flick.

I was judging it against "Hostel" (which I thought was a big disappointment) - in terms of the 'genre' (if you will) of "strangers in a foreign land being tortured". There was enough focus on the characters beforehand (but not 50 minutes of friggin' horny teens doing hot chicks) and the 'bad guy' turns up at the right time - and is surprisingly charming (which adds to the disturbing nature of it all).

There are moments of annoying genericness - nobody ever crushes the bad guy's skull when they have them on the floor, or you have the whimpering cry baby slowing down the tough one. But after that it goes in it's own direction and moves off into some more interesting and less-generic territory.

I must have downloaded the rated version, as it could have done with more gore, but as it stands it was a good film - which was very well made. The photography, which falls in love with the outback scenery, is gorgeous too - and beautiful imagery in a horror flick is hard to come by these days.

06-Mar-2006, 07:37 PM
I would love to see if the characters remain. Are the zombies fast or slow?

No word yet. But the writer said he wished to remain true to the original, as he's a fan (but didn't James Gunn and Zack Snyder say the same thing?). I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point in time.

myself i love the fact that they are makeing more zombie movies. it gives us something to talk about.
if anything it will make the original look even better.

I agree, it gives us something to talk about. But I also believe its about the quality, not quantity. And in my opinion, the quality is lacking in recent years.

It hopefully will give the original more edge. People said the Dawn of the Dead remake would do that, but it turned out that every 18 year old football idiot in the country thought it was just a movie of its own. It did shine light onto the genre though, I'll give it that.

The Day of the Dead remake will be more, as the guys involved actually have experience. Dawn of the Dead's remake had a newbie director making his debut, and a writer whose done kiddie movies such as Scooby Doo (hence the cruddy writing). The writer of the Day of the Dead remake has worked on Final Destination, which wasn't a bad movie. The director is a veteran of the genre with a bunch of experience under his belt. The Day of the Dead remake sounds promising, even though there isn't much to go on at the moment.

06-Mar-2006, 07:51 PM
Yeh Wolf Creek is not a bad flick.

ok, cool. i'll put in que to dowload tonight.

Humor Tumor
07-Mar-2006, 03:27 PM
No word yet. But the writer said he wished to remain true to the original, as he's a fan (but didn't James Gunn and Zack Snyder say the same thing?). I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point in time.

I agree, it gives us something to talk about. But I also believe its about the quality, not quantity. And in my opinion, the quality is lacking in recent years.

It hopefully will give the original more edge. People said the Dawn of the Dead remake would do that, but it turned out that every 18 year old football idiot in the country thought it was just a movie of its own. It did shine light onto the genre though, I'll give it that.

The Day of the Dead remake will be more, as the guys involved actually have experience. Dawn of the Dead's remake had a newbie director making his debut, and a writer whose done kiddie movies such as Scooby Doo (hence the cruddy writing). The writer of the Day of the Dead remake has worked on Final Destination, which wasn't a bad movie. The director is a veteran of the genre with a bunch of experience under his belt. The Day of the Dead remake sounds promising, even though there isn't much to go on at the moment.

Good point, but Tom Savini who directed the remake to Night made an inferior film. and he worked with the man himself. So really I won't be surprised if this flops.

I love Day, and I think like Romero's other films can't be remade

07-Mar-2006, 03:46 PM
Night 90 will be the best of the remakes, as it was remade by those involved in the original trilogy itself - and it wasn't a big studio remake either. They went somewhere new with it, but it did feel a bit TV-movie-like, the make up was great - but needed to be so much gorier - yet it was brilliantly 'anatomically correct'.

But Night 68 says so much more and is far grittier and scarier. It's social commentary was deep and effective, the remake pretty much just said "women are tougher these days" - yet there was still friggin' Judy Rose.

Goddamn I was so pleased when her character got blown the hell up in the remake, one minute she's trying to be Ripley and all tough-talk, a minute later she's yelping "you shot Mr McGruder!" (like she forgot he's a f*cking ZOMBIE now!!!), then she's tough-talking again and then REALLY annoying - the stupid bitch vibe who you'd just wanna slap to shut her the hell up, grrr!!!

07-Mar-2006, 05:51 PM
hmmm, I bet if Night 90' was made today, call it Night 06' it probably would be alot bloodier, plus it would be even more so when the DVD came out. :cool:

it might have running zombies too. :D

07-Mar-2006, 06:47 PM
hmmm, I bet if Night 90' was made today, call it Night 06' it probably would be alot bloodier, plus it would be even more so when the DVD came out. :cool:

it might have running zombies too. :D

You know what just occured to me?

How the hell would we have Night of the Living Dead with running zombies? Barbra couldn't out run a RUNNING cemetary zombie...:eek:

07-Mar-2006, 07:03 PM
well, in the original that first cemetary zombie does shuffle about at a pretty good rate, almost RotLD fast. :)

07-Mar-2006, 07:43 PM
Even then, it wasnt like Dawn of the Dead's remake, where Lance Armstrong wouldn't have a chance if he were on a bike going at his typical fast-as-hell speed.

Please, don't ever let James Gunn write another remake...

07-Mar-2006, 08:48 PM
Well it'd definately be bloodier that's for sure, around 1990 the MPAA were really cracking down on gore and violence after the slasher cycle of the 1980s - just look at each Friday 13th, they get less scary but also less violent - although part four is pretty darn bloody. But part five starts the downfall (with part six giving more...but not enough), then part seven and eight are so damn tame. Part nine brought it back a tad in 1993, but with part ten (in what, 2001?) came at a time when gore was allowed back onto the screen ... just as long as nobody got naked at the same time as blood was a flying.

Humor Tumor
08-Mar-2006, 03:28 PM
I noticed that in the Dawn remake there wwas so little blood. It was prestine compared to the original. I'm fearing that the most memorable deaths of Day will be redone or left out.

Rhodes should be torn apart on camera. If that is not in it, they will have ruined the best death in a zombie movie.

08-Mar-2006, 03:39 PM
But for all we know, there may not be a character named Rhodes. Or a similar type character, for that matter. They may do like Gunn did with Yawn04 and just totally rewrite it with nothing similar the original. Except for maybe underground bunker....that would probably be it:rolleyes:

I'll be there opening day....but Im sure it will be a joke just like Yawn.

Humor Tumor
08-Mar-2006, 05:53 PM
True, but I always like to think a remake will follow the story arc of the original film. I can be hugely mistaken.

08-Mar-2006, 07:17 PM
I'd rather they not do it - and leave the daddy-of-deaths in Day of the Dead ... not try and hack-f*ck it into "Day of the Remake"...

08-Mar-2006, 09:08 PM
I found this interesting. Here's a quote from the writer, Jeffery Reddick.

“I’m sworn to secrecy on specifics, but this won’t just be a rehash of an old film. I’m a huge fan of George Romero and I wouldn’t insult his work by just copying his movie with a WB-friendly cast. But I can tell you this: There will be a military facility with soldiers, scientists and civilians, there will be a Bub and yes, there will be blood—lots of it. Like the original, this DAY will be rated R.”

He never said the same characters, and something tells me he would say it if it was true. So I think its safe to say that other than Bub, there will be all new characters. Another interesting thing will be to see how Bub's part is written and who portrays him.

He said lots of blood. He didn't say lots of good, hardy devouring of corpses. Given the situation about how the industry and the MPAA runs today, I don't think we'll see it as much as it was in the original without an NC-17 rating. It'll be just too much. But given films get away with alot now still, I think we'll see alot of bloody, overhyped headshots and other blood-squirting injuries.

But these leaves me wondering...who should do the makeup?

And the big question that'll probably start crossing peoples minds...cameos. Who will we see? What will they do? Who will they be? etc.

Day of the Dead was unrated in the U.S, not R. So yeah, that proves he's a huge fan of Romero rate of the bat...

I don't know about you guys, but I have a real bad feeling about this remake. I'll reserve my final judgement until I see the film...

08-Mar-2006, 10:08 PM
"Day of the Remake" will suck a big fat hairy beanbag and pay for the privilege, DOTR is such the whore. :D

Humor Tumor
09-Mar-2006, 04:36 PM
I don't even think an R version was ever made.

It was either he would make a 7-8 million movie on an R rating or a 3 million movie with an Unrated rating.

Obviously this guy knows nothing

09-Mar-2006, 06:48 PM
Different countries slashed it down to a level worth rating. But in the U.S., it was unrated as far as I know.

All I know is this about this writer. He wrote Final Destination. That was just a cheap, teenie-bopper flick all about the cool, jumpy moments and all the killing. The writing actually, was more decent than anything James Gunn would dream of doing. But either way, I don't think the Day of the Dead remake will be anything too special.