View Full Version : Resident Evil 5 possibly out this year

27-May-2008, 07:03 AM
In a preview on GamesRadar (which has now been removed) certain details about Capcom's Resident Evil 5 were sighted. The next chapter in the survival horror action game will most likely feature online co-op throughout the entire campaign. In addition to that, a cover system was mentioned, allowing the main character to press up to walls and shoot around corners, as well as the ability to duck and dodge using the right analog stick.

Another bit of info that reached us is related to the game's release date. Although Capcom is still tightlipped on the exact launch date, speculation indicates that Resident Evil 5 (X360/PS3) might (just might) be out before the end of '08. Resident Evil 4 was released in January, so RE 5 could still miss the Xmas rush (thanks, CVG).

Either way, we've got a good feeling about this one. It has a strong chance of becoming another engaging addition to renowned horror series.

article here http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/view.php?id=3965

It would be nice to have this game sooner, but I would rather have a nice and polished version instead of a rushed one.

27-May-2008, 07:06 AM
am i the only one who finds the addition of "dodging" with an analogue stick not that new?, maybe since "crouch" existed in first person shooters.

darth los
27-May-2008, 03:26 PM
am i the only one who finds the addition of "dodging" with an analogue stick not that new?, maybe since "crouch" existed in first person shooters.

As a matter of fact it's not. What's disturbing to me is the fact that Capcom is imlpementing all sorts of things in order to make re appeal to the widest demo possible. However, in the process what made long time fans love the original games is all but non existent.

The RE franchise is going the way of the shooter. I propose that they make two alternate franchises made with the old shcool and new school gameplay respectively.

It just seems so far removed from what RE was supposes to be.:(

27-May-2008, 03:33 PM
i know, this game isnt survival horror its a 3rd person shooter with mild horror overtones, so's gears of war.

27-May-2008, 03:55 PM
so they're basicly aking Gear of evil. or maybe resident wars...

Meh, RE has long since lost me as a fan. Capcom has continually focused on graphics graphics graphics, over storytelling or even a conheirant narrative. further the addition of a duck and cover system would have been awesome in say RE3. by adding it now all they're doing is keping the game from being ever further antiquated.

sorry but Left 4 Dead is going to smoke it.

27-May-2008, 04:31 PM
Meh, RE has long since lost me as a fan. Capcom has continually focused on graphics graphics graphics, over storytelling or even a conheirant narrative. further the addition of a duck and cover system would have been awesome in say RE3. by adding it now all they're doing is keping the game from being ever further antiquated.
It's like okay, RE4 was a good game but the fear of turning every corner that was in the first 3 is totally missing. I played RE2 recently and while it might be a bit dull graphicswise, it's lose NONE of it's suspense. And it's still a pleasure to play.

The franchise is rather like Kenneth J. Sullivan now, a shadow of it's former self.

27-May-2008, 04:47 PM
further the addition of a duck and cover system would have been awesome in say RE3.

actually 3 had an auto dodge were you tapped the analogue stick to dodge when something like a cerberus or a hunter attacked you.


27-May-2008, 04:49 PM
agreed. RE4 could have been an amazing game if it had dropped say 12-18 months earlier. but it didn't and to me it still seems like a slightly more tactical version of devil may cry.

Personally i'm waiting on a zombie game that runs exactly like the current rainbow 6 games, but instead of terrorists your hip deep in zombies. the options within that formula are endless, and allow for some asskicking game play.

that sullivan reference was quality BTW.

actually 3 had an auto dodge were you tapped the analogue stick to dodge when something like a cerberus or a hunter attacked you.


heh, niiiiiiice

27-May-2008, 08:38 PM
It would be great if the RE5 true, though there are so many awesome games coming out this year I wouldn't mind if it was delayed.

To the naysayers, how about we get an in game movie, or even a screenshot showing how these new features are implemented? Everyone here is saying it's the death of the series when we've got no idea how it plays. I have a feeling that once the game drops, everyone here will love it, and any animosity toward Capcom will quickly be squashed.

27-May-2008, 08:57 PM
RE 4 is the best of the series!!! There. I said it. :p But seriously, I think it is. And I cannot wait for part 5. Btw, Coin, where's the gamer pic from? That looks wicked.

27-May-2008, 09:06 PM
It's from Ninja Gaiden 2, particularly one of the bosses. Here's a video showing him:


Although you can switch to Japanese voices, I kinda like the campy English dub :lol:

27-May-2008, 09:17 PM
Since when did Goro become a werewolf? :lol:

27-May-2008, 09:54 PM
To the naysayers, how about we get an in game movie, or even a screenshot showing how these new features are implemented? Everyone here is saying it's the death of the series when we've got no idea how it plays. I have a feeling that once the game drops, everyone here will love it, and any animosity toward Capcom will quickly be squashed.

one question for you ,do you really think this one has any chance of beginning with "you are about to enter a world of survival horror... good luck!"

darth los
27-May-2008, 10:55 PM
It would be great if the RE5 true, though there are so many awesome games coming out this year I wouldn't mind if it was delayed.

To the naysayers, how about we get an in game movie, or even a screenshot showing how these new features are implemented? Everyone here is saying it's the death of the series when we've got no idea how it plays. I have a feeling that once the game drops, everyone here will love it, and any animosity toward Capcom will quickly be squashed.

It's not that. I think most people would agree that re4 was awsome, it's just not resident evil anymore that's all. Call it something else. Then they would get major sales off of name recognition i guess.

It's alot like dawn 04' if it were called something else more people would like it. Conversely, it doesn't matter what land was called it would still suck. :cool:

Easy guys, i'm not looking for trouble. lol

27-May-2008, 11:50 PM
RE 4 is the best of the series!!! There. I said it. :p But seriously, I think it is. And I cannot wait for part 5. Btw, Coin, where's the gamer pic from? That looks wicked.

If Resi 4 had contained proper, honest to goodness zombies like the originals it would've been the best game ever created...I still think the entire series of games are the best games I've ever played...rolling around those mansions blasting zeds is my idea of heaven.:cool: