View Full Version : Who are your picks of the 2 scariest horror movie monsters ?

24-May-2008, 05:50 AM
Irrespective whether any monsters named have been visibly seen on screen, or were even always unseen, what are your picks so far of the 2 scariest (whatever your definition of that is) horror cinema monsters (as opposed to any you regard as a favorite for being cool, but you've never really considered them scary) and please say why, for anyone named.

If this has been well discussed here or elsewhere, please give any thread links.

24-May-2008, 05:59 AM
I think it's the "unseen" monster that's scariest. It's old fashioned now, but when I first watched The Evil Dead, the "evil" going through the forest was spooky and exciting. :)

Chic Freak
24-May-2008, 08:35 PM
I think it's the "unseen" monster that's scariest. It's old fashioned now, but when I first watched The Evil Dead, the "evil" going through the forest was spooky and exciting. :)

Yep! It was scary the way it was sometime sort of seen when it possessed people, but you never really saw it in itself. I actually nearly screamed at the bit when it possesses the girl by the window who can suddenly psychically guess what playing cards are being held up behind her, lol.

Liam and I were talking about this the other day and postulated that everyone has a particular "theme" of "monster" that scared them more than any other during childhood and continues to be more scary in films they watch as an adult.

My "theme" is witches and his is aliens. I tend to get the most scared by films about black magic and so on, but usually only if the practicioners/ devil worshippers etc are women, the uglier, the scarier, and can generally get very engrossed in fantasy novels.

Liam gets much more engrossed with sci-fi and tends to find horror themes along the lines of alien abduction (or similar) the scariest. At worst, he finds fantasy irritating and I find sci-fi dull unless it's very well done.

25-May-2008, 03:04 AM
I agree with the "unseen" monster. Initially with Evil Dead I found it scary but after so many viewings on VHS and DVD it eventually lost its impact on me. Then just two years ago some friends of mine who work in a theater got their hands on a print of the film and we had a personal screening and seeing it on the big screen in the dark just totally brought back my love of the film and its creepy factor.

Another movie like this that gets to me is the Shining. I've read the book (and prefer it to Kubrick's version) but the movie itself is still highly rated on my scale of creepiness. Continuing the "unseen" theme its the force within the hotel that seduces the father's mind with promises and uses him as its tool. While the movie is good, just reading the book was a far scarier experience.

25-May-2008, 09:55 AM
to be honest the thought of an embryo being laid someones chest & then an alien bursting out at a later date is one of the scariest things there has been in cinema i think!when i was a lot younger the facehuggers scared me more than the alien itself!sci-fi isnt usually scary to me,but the first 2 alien films are on a totally different level to most sci fi!

Pennywise the clown gets my vote as well,the book is far superior to the film,but tim curry was pretty damn sinister as the clown :eek:

theres a whole load of others i'd go for as well though, "the thing" (especially the spider head,ugh :barf:) whatever it is in the blair witch that you dont see but terrifies the hell out of those on screen, count orlok on the 1922 nosferatu, the master in salems lot, that thing with eyes in its hands from pans labyrinth..

darth los
25-May-2008, 11:50 PM
The scariest monsters in movies are human when they portray the darkest recesses of the human soul. I think it's because we know they are real. It's truly frightening and sad what horrors humans are capable of inflicticting on those around them. One of the scariest aspect of Gar's films is the threat that the humans pose to each other when societal norms break down. I'd rather face the ghouls myself.

26-May-2008, 12:43 AM
id say humans and..... the town silent hill as an entity.

26-May-2008, 01:08 AM
my first is always the easiest J.C's The Thing. it completely removes your ability to rely on anyone for any manner of support, and it's virtually unkillable. which is really the nightmare combination. also as an added bonus it's really never clear as to if the infected are cognisant of if they've been overtaken (if the replication is fully complete). which is pretty ****ed up.

the second has to be zombies.

Heinlein has a quote thats always stuck with me about how a man should be able to do this reasonable list of things. but the core of it to me has always been that if you remain functionally calm and understand the situation at hand you can in most circumstances keep your options open and sort out a solution with minimal difficulty.

Having said that i try to pick up as many skills as i can along the way through life, aminly because i like to have options. the point to all of things being. alot of film monsters really aren't all that horrible if you just stop and think about it, and focus on the problem at hand. 70 percent of the legion of slasher films could have been solved by a decent batch of improvised weaponry (see dog soldiers for a great example of this) or by remaining in a group and effectively improvising. (see The Blair witch Project as an example of FAIL in this catagory.)

but zombies present a different problem. they just keep coming. they're hard to kill, easy to alert and never need to be bred, fed or lead. worse yet they can outlast anyone of us in terms of stamina and persistense. that zombie that's banging on you door tonight will still be there in a week/month/year, if you don't do something about him. and worse yet you have to do it quietly because you run the risk of attracting more of his buddies. which is something he's already passively doing by banging on your door. it's a never ending cycle of utter suck.

so as food supplies dry up. ammo runs short and you dehydrate. your options go entropic. your first aid skills don't matter because all of the bitten just turn no matter your efforts. your ability to fix a car is useless because autozone is closed, and if you can't improvise parts before the horde catches up or breaches your garage your dead. the zombies just shamble on continually limiting your options. that to me is real horror.

