View Full Version : So whos played precipice of darkness yet?

21-May-2008, 06:11 PM
I downloaded the mac demo...it wouldn't even open, so i downloaded the 360 one, though in retrospect you just unlock the 360 versions to get the full game rather than downloading more like pc games so its better that way.
anyway i played it for a good 20 minutes and loved it and will definitely be purchasing the full game, its like final fantasy 7 7 combat with some real time elements thrown in and i just love the gameplay, you make a character unique for you that carries on through all 4 episodes, mine wore a bitchin' top hat goatee combo, and in the comic book scenes your characters in 2 as well as 3d during gameplay.
The writings funny, as expected, but its a shame that jerry and mike didn't actually voice there web-comic counterparts, but then your character would be mute or something like link so this makes more sense.
Overall if your an rpg fan youll love it, the blend a steam-punk and paranormal gives it a "if mike mignola did cartoons for kids" vibe and it rocks.

21-May-2008, 06:20 PM
Is it the type of RPG that randomly forces you into battling enemies every 5 seconds of walking? Because I find those games extremely friggen annoying and if that didn't happen their whole "20 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY!" gimmick would be cut down to like 3 hours.

If it's a Zelda: LTTP type of RPG, then count me in.

21-May-2008, 06:27 PM
kinda between the two, you have those switching to a battle screen, but the enemies walk around the map so you can avoid them if you wish.

22-May-2008, 02:39 AM
It's pretty good. The humor is great and the combat system is pretty cool, but the environments are bland and repetitive.

22-May-2008, 02:45 AM
i cant believe they got away with gabe saying "****" as much as he does.