26-May-2008, 01:37 AM
1. Zombies, because they're invincible in their numbers, and totally relentless. They are just about the only monster that cannot be guarded against: werewolves can only get you during a full moon, vampires cannot attack you when the sun's out, etc. Zombies, on the other hand, are a 24-hour-a-day attacker. There is no respite.

2. Whatever entity possessed Linda Blair (called itself "the devil", but may have been lying) in The Exorcist. While not much of a physical threat to anyone else, the fact that there was almost no way to get rid of it is pretty scary.

26-May-2008, 03:11 AM
I think it's the "unseen" monster that's scariest. It's old fashioned now, but when I first watched The Evil Dead, the "evil" going through the forest was spooky and exciting. :)
Yeah GrrL. The force in the woods was seriously unsettling. Especially when it comes within feet of Cheryl and pulls back in despair ("RARGGGHHH!"). Pure disturbing.

id say humans and..... the town silent hill as an entity.
Dude, if Pyramid Head showed up in my house at 3am I'd f**king dookie my pants and leg it! :stunned:

My two are ANY one of Todd Browning's 'Freaks'. "ARRRGHH, geddaway frome me!"

And Amy Winehouse.


Makes Freddy Krueger look like Mary Poppins! :confused:

Not a movie monster but DAMN worthy.

darth los
26-May-2008, 04:09 AM
Yeah GrrL. The force in the woods was seriously unsettling. Especially when it comes within feet of Cheryl and pulls back in despair ("RARGGGHHH!"). Pure disturbing.

Dude, if Pyramid Head showed up in my house at 3am I'd f**king dookie my pants and leg it! :stunned:

My two are ANY one of Todd Browning's 'Freaks'. "ARRRGHH, geddaway frome me!"

And Amy Winehouse.


Makes Freddy Krueger look like Mary Poppins! :confused:

Not a movie monster but DAMN worthy.


Well cap, any respectable country needs their own mutated monster. she's yours. lmfao!! Good one though dude.

26-May-2008, 10:06 AM
I vote for the zombies too. But only if it's the "anyone who dies becomes a zombie", and no virus that gets transmitted from contact. What's scary about zombies is their numbers, and the fact that they're people you used to know. They could be anybody. And as what others have said, they never give up. They're not strong, but their many. And they will keep on coming long after you're gone.

If you go hide out in the North Pole for 20 years the come back, they'd still be there.

Also, they are the only classic, gothic filmmonster that can actually cause chaos on a global scale and essentially wipe out the human race. And they often do! :p

Other filmmonster? Werewolves are kinda scary. Again, because they could be anybody.

27-May-2008, 05:56 AM
Zombies are the first for me for all the previously stated reasons (thanks guys for letting this lazy guy not have to type so much). As a kid I used to watch horror movies with my mom and the only monsters that really scared me were the zombies. I will never forget when my dad went hunting one year and my mom brought home Night of the Living Dead and Return of the Living Dead. Those two movies scared the hell out of me and have always stuck with me.

The second movie monster I pick is the Alien from Alien (no so much the sequels, they got a little silly after Aliens). Alien is another movie that scared me when I was a kid. The whole isolation of space combined with not really knowing what is with the characters on the ship really got to me. The entire process of what leads to it becoming the full sized alien is amazing and truely frightening at the same time. There is just something about the monster itself that breeds fear.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth.

27-May-2008, 08:12 AM

27-May-2008, 01:17 PM
Is that a gay version of Robert Blake? :D

I was a major horror fan, so certain monsters never bothered me as a kid. But two come to mind.

1. The Blob *1958, 1972* Notice the 1980's version is absent. 1972 version had the worst impact. Chester screaming while being devoured and it coming out of the sink at the barber shop. At the old house, the pipes for the washing machine and the kitchen sink were connected. So water would gurgle out of the sink and make a noise. My dad, being an asshole would have fun with me.

2. Roaches in any horror movie. Creepshow and Bug. As a young kid I knew they were real and feared them, because of those 2 movies. Til this day, I am still uneasy around them. These are the ones I have a problem with.


27-May-2008, 01:53 PM
1. possessed reagan in the exorcist. scared the pojeez out of me when i was a kid. put me off of green kool-aid for months too...

2. zombies in a well done movie used to creep me out to no end as well. after the first time i stayed up late with my mom on a fri night and watched night 68, i was scared of the cemetary near our house for a couple of weeks.

27-May-2008, 02:07 PM
Alien films were the worst for me. ESPECIALLY Close Encounters of the Third kind. The film takes so long teasing you with the aliens and then when you finally see that long-legged thing coming out of the ship.....ugh. It gives me shivers just thinking about it.

Another choice would probably be Jaws for the same reason. Coincidently, they're both Spielberg films.:rockbrow:

27-May-2008, 02:15 PM
Another choice would probably be Jaws for the same reason.

fo'got about jaws for some reason. that movie scared the crap out of me when i was a kid.

27-May-2008, 03:17 PM

dude, i don't have your phone

Chic Freak
27-May-2008, 09:57 PM

That's never Amy Winehouse... is it?? :eek:

Back to the scary movies thing, I really enjoy zombie movies but they don't tend to frighten me that much. What I initially enjoyed with Romero's movies was watching the human interactions and picking up on the metaphors for everyday social life (e.g. racism in Night and consumerism in Dawn) and that's still something I like to think about when I watch other, more modern zombie flicks (e.g. HIV AIDS in 28 Days/ Weeks). Whether or not the symbolims/ messages I pick up were actually intentional or not doesn't really affect me, I'm an English Lit and psychology student, over-analysing is what I like to do ;)

All my scariest films centre around witches and black magic:

* The Exorcist
* Ringu
* Silent Hill

I even had nightmares over Darkness Falls, which is really quite pathetic and embarassing given the ridiculous plot (the Tooth Fairy is actually a highly photosensitive ghost of a witch who kills you if you see her. Mm-hmm) :|

27-May-2008, 10:46 PM
fo'got about jaws for some reason. that movie scared the crap out of me when i was a kid.

Hard to count a shark as a "movie monster". They're real, and you can find them at any aquarium.

27-May-2008, 11:08 PM
Hard to count a shark as a "movie monster". They're real, and you can find them at any aquarium.

Jaws was indeed a monster shark. An extinct variety of shark similar to but much larger than the modern great white shark. I would consider Jaws a monster movie no doubt. Even if it had been a regular( but crazy man-eating) shark, it would still be a monster movie, in the same way I consider Cujo a monster movie.

28-May-2008, 05:53 AM
That's never Amy Winehouse... is it?? :eek:

Back to the scary movies thing, I really enjoy zombie movies but they don't tend to frighten me that much. What I initially enjoyed with Romero's movies was watching the human interactions and picking up on the metaphors for everyday social life (e.g. racism in Night and consumerism in Dawn) and that's still something I like to think about when I watch other, more modern zombie flicks (e.g. HIV AIDS in 28 Days/ Weeks). Whether or not the symbolims/ messages I pick up were actually intentional or not doesn't really affect me, I'm an English Lit and psychology student, over-analysing is what I like to do ;)

All my scariest films centre around witches and black magic:

* The Exorcist
* Ringu
* Silent Hill

I even had nightmares over Darkness Falls, which is really quite pathetic and embarassing given the ridiculous plot (the Tooth Fairy is actually a highly photosensitive ghost of a witch who kills you if you see her. Mm-hmm) :|

I was so happy to see you say Ringu instead of The Ring. Ringu is so much better in so many ways.

28-May-2008, 12:09 PM
Hard to count a shark as a "movie monster". They're real, and you can find them at any aquarium.

Yeah, you can find them at aquariums, but the thing was HUGE and the entire film is set up as a monster film. I say it's definitely a monster flick.

darth los
28-May-2008, 01:34 PM
Yeah, you can find them at aquariums, but the thing was HUGE and the entire film is set up as a monster film. I say it's definitely a monster flick.

I agree that Jaws was indeed a movie monster. Just because sharks are real doesn't mean much. It was still terrifying. All i know is that i wouldn't go to the beach for a long time after that flick.

This begs the question, was cujo a movie monster as well? :confused:

28-May-2008, 05:17 PM
jaws got ridiculous when the sharks descendants were swimming thousands of miles just to attack the family off the first one though :lol:

28-May-2008, 05:26 PM
jaws got ridiculous when the sharks descendants were swimming thousands of miles just to attack the family off the first one though :lol:

Imo, there is only the original film. The rest of them can f*ck off.

darth los
28-May-2008, 05:27 PM
jaws got ridiculous when the sharks descendants were swimming thousands of miles just to attack the family off the first one though :lol:

Off subject for a sec, that sig is hillarious dude!!

Imo, there is only the original film. The rest of them can f*ck off.

i feel the same way about the dead trilogy. :D

29-May-2008, 06:16 AM
Mike Ryerson in Tobe Hooper's mini-series adaptation of Stephen King's Lot.

When he's sitting in the rocking chair with those milky white eyes, whispering, "Look at me, teacher. Look at me, teacher." That still scares the hell out of me to this day.


By far the scariest monster and the scariest flick in movie history. END OF TOPIC.

29-May-2008, 08:16 AM
By far the scariest monster and the scariest flick in movie history. END OF TOPIC.

Really? I mean. . really? . . .ok then.

29-May-2008, 02:03 PM
Jaws was indeed a monster shark. An extinct variety of shark similar to but much larger than the modern great white shark. I would consider Jaws a monster movie no doubt.

God, it's been a long time since I read the book--over 20 years--but I don't recall there ever being any mention of the original Jaws being a megalodon or anything other than an overly large, rogue CC. Am I wrong on this? I honestly don't remember there being a mention of it.

That said, I still think Jaws is a monster movie and one of the best ones ever.

29-May-2008, 06:43 PM
If Jaws isn't a monster movie then neither is King Kong


Jaws may look like a shark, but he doesn't behave like one

and nah he isnt a megalodon, those things were the size of buses

29-May-2008, 08:00 PM
My bad, I've got my source materials all wrong. :(

29-May-2008, 09:00 PM
God, it's been a long time since I read the book--over 20 years--but I don't recall there ever being any mention of the original Jaws being a megalodon or anything other than an overly large, rogue CC. Am I wrong on this? I honestly don't remember there being a mention of it.

That said, I still think Jaws is a monster movie and one of the best ones ever.

you are correct. jaws was an oversized carcharodon carcharias. wasn't supposed to be 30 or 35 ft long?

meglodon got so bit great whites look like goldfish next to them:


this is a pic of a meglodon tooth next to two great white teeth:


29-May-2008, 10:37 PM
Too bad megs are extinct. I would love to hunt one.

30-May-2008, 05:03 AM

Some swimming pool company should make this pic its official logo, and buy a billboard right next to the beach.

Their sales would skyrocket.

Chic Freak
30-May-2008, 12:42 PM
Some swimming pool company should make this pic its official logo, and buy a billboard right next to the beach.

Their sales would skyrocket.

I love the way the little blue man is waving.

03-Jun-2008, 05:59 PM
Out of all the films Ive seen there are only two groups that have actually scared me. I cant remember the name something like sodomites? Pinhead and his buddies from Hellraiser. Everything else in horror my brain rationalizes so it looses some of its fear...Jaws? Shoot it..King Kong? Shoot it..Zombies? Hide and Shoot..thats a whole lot of shooting but youre only hope with these things are to send them home to hell and hope nobody else opens the box. They always just put me on edge the way they transform a room when they are in it to make it look more hellish rather than just being it.

Xenomorphs of course! Yeah we all know they are guys in suits but if you didnt then they are giant bugs that work as one use everything around them bleed acid are relentless and just look terrible not to mention the facehugger. Plus the way they move and the lack of compassion and the Hive mind thing is fairly weird.

03-Jun-2008, 06:17 PM
I cant remember the name something like sodomites? Pinhead and his buddies from Hellraiser.

pinhead and his band of merrymakers were called cenobites.

03-Jun-2008, 06:27 PM
Thanks Scipio. Its what I love about hpotd if you dont know some film fact someone on the love and my mistake Sodomite was what oscar wilde was called we recently studied Oscar Wilde for english and I loved that word. Made me think of a black transformer with a ballgag and bitch written across its chassi xD

03-Jun-2008, 08:23 PM
Mike Ryerson in Tobe Hooper's mini-series adaptation of Stephen King's Lot.

When he's sitting in the rocking chair with those milky white eyes, whispering, "Look at me, teacher. Look at me, teacher." That still scares the hell out of me to this day.


By far the scariest monster and the scariest flick in movie history. END OF TOPIC.

**** yeah i'd forgotten that scene,he is one scary fecker there!i remember i saw it as a kid and had nightmares for weeks about that kid floating out of the fog & tapping on the window :eek:

03-Jun-2008, 09:52 PM
Mike Ryerson in Tobe Hooper's mini-series adaptation of Stephen King's Lot.

When he's sitting in the rocking chair with those milky white eyes, whispering, "Look at me, teacher. Look at me, teacher." That still scares the hell out of me to this day.
By far the scariest monster and the scariest flick in movie history. END OF TOPIC.

jesus did that creep me the fook out when i was 9. that scene and the little vampire kid scratching the window scared the pohjeegs out me.


of course that mini-series was kaos' big acting break, too bad he couldn't stop eating his co-stars.


04-Jun-2008, 09:05 PM
I agree that ALIEN from Alien was pretty effing scary, at least it was when I was a little kid. Nowdays what scares me are things like Charlie Manson, Richard Ramirez and David Berkowitz. I guess they are not really movie monsters, though, but they sure creep me out!

Nurse Zombie from DOTD used to give me nightmares, so if Manson and Berkowitz are off limits, I'd have to say she would be up there with the scary things.